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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Short Answer....

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here's the short answer. The Brits misidentify us as British Territorial US Citizens as if we were born in Puerto Rico. The Pope then "buys" an interest in us as presumed British Commonwealth Citizens, including our names and estates, by posting a bond equal in value to our birth weight in gold.
We are thus placed into bondage by the Roman Municipal Corporation that operates out of the Municipality of Washington, DC. This works like a penal bond and guarantees our "performance" as a slave throughout our lifetimes to pay off the debts of the Municipal Government.
The posting of the gold results in the issuance of a Bearer Bond which is bought and sold by the Federal Reserve System and now by the IMF operating as the "United States Treasury" ----as a gold-backed commercial commodity, and also results in the issuance of a Clearinghouse Certificate, which you know as your Birth Certificate. The Birth Certificate has the number of the Bearer Bond attached to it.
The idea is that you should be able to present the Certificate (to your own name) and present that amount of gold (your birth weight in ounces of gold) and buy back "your" bond and thereby become a Free Man again. (Which you would, if you knew about any of this.)
There are lots of problems which immediately present themselves.
(1) We, Americans, are not British Territorial Citizens and not members of the British Commonwealth system.
(2) This system of unknowing peonage and enslavement is against international law and is in fact a capital crime under both The Geneva Conventions and The Hague Conventions.
(3) This sort of peonage and enslavement has been outlawed worldwide since 1926.
(4) You, and more importantly, your Mothers, were never given full disclosure about any of this, so it's all self-interested international fraud against babies in their cradles.
(5) So, you were defrauded as a baby in your cradle and sold into de facto slavery by foreign "service" corporations, that are supposed to be here abiding by the Constitutions.
(6) They tried to excuse this as a "usufructuary relationship" but failed that test, because the subject of the usufruct (you and your estate) has suffered a lot of damage.
(7) They finally said that all the "extra" Territorial and Municipal PERSONS they created in our names were "gifts" -- that is, that the Pope created these bonded PERSONS for our benefit as gifts.
(😎 They basically had to claim this to try to legalize what they've done and avoid the noose.
(9) To add insult to injury, the gold that the Pope used to "purchase" you, was your gold.
(10) Now we are closing in on the rats and they are being compelled to do a 180 degree tailspin with a double flip.
(11) They now owe us considerably more than Midas ever had, and the problem becomes how to relieve people without collapsing the value of the currencies with hyperinflation.
(12) The prepaid Vendor Card takes the phony debt off the shoulders of Americans without wholesale hyperinflation, which would harm Americans instead of helping them.
(13) All wrong-headed ideas apart from our measured and disciplined approach results in the collapse of the world economy, which would kill billions of innocent people.
(14) Groups of people in every country are setting up at least one International Trade Bank and a Commercial Bank owned and operated by their Trade Bank.
(15) This Bilateral Banking System allows us to trade in lawful money and also to transact using commercial script, and still stand under the Public Law.
(16) Bringing everything and everyone back under the Public Law guarantees an end to bank malfeasance and theft of private property.
So, that, in a nutshell is what has happened and what is going on, if you can follow along and read the tea leaves.


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Remember ---Our Warning About SEDM Materials

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have provided the Assemblies with the SEDM "Bible" --- with the warning that it is written from the perspective of a Federal Citizen. It applies to them, not to us. It gives us insight into their system, not ours.
Don't get confused and start using SEDM material with references to our stance and status, because it does not apply to us.
It applies to THEM and is to be used as a reminder of their self-published obligations ---- we are not at all obligated by any of these Federal Laws, except in the very rare cases where we are engaged in federally regulated activities. Period.
We are not "Taxpayers" for example. We are not Federal Employees nor are we Federal Dependents. We are not "Voters" --- we are "Electors".
As exhaustive and enlightening as the SEDM materials are in casting light onto the Federal laws and processes, we are Americans. Not Federales.
And Americans don't do "Affidavits" when they are standing on the land and soil of this country. Americans do "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit".
Americans standing under the Public Law have no reason to reference the private law of the corporations, except to remind them of their own published obligations.
As Amendment XI provides --- Americans are not responsible for knowing or obeying any foreign law and the only reason we reference SEDM materials is to shed light on the foreign corporate laws that are supposed to be binding upon our Employees, not us.
Pay attention to our side of the argument, which is basically, that as long as we are denominating all our money as lawful money and not engaged in federally regulated (for us) activities, we have no obligation to obey their private corporate laws. They have an obligation to obey our Public Laws, including the Constitutions.
All Americans need to remember and assert that they are exempt from 90% of all "federal laws". The only federal laws that apply to Americans (as opposed to U.S. Citizens) are those published in the Congressional Record (8-10% of all federal laws). The bulk of federal laws published in the Federal Register (90-92%) don't apply.
And of those 8-10% of all federal laws that do apply to Americans, they only apply if we are engaged in federally-connected and regulated activities.
So reminder to everyone in receipt of the SEDM materials --- those materials are about THEM, not about us. Apply them as reminders to all federal officials, but do NOT subscribe, submit, or imagine that these forms, practices, or procedures apply to us. They have been provided to the Assemblies to inform the Assemblies of what the Federal practices and requirements for Federal Employees are.

They say virtually nothing about us or how our government is set up and what requirements we have as Americans standing under the Public Law. To fully inform yourselves as to the contract between us and them, learn the two Constitutions that are readily available to you.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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In Memory Of Robert David Steele

 By Anna Von Reitz

The mainstream is out in full hue and cry, crowing that Robert David Steele, affectionately known as "RDS" -- died of a disease he never believed in, but in the current atmosphere, we don't even know for sure that RDS is dead, much less what he died of.
We do know that the treatment they gave him was not the treatment he repeatedly requested: Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. We do know that they put him on a ventilator, and that ventilators kill lung patients on a regular basis, simply by being improperly adjusted.
There were always questions about Robert. He openly admitted his shadow past as a CIA agent and informant. We were led to believe that he was a good guy who turned against his old pals, and that is certainly how he lived his life for the past dozen years or so. He became a white hat's White Hat in a sea of black hats and did such laudatory things as exposing the theft of trillions of dollars by Wall Street insiders, Goldman-Sachs, and banks.
His attack on the Securities and Exchange Commission is second only to those similar exposures made by his British counterpart, Christopher Storey, who proclaimed to the world a simple truth that everyone has yet to hear: "Securitization is illegal!"
RDS always claimed that, while he believed my integrity --- probably because of the way I answered questions more than the content of what we were talking about --- he never understood how it all went together, and how the American Government was different than the US Government.
Now, it wasn't that he couldn't intellectually understand the relatively simple facts I was laying out. It was that he couldn't agree with it in public, as an officer and a gentleman who was still holding a commission. He couldn't "understand" in the legal sense of that word, yet he wanted to help me get the word out to people who would be able to understand and help change the world.
God bless him for that. He was sticking his neck out and he knew it and did it anyway.
We had a falling out of sorts late in our relationship, over the "Arise, America!" tour. He wanted us to get more exposure for the Assembly Process, so he invited us to participate in that, too, but it quickly grew and changed into a multimedia Hollywood-style blitz with professional lighting and sound crews and multi-million dollar budgets.
It wasn't our style of operation any more and for people scrabbling around spending money on brochures and renting meeting spaces, it was too rich for our blood, so we withdrew. We didn't mean to have our motives for that withdrawal questioned, as it really was a no-brainer.
Our idea of a "nationwide tour" is the old-fashioned kind, where you take a couple of buses, half a dozen talented people, and roll from community to community, setting up educational programs in town halls and school gymnasiums and church basements, hand out more educational materials and contact information and roll on..... a "bologna sandwich" kind of tour, where there aren't any celebrities, sound stages, and a hundred roadies to carry it all.
Our idea of a nationwide tour is more like a High School Variety Show, less like a Hollywood movie.

I explained that to RDS, but he was convinced that what he was offering us was the Big Time and he got angry amid the constantly changing and expanding parameters of the endeavor.
He said he would never speak to me again, and now there is little doubt that's true. I am sorry for that. I'll miss his constant updates. His generous spirit. His upbeat, energetic attitude.
Much as he believed me, but couldn't understand me, I will raise a glass to him, too.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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8.30.21: A WEEK to REMEMBER! Emotional OVERLOAD on ALL LEVELS! Pray!