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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Notice Regarding the Dead Fed and the Government of the Philippines

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

The trademarked "Federal Reserve System" went kaput during the 2007-2008 meltdown.  You probably haven't been told that in so many words, but yes, the organization went bankrupt, was carved up by its creditors, and its assets including its names and trademarks were distributed as loot. 

The trademarks-- "THE FEDERAL RESERVE" and "FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS"-- were acquired by Chase and JP Morgan, which have been operating these trademarks ever since, which gives the outward appearance that the Fed System is alive and well, when it's not and hasn't been for over a decade. 

Last time I looked, the Federal Reserve Building was boarded up, and our physical Great Seal stamps which had been previously on display in the reception area of the Board of Governors Office were shipped to the Philippines --- and are being kept by the Government of the Philippines under the False Presumption that we voluntarily and conscionably deposited these icons and our gold in the Philippines and appointed the Government of the Philippines to act as our Trustees.    

This and Ferdinand Marcos' role and a great many other international conundrums and injustices result from actions taken by the Territorial Congresses immediately after the end of open hostilities in the Civil War and again in 1934. 

The Philippine Islands have been used by pirates and bankers and kings as a gold repository for centuries.  When I say "centuries" I actually mean thousands of years. Let me give First Timers an example: 

There are gold coffins (yes, containing bodies) in the Philippines that were exposed to radiation blasts during the The Great Plasma War 32,000 years ago ----and they are still there and still highly radioactive to this day.  

Generations of would-be thieves and pirates have tried to plunder these coffins and nobody could figure out why they all died shortly after touching them.  

There are Civil War Era lead bunkers on the landward islands of the Philippines that were sunk at the tideline so that they were accessible only during certain low tides. Rising sea levels have now completely covered these bunkers year round. 

There are, obviously, a lot of weird things in the Philippines, that Nature didn't put there. 

Jinns, witchcraft, booby traps, roving bands of mercenaries that work for various foreign governments and banks, it's a wild, wild world in Manilla and even wilder once you cross the treeline--- and unfortunately, this is where the Scottish Interlopers decided to send our gold for "safekeeping" after the Civil War. 

So that started the precedent of moving American gold to the Philippines and storing it there under the watchful eyes of certain Chinese banking families -- including Ferdinand Marcos' family. 

Before we pick up that thread and chase it too far, lets remark that although gold belonging to the American Government started flowing to the Philippines in the 1860s via U.S. Navy ships, this was a private arrangement until 1934, when the Territorial Congress facing the bankruptcy of their own British Territorial corporation doing business as  "the United States of America, Inc." created an "independent government for the Philippines" -- specifically for the purpose of naming that government the Trustee for our gold deposits in the Philippines. 

This is how the Government of the Philippines got mixed up in securing and storing and administering our gold deposits --- first as Safekeepers and later as Trustees.  

When the Japanese conquered the Philippines during the Second World War, they gained temporary access to all the gold from all the nations stored in the Philippines.  The Philippine Government and its Officers went to their deaths to defend their honor, their depositors and their homeland.  

Their heroism and their determined resistance throughout the war has never been properly recognized or lauded in this county, but it should be. 
The attitude in the Beltway has been that, well, of course, they were Trustees.... it was their duty. 

This duty, it must be remembered, was foisted on the Philippine Government after fifteen years of brutal war and handed to them as a consequence, not a reward.  

One of the more irritating (from a personal perspective, for me, as Fiduciary) aspects of the whole relationship with the Philippines is that because of their Trusteeship, the Filipino soldiers who fought side-by-side with American and British troops were denied any assistance after WWII. 

No medical.  No G.I. Bill.  Nothing. That might be a conflict of interest.  Some of those soldiers might later go to work for the Government of the Philippines.  Best to be squeaky clean and save a buck. 

Yeah, right. Any excuse will do. 

The greedy incompetent and senselessly ruthless U.S. Corp passed on into history and its own illegal bankruptcy without as much as a nod to a whole generation of Filipino men who suffered and bled.  

They must have wondered why their American friends did nothing for them, but as we all know now, though the troops were American, the cretins in Washington, DC, were British Crown operatives.  

Municipal corporations in the business of providing mercenaries engaged in wars for profit don't tend to care much about justice or fairness. 

I will leave it there for other Americans to think about. If I have my say, the people of the Philippines will be relieved of this onerous duty and amply rewarded. 

Regarding Ferdinand Marcos and his two (2) critical roles, first as the attorney and bank officer for the Avila Family Trust assets in the Philippines, and second as the Trustee for our United States of America assets stored in the Philippines: 

This always comes as a shock, but Ferdinand Marcos was Chinese. The family had been living in the Philippines as an expatriate Chinese banking family keeping track of their own gold, which was also stored in the Philippines. 

So, when these Wise Guys talk about "Chinese Elders" --- no, dears, there weren't a bunch of Chinese Elders sitting on a cloud during Mao's Cultural Revolution, but there are Chinese families living as Expatriates in other far-flung countries, some of whom have lineages involved in banking all the way back to the Plum Blossom Bank established more than 5,000 years ago.  

When the Hebrew Patriarch Abraham limped his way out of Ur and headed out into the wilderness, it was just a few hundred years prior to the founding of the Plum Blossom Bank.  

The Plum Blossom Bank has been here, literally, through it all. The Hebrews, the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Philistines, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Hittites, the Trojans, the Greeks and everything ever-afterward.

So if you want to talk about "Chinese Elders" and Chinese Banking Families, be prepared to deal on a whole different scale of reality.

With Marcos's family background in this kind of banking and his own brilliance as a lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos was a supremely able and popular administrator for gold depositors with holdings in the Philippines and Indonesia. 

So Ferdinand Marcos was already in the family business, a lawyer, up and coming, when he was hired by Severino Sta. Romano to manage the gold deposits and accounts of the D'Avila Family Trust in the Philippines and Indonesia.  

This position catapulted Marcos to instant international importance and prominence -- and no small amount of personal wealth as compensation. He later used these advantages to become the President of the Philippines, and in that role, became the Trustee for the American Government deposits. 

That means you and me, babies, but as we were kept in the dark and fed horse manure, the only obvious contact for the Government of the Philippines regarding our gold stored there, was the President of whatever-United-States-Corporation happened to be solvent at the time. 

This is the "representative" of the Depositors role that President John F. Kennedy assumed when he went to meet with President Marcos in the Philippines and hammered out the agreement to issue new species (gold-backed international and silver-backed domestic) money for America and Americans. 

We'd been languishing under the criminal Funny Money of the Federal Reserve Scheme since 1913, and Kennedy meant to end the disgusting free-for-all of their corruption and pillaging. 

Yes, he meant to.  The uncut Kennedy Dollars were printed and stacked on pallets and ready to go when JFK was cut down in Dallas.  

Too bad he didn't go all the way and tell the world exactly who he was talking about when he described the ruthless secret cartel seeking to rule over us all in a speech a few days before he died. 

All he really needed to say was "banking cartel" and we would have been able to fill in the rest of the blanks adding up to the "military-industrial complex". 

As it was, the shock of Kennedy's death sent the world back to the Dark Ages and criminals like LBJ took his place. 

It was back to Big Business as usual in the Beltway, with the Bank of England and the Rothschild Central Banks  hanging onto American Manpower and Resources to back their British Crown war-mongering for another sixty years. 

The Bankers and the Generals backing them couldn't have been happier --- all at our cost, of course. 

So because of them, we all staggered through Vietnam and literally hundreds of lesser mercenary "wars" and incursions and takeovers and these crooks all just kept pretending that their debts were our debts. 

Marcos, left sitting alone in the Philippines, threw up his hands. He didn't know who anyone was anymore. He didn't trust LBJ any further than he could throw a Texas Longhorn Steer.  

No credible Fiduciary speaking from the heart for the American people showed up after JFK, so Marcos paid himself exorbitantly for his services and sorted things out as best he could. 

We are still living through the backwash of that whole consequence fifty years afterward.  

People often want to blame Ferdinand Marcos, but the truth is, so far as he knew, he was the Last Man Standing after they murdered JFK.  I'd challenge anyone to bear through the temptations and the threats involved in his position -- and do it alone -- with any better grace. 

Since Marcos the Government of the Philippines has had its hands full, trying to maintain international support for its sovereignty, trying to fend off an endless stream of crime syndicates and pirates, trying to figure out who is who in this endless play of con artists and charlatans and crooks. 

They have been kind to me and paid attention to what I have said.  They've sent their spies and their emissaries. So have the Jesuits.  And the Dominicans. The Spanish King. The Office of Naval Intelligence. All those who are responsible and who have records related to all this skullduggery, have come. 

They've checked my pedigree back to the dawn of history and are still scratching their heads. 

How could such a thing be, that I would be who I am? They've checked my DNA multiple times.   

Here I am, the Last Woman Standing, Fiduciary for the unincorporated United States of America, Donor of the St. Germain World Trust. 

I am the first and only actual American---ever, to speak to the Government of the Philippines in their role as our Trustee.  

I have done so directly, and knowledgeably, without the Go-Between of a British Crown Officer -- who, after all, could only be working for me.

When what is true appears, what is false must pass away.  

As eloquent, intelligent, and well-intentioned as JFK was, as much as he spoke for the heart of America, he wasn't actually standing in the proper political status of an American. 

I am. 

What JFK proposed to do for us, we can do for ourselves sixty years later. 

This is why the Government of the Philippines needs to stop and pay close attention. I am the Fiduciary of the actual owners of the gold and other assets, including the Great Seals, that have been transported and delivered to the Philippines by various iterations of incorporated Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia. 

I act with a totally different ---and greater --- standing with respect to the subject matter. 

All the Presidents of all these Federal Municipal Corporations work for me, and if they don't work for me, they are imposters engaged in fraud. 

So it is at this time that the Public worldwide is advised of these facts and the Trustees are put on Notice and the Presidents are bypassed together with all the clap-trap and drama of the Federal Agencies and Departments. 

This is a very simple thing. The Americans have awakened and corrected their political status, restored their government, and are now seeking to settle debts, locate and recoup assets, and get our affairs in order. 

The Government of the Philippines was created as an independent body to expedite its service as a Trustee for our holdings in the Philippines. 

These gold shipments began arriving during and after the American Civil War (1861-1865) and continued even to the present day.  

As the lawful Fiduciary of the unincorporated land jurisdiction government, I am empowered to audit the American holdings in the Philippines, to underwrite the extension of credit based on those assets, authorize the issuance of currency based on those assets, and otherwise direct the Government of the Philippines in the accomplishment of its Trustee duties. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 17th 2023


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American Orientation 101

 By Anna Von Reitz

The courts you are appealing to are owned and operated by the same foreign governments oppressing you. 

Stop, please.  Think about it.  

These are courts of "special limited jurisdiction". 

They are not your courts of "general jurisdiction". 

Stop wasting your time and energy addressing these self-interested foreign courts. Just stop. 

They have no business addressing you, and unless you voluntarily do business on the sea, or work for the Federal Government, you have no business addressing them. 

Focus your time and energy on restoring your own State Courts of general jurisdiction --- courts that allow you to judge both the facts and the law in any jurisdiction.  

And lay it down.  

Declare your birthright political status and join your State Assembly without further delay.  Your empowerment is waiting for you.  Don't let it languish another day. 

Forget about "appeals" to THEIR "Supreme Court".  

It's your Supreme Court that counts. 

Forget about sending "petitions" to your Employees. 

Since when does an Employer petition his Employees?  

We don't petition them. We fire them. We send them the old pink slip heave-ho. We throw them in the brig. We hang them if we have to, but we don't petition them or plead with them. 

It's just not appropriate. 

We cinch up the banks so tight they can't squeeze a whisper. 

And we get this country back on the map and back on track.  

The end. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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