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Friday, September 20, 2024

Committee of the Whole Clarification for Militia

 By Anna Von Reitz

While our Assemblies accomplish much of their work by Committees and while our General Assemblies are referred to as Committees of the Whole, this is a terminology based on the functionality of the Assembly and its parts. 

The missing word is "functions".  

The General Assembly functions as a Committee of the Whole. 

The IBA and Jural Assemblies function as Special Standing Committees within the structure of the Assembly as a Committee of the Whole. 

The Militia functions as a Special Purpose Committee within the Committee of the Whole. 

It needs to be recognized that this is a special meaning of "Committee" and should not be confused with the non-obligatory Committees that we are more familiar with.  

At the outset, after an individual has been advised of the facts and has made their declaration recovering their birthright status as an American, they have a choice.  They can join their State Assembly or not.  

Once they have made that decision and have joined the State Assembly, they have also accepted certain obligations as members and participants in the State Government.  

If they are eligible to serve as State Citizens they are automatically considered members of the International Business Assembly as well as the General Assembly, and must show reasonable good cause for not serving in this capacity.  

The same is true of the General Membership and the Jural Assembly.  All members can be called upon to serve as Jurors and form two common law jury pools depending on the nature of each case to be considered --- whether the matter is totally within state borders, or is international in nature.  Again, as State Assembly members we are obligated to serve unless we show good cause otherwise. 

The same is true of the Militia.  We are expected to participate unless there is good cause why our participation is not possible or ill-advised at a given time. 

This element of duty which is not present in Common Committees means that each of these Four Pillars is in fact a separate Assembly in its own right.

Everyone who is eligible is expected to serve as State Citizens, if they can, as Jurors, if they can, and as Militia members, if they can.  

This is quite different from the Common Committees which may or may not also be Standing Committees --- nobody is individually obligated to serve on the Elections Committee or the Outreach Committee or the Vetting Committee -- though we thank God that people do, but every eligible Assembly member is expected to take part in the General Assembly, and, according to their own situation, serve as a State Citizen, Juror, and Militia Member if possible. 

If you think of these Four Pillar Assemblies as Committees --- you will miss the element of duty that sets these apart from the Common Committees.  

What about the American State Nationals that elect not to join the Assembly?  The only duty they inherit is to keep the peace.  This means literally acting in a peaceable manner themselves, and if called upon, to accept service as a deputy. 

While this is their only duty, their decision not to actually join  the State Assembly means that they don't have a voice in the issues impacting their State of the Union.  

If they don't join the State Assembly they may or may not choose to join their County Assembly, which once again confers certain duties and exercises certain rights.  

I hope that better explains the nomenclature and why the Four Pillar Assemblies are not actually  Common Committees, even though their functions may legitimately be described in terms of Committees. 

Of all the functions that are most fundamental and most important, it is important for our State Assembly Militias to be and remain "well-regulated" and peaceable.  They are not to be formed, used, or deployed in any manner or for any purpose other than defense and common aid in time of disaster or clear and present danger. 

It is extremely important that our Militia Commanders be cool-headed, prudent, and devoted men of experience, possessing a true understanding of our American Government, and our State Militias' place within that government. 

May everyone concerned be blessed and ready and at peace for many years to come. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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