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Monday, April 30, 2018

Regarding the Israeli-Iran Document Dump

By Anna Von Reitz

Nuclear weapons are obsolete.  They have been obsolete for decades.  They are sitting around in rusting towers all over this planet connected by MS-DOS software that was in use thirty years ago.   

Does everyone clearly understand that?  It's possible that they could be deployed, but then, it's possible that I'll take up table dancing, too.  

Defense systems have moved waaaaay beyond nuclear weapons, so far beyond that the biggest controversy about nuclear weapons today is how to safely dispose of them. 

Iran is not stupid.  Iran has some of the best mathematicians and scientists in the world.  Iran knows that nuclear weapons are obsolete, horribly expensive, pollution nightmares, and under international sanctions.

It would be like sneaking around building contraband whale oil lamps. The whole idea of Iran coveting nuclear weapons is ludicrous. 

Trillionaires for a Day

By Anna Von Reitz

To all the BS surrounding "GCRs" and "RVs" and "NESARA/GESARA" I wish to call a halt. 

The Central Bankers and their buddies are the ones who owe the debts, because they are the ones who profited from the gross misapplication of assets both before and after both World Wars and from the inflation this malfeasance has caused.  

Since when did you or I ever "benefit" from inflation? 

Since when did we get to "create money" by entering digits in a ledger? 

Since when did we get to exchange our I.O.U's for gold and silver under force of legal tender "laws"---and then go bankrupt, taking the gold and silver with us?  

The Flannelmouths Among Us

By Anna Von Reitz

The description "flannelmouth" used to be pretty common.  It was applied to all the politically correct wishy-washies who "couldn't say shit if they had a mouth full of it" and who began appearing in larger and larger numbers after the Second World War.  

These people are always careful to not offend anyone, to "mouth over" everything repeatedly and never say or do anything that might be considered controversial or violent or unpopular.  

These are the people Ben Franklin spoke of when he said those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. 

Insight for Churches, LLC's, S-Corps, Foundations, Trusts and Cooperatives

By Anna Von Reitz

If you have "incorporated" your business, you have given it away to those who offered you a charter and the "benefits" of a charter, which include bankruptcy protection--- mainly---- and the corporate veil, meaning that what you have in your incorporated business is all that you are putting at risk in conducting that business. 

Except for very large businesses engaged in risky business none of this adds up to any advantage worth spitting on, but the members of the Bar Association have been soliciting and advising everyone to jump on board and "incorporate" everything from dog kennels to Mom and Pop convenience stores. 

Why?  Since it offers no actual and substantial benefit for the small fry? 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Choose Your Court --- Before or After "Equity"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have devoted several articles to the evils of British Equity Courts, mainly deriving from the fact that the judges in such courts are allowed to act as Proxies for the British King and everyone in such a court is "presumed" to be a British Subject --- therefore the judges can do whatever they please without restraint by the actual written law at all.  

This is a gross abuse of power left in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats, many of whom in our case at least, have no proper training in law of any kind thanks to the imposition and spread of the quasi-military tribunals created by the Territorial United States Congress in the wake of the so-called Civil War. 

Yet, we have known that the rats had to leave an "out" for themselves, a means by which they could inflict this evil upon others, yet leave an escape route for their own use.  Here it is: 

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania holds the power of the King's Bench as it was in 1722 --- before the Admiralty Law was allowed to pollute British Common Law and before judges were allowed to sit as proxies for the King.  This is where the rats bring their business when they want justice. 

The Facts of Life

By Anna Von Reitz

The criminals responsible for creating and running the banking system have been given over thirty (30) years Notice to correct their operations. Three decades.  A whole generation.  

For the past two decades, they have been under Due Process and Commercial Lien. 

Instead of correcting anything they have doubled down and right now, they are trying to pull off yet another diabolical fraud scheme designed to save themselves and cheat the American States and People and everyone else on this planet.  

They hope to do exactly what they want to do --- at our expense, again.  

I am openly, unequivocally, without the least little bit of apology, calling for the worldwide arrest and prosecution of the bankers responsible for this. That such a self-serving answer is even on the table is offense enough.

What the "Federal Reserve System" Did to You

By Anna Von Reitz

The "Federal Reserve" has always been as "federal" as Federal Express, folks. It's just a deliberately deceptive business storefront for a "private association" of international banks that have no business even being on our soil.

First, the bankers behind the "Federal Reserve" caused the 1907 bankruptcy of the deceptively named foreign for-profit corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" which was formed by the Territorial United States in 1868 as a storefront purportedly "standing for" our actual land jurisdiction government.

This ultimately resulted in WWI.

Next, they stole the actual United States Treasury and moth-balled it in 1920, using it as a "resource dump" and managing it as a "trust", while claiming that our land --- land belonging to the member States of The United States of America (Unincorporated) was instead property belonging to their own bankrupt corporation dba The United States of America, Inc. which was in fact infringing on our copyright and Good Name.

Then they ran up the stock market and dumped it, causing The Great Depression. Why?

Bunko and Bad Bookkeeping -- Public Notice of World Court Liability

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's look at the facts. 

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is owed $4,778 Trillion. 

The British-backed Territorial USA, Inc. owes @ $30 Trillion and is bankrupt. 

The rats are trying to confuse one with the other---and also claim at the same time that we "abandoned" our assets --- so that they can glom onto our land and our $4,778 Trillion credit and use that to pay off all their other "collective debts" and stage an "RV" and do all this other crazy stuff. 

In order for President Trump to represent us in this matter, he needs to reclaim his own birthright political status as a native New Yorker, take the actual Oath of Office to become The President of The United States of America, and accept our bond which is already posted for him and on file with Mr. Mnuchin. 

Now, strictly speaking, we don't need Mr. Trump to speak for us, because we have already lifted our hands and The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the only competent international government for this country still standing. 

As such, under the Last Man Standing Rule, we have already spoken for ourselves and given plenty of Notice to the entire world. 

There can be no doubt how our government is structured.  The People own the Republics, the Republics own the States, and the States own all the States of States at every level --- National, Territorial, and Municipal. 

It doesn't matter if all three levels of "States of States" fail.  The actual land jurisdiction States are still here and their Federation of States known as The United States of America (Unincorporated) is still here. 

We delegated certain "enumerated powers" to the States of States, but upon their incompetence, those delegated powers return to those who delegated them in the first place --- to us, to our States, and to our union of States.

If the World Court takes any action contrary to our interests in this matter, the World Court and all its members will be liable for it.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

More "UN" Exposure -- Get Your Popcorn!

By Anna Von Reitz

Ah, well, now my guys are really beginning to turn the pages and dig the dirt.....

A couple days ago I posed a research project for our readers and researchers about who really owns and operates the "UN" Corp, as opposed to the "United Nations" organization chartered a few years later in 1945.  

Please note that what has been done with the "UN" v. "United Nations" is the same exact kind of deliberate confusion that has been used to promote bunko against this country and its people.  It's a confidence racket gambit called "mirroring" and is closely associated with two other crimes --- "impersonation" and "barratry". 

New York City is the United Nations? Really?

By Anna Von Reitz

I challenged my researchers and readers to do a little research project about who owns the UN Corporation, as opposed to the "United Nations" organization chartered in 1945. 

One of my Good Buddies promptly replied with this gem, which I remember and which I have seen before regarding the UN, but which I misplaced in my files somehow.  

Here it is again for those of you who missed it first time around.  It doesn't answer the Big Question of who owns the UN Corporation (and what other corporations does UN Corp own?) but it does shed light on dark places that deserve to be lit up ----- 

Instruction on the Fourth Sunday After Easter

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of this days Mass is a canticle of praise and thanks:
INTROIT Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle alleluia; because the Lord hath done wonderful things, alleluia; he hath revealed his justice in the sight of the Gentiles. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. His right hand hath wrought for him salvation; and his arm is holy. (Ps. XCII.) Glory etc.
COLLECT O God, who makest the minds of the faithful to be of one will: grant unto Thy people to love what Thou commandest, and to desire what thou dost promise; that amidst the various changes of the world our hearts may there be fixed where true joys abide. Through etc.
EPISTLE (James I. 17‑21.) Dearly beloved, Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration. For of his own will hath he begotten us by the word of truth, that we might be some beginning of his creatures. You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger: for the anger of man worketh not the justice of God. Wherefore, casting away all uncleanness, and abundance of naughtiness, with meekness receive the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
INSTRUCTION Of all the gifts that come from God, the most excellent is the gospel and regeneration in baptism, by which He has made us His children and heirs of heaven. How great is this honor, and how earnestly we should endeavor to preserve it! To hear the word of God, when preached to us in sermons, will aid our endeavors. The admonition of the apostle to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, contains true wisdom, for: In the multitude of words there shall not want sin; but he that refraineth his lips is most wise. (Prov. X. 19.)

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Who Really Owns What --- Notice of Prohibition

By Anna Von Reitz

The People own the Republics, the Republics own the States, and the States own all the various "States of States" ----National, Territorial, and Municipal. 

The United States of America (Unincorporated) acts as the Holding Company of all the international powers of the States --- all international powers delegated and un-delegated, in all jurisdictions, air, land, and sea. 

The United States of America (Unincorporated) delegated certain enumerated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea to three subordinate organizations --- National, Territorial, and Municipal -- via three constitutional agreements.  

In the event that the delegated powers cannot be exercised properly by those entrusted to exercise them, they revert back to the Donor/Grantor of those enumerated powers --- The United States of America (Unincorporated). 

Settlement of USA, Inc. Bankruptcy Imminent

From Anna Von Reitz

Reminders for President Trump.....

In order to occupy the actual Office(s) --- plural --- that George Washington occupied and to do what is lawful and right by this world and this country in particular, it is absolutely imperative that you (1) reclaim your natural birthright political status as a native of the land and soil of New York; (2) reconvey your Trade Name to the land and soil of New York; (3) acknowledge, accept, and take the Public Oath of Office to act as The President of The United States of America; (4) be bonded by the actual land jurisdiction government ---- the States and People --- provision of which has already been made with Mr. Mnuchin at the Treasury.

Your Bond Number is: AMR10005 - RE 162 242 150 US

The land jurisdiction government established by our ancestors requires a Management Team comprised of the President, the Head of State and the Chief Public Fiduciary Officer. Any change to that structure has to be initiated via a properly convened Continental Congress.

Basic Math for Atheists

By Anna Von Reitz

Inevitably, when I use Biblical concepts and discussions to engage people and make them think about what they technically already know, I get atheists calling me up and hitting my dashboard and writing nasty notes to the effect that they just can't stand it when I talk about "God" and that for them, it ruins my credibility, even though the historical material I bring forward is compelling.

The Bible is mostly history, too, I point out to no avail.  

They forget, or else they never knew, that I began my life as a mathematician.  In a kinder world, it would have been my life's work.  It is still my solace in times of grief or despair.  My Shinola Sensor is the result of an active mind well-trained in logic and mathematics and science in general--- not an accident. 

So how could I believe in, or even bring myself to talk about "God"?  

Worthy Research Project -- Who Owns the "UN"?

From Anna Von Reitz

Who owns the "UN Corporation"? Not the international organization chartered in 1945, but the for-profit bully-boy in the business of selling, (you guessed it): essential governmental services? Which constantly tries to confuse itself with and hide behind the actual United Nations organization?

I suspect that when we dig into the history of this mysterious behemoth that began with French Nazi Sympathizers deserting their sinking ship toward the end of World War II, we will find that the same people own and/or control Serco, the UPU, Interpol, and the "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT".

Whatcha say, folks? Time to track the spiders back to their nests and the wasps back to their paper palaces and prove once and for all that this whole seemingly idealistic "United Nations" effort is nothing but a storefront for a supremely corrupt, violent, and evil commercial corporation?

Leaving Babylon

By Anna Von Reitz

What do you think Jesus was talking about when he threw the Money-changers out of the Temple?   A "Synagogue of Satan"? --Jews who aren't Jews?  When he rebuked the lawyers for not saving themselves and also for standing in the way and preventing others from entering into salvation?
Let those who have eyes, see.  Let those who have ears, hear. 

This, what we are experiencing, is nothing new.  This has been "the problem" for literally thousands of years---bankers, Satanists, and lawyers-- a trifecta of greed, evil, and protection of racketeering that endures because of our own ignorance.

What do you think it means, when you are told to "come out of Babylon"?

Friday, April 27, 2018

Thomas Jefferson and the Troll Army

By Anna Von Reitz

Mr. Thomas Jefferson speculated that if we had a well-informed populace, there would be no need for a government ---- and he was right.

The only problem is that first a populace has to be well-educated, which ours is not. Even those we consider to be educated --- doctors, lawyers, and university professors --- are very narrowly trained, and not what would be called "educated" in any former era.

I have asked hundreds of lawyers where law comes from and after four years of Law School --- they don't have a clue. That's tragic --- both from a moral and a practical standpoint. It makes them incompetent lawyers and unfeeling men.

This is not our fault. We have spent trillions of dollars on schools and education and been cheated --- as on so many other occasions --- by those who pretended to be experts. The question remains--- experts in what?

How to Read, How to Sign Your Name, and WTH is an ILB?

By Anna Von Reitz

How to Read and How to Sign Your Name and WTH is an ILB?

I am constantly amazed by the number of people who have never noticed that there is a difference between USPS, United States Post Office, USPO, US Post Office, and on and on. They are amazed, even dumbfounded that there is a difference between a "Postmaster" and a "Post Master" --- or between
"Postal District 3" and "THIRD POSTAL DISTRICT". Yet there are profound differences in jurisdiction and meaning involved.

You have to learn to read---carefully! And you need to realize that these words and titles and terms are different because the things they represent are different. They are not "the same" or "the same as". You can't "just assume" anything--not now, not when the entire world has been confused by lawyers and charlatans running "governmental services corporations".

A Letter to the People of the British Isles -- From Everyone Else Everywhere

By Anna Von Reitz

We've said some harsh things about your government in recent days and you may be feeling a bit "off" about it and as if you are being beaten about the head and ears when you've already borne about all that you can take. 

What we want to say is that we love you and we always have and we always will, but we can't stand your government.

Your government is always --- literally always--- at the bottom of every stinking deal, every political faux pas, every act of aggression. Always. And we here in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Africa, India, Mainland Europe and just about anywhere on the planet have suffered for it.

Perhaps more to the point, so have you.  The same crazy, Hell-bent, war-mongering, profit-mad British Government has done as much and more damage to all of you. 

Before they sold us out, they sold you out. 

Today's Daily Dose of Ignorance from "Virgo Triad"

By Anna Von Reitz

She went to the USPS website and found out that I am NOT a USPS Judge --- oh, my!

But exactly why would I, an international land jurisdiction judge, be listed as part of an international sea jurisdiction municipal COURT?

Uh, duh......?

"Virgo Triad" doesn't know the difference between "Postal District 3" and "THIRD POSTAL DISTRICT". 
I'm not confused, but she certainly is. 
Looking for me among Bar Attorneys is like looking for Dolly Parton in a gay men's bar.

Let's get this perfectly, absolutely, once and for-all-time straight: I am not a Bar Attorney, nor do I work for any Territorial or Municipal Court. Got that? Everyone? 

I am speaking plain English and I have written it down often enough: 
Alaska State Superior Court Justice
Postal District 3 Judge

I have reclaimed my birthright political status and returned to the land and soil where I was born. All my "vessels" (names) have been re-flagged and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of my native state. I don't do commerce. I am not a "resident" of any State of State. I occupy a totally different jurisdiction ----and so does my court.

So educate yourself "Virgo", and until then, shut up.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Dear President Trump --- April 25, 2018

From Anna Von Reitz

Dear Mr. Trump, 

It is a matter of record that the vast majority of men in the US Armed Forces have been conscripted under conditions of fraud and deliberate falsification of public records--- and that they have been systematically defrauded out of pay and benefits that they are in fact owed, so much so that the [Territorial] United States is deeply in debt financially to the Officer Corps and General Enlisted. 

This circumstance prompts us to take action to clean up our part of The Swamp. 

Please tell Mr. Bolton that we are already sick of his bragging about "celebrating in Tehran" by the end of 2019 and all the swaggering around and threats and saber-rattling.  Ask him who is going to pay the Butcher's bill?  

Our sons and daughters aren't going to. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Answer to "Virgo Triad"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have had several people contact me all excited and upset because some woman calling herself "Virgo Triad" is all over the internet saying I am a fake.
Fine. Here is an object lesson in what I am trying to teach.
1. Why would you trust a nameless, faceless "voice" on YouTube and give them any credibility at all? I listened to one of her broadcasts and she was just blithering rumors and gossip like "Katie Courier" before her.
2. And why trust a nameless, faceless person calling herself "Virgo Triad"? Virgo star constellation? Triad -- name of Oriental gangs? Hello?
The Virgo star constellation is the home of the "Doctrine of Scarcity". If you want to continue to suffer and go without things you need, that's where you want to go. All Masochists please form a line.... and Triads? You listen to Japanese and/or Chinese gangs as regular news sources? But she doesn't sound Oriental. She sounds like a confused Midwestern housewife in over her head.
3. And if I am a fake and impersonating a judge, openly, flagrantly, for four years running now --- why is it that I am still here, still running my court?
The obvious answer is that I do know what I am talking about, my interpretation of jurisdictional issues is correct, and what I am teaching you all is correct, too. If I wasn't exactly who I am and doing what I say I am, I'd be in jail like a great many others who have visited federal "correctional facilities" before me.

Answer to Status Change for Naturalized U.S. Citizens --- Again.

By Anna Von Reitz

The process for all first generation immigrants to become state nationals is the same now as it was for our great-grandparents.
You have to be over the age of 21, law-abiding, and self-supporting. You have to establish your home in the state where you want to live and maintain a steady address there for a year and a day.
In practical terms this means that you have to establish a record of stability and decent character. Minor squabbles and misdemeanors don't count, but felony level convictions that show "moral turpitude" will bar you from becoming a state national for a period of ten years.
Exactly how felony convictions can be separated into those expressing moral turpitude and those not expressing moral turpitude is a special question, but it basically involves elements such as premeditation of crime, indecency, cruelty, disregard for life, and similar topics that have to be assessed in each case. You could, for example, have a conviction for a felony involving involuntary manslaughter and still be allowed state national status.
You additionally have to become a land owner (after becoming a state national) in order to participate in public elections. That is, you can be a state national and secure all the guarantees owed to state nationals without being eligible to elect state officials.

Answer to Hiring Attorneys

By Anna Von Reitz

Never hire a Bar Attorney. Ever. He is an Officer of the Court and his first duty and loyalty is to profit the Court. And how is that going to happen except by--- in one way or another--- disserving and defrauding you?

This is a big part of the reason that these "Courts" enjoy a 97% conviction rate. People hire attorneys thinking that these men are going to work for them and for their good, but in fact, they are financing their own destruction.

If any Court addresses you, you need to present a certified copy of your recorded Mandatory FSIA Notice and ask them pointedly ---who gave you permission to address me?

Follow Up on Marshals Services and Piracy

By Anna Von Reitz

Please be aware that the current "US Marshals Service" is being run by Interpol on a contractual basis and that both Steven T. Mnuchin and Jeff Sessions are Interpol Officers.  They take their instructions out of Berne, Switzerland.  They are still under obligation to obey our laws and fulfill our contracts, or they are subject to arrest and prosecution. 

This places them in an odd No Man's Land.  To become Interpol Officers, they forswear and give up their citizenship, so that they no longer can be considered either Americans (gave up or were swindled out of their birthright and then confirmed it by going to work and staying employed by the Territorial United States) or as "US Citizens".  

Answers to Questions About Our Authority and Organization

By Anna Von Reitz

I have described this situation to the Popes repeatedly since 1998.  How is it possible that Cardinal XXXXXXXXX remains unaware?   

The Holy See has been acting as our Global Trustee since the Civil War and selling us all into bondage almost at birth to profit itself.  We have the proof, and in all the discussions that have gone on with the Holy See, the facts of the matter have never been in dispute.  

Our Supreme Government is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it has always been since 1776.  It never moved.  

The members of the United States Congress acting  as representatives of the "States of States"  (business entities literally belonging to our land jurisdiction States) operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea --- in all three levels created by the nasty "Constitution" process: National, Territorial, and Municipal --- moved to a fancy new capitol, Washington, DC, to better expedite their functions.   Our land jurisdiction headquarters and the Continental Congress have remained in Philadelphia

There have always been two kinds of Congress --- United States Congress (sea) and Continental Congress (land).  

The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination – and Why It Still Matters
As Francis Conolly narrates in the excellent film JFK to 911 – Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick:
“[The spy agents of the US Government] function essentially as a goon squad of mercenaries and murderers, hardly any different to Hitler’s gestapo, and are used a private intelligence service and as personal hit men for America’s richest families – their only role being to cover up the dirty tricks which the rich people are playing on their fellow countrymen, every day.”
The question remains: will the majority of Americans and people worldwide raise their awareness of these dark events, reclaim their power and get these criminals out of power? As sad and tragic as the Kennedy assassination was, at least if we use it as a catalyst to rise up and take back our power, it will not have happened in vain.

JFK: thank you for your bravery and commitment to peace and justice. We’ll always remember it.

Here is the video that goes with this article.

Just the Facts, Ma'am 2.0

By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the only international-level government still standing in behalf of this country.  All the others have been overcome by legal chicanery or reduced to incompetency in  bankruptcy.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the first and the last union of the Sovereign States, the source of all delegated powers ever recorded--and we are still here, the Priority Creditors, Holders in Due Course, and Lawful Entitlement Holders of every asset of this country.

Our international claims are well-established and cured on the public record.

We are still here, still conducting our business.  We have reclaimed our delegated powers and administered them to maintain the integrity of our constitutions.

The National-level government owed this country has been moth-balled via fraud and deceit and breach of trust since the 1860's, but we are still here.

The Territorial-level government is in Chapter 11 and receivership to bankruptcy trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors. But we are still here.

The Municipal-level government is in Chapter 7 liquidation. But we are still here.

And here we are, the Original Issuers, the Presumed Donors, the only lawful and actual government of this country still standing, ready to kick ass.

Monday, April 23, 2018

My Opinion -- Turn It Off

By Anna Von Reitz

When we stand here and let a porn star lecture us about morality and the rights of women--- we are as nuts as she is.  And when we fail our duty to "Turn the Knob" and silence the Mainstream Media promoting this idiocy, we are doubly damned as stand up idiots.

Turn it off.  Just do it.  And leave it off. 

You will sleep better.  You will spend less money.  You will feel happier.  You will not be vexed or worried or confused.  Life will snap back into view.

You will have more time with your family and pets and gainful hobbies.  Find a good weather channel for the only real news likely to impact you. 

Believe me, you can do without "news" about fighting in Afghanistan, truck accidents in Chicago, and "Stormy" Daniels--- and be just fine.

I haven't listened to a mainstream "news" program since 1987.  There is life after addiction---and it's a great life, full of one's own intellectual inquiries and adventures, devoid of senseless fears and useless trivia.

And hopefully also free of the cloying, illogical, mindless moral preening of whores.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

The Continental Marshals Service

By Anna Von Reitz

Like most everything else that has been bungled up and misrepresented by the British Territorial Government run amok, there are supposed to be (2) Marshal's Services. 

The land jurisdiction officers were always called "Federal Marshals" because they work for the Federation of States --- The United States of America (Unincorporated).  Federal Marshals are officers of the Postal District Courts.

The sea jurisdiction officers were always called "US Marshals" because they work under the auspices of the Territorial United States and under its delegated authorities.  US Marshals are officers of the US District Courts.

Since 1965 the run amok and misdirected British Territorial Government has usurped upon their employer, The United States of America, and has "presumed" to run the Federal Marshals Service under the auspices of the US Marshals Service. 

This has created a great deal of confusion both inside and outside the Service and general chaos overall because nobody has had a clear understanding of the different duties and jurisdictions to be covered by this supposedly "combined service" and most importantly, there is no delegated authority delegated to the US Territorial Government to manage the Federal Marshals or our Postal District Courts.

The Courts Aren't Courts

By Anna Von Reitz

Is the cognitive dissonance too much to bear? People can't grasp the meaning of what I am telling them? 
These things masquerading as courts aren't courts. They haven't been since the Civil War.

I have prior to this given you the direct citations of the actions of the Rump Congress in May of 1865 creating ten military Districts in the Southern States and establishing quasi-military tribunals under the authority of military officers of the rank of Brigadier General and above. These military commanders are then charged with choosing civilians to run these "courts" and specifically to run interference for the military occupiers with the civilian population---- storefronts, in other words, giving the "appearance of justice" while applying Draconian Martial Common Law to anyone suspected of being a "rebel", and purportedly also responsible for administering The Law of Peace for everyone else.

I have shown you all that this repugnant legislation by the incorporated Territorial "Congress" along with the bulk of the equally repugnant "Reconstruction Acts" have remained in place ever since.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The TWO Unions -- Our Dominion and Order

By Anna Von Reitz

We've been lied to.  It's really as simple as that.  So, now that we know, we are responsible for making correction. 

We were told in school that "The Articles of Confederation" which created a "perpetual union" of the National-level States of America as of March 1, 1781, was somehow replaced by the constitutional agreements that came along a decade later. 

But that's a lie. 

If it were true, there would be action either by The United States of America (Unincorporated) or by the States of America in Congress Assembled, repealing and dissolving The Articles of Confederation.   No such documentation exists.  Therefore, The Articles of Confederation remain in full force and effect.

Just like the non-existent Declaration of War commencing what has been misnamed "The American Civil War" and the non-existent Peace Treaty ending it ---it's what isn't there, but should be,  that tells the tale.

So let's look a bit deeper. 

Instruction on the Third Sunday After Easter

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Church continues to rejoice and praise God for the Resurrection of Christ and sings accordingly at the Introit of this day's Mass:
INTROIT Shout with joy to God all the earth, alleluia: Sing ye a psalm to his name, alleluia. Give glory to his praise, alleluia, allel. allel. (Ps. LXV.) Say unto God: How terrible are thy works, O Lord! In the multitude of thy strength thy enemies shall lie to thee. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God, who showest the light of Thy truth to such as go astray, that they may return to the way of righteousness, grant that all, who profess the Christian name, may forsake what­ever is contrary to that profession, and closely pursue what is agreeable to it. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Peter II. 11-19.) Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims to refrain yourselves from carnal desires, which war against the soul, having your conversation good among the Gen­tiles: that whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may, by the good works which they shall, behold in you, glorify God in the day of visitation. Be, ye subject therefore to every human creature for God's sake: whether it be to the king as excelling, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of the good: for so is the will of God, that by doing well you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not as making liberty a cloak for malice, but as the servants of God. Honor all men: Love the brotherhood: Fear God: Honor the king. Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thanks‑worthy, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Once Again, In Color

From Anna Von Reitz

It's apparent from all the questions I am getting that a lot of folks are still confused by the relationships and names ---- people, persons, land, sea, The Texas Republic v. The Republic of Texas and so on, so I have graphed it out and used color.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Structure of the Original Government Being Restored Using the Example of The Republic of Texas

From Anna Von Reitz

First, our Constitution guarantees us a “republican form of government” --- “republican” = Latin, feminine, adjective. This is the form of government provided by the county level local government occupying the soil jurisdiction and is create when (and only when) people claim their birthright political status and join together to create a County Jural Assembly. Please note that our right to peaceably “assemble” is one of the guarantees of all three Constitutions.

So, that means people need to be claiming back their Good Names and Estates and returning --- or, the fancy legal term for the same thing---“re-conveying” your Trade Name to its natural permanent domicile on “land and soil of Texas” or another American state so that you can lawfully act as an Elector and Juror in an American Common Law Court and are lawfully enabled to exercise your right to peaceably assemble and create a County Jural Assembly.

Once you have your County Jural Assembly formed, and a minimum of 26 qualified jurors in your jury pool you can engage in a lawful election process – 30 day Public Notice of Nominations Meeting, closing of nominations, 30 day Public Notice of Election time and place, secure secret paper balloting, election of County Sheriff, Justice(s) of the Peace, Bailiff, Court Clerk, and Coroner. 


Video of Anna Von Reitz at Texas Republic

Saturday April 14, 2018 in Texas.

Instruction on the Second Sunday After Easter

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Because of the joyous Resurrection of Christ, and the graces flowing to us on account of it, the Church sings at the Introit of the Mass:
INTROIT The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord, alleluia; by the word of the Lord the heavens were established, alleluia, alleluia. Rejoice in the Lord, ye just: praise becometh the upright. (Ps. XXII.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God, who in the humility of Thy Son hast raised up a fallen world; grant to Thy faithful a perpetual joyfulness; that whereas Thou bast rescued them from the perils of eternal death, Thou mayest bring them to the fruition of everlasting joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Pet II. 21‑25.) Dearly beloved, Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should follow his steps. Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Who, when he was reviled, did not revile; when he suffered, he threatened not; but delivered himself to him that judged him unjustly; who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree, that we being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed. For you were as sheep going astray: but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of your souls.