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Thursday, May 3, 2018

And Here, at Last, Is "The" Real Problem

By Anna Von Reitz

A bunch of renegade criminals trying to escape the consequences of their own acts, have proposed to call themselves by various names --- "Committee of 300", "British Marshall Plan Committee", "Committee of Rome", "Trilateral Commission", "Council on Foreign Relations" and "United Nations (Inc.)" ---- all acting without any public office, oath, or authority. They have acted in collusion with the guilty Central Banks to seize upon the Special Deposit Assets of Depositors from around the world and pretend that it all magically belongs to one man that they control.

I personally know at least two dozen Trustees of Historic Trusts --- family trusts, treaty trusts, and business trusts -- whose assets have been illegally seized by these bankers and handed off as "abandoned funds" to these tricksters.  If the banks are dishonest, so are the governments, and if the governments are reduced to be being crime syndicates, we all suffer worldwide regardless of what other accommodations are made --- because fraud and criminality can only result in more fraud and criminality. 

Letter to President Trump - May 3, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Mr. Trump:

We do not have a contract with any incorporated entity merely calling itself "THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".  We present the only actual entity known as The United States of America in any form and you are now infringing on our name so as to give the world, as well as many Americans, a deliberately false idea of relationship and authority.

As we have repeatedly informed Mr. Rothschild, we do not accept any further service contract with France/FRANCE and our government is not in abeyance.

Any services rendered will be considered a gift so long as they are rendered in accord with the Constitutions and commercial contracts we are owed by both the Holy See and Britain.  Any continuance of illegal mercenary actions on our shores by France/FRANCE will be interpreted as international crimes and dealt with accordingly.