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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, March 29, 2021

You Are Being Prosecuted Under Foreign Bills of Attainder

 By Anna Von Reitz

A "bill of attainder" is a legislated action predefining a class of persons (not people) to be guilty a priori, often without a trial or with a sham trial.
Americans are specifically exempted from being prosecuted under bills of attainder by Article IV of the Federal Constitutions, but you, unfortunately, are not being recognized as an American.
Your Federal Employees, operating as two foreign, privately-owned, for-profit commercial governmental services providers, have deliberately and with malice aforethought "conferred" their forms of "citizenship" on you, and have impersonated you accordingly.
This allows them to evade the obligations they owe you and the Constitution, because Municipal citizens of the United States (otherwise known as 14th Amendment citizens) never had any constitutional guarantees to begin with, and neither do U.S. Territorial Citizens --- like people born in Puerto Rico, or American Military personnel serving "overseas".
And since these two commercial corporations broadly called, the US INC. and the USA, Inc., have been engaged in a perpetual mercenary "war" on our shores since 1860, it should come as no surprise that they have condemned the "other side" by legislative acts and they use "bills of attainder" to prosecute their "enemies".
Virtually anything that you ever receive from their courts is a Bill of Attainder which should never, ever, be addressed to you at all.
This includes Summons, Warrants --- Non-Judicial Warrants, Traffic Citations, Impound Orders, Court Orders, Dockets, etc. ---- these are all "Bills of Attainder" and they are all pre-judged no matter what court issues them.
Read that: there have been very few actual Judicial Courts operating in America for the past fifty years, and there has been no actual trial activity as a result. The entire "justice system" has been run under a system of constructive fraud.
The so-called 14th Amendment is a Bill of Attainder issued by the Board of Directors of "The United States of America" ---Incorporated, the Scottish Interloper, operating the Territorial Congress as a Legislature. In the 14th Amendment, they condemned all Municipal citizens of the United States and pre-judged and sentenced them.
That's why when your STRAWMAN appears in any Territorial State of State Court or District Court, it's a sham. It "gives and appearance of justice" but the PERSON in the Dock and named on the Docket, is already pre-judged and guilty, and has appeared in answer to a Bill of Attainder.
That's also why when the estate of a living man "presumed to be" an "infant decedent", for example, "Johnson, Lester Allen" ---- appears in one of these courts, it is presumed to be abandoned and subject to administration by Territorial Bar Attorneys as "salvage" under Maritime law, and already pre-judged and subject to the "discretion" of the Judge --- and again, has appeared in answer to a Bill of Attainder.
The word "decedent" can mean what we typically take it to mean --- literally dead, a corpse, etc., or, it can mean that we have waived our right to an estate or inheritance.
Now you know what they are pretending when they use the Upper and Lower Case Name and haul you in using Bills of Attainder.
They are using your Mother's unwitting "Witness" as the basis to claim that she donated you to them as a Ward of their State of State organization and that you are "presumed to be" a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, a Subject of the Queen, and liable to vest all your property interests in the Queen and pay all her debts.
That is, in the British system, you are liable to Bills of Attainder regarding any debt owed to or owed by the Queen.
All foreign stuff.
And what does Amendment XI of all three Federal Constitutions say? Americans are not subject to any form of foreign law. What does Article IV say? Americans are exempt from Bills of Attainder.
Do you think, just maybe, that it is better to be an American?
And that you should be running like a mad dog to reclaim your "waived" inheritance and birthright political standing, which your Forefathers fought and died for?
And that you should be holding your foreign Federal Employees and their Principals feet first to the fire for the Breach of Trust and other criminal activity that they have promoted here in our country, at our expense?
While taking their paychecks from our pockets?
Do you wonder where former Chief Justice John Roberts has gone?

Go to: and reclaim your purloined birthright today.


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Mom's Circle -- and Bring the Wagons, Too!

 By Anna Von Reitz

Since Kurt Kallenbach first sounded the alarm, many more parents, and especially Mothers, have been thinking more seriously about the problem of unwittingly giving their babies away as "wards of the State of State" and also about theft of DNA and false claims being made in favor of the Amnion (Afterbirth) as a deceased elder "child" and purported heir of the estate----and other such schemes aimed at ownership and custodial claims in favor of the Roman Catholic Church, Commercial Corporations, and Political Organizations posing as legitimate government agencies.
These organizations have already proven how far they will go to advance such venal and repugnant claims. If they could claim that the Afterbirth was an elder child, they could claim anything, crazy or not, and use that as an excuse to claim an ownership interest in our sons and daughters.
The recent attempts to get people to "voluntarily" inject patented mRNA into their own gene codes, so that the commercial corporations that own the patents can then claim that the victims are "Genetically Modified Organisms" (GMOs) belonging to their corporations, is yet another demonstration of how far these pirates will go.
Parents have been learning how to sign everything "Without Prejudice" and how to use by-lines on their signatures to protect themselves and their babies. Word is spreading and more and more people, including Grandparents, are using our Baby Record and land recording process to establish a public record of their "ownership" interest in their own children and grandchildren.
They've been cutting out the birth announcements that the State of State organizations place in the newspapers and attaching those to their Baby Record recordings, together with the date and name of the newspaper where published as further proof. They've been paying to publish their own Birth Announcements, too, and proudly proclaiming that. for example, little Cherilyn Joanna Lismore has been born on the land and soil of Minnesota.
They've been serving Notice on the various State of State Departments of Health or Bureaus of Vital Statistics, etc., fully informing them that this baby is an American, and a Minnesotan by birth and berth. Her parents are______________ and ____________ and their address is:____________________________.
Any questions or requests for information about Cherilyn Joanna Lismore are to be forwarded to her parents and/or grandparents, who are ____________ and ______________ and their address is _______________________, or, to her private god-parents and guardians who are.....
You get the drift. Part of being self-governing is being self-responsible and responsible for our children, too. We need to make it clear that we haven't just left our kids willy-nilly, with nobody to take care of them in the event of our death or incapacity. Guardians don't have to be members of the family, but they should be good solid people with a home and jobs and moral character, suitable to step in and act as substitute parents in the event of accident or illness.
The police and everyone else in the community now has reason to know who the parents, grandparents, and guardians are, and where they live. They have reason to know the political status of the baby from the very first.
Today, I got an email from a Mom that blew me away. She took the information from Kurt and the Paramount Claim and she ran with it. Here's what she did and what other Moms can do, too:
"When I gave birth to my baby, I gave the hospital my Birth Plan which stated I require the return of my placenta/afterbirth and umbilical cord. The hospital complied, executed a "Release of Material to Patient," and gave me all of the above in a biohazard plastic tub upon my (and my bouncing baby's) discharge.
I still have the full balance of the above materials in some form (as I had the placenta dried, powdered, and encapsulated in case of postpartum depression which fortunately passed over my household).
This past weekend, I typed the above facts out into a SPECIAL AFFIDAVIT, and I even dug up my original "Release of Material to Patient" and attached it to my SPECIAL AFFIDAVIT as Exhibit A.
I abandoned none of my baby's genetic matter, I can prove it, and in fact, I am still in possession of it."
Way to go, Mom! Let them stick that in their pipes and try to smoke it!
I just love it when people take the Law --- the actual Law --- into their own hands and use it to their benefit and the benefit of their families.
This points out the very important fact that we can take control of our health by stipulating such Plans and directing the course of our experience in hospitals.
One example is a Living Will which pre-establishes our wishes and guardianship in the event that we are left in a coma or otherwise dependent on life-support or other extreme measures, but a Birth Plan or a Cancer Treatment Plan, or any other such set of directives is also appropriate.
Many people still don't know that vaccines have not been tested for efficacy or safety in this country for over thirty years and this travesty in disregard of the public trust has led to inestimable damage already. It isn't so much that the science behind induced immune response is unsettled as it is that there has been no element of consumer protection in place --- as we are seeing now.
We have been trusting people and organizations that we shouldn't trust, and allowing external authorities to impose upon our Natural and Unalienable Rights, such as the right to care for and keep our own children, to educate them, appoint guardians for them, and raise them in our traditions and as we see fit.
In view of the importance of nailing down our parental rights and health rights in no uncertain terms, I'd like to invite interested Moms and Dads and Grandparents to form a Committee of the Whole with participants from every State of the Union welcome to meet and discuss health issues and develop tools to implement legal distraints against State of State and Commercial Corporation interference with our biology, our familial rights and relationships, our health decisions, and our health freedom.

I hope that one or more of my Readers will feel the call and have the skills and the interest to build and expedite this National Working Group on Health and Biological Affairs. Please contact me at: with the subject line: "Health and Biological Affairs".


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Dear All

 By Anna Von Reitz

We realize how angered, anxious, and unhappy you all are, and how disillusioned you have been by many efforts to correct the situation, and also all the disappointments that come from believing in "hope porn".
You have reached the right conclusion --- there is nobody here but us chickens, however, it will be a comfort to know that we finally have the problem legally and historically analyzed, and that allows us to move forward with the correct solutions.
What I have to tell you isn't pretty. I wish I could be there to shake your hands and look you in the eye. The truth is that our country has been stolen. The fact that it was stolen a long time ago and by our own employees, doesn't make it any easier to face. However, having faced that fact, we also now know how they did it, and as a result, we know how it can be undone.
By Maxim of Law, "As a thing is bound, so it is unbound."
We are the secret and the solution to our own dilemma. Nobody but us can solve this problem for us.
And here's the problem. We have been deliberately misidentified as Territorial U.S. Citizens (as if we were born in Puerto Rico) and as Municipal "citizens of the United States" --- otherwise known as "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" ---- saddled down with two (2) foreign political citizenship obligations, when in fact, we don't belong in either status.
We are Americans. We derive our nationality from our States of the Union. And we don't voluntarily adopt the foreign Federal citizenships at all----nor do we have any cause or rational need to adopt Federal citizenship.
We and our States are still alive and well, thank you.
What to do? You have been impersonated as something you're not.
So, you correct the record. You declare your birthright political standing as an American. You say, hey, I'm a Virginian..... or a Minnesotan.... or.....
And then you join your State Assembly and get ready to roll.
There are all sorts of different kinds of "districts" out there now, Municipal districts, Federal Districts, and so on.
I explain this to people in terms of The Three Little Pigs.
If you build your "house" using Municipal citizens of the United States, you wind up with a Municipal Assembly, and a straw house.
If you build using Territorial U.S. Citizens, you wind up with a District Assembly ---- and a stick house.
But if you build using State Nationals and State Citizens, you wind up with a State Assembly ---- and a brick house.
We are the brick house. We are where the buck stops.
And we are the ones who need to organize and tell our EMPLOYEES where to get off our backs and back to work.
We are the ones who are supposed to enforce the Constitutions and the Public Law, so let's do our Public Duty.
When we act correctly and take these actions, we stand on the firmest of foundations--- and we can take back America, because it is already ours.

Go to: and get started building your "house" today.


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Federal Violations List

 By Anna Von Reitz

When we set up the Federation's Criminal Incident Report Form we included a space for people to fill in the specific Federal Codes that were violated in their case.
What we found is that while each case is different and may include many other civil and criminal violations that are unique to a particular circumstance, some violations are nearly universal--- that is, they are violated in every case, every time an American is mis-addressed by a court, bill collector, or agency:
Federal Mail Codes and Conduct Codes they have violated in Breach of Trust: 18 USC 1341, 18 USC 1692, 18 USC 1693, 18 USC 1701, 18 USC 1702, 18 USC 1703, 18 USC 1726, UPU 114 (2.2).
In the majority of cases involving people who have done their due diligence and served Notice and explained their political status to the court, agency, or other bill collector, they are also guilty of Misprision of Felony: (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.).
Finally, they are all in violation of 18 USC 2333, which explains the civil remedies that are due to victims of "terrorists" and which they are withholding.
There used to be an extensive listing of all the various causes requiring civil remedies, but since the "War on Terror" was announced, all such crimes are defined in terms of "terrorism".
If you have received a tax bill, much less a tax bill equal to the total value of your home, been threatened with a million dollar lien on a $30,000 property, been evicted, summoned under a false presentation, arrested via a non-judicial warrant, subjected to unlawful arrest, been forced to pay utility bills and mortgages you don't owe, faced unlawful claims of eminent domain, been denied off-set credit you are owed, or in any other way been harassed by your own public employees ---- you've been terrorized.

You have suffered collateral damage in a bogus "War on Terror" --- the latest model of mercenary "war" being engaged in by your erring public employees.


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Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp

 By Anna Von Reitz

I can't remember if it was from Little Abner or some other comic strip back in the day, but firmly ensconced in my child-mind is the image of "Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp", the soothsayer of soothsayers, prognosticator of prognosticators, voo-doo mistress of the night.... only a little less famous than the Groundhog of Punxsutawney.
She usually had a crystal ball with her.
If she were here with us today, she'd look into her crystal ball to forecast the fate of the "U.S. Dollar" --- and here's what the report would be.
First of all, that "U.S. Dollar" isn't your "U.S. Dollar".
It's another "U.S. Dollar" used in international trade, and it's otherwise known as the "Petrodollar". It is an asset-backed currency, and, obviously, petroleum is the asset, together with petroleum-based products, backing this "Dollar".
That "U.S. Dollar" is going to be taking a beating and so are all the economies dependent on it, because too many people now know the secret of free energy.
Sooner or later, a large share of the market and demand for petroleum is going to "adjust downward" as the percentage of the demand dedicated to generating power --- all the coal and oil and gas powered power plants -- disappears.
In advance of this inevitability, those dependent on petroleum are scrambling like cockroaches in a summer kitchen.
There will remain a need for petroleum and petroleum based products --- the many plastics and lubricants and other petroleum-based products that make up part of the market now will continue to exist and make the transition for the oil industry ---- and the U.S. Dollar -- a more gradual affair than an outright collapse.
The market won't just disappear overnight like the market for whale oil, but even that remaining portion will be eroded by cheaper to produce renewable agricultural alternatives like hemp oil.
Inexorably, the cost of production versus demand and the growth of alternative means of generating hydrocarbons, will nibble away at even this last bastion market of Big Oil.
Ever wonder why the push for Electric Cars? It isn't to save us from exhaust fumes, because the fumes that don't come from our cars are offset by the increase in emissions that do come from the power plants that are producing the electricity being used as fuel for electric cars.
You see the problem --- and the answer --- that they are trying to sell.
They are trying to keep those huge electrical power generation plants running for a new reason. If people no longer need to buy electricity to run their homes and appliances, they hope they can still hook them to pay for electricity as a fuel for their cars.
That's dumb as in "Dumb and Dumber" ---- but, hey, we have all done even crazier things --- like nuclear power and World War II, for example.
Once people figure out how to capture free energy (and they already have) what's to stop them from using the same principles to power up their cars?
Also, why bother to buy electricity and pollute the air in the process of producing the electricity, when you can cut out the middleman cost and burn gasoline more efficiently and directly?
It still pollutes the air either way, but it costs less to burn petrol directly than go through the extra steps of burning petrol and turning it into electricity and then transmitting the electricity (at a loss) to run the same car.
Ultimately, electric cars increase pollution, because of the extra steps to produce electricity and the transmission losses when you distribute it as fuel, so, ironically, that means that you burn more fuel per car, and create more emissions per car----you are just burning the same old fossil fuels and emitting the fumes at the level of the power plants, instead.
Ironically, electric cars are a net loss both environmentally and economically.
This is why electric cars are not the answer and the reason that car manufacturers have stalwartly resisted the political pressure to invest in them.
Electric cars are not going to take up the slack for the oil industry, and neither will public transportation projects like Mag-Lev trains. Mag-Levs are far more efficient than electric cars, so pound for pound don't use as much electricity and don't burn as much fuel (which is the whole point-- increasing use of refined petroleum products at the level of the power generation plants).
Aunt Mammy-Whammy sympathizes with all the Tree Huggers in California and Florida. Poor dears! They've been conned again. They've been dutifully paying three to five times more for electric cars, putting up with all the inconvenience of charging them, and all the dangers these cars pose when they short out in collisions --- thinking that they were "reducing their carbon footprint" ----only to learn that the End Game is to artificially increase demand for petroleum products.
Snookered by Big Oil again, but Big Oil will plead that after all, they are just trying to save the U.S. Dollar.
Which isn't your U.S. Dollar at all.
So let's talk about your United States Dollar, which is defined as one ounce of .999 pure silver. According to the "dollar for dollar" exchange rate established by the National Emergency Banking Act in 1934, and the inflation of the "debt notes" known as Federal Reserve Notes issued against each such American Silver Dollar, the price of silver would need to exceed $65,000.00 per ounce to balance the accounts.
And that is never going to happen, is it?
We'd have to lie to ourselves about the value of a commodity on a scale never before seen in the annals of world history. And who is going to convince the man on the street that the sock full of Silver Dollars that his Grandma gave him are now magically worth millions of "dollars"? ---Even if they are owed that much in credit?
You see the problem. There's no way to translate an ounce of pure silver into over $65,000.00 in credit, and if you do the accounting and balance the U.S. Dollar (credit) against the Federal Reserve Notes (debt) there's insufficient asset base on the books, even allowing for fractional reserve banking.
So all the banks are busted and have been busted since 1930.
Big Oil and the Territorial U.S. Dollar (Petrodollar) are on the ropes.
Even after the accounting ledger is balanced and the US DEBT is balanced out by the U.S. Credit, there is still no way in this world to pay back the rank and file Americans, much less the Aussies, Brits, Canadians, French, Germans, Japanese, Indians, Pakistanis, Turks.....and the list goes on.
This is why the bankers want to kill Americans by the busloads. They owe us too much actual money and too much credit and too much in assets all across the board.
In order to pay us and all the other people worldwide who have been victimized in exactly the same way, vast amounts of Slush held as "Off Ledger Accounts" and "Legacy Trusts" would have to come back on the books-- and that would expose the existence of these purloined assets and be a tacit admission of the crimes committed to amass them.
Aunt Mammy-Whammy has decided to give up her career as a soothsayer, use her crystal ball for bowling, and retire. She's between 75 and a 100 years old and she's seen it all already----but for the rest of you, take heed.
There are only four ways out of this:
1. They kill off their Creditors -- again -- which is most of the world population;
2. They admit the crime -- in which case, somebody has to be guilty and offered up as the scapegoat;
3. They come up with some totally outlandish story -- aliens from outer space who are great philanthropists -- to explain the "sudden" appearance of all this wealth;
4. They pretend that they have been responsible stewards this whole time and were actually acting in our best interests ---- keeping our assets and growing them "for" us, awaiting our "return" to the land and soil of our respective forefathers and nations.
Of the four known possibilities, we prefer Option 4.
People may not believe the "good intentions" angle of the storyline, but at least the fundamental basis of truth is on the table and nobody gets killed -- the wealth does all belong to the people of this planet individually and collectively - and they should have access to it and it should be used to benefit them both individually and collectively.

Acting from that firm foundation and understanding we can all go forward together -- without more violence and sacrifice, without more fairytales and lies.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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Have We Finally Found Francesco Bernini? And John H. Durham?

 By Anna Von Reitz

As I told you before, World War II was planned at a shareholder's meeting of the Royal Bank of Scotland in 1877. They had come together to form a series of plans for future decades of "world government administration", and a series of gigantic fraud schemes, complete with their inevitable results--- like World War II.
These plans, delineated, decade by decade, a program based on these principles:
(1) Blame your adversaries for what you are doing yourselves; (2) Blame the victims especially; (3) Impersonate yourselves as being your enemy or as representing your enemy-- then do your dirty work; (4) Follow the Hegelian Dialectic --- cause a problem, present your solution, then reap the rewards; (5) Use Divide and Conquer along racial, religious, and whatever other lines can be drawn; (6) Every lie is a prayer; (7) Use False Flags and False Narratives to drive the sheep; (8) Use Good Cop v. Bad Cop authority figures and political leaders to guarantee retention of leadership. (9) Educate only those you can control; (10) Use blackmail to control; (11) Borrow or leverage as much money and other assets as you can; (12) Insure your Creditors with life insurance policies, and then kill them when it's time for you to pay up; (13) Seize upon the former creditor's property to pay off your debts to secondary creditors and use the rest of the money and actual assets you borrowed (and which you no longer have to pay back) to curry favor with new victims (China); (14) cover your tracks, leaving your victims and their families to pay you for your "service" to them.
There, in a nutshell, is the modus operandi of the world-ruling junta which has brought the entire Earth to the brink of ecological and economic destruction. This has been their program since the end of the Roman Empire.
When they could no longer rule by force, they ruled by deceit.
The meeting of the RBS shareholders to set up World War II included an odd mix of Scottish Calvinists and Roman Catholic Clergy, including our Mystery Man, Francesco Bernini, a Papal Legate --- who didn't exist prior to the meeting and who disappeared forever afterward.
On February 28, 2021, John H. Durham --- or at least his character -- disappeared from history, too.
There is good reason to think that John H. Durham, the federal prosecutor who was supposed to investigate the whole Russia-gate scandal, is a fictional person just like Francesco Bernini.
There is a bio and reference to "38 years as a Federal Prosecutor in Connecticut" and an educational history, claiming that he is a graduate of Colgate University and University of Connecticut Law School, etc., and less than half a dozen photos --ever-- of John H. Durham.
Then in February of this year, this brief press announcement from the Mystery Man:

How difficult is it, really, to manufacture such a person?
Especially if you have the resources of the Secret Service to do it?
It's as easy as making up a character in a novel.
You find or make some thread in reality--- a name: Francesco Bernini, John H. Durham, Felicia Sparks....
You attach the name to some plausible provenance--- a place: Florence, Italy or Litchfield,Connecticut, or Akron, Ohio.
You tell a gullible Registrar that you represent the Federal Government (which you do in this case, though we aren't saying which one) and that this is a matter of "National Security" or you find one who is simply a rat and grease their palm to enter "John H. Durham" as a graduate of the Class of 1975..... dummy up a class record with the help of expert forgers, and voila.
The only contrary evidence will be the curious absence of all photos and references to a John H. Durham in old school yearbooks, and the equally curious absence of remembrance on the part of his schoolmates.
And who is going to be motivated enough to trace back all the members of that year's graduating class at Colgate, University, or go looking for those yearbooks?
You can also find some old photos of a dead person or use a dead person's name to begin with to furnish all the above plausible details. Otherwise, how hard is it to hire an unknown out-of-work actor these days? Tell him it's a matter of "National Security".....
The Evil Ones who have been working their "magic" since the days of Simon Magus are, after all, tricksters, magicians, and illusionists.
They manufactured the office of "Bishop of Rome" out of thin air, which is true, even if many Catholics will be aghast to learn that Saint Peter was never Bishop of Rome.
They still manufacture and give value to little tokens made of worthless metals, plastic cards, and pieces of paper.
They made an entire 747 "disappear" in Pennsylvania.
And another one vanished at the Pentagon in 2001.
Both had a maximum take-off weight of 450 tons.
Poof! Just like Francesco Bernini.
Compared to all that, manufacturing and manipulating a character called John H. Durham is easy as saying three Hail Marys.
So where is John H. Durham? We have searched high and low.
And we are not alone. His disappearance, together with his "Report" has been a cause of concern for many people worldwide, including President Trump:
Look for: "Does John Durham Exist? A MAJOR Update To My Reporting From President Trump Himself!"
But then, we are presently living in a world where an entire worldwide Flu Season has disappeared, too:
Between 65,000 and 165,000 (in round numbers) die each year in this country as a result of influenza; the majority of these deaths, 40,000 to 80,000, occur during "Flu Season" that begins in late fall and runs through the winter.
People everywhere will be amazed and happy to learn that this year, the Flu Season didn't happen. Only 523 deaths due to influenza were recorded.
Poof! Flu Season, like Francesco Bernini, and John H. Durham -- and Durham's Report --- all just vanished. Like magic.

Of course, the overall number of deaths due to respiratory failure stayed rock bottom the same as ever.