Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Forensic* Wolf

*fo-ren-sic, adj. 1.pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate. 2. Adapted or suited to argumentation; argumentative.

Seventeen years ago I was a whistleblower concerning the theft (or “diversion” for those that believe in bureaucrats and tooth fairies) of $45 to 60 Million in two years (1995 & 1996) by US Fish and Wildlife Service bureaucrats from Excise Taxes that, according to law, could only be spent by State fish and Wildlife Agencies for State fish and wildlife management programs for human benefits.  The stolen funds were used by federal bureaucrats to capture, import and release Canadian wolves into Yellowstone from which they spread throughout the NW US and to open an office in California – two things that the US Congress had refused to either authorize or fund.  Funds not used for these two purposes were used to increase bonus payouts to select top bureaucrats to essentially “look the other way”.  How do we know this?  General Accounting Office Accountant Auditors submitted a Forensic* Audit Report to the Chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Natural Resources Committee detailing the receipt, diversion and use of the stolen funding to federal illicit purposes from the fish and  wildlife benefits generated by state wildlife agencies. 

In other words; wildlife and fishery management in every state was diminished to benefit illegal actions by federal bureaucrats (releasing wolves with no state permission) to ultimately create a situation that:
1. Decreased big game herds.

Key Information---Everyone Read This

By Anna Von Reitz

Lately, the alternative news world has been awash with talk about "Human Rights" and "Natural Law" and quite a number of people have been misled about this and are parroting it as the Next Great Thing.  In fact, it is old as the hills and nothing you want to be involved in, much less subjected to.  Let me explain.....and bear with me. 

Bankers and lawyers don't like the Ten Commandments, the Bible, or the Land Law that goes with it.  They may individually subscribe to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam --- all of which are supposed to function under the Law of Moses --- but for very practical reasons they want to waffle and weasel around the requirements of Land Law when it comes to business dealings.

Land Law doesn't allow binding contracts.  It respects the Law of Free Will.  It forbids usury and insurance.  And it is frustratingly local and subjective in nature.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bank Update

By Anna Von Reitz

To understand what  American States and Nations Bank is, you have to understand the difference between commerce and trade.
Trade is business between unincorporated businesses and people.
Commerce is business between incorporated businesses.
Of course, unincorporated businesses can do business with incorporated businesses in the realm of international trade.
American state nationals naturally function on the land jurisdiction and participate in trade. They and their Mom and Pop businesses and even their larger more substantial private businesses all participate in trade.
When they step across the state (national) border they engage in international trade. Strange to tell, when someone from Georgia sells a car to someone in Florida, they are engaged in international trade. This is because each state is a nation.
When Porcupine and Sons, a local unincorporated family-owned sawmill in Three Pines, Georgia, sells a shipment of flat-sawn pine flooring to MacKenzie Restoration Design, Inc. located in Princeton, New Jersey, they are engaged in international trade.
Me selling ten raspberry bushes to my next door neighbor? That is intra-state trade.
Me selling the same ten raspberry bushes to someone in Oregon? That is international trade. (Why?

Dear Lucretia --- Mortgage Relief -- and The Rest of the Story

By Anna Von Reitz

This was written to an actual Federal Dependent, not someone who is asserting their American State National or State Citizen political status, and also at a point in time when the door was closing on claims against the UNITED STATES, INC., so this does not apply now nor does it apply for non-Federal people.

Dear Lucretia, 

The federal government has claimed that you were a federal government employee throughout your working life, but once you retire, you retire----and you are owed your pension and your freedom from any further presumption of federal obligation or employment.  

You simply send a letter to the State Secretary of State and inform him or her that you have retired and have returned to your birth right political status as an American state national.  They owe you your retirement just like any other big corporation owes its employee pensions. 

If you are like my Mother and offended that she was ever considered to be---or tricked into serving as---- a federal citizen at all, you can express your ire, too. It's time these "public servants" got a wake up call.  

If you have children, this is a good time to repent of the mistakes that so many of us where misled or forced to make when we misidentified our children as "US citizens" and unwittingly "enrolled" them as such at the hospital when they were born.  My Mother provided a sworn testament that she recorded in the public record, stating that she had been confused by the similar jargon and that the only "United States" we ever were part of was the fifty states of the Union.  I recommend that all Mothers do this for their children.  I have done it for my son.

If you actually worked for the federal government the portion of your pension that is based on federal employment is taxable, but if like so many of us, you never actually worked for the federal government or only served in the military for a couple years, etc., so that the amount of pension money from actual federal employment is negligible, you are eligible to claim your exemption from federal income taxes.  You send a Letter of Revocation of Election to the Commissioners of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and tell them that you revoke your election to pay federal income taxes beginning with October the first of last year or any prior year you choose.  

Monday, May 29, 2017

Get Your Bearings -- in One Paragraph

Robinson Crusoe gets stuck on a desert island.  The courts presume he is "dead" and turn over his estate to his local government because he died intestate with no next of kin.  The local government goes hog wild and spends against his estate until they can borrow no more.  At the last minute. Robinson comes home and says, "What the ____???"  That is where we are, folks. 

Anna Von Reitz

Memorial Day 2017 --

By Anna Von Reitz

Very early in the morning, before the sun was above the horizon and while the world was still wet with dew, my Grandmother or Mother would come shake my shoulder to wake me.  There was always a silent sense of urgency in the air on Memorial Day, as if we had an appointment and couldn’t be late.

Then it was out into the cool damp morning, into the woodlots and pastures and gardens to gather armloads of the flowers that bloom this time of year: sweet-smelling Bearded German Iris, Blue Flags, peonies, and early roses, white and pink and lavender and deep purple lilacs and Bridal Wreath and ivy and rosemary and other herbs.  We’d carry them home through the dawn light in shiny tin buckets and into the farmhouse kitchen, where we would sort it all out and make individual bouquets. 

Purple Iris for Grandpa’s grave, peonies and roses for Aunts long dead, lilacs and roses for Cousin Pearl Marie-- and so it went, remembering each one and choosing the flowers just for them.  By eight o’clock we’d joined the throngs of other families threading our ways through the cemetery rows and among the moldering stones, mostly quiet as we stabbed the wire prongs of the green metal flower vases into the ground, but sometimes there would be the odd sound of someone laughing or a child chattering too loud. 

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This Sunday and the whole week should serve as a preparation for the festival of Pentecost, that we may be enabled by good works and pious devotional exercises, to receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost. At the Introit the Church sings:
Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have cried to thee, alleluia. My heart bath said to thee: I have sought thy face, thy face, O Lord, I will seek: turn not away thy face from me, allel. allel. The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? (Ps. XXVI. 7-9.) Glory be to the Father, etc.
COLLECT  Almighty, everlasting God, grant us ever to have a will devoted to Thee, and to serve Thy majesty with a sincere heart. Through .etc.
EPISTLE (1 Peter IV. 7-11.) Dearly beloved, be prudent, and watch in prayers. But before all things, have a constant mutual charity among yourselves; for charity covereth a multitude of sins. Using hospitality one towards another without murmuring: as every man hath received grace, ministering the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the words of God: if any man minister, let him do it as of the power which God administereth; that in all things God may be honored through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

More Personal (as in "Private Natural Person") Notes

By Anna Von Reitz

I just want to say thank you to all of those who read these lines and those who stop to pray for our country and those who send money to help our cause and keep gas in the car and ink on the pages. It wouldn't be possible without all of you pulling along beside us from every corner of America. 

William Gilbert B. --- I don't have a way to get hold of you, but I sent you a present that should be waiting for you at General Delivery.  Hope someone there has presence of mind enough to flag you down. 

Victor L. -- I am fine, just working my tail off and suffering my usual seasonal allergies, so not quite as feisty as normal.

Jack and Phyllis -- Old friends are the dearest.  We have come a long way together and continue on, come what may.  Hugs across the miles....

Ravalli Voice Seventy-Second Edition June 2017


Editor's Introduction
This month our commentary is devoted entirely to the rapidly growing Muslim insurgency. Don't
be deceived by liberal Muslim apologists nor the highly biased US news media. Islam has been a
festering problem for the past 1500 years, but in recent times growing from a regional to a global
threat to peace.
Islam followed the birth of Christianity by slightly over 600 years. Now considered one of the
world's three great religions, it was founded by the Prophet Muhammad in 610 AD. The three
religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All three religions are based upon monotheism,
meaning belief in only one god. Islam's god is Allah and Muhammad was his prophet
Contrary to what some liberal apologists now tell us, the Christian and Muslim gods are not one
and the same. Islam's equivalent of the Christian Bible is the Qur'an, also referred to as the
Koran. Islam's traditional capitol is Mecca, located in present-day Saudi Arabia. At least once in
his life, every Muslim is expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Update on Cookie and Three Law Suits

By Anna Von Reitz

Many thanks to all who have been sending love and prayers and donations for my Paralegal friend, Cookie. She was stricken with mysterious maladies that seemed to indicate heart failure and/or kidney failure and so, has had to undergo a lot of tests.

This evening she updated me. She had a severe misalignment in her spine between her shoulder blades (no doubt the result of years spent pouring over dusty books in dimly lit rooms, perched on tall stools) and that was causing a lot of problems because the nerves route through that area to the heart. So that is being adjusted by expert medical chiropractors and she is already experiencing significant relief.

She also has apparently developed a mid-life allergy to MSG which is being added to all processed food under the euphemism "natural preservatives". MSG makes food taste better, but it is also a poison capable of passing the brain-blood barrier, affecting short term memory, balance, and critical thinking skills. No more processed food is apparently the only cure.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Templar Treaties

By Anna Von Reitz

The Templars have had a "perpetual" treaty of "peace" and "friendship" and "amity" with us since 1794.  Let's see.....that's 223 years.  Are we being unreasonable in our expectation that everyone in your organization should know about this?  And act accordingly?

Donald J. Trump and Jeff Sessions 3.0

May 25, 2017

President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

US Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear President Trump and Attorney General Sessions:
This may be helpful to resolve--- both in terms of coming to a peaceful resolution of our intergovernmental understandings, and in terms of getting the court system in this country working as it should again.  A country without justice and without an honest court system can never be great again, so let’s start there.
Back in 1994 this information passed over my desk and when a friend mentioned it to me this morning, I had reason to recall it and paw through the archives to find the 1994 US Government Manual, at page 390, where it says that the Attorney General is the permanent representative of INTERPOL, and the Secretary of Treasury is the alternate member.
Under Article 30 of the INTERPOL constitution, these individuals must expatriate their citizenship. They serve no allegiance to the United States of America.
So, Mr. Sessions, where is your FARA registration lodged?  And who are you working for now?  And under what authority? Presumably all the “state of state” Attorney General franchises are under the same authority?  And also have their Foreign Agents Registration on file somewhere? 

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit the Church sings the words which were spoken by the angels to the apostles and disciples, after the Ascension of our Lord:
INTROIT Ye men of Galilee, why wonder you, looking up to heaven? allel.: He shall so come as you have seen him going up into heaven. Allel., allel., allel. (Acts I. 11.), Oh, clap your hands, all ye nations; shout unto God with the voice of joy. (Ps. XLVI. 2.) Glory be to the Father, etc.
COLLECT Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, that we who believe Thy only‑begotten Son, our Redeemer, to have this day ascended into the heavens, may ourselves also in, mind dwell amid heavenly things. Through the same etc.
LESSON (Acts I. 1-11.) The former treatise I made, O Theophilus, of all things which Jesus began to do and to teach , until the day on which, giving commandments by the Holy Ghost to the apostles ,whom he had chosen, he was taken up: to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many proofs, for forty days appearing to them, and speaking of the kingdom of God. And eating together with them, he commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but should wait for the prom­ise of the Father, which you have heard (saith he) by my mouth: for John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days hence. They, therefore, who were come together, asked him, saying: Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? But he said to diem: It is not for you to know the times or moments which the Father hath put in his own power; but you shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had said these things, while they looked on, he was raised up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they were beholding him going up to heaven, behold, two men stood by them in white garments, who also said: Ye men of Galilee, why stand yon looking up to heaven?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What Is the Name of the Crime? ---Unlawful Conversion

By Anna Von Reitz

Obviously, fraud.  That, surely. 

But there is so much more to what has been done to us by our "Public Servants".... conscription, inland piracy, racketeering, kidnapping, press-ganging, enslavement, false presumption, false arrests, false impersonation, deliberate mischaracterization, plundering, pillaging, unauthorized hypothecation of debt, conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy against The Constitution, invasion, trespassing, copyright infringement, trademark violations, identity theft, grand theft and larceny..... I could probably go on all night, but at the root of it---- besides constructive fraud in general, there is a nagging need to nail down a razor-sharp diagnosis of what has gone on here, and in the end, after several years of ruminating about this at odd hours, I believe that Congressman Louis T. McFadden nailed it back in 1934: unlawful conversation. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

To the Perpetrators:

From Anna Von Reitz

The murder of this boy, Seth, has been your undoing.  You will fall and not rise again. What you have done and what you have followed, you have not known, for you have been blinded by greed and led astray by your lusts until you are nothing but an empty pit always desiring more.   So, go then to your Father, the Father of All Lies, and let him devour you, emptiness into emptiness and sin into sin. 

What is Jacob's sin, if not Samaria?  Do you not know that Samaria's plague is incurable?  So that all the Earth suffers for the lusts and sorcery of a prostitute? The Great Abomination that stands now in New York Harbor, offering liberty instead of freedom?  You know her all too well, but dare not name her.  Instead, you try to hide your deeds behind words, and when offered truth, you cling to lies. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Time Line of Territorial Fraud

By Anna Von Reitz

1860 - An attorney, Abraham Lincoln, is elected to the limited position of CEO aka President of the United States (Corporation). The last land jurisdiction Congress adjourns sine die. The original Constitution which is a tri-lateral international treaty, national trust indenture, and commercial services contract called "The Constitution for the united States of America" is set-aside.
1861 - An undeclared illegal commercial mercenary conflict begins on our shores. It is never declared as a war by any Congress.
1865 - Southern states in ruins and Northern states are bankrupt. Foreign bankruptcy trustees take over and the "Territorial" Congress acts as a Board of Directors for "The United States of America" (Inc.) An Armistice comes, but no actual Peace Treaty-- proving again that the whole "Civil War" was never a war.
1868 - Congress publishes the deceptively similar looking and sounding "Federal" Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". This is a corporate charter for a foreign governmental services corporation.


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

In thanks for the redemption the Church sings at the Introit:
INTROIT Declare the voice of joy, and let it be heard, allel.: declare it even to the ends of the earth: the Lord hath delivered his people. (Isai. XLVII. 20.) Allel. allel. Shout with joy to God, all the earth: sing ye a psalm to his name, give glory to his praise. (Fs. LXV.) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. etc.
COLLECT O God, from whom all good things proceed: grant to Thy suppliants, that by Thy inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by Thy guidance may perform the same. Through etc.
EPISTLE (James I. 22‑27.) Dearly Beloved, Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if a man be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he shall be compared to a than beholding his own countenance in a glass: for he beheld himself and went his way, and presently forgot what manner of man he was. But he that hath looked into the perfect law of liberty, and hath continued therein, not becoming a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. And if any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless, and widows in their tribulation, and to keep one's self unspotted from the world.
EXPLANATION True piety, as St. James here says, consists not only in knowing and recognizing the word of God, but in living according to its precepts and teachings; in subduing the tongue, the most dangerous and injurious of all our members; in being charitable to the poor and destitute, and in contemning the world, its false principles, foolish customs and scandalous example, against which we should guard, that we may not become infected and polluted by them. Test thyself, whether thy life be of this kind.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Government Investigates

Found here:

Until the New Bank Comes

By Anna Von Reitz

What can you do to help get through the transition safely and not have everything at risk in corporate banks? 

1. There are IRA/401K options that allow you to buy gold and keep it at home or wherever else you like in your own keeping.  Consider transferring your IRA/401K into physical gold and simply keeping it in a home safe.  

2. Remember--- always---- that Postal Money Orders are backed by gold and are easily exchanged for any form of currency on the planet.  A Postal Money Order is like the "cash of all cashes".  

Unlike physical gold, a PMO is as easy to transport as any paper currency.  And although it is totally fungible like a currency, you can -- if you wish -- restrict who can use it similar to a check, simply by filling out the information sections or not.  

I have always liked Postal Money Orders and often use them for my own savings, even though there is a nominal fee to convert FRNs to PMOs. The gold-backing, the freedom from confiscation, the ease of transport and storage, and the universal ability to convert into local currency is well worth it.  

But, but, but, BUT...... I hear some of you saying------what about the interest I can accrue on my savings account in a commercial bank?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Land Justices, The Bundys, and Pesticide Spraying of Azure Farms, Oregon

By Anna Von Reitz

All those exercising the judicial function can be called by the generic name "judge"-- like calling it "cereal" instead of calling it "Rice Krispies". 

Land judges are more properly called "Justice" as in "Justice of the Peace" but that is  a nicety and a greater degree of specificity.  It shows that you know the difference and is certainly appropriate, but, as a practical matter Land Jurisdiction Justices have been rare as hen's teeth for a long time and it is more conducive to communication to just use the generic title.

Read that: I don't want to have to explain such details for an hour before I get down to business every day that I live, so I use the generic word "Judge".  Doesn't mean I am not functioning as a Justice.  Doesn't mean I am ignorant. 

Land Justices (since you all know the difference now) are tied to specific geographic boundaries.  A County Justice from Macon County, Georgia, can't just pack up his robes and go sit on the bench in Jackson County, Wisconsin.  Same thing at the State level. An Alaska State Justice has no authority in Utah.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Huge organic farm under threat; County government will invade and spray Roundup

Huge organic farm under threat: County will invade and spray Roundup if not stopped
What?? A county government is going to destroy a massive organic farm?    
By Jon Rappoport
"I have a great idea. We're the Sherman County government. We have power. Let's claim Azure Farms can't control their weeds. Let's come in and invade them with Roundup and other toxic chemicals. Let's destroy their organic farm. We know the spraying won't wipe out the weeds---it'll make the situation worse. But who cares? Let's open up ourselves to massive lawsuits. I'm sure Monsanto will give us some legal help. We can set a fantastic precedent. No organic farm is safe. No organic farmer has the right to protect his land from the government. Isn't that a terrific idea?"
Government trespass, invasion?

REMINDER: World Premiere for MAINSTREAM Part 1 - 8PM Wednesday

How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda
a film by James Jaeger
Don’t forget about the Premiere of MAINSTREAM Part 1 "Moving Images" starting this Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 8PM Eastern.
        For a limited amount of time you will be able to screen the first part of MAINSTREAM -- a mini series on Hollywood and the New York media.  Just go to  and you can watch the pilot for free. 
MAINSTREAM Part 1 is about 55 minutes long.  If you are unfamiliar with this documentary, watch the trailers and excerpts here   Email your family, friends and associates about the Premiere.  Post this page on your Facebook pages.  This is one movie that is probably not coming to a theater near you so we are counting on word-of-mouth. 
After you have screened MAINSTREAM Part 1 “Moving Images” make a modest donation so we can complete MAINSTREAM Part 2 "Corrupting Images" as soon as possible. 

Thank you.  

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Truth About Governments -- Including Ours: Public Notice 3.0

By Anna Von Reitz

For brevity, I shall just present information as simple numbered points.

1.  All governments are created by men.

2. As the creators of government, we are all responsible for them and how they function.

3. If a government breaks down, malfunctions, ceases to do what it is designed to do, the only possible result is: (1) it ceases to exist; (2) it morphs into something else; (3) it gets fixed.

No doubt there are some people reading this who have never stopped to think about "government" as a subject in and of itself, and to them, all the above will be surprising.  They have taken government for granted as a given --- good or bad --- and have passively accepted it as something above and beyond themselves, outside their control, and most of all, not their responsibility. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

The First Sin -- Update on State Non-Assumpsit Actions

By Anna Von Reitz

Most people don't read the Bible.  They need to, if they want to know what is going on in the world.  It is indeed a strange concept that we need to read a book that is derived from ancient history to keep current with today, but as with much else concerning this particular book---- it's true. 

Those who read the Bible know that Adam was tasked to be a caretaker of the Earth and granted dominion over the Earth, and he was also tasked to name the animals and trees and other things that he interacted with on Earth. 

However, he was never given the task of naming himself or other men.  

That task is reserved to our Father.  Much later in the Bible, in fact, we are promised that He will give us our true names.  

As a result, whatever names we are given are not true names and are not part of Adam's job to give.  The practice of applying names to men is the First Sin. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Decrees

Alaska State Superior Court
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99508

International Decree of Cease and Desist
International Decree Requiring Re-Venue and Release
International Decree Rejecting Claims On Abandonment

It has been brought to our attention that the State of Alaska Territorial United States franchise and its STATE OF ALASKA Municipal United States franchise, have been engaged in a repugnant form of crime on our shores and are guilty of violent trespass against their employers, the unincorporated Alaska State, which is owed The Alaska Statehood Compact, and the people of Alaska.  See Alaska Session Law and AS 45.77.020.

The form of this crime amounts to strong-armed conscription of Alaska State nationals under false pretenses and imposition of coerced private adhesion contracts solicited under threat of kidnapping, which results in seizing upon the babies of natural Alaskan parents and presuming that they are: (1) wards of the State of Alaska; (2) abandoned property; (3) obligated to act as Municipal United States citizens and to donate their names and estates to the benefit of the State of Alaska.

This is a most venal form of international inland piracy and racketeering for which the State of Alaska is fully responsible, as it has employed and allowed the STATE OF ALASKA to be present and to trespass upon our soil as a consequence of its own contract with the Alaska State to provide “essential government services”.

Happy Mother's Day, Mr. Trump. Court Order Enclosed.

     May 14, 2017
                                                                                         Big Lake, Alaska
President Donald J. Trump
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. Trump,

It’s Mother’s Day 2017, and I am grieving.

My joy in the sacred experience of Motherhood was marred throughout by something that the Municipal Government of the Territorial United States did and which it is doing and which it must stop doing.

It must stop its wholesale lying about Mothers and Motherhood.

I suppose it began innocently enough many centuries ago: an unwed Mother died in childbirth, leaving a baby with no means of support and care.  Another woman in a difficult situation----too many children already, an abusive husband, married but no explanation for the pregnancy--- gave birth and left her baby on the doorstep of the church.  And so it went. 


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of this days Mass is a canticle of praise and thanks:
INTROIT Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle alleluia; because the Lord hath done wonderful things, alleluia; he hath revealed his justice in the sight of the Gentiles. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. His right hand hath wrought for him salvation; and his arm is holy. (Ps. XCII.) Glory etc.
COLLECT O God, who makest the minds of the faithful to be of one will: grant unto Thy people to love what Thou commandest, and to desire what thou dost promise; that amidst the various changes of the world our hearts may there be fixed where true joys abide. Through etc.
EPISTLE (James I. 17‑21.) Dearly beloved, Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration. For of his own will hath he begotten us by the word of truth, that we might be some beginning of his creatures. You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger: for the anger of man worketh not the justice of God. Wherefore, casting away all uncleanness, and abundance of naughtiness, with meekness receive the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
INSTRUCTION Of all the gifts that come from God, the most excellent is the gospel and regeneration in baptism, by which He has made us His children and heirs of heaven. How great is this honor, and how earnestly we should endeavor to preserve it! To hear the word of God, when preached to us in sermons, will aid our endeavors. The admonition of the apostle to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, contains true wisdom, for: In the multitude of words there shall not want sin; but he that refraineth his lips is most wise. (Prov. X. 19.)

Jeff Sessions Public Notice 2.0

Please share and post this Letter to US Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions as Public Notice given to him, President Trump, Secretary Mnuchin and Secretary Ross.  Feel free to compose your own letter.  Let these men know for certain that the horrifying betrayals of former Administrations are known and the mechanisms are ferreted out.  Let them know that the people of this country are not asleep and not standing still for this anymore.  

                                                                           May 13, 2017
                                                                            Big Lake, Alaska
United States Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions                                   
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Sessions:

It has come to my attention that certain banks have lied and made insupportable claims and accusations to the Treasury Department about the American states and people and also the Native nations that have treaties with the actual United States as well as the Territorial United States.

This insulting obstruction comes after Wells Fargo and its management has been for years in the past under the ownership of former United States Attorney Generals---- and should know better. Which prompts me to ask if you know better? Wells Fargo is a foreign securities investment firm operating under the trademarked name of a defunct bank it acquired, deliberately hiding its nature and identity so as to better defraud the unsuspecting people of this country.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Concept of Common Wealth

By Anna Von Reitz

The concept of common wealth has its roots buried deep in pre-history.  It is essentially the concept of sharing resources, and especially sharing community resources with the poor and the needy, so as to preserve family and community relationships.

By the time we encounter Biblical-Era Hebrew culture, the concept of common wealth is well-developed and defined.  The Hebrews are religiously bound to observe basic patterns of giving: 

A tenth of all received is given back as a tithe to the Levites.  The Levites in turn are charged with sharing of the offerings and "temple bread".

Thursday, May 11, 2017

For the British Prime Minister and Principle Parties

By Anna Von Reitz

These items are a simple communication presented to the British Prime Minister by the lawful government of the United States.  We consider the British Government responsible for much of the harm that has been done --- responsible, though in the current generation, not to blame.  We would like:
1.      Permanent cessation of any Territorial, Municipal, or Regional “citizenship” obligations being presumed upon the American people who are not by birth or actual occupation naturally subject to these foreign political statuses;
2.      The establishment of a non-invasive means of identifying American state nationals to distinguish between them and United States citizens at a glance, to expedite issuance of proper passports and travel IDs and also allowing for efficient administration of applicable law;  
3.      The end of registration and conscription of American state nationals into federal pension plans, e.g., “Social Security”, health insurance plans, and other corporate enrichment schemes executed under color of law as government mandates when in fact such mandates do not apply to them;

An Overlooked Truth About the Shemitah

By Anna Von Reitz

The Shemitah is a holy mystery associated with the “Sabbath of Years”.
Every Seventh Year in the Sacred Calendar of the Hebrews is what we farmers would call a “fallow year”.
The land is to lay fallow. The vinyards are to rest. People, too, are instructed to store up for the Shemitah, so that they can rest and the poor may be taken care of in the year without harvest.
The last day of the Shemitah Year falls on the last day of Elul, the 29th day of the sixth month in the Sacred Calendar.
This last day of the Shemitah Year is called “The Day of Remission” or “The Day of Nullification”.

A Canadian Leveraged Buy Out of the US Corp? Hahahahahahah!

From Anna Von Reitz

Today I was given a copy of a Ben Fulford story in which he floats the idea of a Canadian "Leveraged Buy Out" of the old US Corp.  


An "offer" brought to you by the same people who arranged to have you pay off their mortgages under conditions of violent fraud.  

I "counter-offer" that the Priority Creditors are here with their fully restored international standing, including their agricultural liens, and we are fully funded, too, so why not toddle on down the road and give someone else a good laugh? 

We understand the fraud, boys.  The jig is up.  

A full list of "items" will be forthcoming to the Prime Minister.   It won't include a Leveraged Buy Out by Canadians.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Common Law, COMMON LAW, English Common Law, American Common Law....

By Anna Von Reitz

Just the title should clue you in that, like everything else, there's common law, and then, there is COMMON LAW..... 

The Masters of Deceit have been at work. 

Common Law has its origins in the Stone Age.  It's the tradition, often verbal, that a group or tribe has established as its standard of justice over time.  Please note that such a standard applied to a Zulu Warrior standing before a gathering of his tribal elders is just as much the "common law" for him as British Common Law is for a Brit. 

For the Record, Rothschilds v. Rockefellers

By Anna Von Reitz

It isn't the Rothschilds that are primarily responsible for the misery and defrauding of America. It's the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, and all the other Players named yesterday in my explanation of the fraud process used to undermine and commandeer our institutions including our governmental organizations.
The Rothschilds are businessmen. They are there to make a deal. If they can make money or leverage an advantage, they take the shot, they win or they lose. They are, for the most part (some noted exceptions) rather jaundiced and jaded, unimpressed with money and all it means, merely very, very adroit users of money as a tool -- which is all that money is or was ever meant to be.
They, of all people on the planet, know what "money" and "credit" are, and also all the uses of "debt" and "securities".
But taken on the whole as an entire family, the Rothschilds are not particularly malevolent or ill-intended. They generally take the tack that good business results in profit for everyone. They'd rather milk the Cash Cow than kill it for the insurance money.

"A" Does Not Equal "A"

By Anna Von Reitz

The fact that the name "John Mark Doe" can function as either a Trade Name of a "vessel" belonging to one of the land jurisdiction states operating in international trade, or as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust belonging to the Territorial United States operating in international commerce, was the basis of the entire fraud  that FDR used to fleece your parents and grandparents out of everything they had--- their labor, their money, their land, and their peace.  

Since "John Mark Doe" looks exactly the same as "John Mark Doe" there is no way to tell the difference, except whatever anyone claims and can prove.  So they got your Mother to sign an undisclosed contract and they lied and told you that you had to sign up for "Social Security" when in fact you were never eligible and didn't want to apply.  And they took title and claim to everything including your DNA in exchange for nothing but their hot air. 

Similarly, there is little or no distinction visually or verbally between the unincorporated United States of America that our organic states are part of and a foreign for-profit corporation merely calling itself the United States of America (Inc.).

Are you "John Mark Doe" an innocent private non-citizen "vessel" belonging to one of the sovereign states of the unincorporated United States of America? 

Update on Cookie and a Couple Notes

By Anna Von Reitz

Cookie has returned home and her symptoms are much improved. She has dutifully gone to the lab and had blood drawn for a gozillion tests and is being examined with other diagnostic tests to find out exactly what is wrong.
It could be a number of things--- interference with the electric pulse or contractile status of her heart caused by an electrolyte imbalance or mechanical obstruction, enlargement of the heart, leaky valves in her heart or veins or arteries--- or even kidney failure, leading to excess water retention, toxicity, and strain on the heart....
We just don't know yet, but the search is on and the testing process has begun in earnest.
It's a difficult time for her, her family, and of course, her friends.
We all look forward to whatever relief there may be in finally having a name for the malady. It seems that for us mere mortals not knowing for sure what it is, is at least as bad as the illness itself.
It will be about a week before results start coming in and the process of diagnosis moves forward. Meantime, she is slowed down to a mere 1,000 rpm instead of her usual 10,000 rpm---- zippppp!
Slowing down is really hard for her. Almost comical. Imagine a Chihuahua running on a waxed floor suddenly having to think about this....? Oh, hey, I have to slow down.... and how do I do that?

The End of the "Re-Flagging" Controversy

By Anna Von Reitz

I apparently startled a great many people with the "news" that the "Stars and Stripes" war flag is not our flag---not at this time, and not at any time since 1814:

"From the loftiest point of its roof, during precisely three and a half hours of the forenoon, floats or droops, in breeze or calm, the banner of the republic; but with the thirteen stripes turned vertically, not horizontally......"    Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Introductory: The Customs House" , The Scarlet Letter, published 1850. 

In my article about the need to correct your political status (since your identity has been stolen and your political status deliberately misrepresented almost from birth) I also addressed the necessity of "re-flagging" your "vessel" to function in international trade instead of international commerce. 

The Very Brief Explanation of the Corruption Process

By Anna Von Reitz

This was sent to me by John Mayer as part of a detailed article about the feudalistic practice of pledging [which is discouraged and severely limited to one day’s worth of borrowing in scripture] and Colonel House, whose scandalous deceit and cruel calculation against the American people was explicitly described in the “Horse’s Mouth” article earlier this week on my website:

What follows is an excerpt that --- in only three paragraphs--- brilliantly describes the parties who colluded together to do this and the process they used to corrupt our federal government.  I can only add that this same process was used in a more general way to corrupt the churches, state governments, and county governments, too.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Now What With Puerto Rico?

By Anna Von Reitz

A couple days ago I announced that we forgave Puerto Rico's debts--- just paid them off and said, "God bless you."

This is because Puerto Rico has always been a Territory of the Territorial United States and a Commonwealth of Britain. 

We, the actual states and people, have no actual standing as priority creditors with respect to it in a bankruptcy situation, so we can't just come in as the Principal Party Creditors and seize upon the assets of Puerto Rico as we can with say, the State of Ohio. 

To say this another way, the State of Ohio, for example, owes us first and foremost and it owes us so much that no Secondary Creditor can hope to get  anything out of it once we show up--- and we have shown up.

But with Puerto Rico, this situation is different. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

What Every American Needs to Know About Sir Lancelot

By Anna Von Reitz

A lot of what you have learned in school and as part of your history simply isn't true and that is because you have been taught your history by liars who worship the Father of All Lies.  You know them as Kings and Queens of England, but they aren't really Kings and Queens of England, either.  They are homeless wandering sons of Cain, usurpers everywhere they go.

I have done my bit to further your education about American History and shared my digs and delves.  Now let's look a bit deeper into time and my husband's side of the family. 

First bit of news---- the Roman Empire didn't "fall" like a cake deflating in the oven.  It morphed and changed into a Christianized version of its old pagan self over the course of several centuries. 

A Message of Hope for Pope Francis

By Anna Von Reitz

For reasons I do not know, Our Father prompted me to write to you this morning.  

The message I have for you is a message of hope in very dark times. 

I am to tell you not to worry so much and to stop trying to take on so many burdens and to find so many answers all by yourself.  

Please observe that it is not given to Man to know all the answers.  There are many questions that we can't answer, in fact, the only question that we can ever reliably answer is -- "What?"   

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Who or What Is At the Bottom of All This?

By Anna Von Reitz

Who or What Is At the Bottom of All This?
Queen Victoria and Benjamin D'Israeli
The British Crown and the Dutch East India Company
The Great Abomination, aka, Semiramis, aka, Mystery Babylon
The Office of the Roman Pontiff
The Tax Collectors of the Pontifex Maximus -- aka Bar Associations
Clueless, Corrupt Politicians
Clueless, Corrupt Military Leaders
In more or less that order.......


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Church continues to rejoice and praise God for the Resurrection of Christ and sings accordingly at the Introit of this day's Mass:
INTROIT Shout with joy to God all the earth, alleluia: Sing ye a psalm to his name, alleluia. Give glory to his praise, alleluia, allel. allel. (Ps. LXV.) Say unto God: How terrible are thy works, O Lord! In the multitude of thy strength thy enemies shall lie to thee. Glory & c.
COLLECT O God, who showest the light of Thy truth to such as go astray, that they may return to the way of righteousness, grant that all, who profess the Christian name, may forsake what­ever is contrary to that profession, and closely pursue what is agreeable to it. Through etc.
EPISTLE (I Peter II. 11-19.) Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims to refrain yourselves from carnal desires, which war against the soul, having your conversation good among the Gen­tiles: that whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may, by the good works which they shall, behold in you, glorify God in the day of visitation. Be, ye subject therefore to every human creature for God's sake: whether it be to the king as excelling, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of the good: for so is the will of God, that by doing well you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not as making liberty a cloak for malice, but as the servants of God. Honor all men: Love the brotherhood: Fear God: Honor the king. Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thanks‑worthy, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Final Reply to Thomas Deegan

By Anna Von Reitz

I have given you the facts. You can dislike the facts all you like, but they remain the facts.  

The government you were promised and which you are still owed was overthrown at the federal level in 1860.  Period.  Take that fact in. 

Since then, it has been under the assault of a slow, insidious usurpation that came to another head circa 1953 when the land rightfully belonging to our states was declared "abandoned" and the rats pretended that the actual owners were "unknown" and rolled it into a giant land trust which they borrowed against.   Take that fact in. 

Your Right to Travel Freely - State V Marple

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't usually do this, but today, I am passing on the fruit of someone else's hard work--- at his request.  For years now, New Hampshire Representative Marple has been leading the fight to preserve basic freedoms guaranteed to the people of his state for generations--- the right to travel freely, the right to keep and bear arms---- all those basic rights that we have taken too much for granted.  He is currently doing battle in the court system, as he has done battle in the chambers of the state legislature.  It is a fight we all need to be aware of and in whatever ways we can--- need to support.  

When more elected members of the Territorial and Municipal Governments stand up and stop being led around by the nose--when they clearly realize as Representative Marple has, what is truly at stake--- the opportunity for meaningful dialogue and peaceful resolution of the current situation expands exponentially.  These links will bring you up to date fast.  I am also in receipt of a copy of the most recent pleadings which I am attaching (see below) as they contain an absolute gold mine of information and support for those working on right to travel and similar basic rights issues.

Please share these links regarding NH  Rep Marple's court appearance  with anyone concerned.

Bad News: World War I and II Happened

By Anna Von Reitz

You don't want to believe that your government, your dear, dear sainted government, would kill you?
Well, the facts are in front of your face.
It's not really your government. It hasn't been your government since 1860. Two rival gangs of mostly-European commercial banks and trading companies set up an illegal commercial mercenary "war" on our soil and got away with it. They called it the "American Civil War" but the fact is that it was never declared by Congress and never settled via any peace treaty. It was a crime and it still is.

We are living through the backwash of an illegal and unresolved conflict that is now over 150 years old.
On the way here we have endured multiple fraudulent "national bankruptcies", two equally illegal World Wars, and constant lesser conflicts---Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, Libya, Afghanistan....
Prior to the Second World War the Nazis based their economy on investments made by the German People themselves---German banks, German aristocrats, German Jews--- and sold bonds based on the labor and assets of the German people to international investors, too.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Best Explanation of "The System" -- Right From the Horse's Mouth

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone please go to this link and spend five minutes to listen to this explanation of the "System"----- by the author of it's American version,  Colonel House. 

This explicitly and simply explains what has been done to you and how and why and by whom and when.  

Be sure to read the accompanying article which further details the history, meaning, make-up, and operations of the "Federal Reserve" and the banking system as a whole.  

This entire presentation is worthy of memorizing.  

And so is Melvin Stamper's book, Fruit From a Poisonous Tree.   He didn't get it all, but he came close--- and he explained what he did know very well.   

Those who are serious about getting to the root cause of what has gone wrong in America and in the world at large need to deeply contemplate the information presented in these brief resources.  

I am truly grateful to the authors/organizers of the Galactic Connection for doing such a bang-em-up job with this presentation of key information everyone in this country ought to have and know as well as they know the "Pledge of Allegiance" that Colonel House used to further indoctrinate and complete his system of feudal "pledging" and eternal debt. 

General Dunford, Mr. Trump, Everyone Concerned ---Courage Is The First Virtue

By Anna Von Reitz

The Ancient Romans taught that "Courage is the first virtue."   Why?  Because without courage, you can't guarantee any other virtue.  You will be subject to whomever or whatever can frighten you the most.  At their bidding and because of your fear, you will bow to whatever evil any vile creature in the universe can imagine. 

For that reason, it is imperative that you drive out all fear.  

There are profoundly evil men--- I won't even call them "men"--- rather, there are evil creatures, among us.  Monsters in the bodies of men.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

MAINSTREAM - Progress Report of 04 May 2017 - GUNS won't protect your KIDS from BRAINWASHING


How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda

by James Jaeger  


May 4, 2017 update from Documentary Filmmaker James Jaeger: