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Thursday, February 29, 2024

For Governor Greg Abbott

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like most Americans, you are probably wondering why an appeal to "States' rights" isn't working for you right now.  

It's because the "State" you run is actually a "State-of-State" business franchise that is subject to the will of a foreign District of Columbia Municipal Corporation parent corporation. 

Just as every Wendy's Hamburgers franchise has similar signage and menu, every such State-of-State franchise is Federalized and enfranchised and obligated to follow the rules the parent corporation sets down.  

That is how Texas and other States of the Union have been controlled by these foreign jackdaws. 

The other thing that you control, Governor Abbott, is the State Trust that was set up after the Civil War. That contains the public lands and infrastructure and other primary assets that belong to Texas, which you are responsible for maintaining.  

What you don't actually control is the State itself, which has been "deemed" to be in mothballs, "in interregnum" and "absent" for many years.  It's the actual State that has State's rights. 

Unfortunately, you can't invoke State's rights while acting as the Governor (CEO) of a State-of-State franchise.  

The people who can invoke State's rights in the matter are the members of The Texas Assembly, who have the proper provenance and standing to not only invoke State's rights, but also the ability to enforce The Constitution of the United States on Joe Biden and his lawless crew. 

The people of the Texas Assembly bring a Public Interest suit against Joe Biden and the White House Office, Inc., in the District of Columbia Supreme Court for failure to perform, dereliction of duty, and default of contract.  

That's how you get Joe by both ears.

And that is how you do more than claim "State's rights" --- that's how you exercise them.  

The Texas State Citizens are the proper Parties who are enabled to enforce the United States Constitution which requires Joe to close the border. 

Or else be brought in as a criminal. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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