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Questions and Answers for Assemblies


By Anna Von Reitz

Many Coordinators are also electing themselves Recording Secretaries.  Is there a conflict of interest?   It's not a conflict of interest for a State Coordinator or any other State National to work as a Recording Secretary; State Nationals can function in many roles and take on a lot of work and responsibility within their State Government.  They cannot, however, officially vote on international issues impacting their State.  

Can a state Coordinator also be a County Coordinator?   There are no County level Coordinators, because Coordinators work directly for The United States of America in international jurisdiction and counties have no international interface.  Remember our discussion about how the Founder's gave the counties the highest authority over local law, but then isolated the counties so that they could not make separate deals to sell out to foreign interests?  

If you think about it, you can see that there were little enclaves all over the country that might have, at the county level, sold out to the French or the English or the Papists or the Dutch Government--- so, it was imperative to stop the counties from being "picked off". Leaving the county government in charge of what went on at the county level, but isolating the counties so that they had no access to an international interface or authority except through their own State Government, is how our Forefathers got around this and assured that our counties remained together, intact, and ultimately, in charge.  

County Assemblies are populated as the State Assembly is populated, so people serve as County Assemblymen and women as more and more people come in through the State Assembly process.  It is then up to them to hold meetings and discuss local issues and begin the process of establishing their county courts, electing their Assembly Sheriffs and organizing county militia units. 

Can a State Justice also be a County Justice?   It's possible for someone to act as a State Justice and as a County Justice of the Peace, but these are not in the same jurisdiction, so could not be managed at the same time -- you would have to give up one office to occupy the other.  So rather than do what the sea courts do, by going into another room and putting on a different hat without telling anyone, I would advise everyone to help each other in terms of educating people to build up a core of State Justices who can train County Justices of the Peace.  We can do training for the Justices as an online course. 

Should we be forcing people to sign "Membership Agreements"? ---- No, the only Membership Agreements are Notices to the Public as I have explained many times before.  The Assembly publishes what the Assembly is about as a sort of "Mission Statement" -- an example is published as part of the Jural Assembly Handbook-- and those joining the Assembly are given copies as part of the process of joining the Assembly.  All State Assemblies rest upon the founding principles of The Declaration of Independence, and people are expected to know and accept these principles upon joining an assembly. It is not a "membership agreement" in the sense of joining a spa.  This is a Public Assembly, a body politic, not a private club.  

I am confused about State Nationals and State Citizens -- how are they different?   Only State Citizens can vote on international issues impacting the State. This is why State Citizens are not allowed to have any other conflicting attachments to any other government. They have to have a free hand and free conscience in deciding issues at an international level that impact the State they live in.  State Citizens also share the responsibility of conducting and organizing elections, setting up and maintaining oversight of the courts, and also organizing and regulating the State Assembly Militia. One way to look at it is that the State Citizens are the business managers of the State, conducting its business with other States.  They are known as the "People" so as to distinguish them from the whole political corpus of the State including the State Nationals known as the "people".   

A State has many local issues that are endemic to it, that are best addressed and answered by the people who live there, but occasionally, issues arise where a State must be represented internationally, which in our country includes interstate issues.  So, for example, if Jackson County has a squabble with five adjoining counties over surface water rights, this is "domestic" to the State and is a local issue for the State.  A jury composed of State Nationals and State Citizens chosen at random is competent to address such issues, because the counties all lie within the State and no international issues are involved. 

However, as has recently occurred with our efforts to address long overdue "housekeeping" matters, States also sometimes need to address squabbles or agreements with other States.  This is the special province of State Citizens.  Thus, it has arisen that many Western States and even a few Eastern States like West Virginia, have not been officially enrolled as States of the Union, because they were formed during or after the Civil War, and no provision for a Continental Congress or Roll Call Vote of the States existing prior to the Civil War was made.  Thus all these other new States have been in a perpetual holding pattern as what I call "States-in-Waiting", and they have been held under presumption of custodianship of the Territorial Government per the Northwest Ordinance as a result.  

Only our States can welcome them into the Union, and our States were not in Session.  

Now that our Assemblies are properly populated by declared and qualified State Citizens, the older States of the Union and their State Citizens are enabled to welcome and officially admit the Post-Civil War States as complete and enrolled States of the Union.  This is an interstate/international issue, so only the State Citizens, also known as "the People", can resolve the issue for everyone concerned.  

That is also why the Preamble to the Constitutions begins with "We, the People".  The Principals who bound their States to the Constitutional Agreements were acting as State Citizens and they were acting in international jurisdiction on behalf of their States.  To this day, State Citizens are the ones who are "party to" the Federal Constitutions, and they remain the only ones who can enforce the Federal Constitutions for the rest of us.  

It is therefore of Prime Concern for people who are eligible to act as State Citizens to do so, and for them to undertake all the duties and exercise all the rights that go with the responsibility of representing their State in international venues.  State Nationals can and do support the State Government to a very large extent, but when it comes to international matters, the State Citizens must step to the fore. 

This obligation to serve the State's Interest in international jurisdiction is the most fundamental and important difference between the State Nationals and the State Citizens.  The word "citizen" always indicates a duty to serve a government, in this case, a "State Citizen" serves the State government. A State National does not have the same obligations or singular allegiances. 

Can a State Assembly throw a disruptive member out by a vote?  State Assemblies are Public, not private. Nobody and nothing can hinder an American from choosing their political status and being part of their State Assembly, either as a State National or as a State Citizen.  This fact was also underlined for administrators of the Territorial Government by Executive Order #13132.  These disruptive people have the right to claim and enjoy the responsibilities and rights of their chosen political status like everyone else.  However, the State Assembly also has reasonable rights and responsibilities to conduct business and cannot allow itself to be commandeered or "held captive" by one or however many disruptive people. How do you resolve this situation?  By adopting Rules of Order and publishing an Agenda prior to your meetings.  You can, upon provocation, remove disruptors from individual meetings.  You should also use the Bevins Declaration to identify and appropriately limit participation by Federal citizens, and hold separate Public Meetings apart from Business Meetings of State Citizens. 

In the Old Days, both kinds of meetings were typically held on the same day and ran sequentially.  The Business Meeting would be held before or after the Public Meeting at the convenience of the State Citizens.  Any international (also interstate) business and any questions related to the running of elections, or oversight or organization of the courts and militias, typically takes place at this regular Business Meeting. Occasionally, as when the States are asked to take a Roll Call Vote, special Business Meetings may be called.  Public Meetings should be welcoming and happy events geared toward "local" State issues---- management of public resources and assets, surface water use, development of infrastructure, etc., etc., etc., --- these are also business issues, but don't concern international or interstate business.  Doing it this way and making sure that everyone understands the difference between the role of the State Citizens and the role of State Nationals, ensures that the business before the State Assemblies gets handled correctly and efficiently.  

How does a State like Texas, with over 200 counties,  conduct business using grassroots organizations in this day and age?  We used to send "deputies" to meetings at the State Capitol.  These "deputies" were all State Citizens selected by their County Assemblies to vote for their counties on whatever issues came up.  Deputies are Fiduciary Officers, unlike "Representatives", and are always obligated to act under "The Prudent Man Standard" ---- meaning that they wouldn't spend out of the Public Purse any more or in any different fashion than a prudent man would spend out of his own. Nowadays, we can conduct these meetings in the comfort of our homes using teleconferences, though the rules and the roles remain the same. 
Thus, our officials are elected to act as deputies and as fiduciary officers, and they are charged to conduct business in our best interest, while Territorial and Municipal representatives are shareholder proxies--- typically left with no specific instructions on any given issue--- and not strictly obligated to perform according to their instructions, even if instructions are issued.  They are not bound by The Prudent Man Standard, and can charge as much as they like against their "constituents" and tax them accordingly.  

Thankfully for us, we are here to collapse and collect the State Trusts they created and used as collateral "in our names" before these foreign practices can bear their fruit against us and against our assets. 


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