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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Rat Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Thanks to all the wonderful people who have joined us in our formerly lonely "Rat Watch" activity!  

It is such a personal joy and pleasure for me to know that thousands upon thousands of people worldwide are now awake and watching the rats, so that it is getting increasingly difficult for them to pull their crappola by hiding it in a corner and burying it under piles of paper.  

They can no longer hide a single sentence in 2500 pages of gobbledygook, because there are now enough eyes and ears to sort through it all.  And report back.  

Here is another nugget that everyone needs to know. 

According to the WEF, the pandemic "exercise" that demanded "maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing" was all a test to see how compliant all the sheeple will be when the Vermin demand that each and every one of us report on ourselves and each other to monitor our "personal carbon emissions" and no doubt, "voluntarily" pay taxes for every cow fart on our farms. 

Meanwhile, the actual cause of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide is ignored. 

It appears that nobody is bribing the "scientific" community to report on that subject, so all we hear about is the increase in carbon dioxide and not about what is causing the increase.  Instead, we are left to assume that we are at fault.  

We aren't taught about the Carbon Cycle in Public School anymore, so the population is left without even the basic tools to think about this situation.  

The reason that atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing is that atmospheric oxygen content is decreasing. 

The activities of men that matter are: pollution by major corporations and entire countries. And rather than take responsibility at the corporate level, they are, of course, passing the cost of their misdeeds onto the backs of the living people. 

There are two answers to the problem --- enforcement of environmental laws against offenders, or, new proactive initiatives to inspire better waste management technology and proactive oxygen replacement projects employing technology and natural ecosystem restoration.  

Meanwhile, the Rat Watch continues its thankless duty to watch the rats and report back on what they see: 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am publishing the attached Dropbox files for the entire world to see and understand.  These records concern only one (1) of dozens of accounts that are under the administration and Power of Attorney of Julius Shiva.  At the time these documents were created, Julius was being shadowed by Giovanni Battista (sometimes spelled Baptista) Richello, a CIA Officer who was his Witness. 

Like many other immigrants to this country, Julius was not given the benefit of full disclosure and so, he spent many years in the No Man's Land of U.S. Citizenship, without knowing that he wasn't yet in America --- but instead, inhabiting a foreign jurisdiction under the auspieces of the District of Columbia.  That changed once he realized how and why the CIA was claiming (through the person of Giovanni Battista Richello) a General Power of Attorney over funds that belong to and which should naturally be administered by Julius.  

It was the same crock that the Brits have used against all of us, falsely claiming that we were voluntarily adopting U.S. Citizenship and acting as willing Wards of their State-of-State organizations as Subjects of the Queen.  

So, when Julius stepped through the open door after decades of being in political status limbo and became a South Carolinian, part of the population of an Organic State of the Union, everything changed.  The Queen and the CIA could no longer claim to be his Trustees and "Representatives". 

And the entirety of his fortune and the power of his inherited General Power of Attorney came back to him, no longer subject to a foreign sovereign.  

This circumstance means that the World Bank and other banks that have been abusing and misusing his deposits as if they owned those deposits, and who have been allowing vast crimes of money laundering and misappropriation, have been caught red-handed in a personage fraud scheme that has impacted millions of people.  

I am here as Julius Shiva's Witness, to say that he is the rightful heir of the D'Avila Family and that he owes no special allegiance or fealty to the British Monarch, is not an "asset" belonging to the CIA, and is, instead, a living man and an American, a South Carolinian owed all the protections of the Federal Constitutions. 

Whereupon as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, I clearly and unequivocally say that Julius Shiva is an American and stands under the protection of the American Government.  

We hold the only proper role of Government to be the simple aim of protecting the people and their assets, whereupon, we claim that Julius Shiva is owed the unencumbered enjoyment of his fortunes and the exercise of all the General Powers of Attorney that he has acquired as the rightful heir and administrator of all the primary trusts and accounts held here and throughout the world. 

This is just one primary account out of dozens.  There are over 5000 secondary accounts and literally billions of individual personal accounts.  

By stepping forward and offering this as an initial proof to all Parties, we invoke the protection of the mighty presence of the True God and ask for assistance and guidance as we create a new understanding of money and institute a new banking system. 

To see the evidence regarding just one of the accounts that Julius holds under General Power of Attorney see the following link: 

The banks of the world know his name, know that he is the true heir, and have pretended otherwise for their own self-interest.  They have colluded together to seize upon deposits that lawfully and legally belong to him.  Let all honest men bear Witness to the truth.  

Notice Issued By:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                       The United States of America


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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