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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Settlement of USA, Inc. Bankruptcy Imminent

From Anna Von Reitz

Reminders for President Trump.....

In order to occupy the actual Office(s) --- plural --- that George Washington occupied and to do what is lawful and right by this world and this country in particular, it is absolutely imperative that you (1) reclaim your natural birthright political status as a native of the land and soil of New York; (2) reconvey your Trade Name to the land and soil of New York; (3) acknowledge, accept, and take the Public Oath of Office to act as The President of The United States of America; (4) be bonded by the actual land jurisdiction government ---- the States and People --- provision of which has already been made with Mr. Mnuchin at the Treasury.

Your Bond Number is: AMR10005 - RE 162 242 150 US

The land jurisdiction government established by our ancestors requires a Management Team comprised of the President, the Head of State and the Chief Public Fiduciary Officer. Any change to that structure has to be initiated via a properly convened Continental Congress.

All the assets owed to the States and People are claimed by them, including their soil and land assets, their intellectual property, and all derivatives associated with them and their states.

There is no escaping the validity of their demand to be set free of all Odious Debt and to receive back all that rightfully belongs to them.

If necessary, their claim will be honored by force initiated by the Galactic Command Superstructure. In other words, it's time for everyone at the Hague to wake up and do what is right instead of trying to initiate yet another scam.

This is Public Notice and shall serve as the Final Public Notice owed to anyone, anywhere, alive or dead, here or elsewhere.


  1. Who or what is the Galactic Command Superstructure?

    1. I have the same question, Galactic Command Superstructure? Is this real or is somebody pulling my leg? Who, and where, is the GCS? That last sentence in today's post really makes me wonder. Should we start giving each other the vulcan hand sign (live long and prosper) so we can recognize other American states nationals? I'm fairly new to the AVR universe so I don't know if this meant in jest. Could Anna elaborate on what she means by this comment?

    2. " to anyone, anywhere, alive or dead, here or elsewhere." I believe that is the Galactic Superstructure. elsewhere is the key. We all know they are there and here

  2. Also, is this bond number something we can use or is it just for Mr. Trump?

    1. Anna gave out bond numbers for us

      Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US - Your Home State.

    2. Dalton, I got that but was wondering what this new bond was for.

    3. It appears to be the Bond specifically for the President of our USA unincorporated.


    4. Dalton Reynolds, I was wondering how I can use the bond Anna has created for my state of Washington. How do I establish it for my trade name and where are these bonds held???

    5. Apparently NESARA is back in the picture, because that is the way they talk...but Anna told us quite awhile ago not to be deceived by any of these so called agents of rescue, because their standard is the "Gold" standard, which has always represented Corporations, not the people....that standard has always been defined by "the Silver Dollar"....!!! Today I was watching Hanity on fox news and he was interviewing Rudy Juliani, ex mayor of NY, and Trumps new lead attorney, who is good friends with both Sessions and Trump and knows Mueller but not Robertstein, deputy U.S. Attorney under Sessions...But he respected and trained with Sessions at law school together and can't believe that Sessions hasn't already put an end to this Russian involement yet, especially considering that he is currently dealing with N Korea, Iran, along with putting his enemies of the "deep state" in GITMO...!! The Democrates have been feeding off the trough for so long that favors are now being called in by enemies of freedom to stop Trump at any cost...because if they fail they will either all wind up dead or in prison at GITMO for the rest of their lives.....they need a war at any cost now because these other smaller diversions simply aren t accomplishing the distraction they were hoping for....they have reached the point of desperation of no return if they can't stop Trump..!! Like anyone else that is falsely charged, Trump wants to really face Mueller face to face in a deposition, but Rudy warned him already that you don't realize that even one wrong word in the legal world of there's could be enough to bury him...thats an honest assessment of our justice system....hes trying to warn him of "silent judicial notice", which he doesn't understand yet...Trump wants to kick Muellers ass, for real and probably cannot contain himself anymore , which is why Rudy is giving him very good advice that he should not be drawn into a very obvious trap for Trump if he accepts Muellers challenge....hes working on Trumps ego and pride to get him into a controversy....attorneys favorite weapon of choice...!! Rudy said this is totally outrageous to be trying an elected President for crimes while he is in other President has been charged with felonies while in office..they have to wait until they are out of office before they can charge a President of the U.S. with a crime, whatever it is...impeachment is another thing..!! But they are going above that now because the sealed indictments are being opened and people being arrested and going straight to GITMO for the exact reason Anna said about the only court in the U.S. Chance court that can help these people...he is bypassing all legal remedies that would normally protect these people from doing what they were told to do by the puppet masters...I told you we are going to have another "Neuremberg" trails...!! But this time "jews" are going to be indicted along with everyone else, so they can't use that excuse anymore...they are every bit as guilty as anyone else of high crimes against humanity according to Trumps new EO (Executive Order). And while we are unaware of the details of all the arrest taking place, the players of the "deep state" are fully aware of what is going on with their members and now will do just about anything now to stop Trump, even if they have to push a "button"..!!...It isn t possible for Trump to control everyone or even know who is or isn t on his side and what positions of authority they have in place that can start a war all by themselves...!!

    6. Even Rudy said the same thing I said...that he would have fired FBI Director, Comey, as soon as he took office..!! In fact as the incombant president, i would have fired the top directors of all agencies in order to get all their compliance immediately....instead, he tried to be diplomatic and give them the benefit of the doubt as to their allgence...!! Well, now he knows, that this may be a corporation , but it works like no other on earth... If this isn t resolved real soon, Trump will have no choice but to declare "martial law" just like Lincoln...only this time it will be for all the right reasons, not like Lincolns...even Kayna West is going out of his way to support Trump and taking a licking for it by his fans and possibly his whole career...!! And he's married into a family that is totally liberal has to be causing the Kardasians trouble and arguments....!! Something is going to break loose very very soon...!! Trump is about to make history and some people saying he deserves a "Nobel Prize " if he makes a deal with N Korea...!! If that happens, the Democrates will be finished once and for all...!! There should only be one party anyway so this Hegelian principle is broken for good...!! And to end the controversy of Trumps involvement with Stormy Daniels and an alleged payment to her by his attorney, he said that yes , Cohen, did make the payment, but that Trump did pay him back, proving their was no campaign violation of public funds...ending that argument for good once and for all...he might face charges after he's out of office for that but not while he is in office...!! That statement is enough to stop the investigation in its tracks right campaign violations...period..!!

  3. 1FreeMan, I would like to communicate with you directly as your comments on so many of the blogs I have read are poignant and accurate and I have a lot of questions about the practical application of the tools and techniques that Anna has been so gracious to share. My email address is

  4. Anna gave out bond numbers for us

    Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US - Your Home State.

    1. I was wondering how I can use the bond Anna has created for my state of Washington. How do I establish it for my trade name and where are these bonds held???

    2. Does this Bond Number apply to Europe and etc too.

  5. Galactic Command super Structure, now that will throw a wrench in to your followers.
    You really should give people a run down of what this and means before just throwing it out there, Anna. I am impressed you are using the term.People will probably want to know who you are associating with that validates this group in reality. You have made a couple of comments that i.ply you are working with other sources.

  6. We do not belong to the Hague Convention --- but we retain the standing of the Sovereign Governments and the rights to all assets owed to the States and People. Any bankruptcy settlement brokered at the Hague is subject to our approval and no such approval will be granted if this is not done right.

    The Galactic Command Superstructure is what you might consider the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate. Things just happen. Those who know how they happen initiate the action. I am telling the Hague Convention to stop jerking around and do the right thing or face the consequences of their actions.

    1. YES, it's Time!!! Thank You!!! So Grateful!!

    2. Sorry, Anna, but that explanation of what GCS is, just will not Fly. Try again, or lose a whole lot of credibility.

    3. Abby; again? You must have been weaned on a pickle because you have the sourest attitude I've ever encountered. Is there anything in life that you don't bitch and complain about?

    4. Jack, the pork chop bone was the BEST laugh needed in a very timely moment then, and so grateful for your popping in to bring that moment back for me NOW!! ROFLOL!!!
      Much needed, thank you!

    5. Jack, Truth and logical thinking just bites huh? Well, did you ever think maybe its just time to face reality and stop with all the self seeking? Let me give you just one little tidbit that God tells us: ''mens hearts will be failing them at what they see coming upon the earth'.
      Now if you want to buy into every sweet thing you hear, then go right ahead. But as for me, I don't bite on everything people say, especially when I know bullschitt when I hear it.

    6. I am so confused... Is this a made up bond number that is an example as in the example in the 928 packet that we were to make up our own number for recording ourselves back to the soil? please help.

  7. Need to ask David Wilcox Edgar Cayce's. Reincarnation , big into E.T.

    1. Lol, funny but I was just typing that up at the same time you were making your post. Looks like we are both having the same suspicions.

  8. In recent years there has been another 'new age religion' that has crept up all over the internet, and people like david wilcox is one of the front runners of it. I have not read his stuff for several years, even than only a glimpse, where he professes to get information from ET's known as galactics. He claims these entities give him information about the future, especially about Earth, and he claims these Galactics are coming to earth to help us with our problems and other such Nonsense.
    Recently, Anna made a few statements that indicate she has at least begun to take an interest in such things, while she claims to being a christian and a lutheran. However, to go and seek help and information from ET's is tantamount to seeking out card-readers and palm readers to 'tell you what is in store for you; telling your fortune'. So Anna, you cannot have it both ways.
    There are self proclaiming religious people who also go seeking information by Channeling. They believe they are communing with 'god' but in reality these 'voices' they hear and nothing but demons. This is where Wilcox gets his information from, and such information tickles the ears of the gullible, because they love fantasy and fables, just as the bible says 'many will depart from The Faith and heap to themselves teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. Fables. They will listen to fables. That is what scripture tells us, and warns us about.
    So now we have Anna telling us What?? That a galactic command superstructure is going to implement this stuff and bring it about??
    Here we are in the 21st Century, and just now we are being informed of this supposed Entity? Really? Show us their pictures, give us their names and addresses, and show us their Papers, and show us their Resume and give us their entire background; we who are not so gullible want to VET them FIRST. (I for one am not holding my breath)

    So if this is the origination of much of the material and information here regarding what is going to take place, the solutions about to be implemented, etc., then folks, y'all been HAD. There are No Galactic ET's coming from outer space to help fix planet earth.

    Conversely, scripture tells us that in the end times, ''satan deceived the whole world'. So this does tell us that demonic being ARE operative and can 'do things' but this is a pipe dream being sold to those who just want to hear what they want to hear. He will lure you, make you false promises that will never be kept, lie like hell and deceive you any way that you will accept.

    1. Abby,

      Sadly, it appears that you have misunderstood what Anna was gesturing regarding the stated "Galactic Command Superstructure". Sometimes in her communication she makes gestures to the enemy of TRUTH in a sarcastic way. For those who are on the same wave length, this was the intent for the referenced statement. --- I have noticed quiet often that you pick and prod and take offense on something Anna says in nearly all of her communication. If this is your stance and you take offense to her communication, it would definitely be best for others in this group that you take your ill will and contention to another forum since you think she is deceived and communicating with some Galactic being. All this contention does is stir up confusion for those who are seeking to leave Babylon. Thank you kindly!

    2. you love to quote your bible I see, well I know much about that book , yes book, did you know bible means book in Hebrew, and their lots in that book was mistranslated , such as word son means sun im most of them, i suggest you go buy a strongs concordance book its translates Hebrew and Greek to English and English to Greek or Hebrew and see for yourself , oh and satan was never in the bible its saturn lol, I think you will enjoy knowing everything isn't as it seems , oh preachers know it wrong don't care to discuss it you will find , and i'm sure you will get mad learning all of this too oh check out revelations the man made rapture theory read and translate those they are really wrong and miss leading , then i'm sure your eyes will become really opened , , have fun !and enjoy

    3. Abby,

      One day, very soon, you will reap what you sow. Anna owes you NOTHING. Nada.Nunca. Zip. Zilch. Zero.
      You want answers...go, by all means, GO and search them out. Anna's done enough. You are a pain in the tukus. Ass. Rear. Butt.

      I am Lutheran and know about the Galactics. Anna never said anyone, anything was coming from outer space. That's on you, lambchop.
      Go away before someone drops a house on you and your feet curl under it...

    4. Tim, there is no indication she was gesturing. She wrote it with capital letters, indicating an official entity. And even when given the opportunity to clarify, she did not. Jesting would have been written with no captial letters.
      I am not the only one that took it in this way; a few others did also, so lets not just give her the benefit of the doubt and make assumptions. So again I will say, there are folks that claim to ''get information from galactics' and there are NO such beings, except demons. I am already familiar with how sneaky satan is, and how he tries to inject himself into things that start out being upright. Don't you agree its a good thing to make things perfectly clear?

    5. danika, who cares if you are lutheran. God doesn't and neither do I. What is so special about luteran? Or methodist? Or baptist, or any other messed up 'church' that Man made up. Why do you go all bonkers and take offense at my mere mention that Anna stated she was lutheran? Or are you just looking for a fight? Sure looks like it, lol.

    6. Debra, from your statements, I'd say you need to go back to Bible 101, because nothing you have said lines up with the bible. Debra, ask yourself where will you go when you die and what proof do you have of it?

    7. ACCOUNTING 101

      "If necessary, their claim will be honored by force initiated by the Galactic Command Superstructure." Anna

      "The Galactic Command Superstructure is what you might consider the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate." Anna

      "Tim, there is no indication she was gesturing. She wrote it with capital letters, indicating an official entity. And even when given the opportunity to clarify, she did not. Jesting would have been written with no captial letters." Abby

      Where are those Capital letters you falsely claim that indicates a "entity"? Here again YOU put "words" in others mouths that were NOT said, and YOU MIS-Interpret & TWIST what Anna IS stating due to your own lack of knowledge, or willingness TO learn. This IS a mindless Sickness and IS the ROOT Cause of the Problem we ARE NOW being CALLED to Correct!!
      What does Your Bible say about Liars, gossips and False witnessing???? ONCE AGAIN, Your most high & righteous and SUPERIOR TO ALL, JUDGEMENT To/in ALL, DO consistently & Falsely JUDGE what is being said and turn it into something dark, evil & suspicious!!!! Over, and Over, and OVER again!!!

      Check Yourself ABBY, and take responsibility as Your False Accounting IS WAY out of Balance AND causing MUCH harm and IN complete OPPOSITION To Truth.

    8. You are all to quick to judge Abby...we all know that these bibles have all been corrupted and now we find out that the book of Enoch was completely left out of every bible, including the KJB..Only the Vatican has the complete version of the original, and they aren't sharing it with anyone....that book is extremely important in understanding the rest of the bible because it fills in the missing puzzles most of us have been searching for....!! Abbys "shinolas" sensor simply went off, like mine did, because I recognize that terminology from NESERA, which Anna said awhile ago to stay away from, or did all of you forget..!! This battle is being won because of Trump and God, and no one else..!! He is the one forcing the banks and all players to start giving back what they stole and no one else...and that's the reason why everyone is fighting, just like revalation said would against brother, father against sons and visa versa, and on and on....all this confusion is going to cause everyone to be deceived at the end, because we won t know who to trust....none of the churches are telling us anything, are they...!!!

  9. And serpent in Genesis translates more closely to reptile or reptilian. Since Elias was taken up into Heaven in a fiery chariot (UFO?) and came back as John the Baptist through a woman's birth canal, proves reincarnation is a fact if you have ears to hear. And were the watchers the annu-naki extra-terrestrials? Damn, so much bible sci-fi to separate from mainstream christian provincialism. Don't even get me started on Serrapis cults or the Council of Nicea.

    1. Dean, don't know where you get your fairy tales from but it certainly isn't scripture.

    2. Dean, you can get yourself in trouble by stretching words on your own; we do not have the option of changing words like that. We also are not to go by what 'mainstream churches' say or teach; the word of the bible is more than sufficient, and does not lie. The word 'reptilian' as is being used for false religious sects refers to 'the dark side'. Just take the bible for what it says and let it go at that. It tells us ''to prove all things' and we do not go reading man's authored books to prove anything, nor do we rely on what any pastor says. ''Study to see if we meet with God's approval'.

  10. How do you people even get through a day....

  11. Don't waste your time on me, I am hopeless in your eyes, so be it.

  12. Oh , wait. There is a place for you in heaven. Just go there.

  13. There is nobody on this planet that has but one purpose. That is to understand through whatever experience they choose, by free will to discover their connection to God. And in doing so, realizing that importance,as most enlightening, thus being brought back into God supreme.

    1. You speak Truth. Thank you, sir.

    2. Free will or choice this...!!


  14. If I continue to read all this, I am going to get my tin-foil hat for protection against the Galactic Forces that my be hoovering over my head. The Galactic Command Superstructure seems to be very serious stuff. If anybody sees Scotty, please ask him to "beam me up". Gotta go back to my port on the backside of the moon. SSSWWWWOOOOOOSHHH.

    1. Tom, LOL, yeah. Energize....or else let me out onto the hollodeck till this nuttiness blows over. I tell you, I see satan sneaking in here, bringing in the new age crap thru his deluded vessels, and folks buying into it ! No wonder most of the world is lost.

  15. Judge not less you be judged, forgive them for they know not what they do,love above all things is mist important.

    1. robert, if you are going to quote scripture, then use it IN context. Matt. 7:5 says just make sure you dont have beams in your own eyes, before you go judging others.
      The true christians are commanded to judge ALL things using righteous judgement as their tool and guide. So obviously those who are not true christians cannot judge anyone since they do not have righteous judgement.
      And P.S. they know very well what they are doing, lol.

  16. any info on how to use bond number for a car would be nice , please make it easy to understand thank you

    1. debra if you find out let me know plz...

    2. Me three!!! I have been trying to figure out how to find, use and apply these bonds, so please let me know what you find out!!!

  17. God gives you a whole world of different species yet you can't find it within yourself to think that others species might or do exist without casting fear by calling them demons for what you can't comprehend.

  18. Yeah beam me up, I want to be in your heaven.And your Pope comes out and says hell doesn't exist. How convienant after all these years....

  19. Frnkly, I don't give damn what you think,I will take life lessons ahead of you babel.The Lord speaks to all of us.You are not so speacial.

  20. The course in miracles was channeled by a Christian women. I have experienced channeling as far away as Johanesburg Africa, more Biblical than any KJV bible. I have heard God, Jesus speak to me,never has he led me wrong.Do I care what your perspective on my experience is. No.

    1. True Christians don't do channeling. Channeling is communicating with demonic beings.

  21. Keep your fear to yourself. You know who you are.

  22. I have listened and listened to all your interpretations yet you persist in your righteousness. Even others have called you out.You will be the only one to react to this as you are that person.

  23. Wow, they are dropping like flies. Must be a big dose of Delusion being dropped on the masses, LOL. Maybe we will forgo more oil refineries and go for building a few thousand mental institutions.

    1. Abby,

      We see you read "How to win friends and influence people"

    2. cube, where did you get the idea I am out to 'make friends and influence people'? Is this Forum not about conveying and exchanging information? Did Jesus have a lot of friends? No. And why didn't he? Because he told the Truth and he was hated for it. And he also said that if WE told his Truths, we also would be hated for it. Look at......
      James 4:4 ye adulterers and adultresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

      So you see nobody can be on both sides of the fence; either come over to His side, or stay where ya are; but I'm not coming over on that side of the fence.
      Have I picked on you for being on the other side of the fence? No, I just leave you be. So why can you not do the same?

  24. Funny how fear works...instead of thinking, praying or reasoning some choose to kill the messenger....who here has actually spoken to Anna ? I have ...

  25. who decided that the creator of all name is GOD?????

  26. I understand the need for clarification. I appreciate the work Anna and her husband have done on my behalf. I read each email every day and then research from there. What I don't understand with all these comments, why the bible is being used as a weapon "Here"? We will only defeat these pirates by standing on the same side in unity. Questions certainly need ansers. Those throwing around the rules of religious organizations are subjects. The religions are Corporations. The rules of religions are different variations of the Statutes and Codes of Corporations. Please tell me what is the difference? One control for another? Why would a creator of free souls want us under Rules that make us Slaves? Anna is graciously providing her research. Instead of attacking here, do your own research and post opposing facts please. All this attacking has the sound of tenth grade drama, which for those of us who left that "Bullshit" behind is not productive or beneficial in our fight against the F.R.A.U.D. perpetrated against us by the Men and Women we had a belief were in office to protect us. Please use this forum in a productive way and stop using the bible to bash each other. We all have different interpretations, because the English language "Sucks". Translations have been done in error. The B.I.B.L.E. is a reference book. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

    My family has been severely injured by these pirates, and I don't want them to do it again. We only have a chance if we stand together. Peace!

    1. Thank You Annie, I hear you and agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment!!

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace BEing and DOing Now

    2. Hi Annie, most all of us in here have great appreciation and gratitude for all Anna's work. Nobody in here has used the bible as a ''weapon' against anyone, and neither has anyone making reference to the bible, used it to 'bash' anyone. Why do you feel bashed by it?
      As for me, I have no personal interpretations of the bible, as I quote it word for word; they are already there and there is no need for any interpretation. It is what it is, like it or not, nobody has authority to change it. You will not find one place where I have ever threatened anyone with it. It's actually a book of forewarning; if you go this way thats the right way, if you go the other way then there are consequences. Don't you think it is loving to inform people of consequences ahead of time so they have the opportunity to make corrections in their pathway? Tell me how that is ''a weapon or threatening'?
      I'll bet you have the weather app on your cell phone, right?
      Is it because you want to be warned ahead of time before you drive your car right into a flood or snow storm or danger? Is that because you want to avoid some consequences? Then why is it any difference to be forewarned of the consequences that will last for all eternity?
      I'm afraid you are equating 'religious organizations' with the bible, when in fact they are two entirely different things. And it seems you may have 'thrown the baby out with the bathwater'.
      As for the Main Topic of this forum, the messed up condition of our world and our country, of course we are all in agreement about that. What does bible belief have to do with that? How does bible belief negate our view of the world condition which has all been done BY SATAN and his followers?
      Now do you see how the bible, and all its warnings of satan and demonic forces and the evil that he has done and IS still doing, ties together with the bible? Isn't it God himself who warned us against the wiles of demonic forces? How else could we have reached the conclusion as to why so many people can do such despicable things to mankind.

      So I hope this sort of sheds light on your complaint here.

    3. To Anni....Amen..!! The only way we can win this war is together. There are to many forces at work trying to separate us already without us adding to it...!!

  27. how do we use this bond is it for paying bills?

  28. I just read the article, and the first question that comes to mind (and it may have been expressed by one or more of the commenters here since I have not had the time to look at all the comments yet)is: Before actually implementing all suggested, shouldn't all those who have an "interest," contrary to the real owners and who are likely to retaliate, be identified and watched (ready to act against retaliatory measures), so that the moment every remedial step is implemented, those with contrary interests to the bonafide owners be arrested in an all out arrest action? They do it for drug related cartels, so I can't imagine them not being able to do it for this (these) other(s) cartels.

  29. WOW!!! How the brain dead toadies have jumped all over Abby for making a valid statement of fact about this supposed "Galactic Command Superstructure"!!! Would this be on par from the same source of that supposedly "hereditary" Secretary of State that Queen ann's hubby claims he is!!!??? I've been asking for PROOF of these statements since they have been posted on this site and neither the moderator or any of the faithful toadies on this site will produce any such document/s to prove stated claim!!! How hard can it be to produce a royal charter, or a treaty that gives her hubby's ancestors ownership of all of America to be this "hereditary" anything!!!??? I've read William Bradford's "Plymouth Plantation" of which he documented the founding of that colony and was an original signer of the Mayflower Compact and funny that not one word suggested that any "Bel-Cher" ancestor was going to in charge of all of the American continent because they were big royals in the past somewhere in Europe!!! Funny how that important information got deleted in that document or maybe it never existed except in the minds of a few deluded people and their toads on this forum!? I suspect both!!! So, you folks dissing Abby need to get a BRAIN and do some serious history study because you sure won't get it on this site!!!Yes, anna did post about how we got in this mess but she and her hubby lose all credibility with her insane postings!!! Like "Galactic Command Superstructure" or her definitions like "human" doesn't mean of the human species, mankind" like you can find on google, not it means, according to her invisible dictionary that she won't provide where she got the definition: Human=HUE MAN=MONSTER!!! Really!!!??? So... more credibility lost but thank god there are mindless toads that will hop to her defense!!!

    1. hahahahaha!! Saw that coming!!! You (Abby) are soooooo predictable!!!

    2. Kelli, and others, please ignore Abbey-IDIOT, agent provocateur.

    3. Yes, You're right BB, I apologize. Been a rough week of BEing & DOing for this cause, and YES the Fire Gets HOT!! Not for the weak minded or cowardly, for sure! Which ABBY IS Just "Too Smart" to even have a real clue!!
      Forgive me All

    4. Why don't you go ask Paul if I am parading around under the name Unknown. And while you are doing that, consider yourself told off by whoever Unknown is. He may just be my 'angel' for all you know. But regardless, you are definitely getting the temperature turned up in your little cubical in the 'hot place down in the southern quarters'. And when your 'day' comes, you will be calling my name saying yer sorry, but to no avail.
      So for any of you who actually think you are injuring me, you are only injuring your self, because I KNOW where my future lies, and of that I have no doubt.
      Here is what God has to say to those who are of His church body, of which I am a part of:
      2 Thess 1:6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. 7 and to you who (the world tries to trouble) rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 9 who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power

    5. Abby its called the fire of refinement, which again you are clueless about.
      Have a Nice Now, as ALL there IS, IS Now

  30. Animal farm? Israelites who complain and grumble after being set free? The elephant who doesn't break away after the gate is opened? People are so confusing -- unity appears to not be out strong suit... Smh

  31. Still waiting for explanation of 'galactic command superstructure'. Some of us sort of suspect that is being thrown out here to see if there is any acceptance of those little demonic ET's of wild imaginations aka antichrist new age manmade religion.

    1. ""The Galactic Command Superstructure is what you might consider the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate." Anna

      Here Abby I'm happy to help in this matter AS my personal INsight regarding the Essence of Anna's statement:

      Fate= in God's Sole Authority and Command aka; God's Plan/Will

      Galactic= Everything and Everywhere and Beyond any Physical "worldly" limits

      Command= Prime Source/Energy Large and IN Charge, aka; the original Creator/Author, aka; The "One" aka God aka The Beginning and the End, aka; The Alpha and Omega, aka; The Creator of ALL including but not limited to both the Darkness & the Light, Positive and Negative Energy

      Superstructure= God's Chosen "one's" Called upon (here, there and everywhere, who Know Who They Are and Are Ready, willing and Able to Be & Do Now) those that Spiritually Know, SEE & HEAR their True calling (Intune) and True Will( One's purpose) NOW and are IN Complete Alignment (harmonic balance) that have been through the "Fire" and are Now refined, "crucified"(balanced their accounts) and been forgiven Re-made through Christ's Spirit/Consciousness awakening, fully armored(IN Truth/Knowledge) and clothed (IN Loving guidance and protection) In Loving, compassionate Service to ALL NOW
      It's truly getting HOT in Here, Yes!!!
      It's Go Time!!

      No worries to the fear-filled Fence-sitters and programmed mimics or even to the the lazy, stubborn, overcritical and ignorant bench-warmers, your time will come soon!! It's ALL Good!!!

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

    2. Superstructure in simpler terms= God's Trained and Well equipped Army

    3. Kelli....that was some good microdot you were on to come up with that.....!! It's very clever, but extremely abstract and esoteric..!!!

  32. ALL organized religion is man-made and most of it is Government /slave owner approved /favored...not something I want or need in any way. Has anyone seen the devil who made them believe he actually exist or maybe he just made them do it, again? Never mind.

  33. Most of us realize that there isn't a bible that hasn't been corrupted, just like all the 501c (3) churches..!! And now we find out that that the book of Enoch was completely removed from the bible which is one of the most important books of the bible, which fills in the puzzle completely..!! Trump works in the shadows, because that is where all the darkness and evil leark....he can't possible share it because the itech generation couldn't handle the absolute evil that today....did any of you watch the video that shows in graphic detail of the evil we have caused in the false narrative of creating democracies...well here it is again, if you can handle it...see if you can sleep at night after watching it..!!


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