By Anna Von Reitz
I can't believe some of the nonsense I am hearing. Cart in front of the horse doesn't begin to describe it.
For beginners, people living as British Territorial "inhabitants" have no standing, right, or power to organize anything pretending to represent this country.
We are here, present, acting for ourselves now.
No "representatives" needed, thanks.
This is the reason why you all have to make your declarations of political status and move your Good Name back onto the land jurisdiction of this country officially BEFORE you can set up and operate a lawful Jural Assembly.
British Territorial "inhabitants" function as "persons" and when they set up a court they act as a "Jural Society". Okay? Two different groups, two different political statuses, two different jurisdictions.
They occupy a part of the sea jurisdiction and the rest of us, the "people" as opposed to the "persons" occupy the land.
Without land, you don't have a country.
Without a country, you have nothing to stand upon, therefore, you have "no standing".
Without land, you are just a "legal fiction entity"--- a "person", a business, a THING -- with no port to call home, no Public Law, and no way to operate effectively in your own best interest.
There is no such thing as "Nation States" as in "Nation States Assembly" or "Congress" or anything of the sort. Never mentioned in any historical documents, no history, no standing to act for any State of the Union. Just something someone heard and misunderstood and then bulled ahead without thinking and tried to apply.
I cannot stress enough that there is a logic to everything. There is a history to everything. And until you have it straight, you can't build a solid foundation to act upon.
International law is thousands of years old. It has its own conventions. It has definitions. A "nation" is not a "state, through several "nations" can occupy a "state" and we sometimes talk for convenience sake about nation-states, there is no such thing as a Nation State in international law and it is completely silly to think that you are going to found some new "Republic" on verbiage you pulled out of a hat and made up that has no history, no provenance, and no authority as a result.
In international law, it's first in time, first in line. The government of this country in international jurisdiction has been established for over 200 years and has never changed, never been affected by all the frou-frou-rah and changes and disasters of the so-called "Federal Government" which is a subservient government under contract to provide nineteen services as a subcontractor.
The "Federal Government" as is well-known operates under "Delegated Powers" --- well, folks, who or what do you think "delegated" those powers? And obviously, if there are "delegated powers", that implies that there are "non-delegated powers", too?
The entity that delegated those powers was The United States of America [Unincorporated] and when the subcontractors go tits up, as they just did, and we step forward to receive back our Delegated Powers as we just did--- guess what? By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers return to us, not some new version of federal contractor that wants to get a new contract by assumption.
There is no way that some Johnny-come-lately cobbled together effort made by British Territorial Citizens dba "Republic" can "stand for" this country any longer. That part of our history and that kind of usurpation is over.
The actual living people who are not "persons" and not "citizens" of the watery realm have shown up and taken back their "delegated powers" and are here to conduct their own business.
We are not confused and we are not deceived. We don't mistake any foreign wannabe subcontractors for our own land jurisdiction government and we won't accept any more British or French cuckoo bird operations usurping against our actual government and pretending to "represent" us.
We woke up. All the way up. And now, Federales, you need to negotiate a new contract --- not try to bluff your way into usurping against our lawful government again.
The United States of America is the sovereign government of this country in international jurisdiction and it always has been and God-willing, it always will be. We operate as States populated by people, not as "States of States" inhabited by persons.
Furthermore, we are the ones who hold and are owed the credit side of the ledger --- the National Credit our country is owed. The "Federal" entities only have access to the debt side of the ledger and responsibility for paying the National debt.
So if you want to get through this and have jobs and be free of the debt, wake up!
We are your employers.
We have the money and credit to pay for your services and discharge your debts. All you can do is go ever more deeply into debt and keep on bankrupting yourselves in the vain hope of bankrupting your way to prosperity.
So thanks, but no thanks, Nathan. We figured out the schtick. Another version of the same old crap won't do.
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