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Saturday, January 27, 2024

International Public Notice: Country v. Territory

 By Anna Von Reitz

Territorial land is different in that it is held in a custodial capacity and occupies a different jurisdiction -- for example, Puerto Rico is a Territory of The United States, but politically, it is a British Commonwealth.  

So all this while, the British Raj (Territorial Government) has been acting as a British Protectorate and establishing a Territory to rule over Australia the country, using the corporations Australia, Inc. and AUSTRALIA (INC.) to administer this Protectorate, and it has been established under the idea that the people failed to set up a new government after the end of the Commonwealth. 

So, you have the country, Australia, which appears on old maps as Terra Australis (Latin version), and you have the Territorial Protectorate, also called Australia, and you have Australia, Inc. and AUSTRALIA (INC.) all in the mix. 

Here we have the country known as The United States (National) and also as The United States of America (International) and we have the United States of America (British Territorial United States) and the United States (Papist Municipality) and the United States, Inc., and the United States of America, Inc., and the UNITED STATES and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc., etc. 

Between the incorporated and unincorporated versions and all these similar names, it gets very confusing, but the bottom line is: 

Australia, aka, Terra Australis, is a country. 
Australia is also the name of the territory claimed and protected by Australia.
Australia, Inc. is a British Crown Corporation.
AUSTRALIA, INC. is a Roman Municipal Corporation. 

The essential difference between "Australia" the country and "Australia" the territory, is the political status of the people who live in the country versus the political status of the persons inhabiting a separate part of the country, and to understand this, you must understand the British Caste System.  

Men and women live in the country. They have Natural and Unalienable Rights. They are free men and women.
Humans, male and female, inhabit the territory.  They are indentured servants, public or otherwise.  They have timed tours of duty. 
Corporations known as PERSONS inhabit municipal districts, parishes, etc. They are slaves, public or otherwise. 

Thus, a territory is a denigration of a country and humans who inhabit territories are a denigration of man

Corporate PERSONS represent a further denigration of political status. Municipal CORPORATIONS named after humans, are slaves, and so MARTIN L. FUZZBOTTLE is a denigration of the human Person named Martin L. Fuzzbottle, and this version of "Martin L. Fuzzbottle" is a denigration of the living man whose Given Name is Martin L. Fuzzbottle. 

Example, Norfolk Island is a Territory of Australia; for the period of time that Norfolk Island is Subject to Australia (in the same sense as a "British Subject") the men and women living and being born on Norfolk Island are considered to be "humans" and "Persons" with the same political status as indentured servants of members of the military during their Tours of Duty.  Like members of the military, these Persons have titles and ranks: Mister, Missus, Sergeant, Attorney, General, Doctor, The Honorable, Captain, Judge, and so on.  They are employees, paid or unpaid, of the Territorial Government. 

So, what happens when an entire country, like Australia, is reduced to the level of being a territory without the knowledge or consent of the people living there?  A form of peonage is established, in which everyone living in Australia is deemed to be a "Person" -- that is, merely a human male or female, equivalent to an indentured servant, known as a Citizen.  Their labor, land, and other assets are seized upon by the King or other Principal, and "income taxes" are imposed as a means to siphon off the value of the people's labor for the King. They excuse this as a "condition of your employment" but of course, don't necessarily bother to give you a paycheck. 

Thus, it is a form of feudal serfdom arbitrarily imposed on the otherwise free people of Australia by a foreign power, in this case, the British Territorial Government.  

Peonage has been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and most of the developed world, it has been outlawed for the better part of 200 years; however, they have skirted around this by pretending that this is "voluntary" and that you contractually agreed to this by filing tax reports --- albeit, without the benefit of disclosure, just as they presume that you agreed to be dubbed a "human" based on unconscionable contracts imposed upon you when you were still a baby in your cradle. 

Let's take a look at this using their dictionary so that they expose what they are up to: 

Legal definition of "country" --- Black's Law, Admiralty:  

The portion of the earth’s surface occupied by an independent nation or people; or the inhabitants of such territory.   (Here we see that "country" refers to the geographical and physical portion of the Earth we live in, whereas "territory" is a political jurisdiction that is inhabited.)

Legal definition of "territory" -- Black's Law, Admiralty

A part of a country separated from the rest, and subject to a particular jurisdiction. (Here again, a territory is a political jurisdiction, meaning that it is inchoate -- an incomplete jurisdiction separated from the actual land and soil and general jurisdiction of a country.) 

Legal definition of "inhabitant" -- Black's Law, Admiralty

One who resides actually and permanently In a given place, and has his domicile there.

Legal definition of "resident" and "domicile" -- Black's Law, Admiralty

"Resident: one who has his residence in a place. “Resident” and “inhabitant” are distinguishable in meaning. The word “inhabitant” implies a more fixed and permanent abode than does “resident;” and a resident may not be entitled to all the privileges or subject to all the duties of an inhabitant."

Additionally:  "Living or dwelling in a certain place permanently or for a considerable length of time. The place where a man makes his home, or where he dwells permanently or for an extended period of time. The difference between a residence and a domicile may not be capable of easy definition; but every one can see at least this distinction: A person domiciled in one state may, for temporary reasons, such as health, reside for one or more years in some other place deemed more favorable."

Such as a British Merchant Sailor living for a period of years in America to perform as a Customs Agent. 

In fact, in Land Law, a "resident" is equivalent to a "sojourner" --- someone passing through and merely living in a place for an undetermined length of time. This is made clear in the American "Residence Act" which provides for members of foreign governments and their families to "reside" in this country while they are here providing essential services we agreed to receive under the various Federal Constitutions.  

Now let's look at "domicile" which sheds additional light: 

"In international law, “domicile” means a residence at a particular place, accompanied with positive or presumptive proof of intending to continue there for an unlimited time. State v. Collector of Bordentown, 32 N. J. Law, 192.”Domicile” and “residence” are not synonymous. The domicile is the home, the fixed place of habitation; while residence is a transient place of dwelling. Bartlett v. New York. 5 Sandf. (X. Y.) 44.The domicile is the habitation fixed in any place villi an intention of always staying there, while simple residence is much more temporary in its character. New York v. Genet, 4 Ilun (N. Y.) 4S9."

As you can see, these definitions are wobbly at best, and probably purposefully so, to more easily facilitate the imposition of denigrated political statuses on living people--- and the accompanying Legal Presumptions of Feudalism, too. 

These venal practices have been engaged in by the British Government and the British Crown Corporation and the Holy See under a cloak of secrecy, for the simple reason that these denigrations of political status are already recognized as being both illegal and unlawful, and have been recognized as such for a long time. Such manipulation and conversion of a man's native political status is recognized as a capital crime under the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions, both -- hence the need to hide their activities in Australia, America, and elsewhere behind a "cloak of secrecy".   

The pretense that acceptance of these denigrations is voluntary, while also being unconscionable, is ludicrous, and amounts to a Highwayman claiming that, "She gave me her purse."  --- at the point of a rapier.  

It is time for this nonsense to end and for the corporations and governments and the Principals responsible for these horrific practices and injustices to be brought to justice, also.  It is apparent that all three institutions-- the British Government, the British Crown Corporation, and the Holy See -- have gone rogue and have attempted to establish a form of Corporate Feudalism by which they hope to rule the entire world, effectively by denigrating the population of this planet in a manner favorable to themselves, via a surreptitious process of unlawfully converting entire countries into territories, leading to entire living populations of men and women being denigrated as "Humans" and "Persons" and then being further denigrated as PERSONS, meaning Municipal Corporations. 

The denigration pattern is as follows: 

Joseph Allen Palmer (Man) is denigrated to Joseph Allen Palmer (Territorial Person) and further denigrated to JOSEPH ALLEN PALMER (Municipal Corporation).  Australia (the Country) is denigrated to Australia (a Territory) and thence to AUSTRALIA (a Municipal Corporation). 

All this venal wordplay is worth what it is written on and needs to be expunged.  Those who have promoted this fraud scheme beneficial to themselves need to be exposed for what they are and dealt with as criminals together with the bankers that have supported them in these activities. None of this could have been done without the complicity of the banks and certain bankers who have certainly known that what they were doing was both criminal and outrageous. Their excuse that living flesh was somehow magically converted into paper and that this gave them permission to securitize flesh is in the realm of lunacy. 

Likewise, the members of the Bar Associations worldwide who have knowingly collaborated with and acted as the enforcers and implementers of this scheme against humanity must be severely dealt with.  They, if anyone, have known the basis upon which millions of false claims in commerce have been made, have known that they were involved in illegal confiscation and enforcing bills of attainder, have been aware of the noxious and logically insupportable British Caste System, and have known that there was no excuse for "conferring" any territorial status on other countries and establishing unnecessary "military protectorates" within their borders to expedite this scheme. 

And as for the military, they may not have known that the foregoing monsters had unlawfully converted them into mercenary forces, but they have cause to know it now, and they are in fact responsible for taking appropriate action to remove these false and vacated authorities, or they shall be complicit themselves and subject to prosecution for treason against these countries and people, and crimes against humanity.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 27th 2024


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About Cash and More

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, the banks are running out of cash--in a sense.  The Federal Reserve Banks have been restricting delivery of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES to the tributary banks for the past three years, causing many smaller banks to fail.  

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are evidence of their debt, so obviously, if they can get you to return their I.O.U. to them without actually paying for it, they are ahead of the game. 

The more FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES they can withdraw from the market and from circulation, the less their liability. 

So of course they are "failing" to produce new fiat debt note currency and withdrawing as much fiat currency as they can from circulation and cutting back on supplies to banks, too.  

And trying desperately to find a narrative that will make people willing to surrender their cash or, better yet, from their perspective, throw it away. 

Ridiculous, you say?  How about a Disease X that could be passed from hand to hand via the physical exchange of filthy lucre?  

They've already thought of that one. 

They want to get rid of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES because they are evidence of debt.  They want to get rid of cash, too, because then they could utterly control you and limit and micromanage your lives for their benefit. 

For 160-plus years, the Federal Reserve has been selling a purported ownership interest in the labor of British Territorial U.S. Citizens (and every American in sight that they can impersonate). 

They have been siphoning off the value of our labor which is our asset as collateral backing their debt notes --- which means that they have created a system of peonage. 

Peonage has been illegal since 1926.  It is also illegal to securitize living flesh, but they have done that, too, by pretending that we magically ceased to be living men and women.

According to them, we knowingly and voluntarily adopted the status of  "humans" -- and, much to your surprise, humans are not people. 

Humans are imaginary second-class legal fiction persons. They have no Natural and Unalienable Rights, nor any Constitutional Guarantees, either. 
Instead, they have Human Rights, but as humans don't actually exist, their rights are rather sketchy, too. 

According to the Illusionists responsible for this nonsense, not only have you, average Americans, been transformed into humans, males and females instead of men and women, but you are British Subjects, too.  

According to them.  

Pardon us for thinking that we already had that discussion.  For eight years, 1776 to 1783.

On top of this, we should be grateful for the same political and social standing as indentured servants.  It could be worse.  We might be subhumans--- which don't exist, either, but having slipped one cog, what's another? 

Subhumans are the denigrated form of humans, and they are most often represented as civil servants or franchise corporations or both. They have no Natural and Unalienable Rights and no Human Rights, but are instead granted Civil Rights, which aren't really rights at all.  They are privileges. 

Privileges are granted or taken away at the whim of the Grantor.  Donald Trump suspended Civil Rights in this country with the stroke of a pen.  Poof! 

And La-Dee-Dah. 

Congress could have done the same thing, and has on occasion. 

The fundamental thing we all need to notice is that neither humans nor subhumans exist. 

It's all bunk.  And we've even nailed down precisely where the bunk came from. Two Roman Catholic Popes who died hundreds of years ago. 

Their intricate court systems are designed to coerce, fleece, and punish these phantasms -- that don't actually exist. 

Codes, statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules and mandates are all designed to control and punish these second and third-class persons that don't actually exist.  

So the courts that propose to deal with humans and subhumans are out to lunch in La-La-Land, too. 

All of this is Make Believe. A Kingdom of Lies. 

Who needs a Tin Hat and a straight jacket now?

You, or the entire membership of the American Bar Association?  

Think of the humans and subhumans at the bottom of the pile, who toil endlessly for I.O.U.s disguised as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES that are not only never repaid, but don't even have a due date printed on them?  

It may not be happy news, but there it is.  The Truth about the modern caste system and the ego-driven insanity that creates and sustains it. 

If you want to live in a world where you are not obliged to shadowbox with someone else's delusions and pay their debts for them, too, come home to your birthright political status and run your own government:


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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