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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


The UN's Agenda for World Domination

Free Screening Friday, February 7, 2020 -- 5:00 PM Pacific
Hollywood, CA, January 23 /CNW/ –  The world premiere for UNSUSTAINABLE will start Friday, 07 February 2020 at 5PM Pacific (8PM Eastern).  For a limited period of time, single-family home owners, real estate investors, farmers, historic property owners and impoverished and/or disarmed people around the world are invited to join UN skeptics and UN apologists to screen Part I - "The Theory" of this 2-part mini series. 
The Premiere site is and other sites as announced.  Screening is free and DVDs will be available from MOVIE PUBS after the release of Part II - “The Reality.”
Part I - “The Theory” -- in association with MATRIX ENTERTAINMENT and OATH KEEPERS -- is 80 minutes long.  Synopsis, trailer, expert clips available at the official website at 
UNSUSTAINABLE features Agenda 21 experts TOM DEWEESE, ROSA KOIRE, MICHAEL SHAW, DEBBIE BACIGALUPI, LORD CHRISTOPHER MONKTON, WILLIE SOON and Constitutional experts EDWIN VIEIRA, KRISANNE HALL, JOHN McMANUS, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, PASTOR CHUCK BALDWIN, STEWART RHODES, DAVID KOPACZ and others.  UNSUSTAINABLE is award-winning filmmaker, JAMES JAEGER’s, 10th political documentary centering on the U.S. Constitution and Biblical principles that informed it.  Produced by Matrix Productions, previous films include CORPORATE FASCISM, MOLON LABE, CULTURAL MARXISM, GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS, MAINSTREAM and Telly Award-winning FIAT EMPIRE featuring RON PAUL.
UNSUSTAINABLE traces the history of the UN and its "unifying principles" that have led to Agenda 21 and its spawns, Agenda 2030 and the Green New Deal under the banner of "Sustainable Development."  Is the UN using the environment and climate change to "justify" what guest expert, PAT BUCHANAN, calls an embryonic World Government?  That’s “The Theory.”
 -- Donations to Complete Part II Are Vitally Needed.  Go to --

-- Trailer at -- 

-- UNSUSTAINABLE on DVD will be Distributed by --

To participate in the dissemination of this Premiere, please forward this Release to your email list or
contact Diana Zoppa at Zoppa Media Group c/o or 310-867-6302

Gallant Australia - Hot Off the Presses

By Anna Von Reitz

I know that many of my readers have been following the massive destruction of Australia by weather warfare, manipulation of the Southern Hemisphere Jet Streams and Chemtrail incendiary spray, which kills trees (causing dry wood for fires, deforestation, and depleted oxygen levels) and further sets the stage for massive wildfires, loss of property, loss of life, loss of oxygen and loss of biological diversity.

On the ground in Australia there are actually two horns of the dilemma, because the manipulation of the Jet Stream that causes the tinderbox dry conditions in some areas also means unnaturally wet conditions in other areas, so you have fire and floods going on at the same time.

The madmen creating these conditions --- particularly those at the Vatican who are paying for the Chemtrail spraying and promoting and causing these problems in an effort to sell their bogus human-caused climate change and carbon tax agenda --- really do need to be stopped. With pitchforks and sledge hammers if necessary.

They need to be stopped by actual Catholics waking up and rallying within the Church to oust these criminals and by the governments, especially the Italian Government, enforcing sanctions and taking action to make sure it stops.

I have pointed out that under the ENMOD Treaties of the United Nations Organization, these kinds of geoengineering and weather warfare "tests" can only be carried out against "domestic populations".
This means that the Australians -- including the indigenous people and the animals which are by no means "domestic" with respect to the AUSTRALIAN Government -- are being set up and put through all this by their own politicians and military.

I am calling on the Australian tribal leaders and Animal Rights Activists to pound the United Nations Secretary General and Security Council with demands that these "tests" and the Chemtrail spraying cease immediately.

We should all, on a planetary basis, demand that the Holy See pay to clean up the pollution and reckless environmental damage that their organization has deliberately funded and caused since 1985.
And for what? So that they can find a new excuse to wring more taxes out of people.

They have destabilized the entire Earth Biosphere -- depleted the oxygen, caused the destabilization of the magnetosphere, and now this fire and flood destruction. They have caused the entire problem and all this misery and destruction to provide "evidence" for their ridiculous quasi-scientific claims -- and all to get the brainless people to accept their carbon tax scheme.

Everyone, everywhere, every politician in every country, needs to know that carbon dioxide which accounts for 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere isn't causing this damage. The Holy See and the Roman Curia are causing this damage. And right now, they are causing it to Australia.

For those who haven't already heard, Chemtrails are proven to contain a veritable cocktail of highly incendiary compounds and elements derived from industrial wastes---Aluminum oxide powder, Magnesium, Barium, Strontium, Lithium, and more. We also have proof that the Vatican minted a coin celebrating Chemtrails as far back as 1985.

So now the Big Mystery about who was funding this massive program to spray unknown crap all over the Earth has been solved. We know the purpose and effect of the Chemtrails, and we know who to blame-- the same people who have set themselves up to rule the entire Earth via the United Nations and an interlocking trust directorate scheme affecting slightly over 700 corporations worldwide.

Pray for Australia. Be thankful for Australia. Hold a vision in your mind of Australia getting exactly the right amount of rain and sunshine to be completely restored and healthy. Picture Australian meadows full of wildflowers and tall grass. Picture groves of eucalyptus trees and sleepy Koala Bears. Picture kangaroos hopping through verdant forests and grasslands. Picture thundering waves and teeming seas and healthy coral reefs. Hold Australia in your heart.

Australia and Australians have been key to the fight in what I call "The War of Deceit" that these monsters have waged against the unsuspecting people of the Earth. It was Australian researchers who first blew the lid on the use of DOG LATIN by Roman Emperors to defraud and mischaracterize people -- a criminal system that was first dreamed up by the Emperor Justinian and which is still in use today: the Roman Curia, again.

It's because of numerous Australian researcher that the people of the world finally know -- "What's up with all these names appearing in all capital letters?" and also because of them that we can stuff it down the lawyer's lying throats when they say, "Oh, it doesn't mean anything, pay no attention to that…."

It's Australian research that also allows us to recognize "PARSE SYNTAX" as just another variation of the same old s#$!$.

One of the ways that we can help our Australian counterparts and ourselves is to become fully informed about The Justinian Deception.

You can now order The Justinian Deception Series featuring researcher Romley Stewart --- get all the facts, all the documentation, the history back to Roman times, yes, the whole enchilada and proof concerning one of the key mechanisms used to steal your identity and your assets.

Here's the eBay link or you can simply go to eBay and type in "Justinian Deception" and it will pop up.

Or you can go directly to the GLOSSA channel and order using PayPal by sending them your email address:
the GLOSSA channel
GPO Box 2197, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia

YouTube Channel
Donate to the GLOSSA channel (link)
Our Ebay Store:
The Justinian Deception, featuring Romley Stewart - Limited Edition, Volumes One to Six (link)
Be ye not like dumb, driven cattle. Stop being destroyed for lack of knowledge. These men and women have suffered to bring you this startling insight into the actual Evil Empire. The least we can do, is listen and learn.


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

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