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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, March 8, 2024

International Public Notice: Regarding Money and Charges

 By Anna Von Reitz

No element of Federal or Municipal Code which has not been published in the correct Congressional Record and for which prior proper regulatory authority has not been established, can be applied to any American State National or State Citizen. 

This includes establishing debts and debts in our name, securitizing the flesh and assets of any American, abusing Usufructuary relationships, and the imposed use of Federal Reserve Notes, Clearinghouse Certificates, Registrations, and similar commercial or appearing to be commercial paper.  

Unlike actual money that has actual value in-and-of-itself, legal tender may or may not exist as a valid commercial instrument.  In the case of the Federal Reserve Note, no lawful assets have backed it since at least 2005, and as it has no "sum money" due and payable at any stipulated time it also fails the test as a viable commercial instrument.  It is a domestic currency only, and competent only to serve as a symbolic exchange of debt credit.  

The only way to receive payment in such a system or circumstance is to execute a debt swap, known as a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, as provided for under Federal Title XII. 

Put bluntly our Federal Subcontractors have amassed an admitted debt to us of $35 Trillion USD and have never set up a systematic means for us to arrange an appropriate debt swap (MOCEE); they have conveniently continued to extend "our" credit to themselves and have evaded and obstructed remedy. 

They have also participated in a widespread legal scheme to impersonate their Employers and thus deny them access to the obvious remedy, which is to swap any debt the Employers owe the Employees against what the Employees already owe to the Employers.

There is really no excuse for this behavior on the part of the Federal Subcontractors as they are required to work on credit and extending more credit is equivalent for their purposes to reducing their debt which increases their available credit without additional debt. 

This idiocy has resulted in the appearance of a "National Debt" in a System that is designed to automatically cancel all debt accruals, simply by crediting the value of the goods and services received in exchange.  It has also resulted in False Claims in Commerce amounting to trillions of dollars paid in non-existent "interest" on non-existent debt. 

Federal Reserve Notes are not valid commercial instruments nor are they money.  They literally have no actual value; so much so, that if they are stolen, the thief cannot be accused of theft. 

Self-evidently, it is not possible to allege the existence of any debt based on Federal Reserve Notes, either. 

This entire situation has been exacerbated by compartmentalization and lack of communication between two competing federal bureaucracies to the detriment of the Employers, our unincorporated States and people. 

We have extended $35 Trillion in credit to our Federal Employees and their District of Columbia Municipal Corporations against our will, having been denied access to remedy and prevented from issuing our own currency since 1913, and now, when we have demanded that they provide the stipulated "offset credit exchange exemption" they are balking and evading our demand. 

This is not only unimaginable malfeasance and Bad Faith in the commercial sense, but plain criminal dereliction of duty and breach of trust on the part of these Municipal Corporations and their Principals. 

We are owed: (1) immediate access to our Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchanges; (2) a true, complete, and not misleading accounting of each Federal Department and Agency; (3) a similar accounting of all Central Bank functions; (4) a balancing of the books and debt jubilee to discharge all the Odious Debt that has been accumulated against average people who don't owe these Pikers a dime.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 8th 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: To All Players, Air, Land, and Sea

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is to underline our Express Trust in the matter of any aggression toward Russia and its current government by any Party, Principal, Subcontractor, or subcontractors of our Federal Subcontractors: 

We, the actual American Government, have had a peaceable Treaty Alliance with Russia and the Russian People since 1858.  

Regardless of political and social upheavals within Russia, and even changes of Governments within Russia, Russia has always honored the Alliance between our two countries and our two peoples.

We shall do nothing less in return. 

The "investments" that the Biden Administration and the Municipal Congress have recently made in the Proxy War in the Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza must be understood as expenses accruing uniquely to them and their foreign government and its District of Columbia Municipal Corporations, having nothing whatsoever to do with our country, our credit, or our assets. 

They have acted as Subcontractors providing specific enumerated services under contracts known as Constitutions, but they are not us and are not to be mistaken as our American Government, nor as representing the American People in any unspecified or non-enumerated capacity not delegated to them with specificity. 

Charge their war-mongering costs and investments to them, to their Municipal corporations, specifically. Let the world know that they are not representing this country in their war-mongering activities. 

No element of their Constitution of the United States which has not been ratified by our States of the Union is enacted as anything beyond a private corporate policy.  This includes policies adopted as "War Powers" and designations of "Enemies" codified under Federal Subcontractor auspices. 

The private and self-interested policies of these District of Columbia Municipal Corporations should not be confused with the actual Public Policies of this country. 

This country has been at peace, officially, since 1814. 

We do not consider Russia an enemy, and this fact has been published and set upon the Public Record since 1858, so it need not come as any surprise that our Subcontractors cannot violate our Public Commitments and Alliances in our names.  

Any "sanctions" against Russia cannot be applied with our authority or in our names by any Subcontractors of ours; any such sanctions or claims of "Enemy" status must be clearly stated and validated as USA, Inc. or White House Office, Inc. policies apart from any powers or roles obtained from or delegated by our Federation of States. 

The abuses that our foreign Federal Subcontractors have exacted against our people and many other nations via manipulation and weaponization of the legal system and by plain usurpation against our lawful government -- their Employer -- must be held to their account and viewed as a result of their own decisions and paid for on their own tickets. 

In no case are they allowed to mischaracterize their Employers as "Enemies" for honoring the American-Russian Alliance of 1858, nor are they empowered by any enumerated or granted or delegated power to wage war against Russia at our expense nor can they impose any sanctions against Russia "for" us.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 8th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 
How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Gold: "It's Off To The Races From Here"

Why Silver instead of Gold?  See the chart below!
 We have two options for you to get Silver. 
 Or call to order 500 or more ounces at 406 889 3183 
 Paul Stramer 

The American Peace Flag -- Who Has the Right to Fly It?

 By Anna Von Reitz


Any American who espouses the cause of peace and who stands against the idea of "perpetual war" is enabled to fly the Peace Flag.  It is an ample symbol of our demand for peace and our will to live in peace, and it is much needed in the current era. 
So even if someone in a different "patriot group" or someone who hasn't made and published their political status declaration, flies the peace flag, it is their right as an American to do so and the only possible harm done is potentially to them.  
Why?  Because you cannot "war" against the Territorial or Municipal governments and take recourse to any acts of war against them, if you expect your neutrality in the ongoing commercial mercenary conflict to be honored.  
That is, you cannot use a peace flag as a war flag or as a "cover" for ill-intent toward others. And if you are going to fly it, you should go all the way and declare and publish your political status, because that makes it clear who we are and where we are coming from. 
All the excuses and suppositions of the ongoing Mercenary Conflict can't be invoked or supported in the eyes of the rest of the world when we do that.  There is no longer any basis for it. 
And it is at that point, when we all stand up and say, "Peace!" that peace comes, because the land and soil belong to us, when we stand together and enforce it. It is only because we have been unaware of what these thugs have been pulling behind our backs that this has gone on so long. 
Our own military has been occupying the country and forcing us to use military scrip for "money" and indulging in war-for-profit schemes on our shores while claiming a custodial interest in us and our assets. 
When we declare peace all that ends, so, let everyone fly the peace flag, but bring your brothers and sisters along.  Explain the history and the Public Law.  And let love prevail. 

Check out this website 

for the honorable and venerable history of our Peacetime Flag --- and stop a moment to think: do you want war or do you want peace? It's up to you to declare.
To get your own US civilian flag go here: