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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Sidney Powell Drops BOMB! Military Can Determine Election Outcomes

Granna Up to Her Ears

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am a short person, so the rest of you have a way to go before you have to start swimming. For me, the moment to start dog-paddling has come.
Many people don't truly grasp this little factoid, but my work is 95% international and global in nature --- and there is a lot of work to be done, all the time, every day, 24/7, and 365 days a year.
There's banking. There's diplomatic outreach. There's research. There's rebuilding the State Assemblies (a process that the Federation oversees just like a construction supervisor oversees a job, and then leaves the house for the people of that State to occupy). There's publications. There's court actions. There's negotiations. There's reading, scanning, and archiving precious documents. There's organizing records. There's meetings and teleconferences with people all over the world trying to get things in place. There's training of peacekeeping forces. There's training of Federation Coordinators. There's training of Assembly Officers so that they know their jobs. There is training of Assembly Members, so they know their jobs. There are treaties to be enforced. And right now, there are boxes to move, furniture to move, services to contract, fuel tanks to fill, and, and, and....
Somewhere in the middle of it all, I have to try to get the Military and Federal Civil Service back on track, and put an end to the genocide and the corporate interests causing it.
Oh, and fix dinner for my husband and swab out the toilet bowl and feed the cat like every other red-blooded American housewife.
People forget that I do have a life like everyone else. I forgot to pay the telephone bill this month and got a "reminder call" like everyone else.
I have to figure out what kind of snow plow I need to be able to dig the new bank property out this winter (the snow removal equipment that came with the property is too expensive to repair and buying new isn't practical at this point, so yes, Grandma has to give up her truck for the winter and get a snow blade on it.)
If all this sounds one degree short of panic, it is. It's good panic, because we are getting a lot done and making huge strides forward organization-wise. It's just the logistics of it that drive us mad. And the time crunch. And the occasional money crunches that drag momentum down.
We try to match our projects to our means and always move cautiously but determinedly forward. As a result, we've never been overdrawn at the bank--- come darn close, but never overdrawn on our work here. That is, of course, a record that I want to always maintain.
Right now, we are holding our own. We've got possession of the new bank facility and are moving fast to winterize and prepare and get it up to speed for our purposes. We are ordering supplies -- faster computers that can keep up with modern bank functions, ink, paper, you name it. It all has to be shipped from somewhere else, so we always have to order things ahead of time when we need it.
It's all coming together fast and well. We've had volunteer manpower sufficient to work all the problems involved and have good progress to report on all sides. All in all, these are exciting times, good times for fellowship and community, and striving together to get our whole country up and moving.
As I had to remind my Granddaughter who is going through some hard times in the midst of all this --- there's always more to do, and more that we wish to do, but never cease to be grateful for what you have. Never quit doing what you can do with what you have.
I am grateful for all the sacrifices of time, money, prayers, stamps, precious books, and all else that all of you have contributed to this effort and I think about you all and about all the States of the Union every day. There is still more needed, still more mountains to climb, but we are doing all we can and it is gaining momentum and making a difference.
The days are not far off when we will have our country back in the control of our civilian government. Together, we will all learn the very different form of government that we are owed as Americans, and we will teach our children our heritage, so that it is never forgotten or misinterpreted again. In a very real sense, you are the change that is needed.
I've had some calls from people wanting to contribute who have had problems with the PayPal address, but it is working and it is the same as it has always been: PayPal remains the quickest and easiest way to get funding to us.
I've also had a couple incidents where a check has inexplicably taken forever to get here. Most recently, a check sent in early August arrived in mid-September, but it did arrive. Alaska is always an adventure and prone to mail delays, but I have to say that less than 1% of the mail gets lost on average, so it is still very safe to send checks to my Post Office here: Anna Maria Riezinger, In Care of Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652--- even if it takes longer than you would expect for mail deliveries within the continental contiguous States.
Think of the Grey Brigade up here in the Far North, getting ready for winter. Our trees are already golden and leaves are falling, the mountains are all snow-capped, and the sky is a pure deep blue. There's a chill in the air and we are packing up bags of pinto beans and rice and dried vegetables and fruits. The Moose Season ended yesterday and our freezers are blessed with moose and salmon. All but the very late season harvesting is done.
Somewhere in the midst of all this hectic scurrying, I am going to find time to sit down and have a cup of hot apple cider. I'll be raising my glass to all of you. Despite all the nay-sayers who thought that America was done, we are here to tell you that America just woke up.

And it's a bright, busy morning.


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They Are Using Doctors as Soldiers -- A Message from Hawkeye

 By Anna Von Reitz

It stymies me that I have to point this out, folks, but.... what did I tell you about Federal Title XXXVII (37) and the Uniformed Officers Code?
This is what the Territorial Government (Corporation) uses to conscript doctors, nurses, dentists, and other medical professionals.
They are not, strictly speaking, military personnel, but "Uniformed Officers" who are licensed by the military and thereby subjected to military code and discipline. They are assigned rank --- typically, an MD is rated as a Captain, like Hawkeye Pierce, and like other officers, they gain rank by years in service, additional training, and so on.
Because they didn't knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily join the Military, and only ignorantly fell into it by applying for a license to practice medicine or dentistry to provide these services to Federal Citizens, they are conscripted as civilian personnel.
If Hawkeye really wanted to get out of the Service, all he had to do was stop serving Federal Citizens, tear up his Medical License, and resume life as a private civilian physician. Knowing him and some of the other Knotheads in his MASH* Unit, they would have stayed because their hearts were in the right place and patching up the wounded mattered to them more than their own comfort and more than their political druthers.
But this is a different thing that is happening now. Now, the Medical Corps has been mobilized as an Offensive Force, not a Defensive Force. Now, the doctors, dentists, and nurses who are supposed to be helping and saving and healing are being unwittingly sent in to deliver death and maiming.
It's a dirty trick on them and a dirty trick on the American populace, but who's looking? Who is responsible for stopping it?
Well, ironically, the United Nations is responsible for stopping it, but we'd all consider our would-be rescuers as the foreign enemy, and go right on trusting our Family Doctor, who is either: (A) participating in the genocide without knowing what he is doing, or (😎 too selfish or clueless to throw his medical license away.
Here is my advice to all the Hawkeyes of the world: put up a Public Disclaimer in your office and hang it right beside your diplomas and licenses.
The Public Disclaimer should plainly say that you are a Civilian Physician who is additionally licensed to provide care to Federal Citizens. You respect the right of other Americans to choose foreign citizenship obligations and their voluntary subjugation to foreign laws as a result, but you retain your own right to provide or not provide service to anyone on a case by case basis. Just because you have a medical license does not provide presumption that you are continuously exercising it, nor does it presume an obligation to exercise it or provide any service that you, personally, deem to be questionable or harmful to the patient's health. Patients receive services at their request and at their own risk and the only guarantee that you make is that you will do your best to provide them with competent, caring, up to date medical services, and in all cases will strive to do no harm to anyone.
If you can live up to that promise, your patients should be able to accept it as a condition of calling upon you to act as their physician.
And the "Government" Corporations have to stand down, because they actually have no authority to demand anything of you.

Having a license does not obligate you to use it. And nothing prevents you from throwing any such license in the trash. You can continue to operate as a private physician and never have to treat another Federal Patient again.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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What Else You Need to Know

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are two "US Militaries" involved --- just like there are two of everything else. There's the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE promoted by the Municipal Government, and the Department of Defense promoted by the Territorial Government.
You will note that Sidney Powell's discovery and announcement that "the" Military owns patents and technologies that allow them to determine election results is somewhat confusing, because it begs the question of which "US Military" are we talking about?
Sidney Powell Drops BOMB! Military Can Determine Election Outcomes
Apparently, it is the Municipal version, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE that developed this technology in cooperation with the CIA and other usual Suspects.
After all the other information I've delivered to your mailboxes over the years, this latest hot mess shouldn't come as any surprise. Once you know that "the" military of one flavor or another has been in control since 1863, the rest of the story falls into place.
You have most likely lived your entire lives as displaced unknown persons, presumed to be living on a battlefield leftover from a mercenary conflict that was supposed to have ended 160 years ago.
With those being the starting premises, it's easy to see why lies and craziness have prevailed, along with a great deal of criminal activity involving commodity market rigging, currency counterfeiting and rigging, and yes, election rigging, too.

What can you expect, when you don't maintain supervision over your own employees?


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Why They Can't Gain Traction on Election Fraud Issues

 By Anna Von Reitz

It struck me tonight that all these brilliant people --- Donald Trump, Sidney Powell, General Flynn --- have been flying blind, and then, when a break in the clouds appears, they find themselves hovering above a caldera that is ready to blow.
Once they do understand why they can't get traction on the Election Fraud, it's all down to something they can't admit. Or risk Hellfire for doing so.
It's not really much of a crime for the Chinese Communist Party and the Club of Rome and other miscreants to interfere in the elections of a commercial corporation --- such as the election of the "President" of Exxon or the "President" of City Bank.
Unlike interfering with the election of an actual Public Office and the selection of an Executive Officer to run the affairs of an entire country, which would be a serious breach of international law, interfering with the private election of a commercial corporation president is a nothing-burger, and it stands outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The CCP and the Italian Brotherhood and Mossad and God Only Knows Who Else did interfere in the 2020 Election, but it wasn't really an election to a Public Office.
In order to prosecute their actual complaint, Mr. Trump would have to admit that his own presidency also involved a private corporate office, not the Public Office everyone assumes.
Trump and Biden would both have to admit that their respective corporations have been substituting their corporate "presidents" for our actual Public Office of the President of The United States of America --- for decades.
Ouch. What an unpleasant, damned if you do and damned if you don't situation --- an ugly political mutually assured destruction detente worthy of any cold war.
There hasn't been an American President of The United States of America since 1856, and that rat, President Buchanan, betrayed us all to England and Lincoln.
Anyway, that's why Sidney Powell can't get past square one despite all her brilliance and persistence and research. That's why General Flynn is bedeviled by the Municipal Court System. That's why it, comparatively, doesn't matter that the Vermin fixed the 2020 Election.
The 2020 Election didn't result in the election of an actual President nor did it fill the vacancy of our Public Office -- and that's the bombshell everyone wants to avoid, because that then exposes the Great Fraud all the way back to the 1860s.
Mr. Trump wants to avoid that denouement for his reasons, and Mr. Biden wants to avoid it for his reasons, so here we are, at a standstill.
Even if Trump gets the 2020 Election overturned, he still would not be an actual American President. He'd still be the "president" of a foreign commercial services organization in the business of providing essential governmental services.
The real problem, that both these foreign commercial corporations have been substituting their "United States Presidents" for our American President, would still not be solved.
Given how close this issue comes to exposing the Great Fraud, you can understand why everyone in DC is dancing around it like a live grenade.
The answer, to hold honest elections for the actual office for the first time in a century and a half, is anti-intuitive for most people who want to cling to their familiar political parties and all the false assumptions they grew up with.
Confronted with the truth of what has gone on here in our "absence" most people want to run and hide, but neither of these reactions is helpful, when what we need are men brave enough to face the truth and people committed to running their own government.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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The Authority to Demand and Command

 By Anna Von Reitz

When we were children we acted as children and thought as children; our feelings were the feelings of children; now that we are grown, we have assumed our adult responsibilities and powers. Now the days of our growth have made us --- both in body and soul --- able to rule ourselves and our world.

To us is given the authority to demand and command at will, having learned to focus our attention in harmony with our intention. We have dispensed with all the lies.
Today, I have spoken the words.
Today, I made the call.
And so, as I have said to one, "Go there!" and to another, "Come, here." and they have gone and come, so the one True God has said, "Call me, and I will surely come." and I take him at his word.
Today, I have called and upon the Earth I have laid both demand and command. The American Government must be restored and its sons and daughters returned to it without fear and without the false claims of evil men.
Three times three times three, we see what our words and deeds have done and we issue our demands and our commands with full force, full effect, full authority and honor.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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When we were children we acted as children and thought as children; our feelings were the feelings of children; now that we are grown, we have assumed our adult responsibilities and powers. Now the days of our growth have made us --- both in body and soul --- able to rule ourselves and our world.
To us is given the authority to demand and command at will, having learned to focus our attention in harmony with our intention. We have dispensed with all the lies.
Today, I have spoken the words.
Today, I made the call.
And so, as I have said to one, "Go there!" and to another, "Come, here." and they have gone and come, so the one True God has said, "Call me, and I will surely come." and I take him at his word.
Today, I have called and upon the Earth I have laid both demand and command. The American Government must be restored and its sons and daughters returned to it without fear and without the false claims of evil men.
Three times three times three, we see what our words and deeds have done and we issue our demands and our commands with full force, full effect, full authority and honor.

Sorting the Manure

 By Anna Von Reitz

On the Farm, you have to sort manure. This is because each variety of manure has different strengths and uses.
In the same way, we have to pick through the daily dose of offerings that come to us from our erstwhile Public Employees, with the knowledge that we are the actual Public, and have paid dearly for that honor.
Recently, David Straight and his Buddies have been promoting the idea of a new, second, and other "Declaration of Independence". They are preaching Universal Law, without any great understanding of the subject.
This is because they have cut themselves off from any true recourse to the original Declaration of Independence by stubbornly remaining Federal Agents.
The rest of you should be aware that the so-called New Deal wasn't a good deal, and neither is the current offer.
If you give up your Public Law and the basis for it, that is, turn your back on the actual Declaration of Independence, you give up control of your own future by denying your own past. You give up your country and all that your ancestors fought for and won, via yet another sleight of hand.
The Universal Law is the Universal Law, immutable, rooted to the foundations of consciousness and Nature itself. Any good Public Law is similarly rooted in the Natural and Universal Law that underlies it, and any bad Public Law needs to be jettisoned by our ordained process of Jury Nullification.
For now, suffice it to say, that David Straight and his Buddies have done some worthwhile work, but their current sing-song is all wrong for the vast majority of Americans who are not and never were Federal Agents or Dependents---- and never meant to be Indentured Servants as members of the US Military, either.
What I keep getting from "the" Military and "the" White Hats and all the other Federales who have, despite their handicaps, tried to do their duty--- is a basic lack of understanding about who they are and what they need to get back on track.
When you enter Federal Service of any kind, you enter foreign service and in our case, foreign jurisdictions of the law as well. For Americans this change is as violent as being shanghaied into the French Foreign Legion. You either learn to like it or learn to hate it, but either way, it's foreign.
Such status places you under foreign law, something that no American is naturally subject to, but which they become subject to via undisclosed and unfair foreign contracting processes --- unilateral contracts, implied contracts, presumed contracts --- none of which are valid on our soil.
Unfortunately, many people continue to labor under the false assumption that once they have been hoodwinked and defrauded, they have to stay hoodwinked and defrauded. Federal Employees and Federal Agents also worry about being "stateless" because they never really had anything of their own to call home.
They and their State of State franchises employees are here as custodians and caretakers of our Territories and Possessions, but they don't actually own anything.
One of the chief confusions surrounding settlement of all the issues that confront our country is this misunderstanding about the political condition of our Federal Employees and Dependents, including the American Indian Tribes that the Federal Subcontractors have treated as Prisoners of War since the 1860's.
We are treated to the spectacle of the Federal Courts that have no jurisdiction related to the land of this country and to the United States Supreme Court which has failed its duty to enforce the Law of the Land, trying to give away the State's interest in the States themselves --- something that no Federal Contractor ever possessed.
You can't give away what you don't have in the first place.
There is no "Federal Trust" and no "Federal Trust Land" and to suppose that there is, long after the actual heirs and States have claimed back all right, title, and interest in the State Trusts that these same Perpetrators established as a means to unjustly enrich themselves, is the height of illegal activity and Breach of Trust on the part of these foreign interests.
It reminds me of the Florida Real Estate Swindles back in the 1970's --- all these Real Estate Agents brokering contracts based on Quit Claiming interests in property, when those signing the Quit Claims had no interest whatsoever in the land they were signing off on.
And the Indian Tribes are standing there, lapping this farce up, and pretending that because the United States Supreme Court stands over them as Federal Dependents, that the rest of us are similarly encumbered.
Not so.
The only "Federal Land" that exists is land that the States have actually ceded to the Federal Subcontractors for their use in the accomplishment of their duties, and those parcels are few and far between. Even the Municipal Capitol, Washington, District of Columbia, still belongs to Maryland and Virginia, respectively. It was only accorded a Use Lease.
If the Federales can't produce an Act by the actual land jurisdiction State Legislature granting them land within the borders of one of our States of the Union, you can be sure that the State retained all actual right, title, and interest in that parcel and that the Federal Subcontractors have only a custodial role and Use Lease --- at best.
As our land jurisdiction legislatures have not convened on a regular basis since 1860, it is a sure bet that 95% of what stands as federal development and federal roads and federal buildings, etc., is actually standing on land that belongs to our States of the Union. Not Indian Tribes that are Federal Dependents.
So, in fact, the Federales in sum total, have no right, title, interest, dominion, or possession of our States of the Union and never have had.
Federal citizens of all stripes are our Employees and/or Dependents, and they have and enjoy nothing but Dual American National Status --- if they have sense enough to claim it.
Otherwise, they are not allowed to own land within our borders.
And here's the icing on the cake --- they haven't had a contract since 2005.
They've gone on gaily spending what they assumed was our credit and piling up huge mounds of debt "in our names" and they certainly haven't had a contract to do that since 2005 --- so all 330 Trillion dollars in counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes that have been printed offshore since then, go --- zonk! --- right over in their debt column. Not ours.
No wonder the GOP is stalling off any more spending.
Even Nancy Pelosi should be raising her head up from the trough and going, "Wha....? Huh? It's our money we are spending, not theirs?"
Yes, that's right, no contract since 2005.
And they all really need a contract, from us, or all the banks on Earth are obliged to suck up their orifices in tight little "o's" and not give the pikers another dime.
Talk of "selling the American SSNs" to Australia is nothing but fraud and stupidity. Again.
The actual owners are here and no officers or Federal Agents are empowered to speak for us about these matters: we speak for ourselves.
And this is what we say to our Employees and Dependents, both in the Military and in the Federal Civil Service: come home.
Stop this nonsense and return to the land jurisdiction immediately. Stop running around like proverbial chickens and realize that your actual Employers are the only ones that can straighten this mess out.
So said, so signed, so sealed on this 28th day of September 2021 by:
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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Payola 101

 By Anna Von Reitz

I said it once, I said it twice, okay, so I will say it three times --- if they would lie about the A-Bomb, what else would they lie about?
Just like I am firmly convinced that the Brits are at the bottom of every dog pile, I am convinced that the commercial corporations posing as our "governmental services organizations" are made up entirely of actors and liars.
If you look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki today, 76 years after purported "atom bombs" were dropped on them, you will see thriving, busy, green-belted cities, where nothing but radioactive waste should remain, and a thermonuclear heat plate of molten glass underlying the mountains of ash.
So, there was no A-Bomb. It was all just lies then, and lies now, too, because we know for a fact that all those missiles and missile silos are either: (1) vacant, or (2) derelict and still using MS-DOS.
They are lying like rugs.
They are lying about virtually everything.
It cannot be our problem or concern to wonder why. Our only job is to observe that they are lying, and go from there.
As my Mother said, if a man will lie about one thing, he will lie about another. Soon he won't know what the truth is anymore, and the confusion he created will be his own downfall.
So, it can't be our concern to worry about how they will fall on their noses; we can be sure that those who lay snares will eventually fall in them.
I have been advised that hospitals are receiving thousands of dollars in payola for every patient they identify as suffering from a virus that has never been sequenced or otherwise identified.
The Great Snipe Hunt, revisited.
Some doctors -- not all are in on the scheme -- are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars every month for their participation.
I have recently seen credible proof that schools are receiving $3,000 per pupil from the CDC organization for imposing mask and shot requirements.
That adequately explains why these individuals and institutions are pushing the script --- plain, old-fashioned, payola.
They are their own version of Judas Iscariot. They will receive their reward.
And so, also, will the men and women who are paying them. It will come full circle, sooner than not.
Stand back and witness the vengeance of the Lord.
The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson is a reflection of the Universal Law which pervades the entire Universe. It is what it is. It stands as a monument to Man's ability to grasp the meaning of injustice, its causes, and its cures.
Those who would offer you any New Deal or New Declaration of Independence are offering you a lie, because the truth is forever the truth. It needs no adornments or changes.
Don't believe me? Go read The Declaration of Independence for yourself. See how exactly it matches the crimes that have been perpetuated against us today, just as it described these same crimes two hundred years ago.
There is a reason for this shocking parallel.
The same people and institutions who were preying upon us now were preying upon us then, too. What they could not win by force, they have attempted to win by guile.
And all the while, like Naughty Children, they think that they are not observed. They think that their rebellion against the Law of the Universe is not seen, but it is.
They think that they can kill most of the other people on this planet and never suffer themselves.
So they give themselves to their own superstitions, and worship the little gods they made with their own hands. They believe their own lies.
Recklessly, they give themselves exemptions from the evils they mandate for others, and right up until now, they have thought to themselves, "We shall do this to the sleeping sheep, and not be caught. Nobody will know. Nobody will make the call."
Nonetheless, the call is made, and it goes forth like the Word that created this world.
Now they and all their henchmen are scattering like dry leaves in the wind.
Their satellites are falling from the skies and they don't know why. Their poisons are not having their anticipated effects.
All the wars they planned aren't happening.

They begin to wake up from their drunkenness, and they are surprised that nothing is as they thought it was.


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