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Thursday, December 21, 2023


 By Anna Von Reitz

There are things that I take for total granted that most people are not aware of, and I keep forgetting that.  As a result, I can leave people scratching their heads sometimes and it’s not that I am being secretive — it’s just that my analysis is factoring in things that aren’t so obvious to others.  

I need to slow down and fill in the blanks.  

The Federal Reserve started buying up the Fortune 500 in the 1930’s.  It continued this in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  By the 1960’s the Fed Managers owned at least a majority interest in all the major corporations listed on the American Stock Exchanges and every market sector.  

This is the process Ayn Rand documented in her novel, Atlas Shrugged.  

And if you understand that  the purpose of central banks has always been — from the very first central bank my ancestor created for Frederick the Great — commodity rigging and supply manipulation, this makes perfect sense.  

What else would a central bank be doing, but buying up everything so as to control it?  By buying up stock in corporations they gain control of the means of production.  By buying up commodities and commodities futures they control supply of these commodities to the market and drive the market for each specific commodity. 

By the 1960’s the Fed had control of our stock markets and commodity exchanges, so it continued on and scarfed up similar buy outs on other international markets and stock exchanges  trading shares in foreign corporations all over the world. 

You think Mitsubishi is a foreign corporation?  Really? 

Once the Federal Reserve Note/USD became the Reserve Currency, the Fed had unobstructed ability to buy everything — including the currency of other countries — for nothing but the cost of printing paper or entering digits in a ledger. 

So now when you see the Fed divesting itself of securities, and driving ten year yields on treasuries below 4% , while crazily investing in every single stock market opportunity and you see high rollers like Warren Buffet leaving the market at the same time —- what does it mean? 

It means the Fed is circling the wagons. And getting ready to crash the market and “deflate” everything just as they did in the 1930’s. 

Only this time we see them coming and they won’t survive the aftermath of their conspiracy.  

They are reinvesting in what they already own to plump the  market up and create an artificial bull market.  This is calculated to draw more and more smaller investors and leveraged speculators into the market, lured by what appears to be strong consistent market gains.  

The guys like Warren Buffet know better and head out the back door, which causes “downward” corrections due to the sell offs, but the Fed doesn’t care.  They just print or ledger more “money” and buy up whatever Buffet and his ilk sell. 

This then adds to the appearance that the market is strong and the economy is fine and Joe Biden is an economic genius—- but it’s all farce.  

The market isn’t forging ahead and soaring to new heights.  It’s being manipulated, purposefully, to make it look like that, but once you understand the purpose of Central Banks and the advantage the Fed has as the issuer of the “Reserve Currency” and its position as the majority market shareholder in every market sector — it makes complete sense. 

And it is precisely what they did in the 1920’s prior to the Black Friday Crash.  They ran up the market and inflation throughout the Roaring Twenties, bought everything with Funny Money, lured a great many small investors and leveraged investors into the market and then collapsed it like a sideshow tent. 

Millions of Americans lost their shirts and thousands of small businesses including insurance and pension fund companies took it in the shorts because they were investing in the phony bull stock market as a hedge against inflation. 

Why would the Fed members do this, then or now? 

Isn’t a bull stock market inflationary?  Yes. 

Isn’t the Fed’s mandate to reduce inflation?  Yes. 

And in their own diabolical way, that is what the Fed is doing.  They don’t care how much their individual shares in all these corporations are devalued in a crash, because they control the printing presses just as they did in the 1930’s. 

They just reboot and buy everything else there is to buy at grossly devalued prices, while their own holdings remain on par with everyone else.  

Think about it. 

A huge stock market crash creates huge opportunities for the Fed to INCREASE its holdings at less than bargain basement prices, and they get to do it with their very own devalued Federal Reserve Notes —which props the value of the Federal Reserve Notes back up. 

For the Fed Conspirators it’s win-win.  

Have the means of production actually lost 90% of their value in such a scenario?  No— but that difference between the market value now and their market value afterward allows the Fed to buy everything on the cheap with devalued Federal Reserve Notes, while increasing the value of the Federal Reserve Notes and crushing inflation. 

Everyone else loses, but not the Fed and not the Federal Reserve Note.  This is how they caused the huge deflation that took place in the 1930’s and they are doing it again— only this time the pikers intend to do it on a worldwide basis. 

The Fed is willing to sacrifice its long term securities position because it knows that it’s playing a short term game and will more than make up the securities losses with the currency value gains and devalued acquisitions. 

Outlawing Central Banks and arresting Jerome Powell and the others may be the only answer.  Arresting the politicians for allowing this to develop again would also help put an end to all this criminality. 

The only reason to allow Central Banks to exist, is their purported ability to  prevent bank runs and inflation and situations like this — but we can directly observe that central banks cause these evils and don’t control them for the benefit of society, because they are in conflict of interest. 

So why have them at all?  

Jerome Powell isn’t setting up this Black Friday on Steroids situation to benefit this country or any other country.  He is doing it to benefit his cronies and the private investment banks that are members of the Federal Reserve.  

They are doing this to get their cut and to hell with the nice people they began bleeding back in 1913. The idiot Biden Administration is screaming at them to curb inflation and the Fed is preparing to do that in spades.  

It may result in millions of lives lost but the Fed doesn’t care and 99% of the politicians and generals are clueless or corrupt and planning to benefit from this disaster. 

But it won’t be an “Act of God”, it will be an Act of the Federal Reserve, and this time we are going to nail them and their currency to the barn door. 

This inclines me to observe that they are foreign inland pirates that engaged in criminal conspiracy against this country and its population in 1929 and that they are preparing to pull the same trick again on the whole world in 2024. 

This pitiful repeat of their 1929 performance is the “something big” everyone is waiting for. 

Perhaps they need to be reminded that the punishment for inland piracy is gibbeting? 

Certainly— all small fry stay out of the stock market and put what you have in silver (preferably) and gold coinage and practical investments that will help you and your family survive hard times.  If you have more money than you can profitably spend down, consider putting it in the Global Family Bank Security Vault — it’s one way to guarantee the parity of your pre-and post- crash buying power. 

Think hard about the things you need and that everyone else will need if these Vermin are not stopped.  

Consider the fact that imported goods will dry up.  Things like coffee and sugar and spices will be expensive and hard to obtain. Basics like plastic bags and hygiene products and over the counter and prescription meds need to be stocked up. Seeds for the coming year. 

Know in advance who the enemies of mankind are and who and what is responsible for any market crash.  Stand ready to take down the Fed if it continues this escalation to fruition and also take down any politicians who stand by and allow this. 

Those who don’t remember history may be condemned to relive it, but we remember. 

And our fangs are sharp. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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