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Sunday, September 8, 2024

International Public Notice: Stolen Property and Crimes of State

 By Anna Von Reitz

This message goes out especially to the Government of the Philippines and the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board.  

The Great Seal of the United States and The Great Seal of the United States of America, like the Flags of the United States, are properties and assets of ours that belong uniquely to us --- not to our Federal Contractors who were granted strictly limited, enumerated, and delegated use of these symbols and emblems under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions issued in 1787, 1789, and 1790.  

You will note that The Great Seal of the United States, like The Great Seal of the United States of America, is part of the Belle Cher Family Array and Coats of Arms and is unrelated to any other known heraldic symbology. 

You will note that this unique symbology appears in the annals of Gaul, the British Isles, Spain, Italy, and most pointedly, in America, which was named after the Amorican people of Normandy, not any Italian mapmaker. 

These symbols made manifest on documents, as seals, and as flags were created and adopted and added to the Belle Cher Family Array for use in International and Global venues precisely because of the five (5) major European sovereignties bound by them, the thirteen nations bound by them, and because of the mastery of the land, air, and water represented by them.  

In the aftermath of the so-called American Civil War, our family members, engaged in transporting the physical Seals, were attacked by a troop of thinly disguised Union cavalrymen.  The physical Great Seals were stolen and disappeared for many years, only to reappear, showcased by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.  They have since then been seen in the possession of the Government of the Philippines. 

We wish to make it clear that these physical Great Seals as well as their representations as seals on documents and as trademarks and as authorizations belong to us, and have never belonged to any other Parties or Principals; they are stolen property that was wrested from us by inland pirates, and must be retrieved and returned to us. 

Please note the Maxim of Law: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."  

These Great Seals are ours by creation, by adoption, and by right.  

Please also note that their use is reserved to us except for those specifically delegated responsibilities entrusted to our contractually obligated employees in the exercise of their enumerated duties; nobody acting apart from their accepted contractual obligations under the Federal Constitutions is permitted to use our Title IV Flag nor our Great Seals. 

The theft of The Great Seals and the misuse of these emblems and symbols including our Title IV Flag has caused great suffering and misrepresentation at home and abroad, and each instance in which these emblems and symbols have been deployed improperly to promote unauthorized violence and commercial fraud, is a separate crime of state.  

If you have knowledge of the physical Great Seals and their whereabouts, it is upon your personal liability if you fail to make every reasonable effort to report this and to return our stolen property to us.  

Similarly, we must report the violent theft of The Seal of Saint Peter, which was wrested from James Thomas McBride by armed agents  of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Government of the United States, Incorporated --- and never returned.   

This private commercial corporation merely calling itself "the Government of the United States, Inc." is used as an umbrella corporation to coordinate activities among various subcontractors including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, BLM, FEMA and other District of Columbia Municipal Corporations; it has long been a renegade and rogue entity employed as an Enforcer by the European Perpetrators of these self-interested crimes and thefts which have impacted not only our lawful American Government, but have also interfered with and obstructed and misrepresented the work of other Governments worldwide.   

These criminal corporations, whether based in the Municipal United States, the District United States, or anywhere within The United States proper, must be brought to an end and lawfully converted, that is, nationalized, and brought under the Law of the Land in order to stem the proliferation of violence, fraud, and overall criminality.

As James Thomas McBride was an American born and bred and as he was in lawful possession of a precious artifact having meaning and use in diplomatic and financial circles, we are issuing this International Public Notice against the Officers of the Government of the United States, Inc. and the Officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Inc., for theft of property belonging to the Holy See and the Vatican City-State Government, similar to the theft that we have endured. 

We are unable to evaluate whether or not this stolen artifact has been used to commit crimes of state, but we know for certain that the use of The Seal of Saint Peter intended by and expressed by Pope Benedict XVI has not come to fruition as a result of this obstruction and theft by the named Corporations and Officers. 

We fully authorize the use of Extra-Territorial enforcement to track and secure these stolen Seals and to return them to the actual owners, or in the case of James Thomas McBride, to his lawful estate, and ultimately to the Post Master of the North American Region.  

We regret to inform the Government of the Philippines that they have been bamboozled along with everyone else by these mercenaries; the Treaty of Manila Bay is a sea treaty having no effect on the ownership or distribution of land assets of the Philippines, a situation that should logically encourage their full and free cooperation with our lawful Government and our efforts to restrain the burgeoning criminality and misadministration of incorporated entities. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 7th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: States and Impersonated Confederate States (of States)

 By Anna Von Reitz

It appears that the level of ignorance in this world has approached critical mass, when young people in college don't know the difference between a State and a State of State. 

They aren't the only ones.  Middle-aged teachers, doctors, law enforcement officials and bureaucrats are equally befuddled and confused. Even people who declare themselves and join our State Assemblies are confused --- initially.  

When we say, "State", we are talking about the actual State of the Union, a physically-defined parcel of land and soil enclosed within certain borders, together with its physical features and attributes, shorelines, flora, fauna, and living population. 

When the "State of State" says "State" they mean either: (1) the State Trust they created in our names, or (2) they are referring to themselves as a "Confederate State" --- which they really aren't.  

Think of it this way --- their State of State is not a match for our State, therefore, not a Confederate State of ours. 

Example: Maine matches up with The State of Maine, which is its own Confederate State; Maine does not match up with "the" State of Maine, a British Territorial look-alike, sound-alike franchise corporation substituting itself for The State of Maine. 

It's the American State of State that has the right to be called a Confederate State, but it's not currently in operation. 

The usurping British Territorial State of State organizations are not our "States" and not our "Confederate States", either one.  

The two things called "States" --- actual States that are physically-defined and substantial, and "Confederate States" (also known as States of States) that are inchoate and insubstantial business entities, are supposed to match up like Salt and Pepper: an American State should be coupled with an American State of State, but instead, we have American States being unequally yoked with British Territorial State of State organizations. 

At the moment there are no American Confederate States present in this country and there haven't been since the 1860s.  We don't actually need our Confederate States (of States)  to conduct business, but it is necessary to know that we are being impersonated and misrepresented by British Territorial Knock-Off Artists. 

This is part of the Great Fraud:  Americans are being impersonated as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. British Territorial State Trusts are being used to impersonate the  American States. British Territorial States-of States organizations are used to impersonate our Confederate States (of States). 

We have already seen how these False Friends have contrived to unlawfully and secretly convert the political status of American babies to that of U.S. Citizens, by accidentally-on-purpose seizing upon and registering us along with their own population.   

Should it surprise us that they would also unlawfully and secretively impersonate our States  and substitute their own State-of-State organizations for ours?  

That is precisely what they have done, and gotten away with, until now, when the depths of their perfidy, malice, and deceit have been plumbed.  They have done all this to evade their contractual service obligations owed to millions of Americans, and promoted this vast fraud scheme as a means to unjustly enrich themselves at the expense of their actual employers.  

The shame that accrues to the British Empire and the Holy Roman Empire and the Inner City of London and the British Monarchy and all their Partners in this Dirty Business, will not be glossed over nor forgotten.  

Now the actual Americans have awakened and the American States have stood up and rebutted these cozy and self-interested suppositions by our Federal Subcontractors, Faithless Treaty Partners, and Dishonest Principals. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

We have resumed our operations over the past twenty years, have gathered our people, have brought the States of the Union back into Session, and reclaimed our Good Names; we have taken action to indemnify our trade, protect our own persons, and raise the alarm worldwide.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 7th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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