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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Not the Great Reset -- the Great Reversal

 By Anna Von Reitz

Most people have heard about the so-called "Great Reset" which would include a "revaluation of currencies" to "level the playing field" and provide "parity" such that the ruble is of equal buying power to the US Dollar and so on.  

There are numerous problems with this, because as the RV Committee members have fully admitted, things are so f#@$d up, nobody knows the market value of anything anymore. 

Everything from the value of yen to toothpaste has been arbitrarily controlled by central banks (commodity rigging organizations) for over a hundred years. We no longer know what a man would willingly pay for an ounce of silver or a ham steak. 

Faced with this unhappy reality, the "RV" Committee has been stymied for years.  What to do?  Just hand-wave it and take a guess?  We can imagine Sheik Ali looking at Franz Weber and shrugging. 

So they have toddled on in a miasma of fear and loathing, unable to make a sane decision, unwilling to admit failure. 

There isn't a single thing left in the world that hasn't been meddled with, at least nothing that the RV Committee can find that would provide a fair and logical standard of value -- something that could then provide a basis for valuing everything else in comparison.  

Alas, the corruption has endured too long and free markets have been vacated and obstructed for too long. 

Sheik Ali famously flipped a one ounce gold coin as high as his thumbnail could fling it, let it drop on the floor, and shook his head. 

The atmosphere at these meetings is a mixture of droll and hopeless. 

Without a known, agreed upon "Standard Value" the whole show collapses.  

These men know that, but they are facing their version of James T. Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru, Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot.... they know it will take a stroke of genius to deliver them, but as they stare around the table, they are flat, fresh out of any such brilliance.   

Meantime, the Merry-Go-Round of the financial world slows inexorably down, sputters, and threatens to come to a deadly standstill.  Over a year ago, the Pope gave up, ordered all liquid assets returned to the Vatican Bank, and barred the door. 

That really should have been a signal and a warning to the rest of us. 

Now, the word comes from The Hal Turner Radio Show --- of all places --- that not only did UBS "fail to deliver" on bonds, but on top of that, the DTCC erased the bond numbers from its database, so that it appears that those bonds never existed. 

As always with these Shysters, when all else fails, burn the books. Erase the records.  Deny any paper trail. Pull a Sergeant Shultz impersonation: we know nothing, we saw nothing, we heard nothing.  Gag all media outlets.  Call out the gendarmes. 

This points out, once again, the utter impracticality and stupidity of even entertaining the idea of the QFS "Quantum Financial System" and CBDC's -- Central Bank Digital Currencies.  

It would make life a lot easier for the criminals, but living hell for the rest of us. 

We'd be better off buying a stockpile of salt and large plastic trash bags. 

One imagines the Voice of the Stewardess telling us all to remain calm in increasingly strained and higher pitched tones, as everyone knows that we are about to plow our 747 straight into a mountain.  

But wait.  There is a solution.  It's called "lawful conversion", otherwise known as "credit reversal", and there is already a clean, secure, global-scale banking service ready to deliver --- the Bilateral Global Family Bank.   

Remember that every debt is someone else's credit. 

It's time for poor old Joe at Joe's Hamburger Shop to be credited for all his actual, factual contributions.  

All the debt owed by British Territorial "Persons" and Municipal PERSONS needs to be lawfully converted into credit owed to Joe.  

Flip the accounting register on its head. 

There now.  Wasn't that painless?  The debts of one subset become the credits of another.   

Those credits will power the commercial jurisdiction on the land, which will save everyone a very nasty and embarrassing world economic collapse and/or face plant into a mountainside. 

We can help out the RV Committee, too. 

It's true that everything has been meddled with by the Central Banks. It's true we haven't had free markets for over a hundred years, but so what? 

Does that really keep us from knowing the value of things and prevent us from establishing a Standard Value?  


We know what an ounce of gold or an ounce of silver would buy in 1800, so we can use buying power in a former free market as the measure to establish value for the money and for the credit in the present General Commodity Market, and then, let that sort out and determine the comparative value of "new" commodities like engine oil and computer chips. 

It's not really rocket science. 

The first step is lawfully converting the hopelessly indebted Maritime Commercial Banks into commensurately wealthy Land Jurisdiction Commercial Banks. 

Pay Joe the credit he's owed and which he already paid for.  That will keep the Merry-Go-Round running.

The second step is to establish a Standard Value for gold and silver using former known buying power against other known commodities. 

Although some commodities like horses and whale oil have lost value and other commodities like engine oil and computer chips did not exist the last time we saw free markets, the relative value of a good suit and pair of shoes hasn't changed much in the past two hundred years, and neither has the relative price of a bushel of good winter wheat.  

We have plenty of such reference commodity values that will allow us to re-establish fair and reasonable Free Market Value Standards. 

And let us get on with our lives in a better and far less criminal world. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice of Lawfare

 By Anna Von Reitz

In Scotland to this day apprentice Barristers are called “devils” for a reason.  It’s because they are being taught the Law of the Sea, and the Sea is acknowledged to be Satan’s realm and home where he was “cast down from Heaven”.  

So the Law of the Sea is Satan’s “law” and the practitioners of it are rightly called “Devils” and “Masters of Deceit”.  

It should come as no surprise then that the man most singularly responsible for destroying and polluting ten millennia of English Common Law was a Scottish Admiralty Attorney, William Murray, otherwise known as Lord Mansfield. 

He is credited in today's white-washed version with "reforming" English Law, but to many observers, it is apparent that he destroyed it, instead. 

The essence of Murray's reform was to bring Admiralty Law ashore and intermingle it with English Common Law, a forced and unholy marriage that resulted in what is today called "Equity Law".  

The only "equity" in Equity Law is the King's, which is precisely what its proponents like about it.  

The new law set up by Murray established a system on the land by which the King's cronies could dispose of private property (and persons) however they liked, so long as it was in the King's arguable best interests----and get a share of the spoils themselves.  

This neatly divested the King from any direct responsibility for the courts, and created a self-perpetuating system of greed-fulfillment that runs without undue oversight. As long as the accounting mechanisms are kept in trim, the fleecing can go on day and night for years on end with barely a ripple breaking the surface of this parody of justice.

This criminal equity system derives from a long history of "prize money" under British Admiralty Law, by which a captured ship could be "salvaged" and towed ashore, sold, and the receipts shared out with so much going to the King, so much to the Captain who captured the ship, and so much split up to the members of the crew.  

This is what happens in Equity Courts to this day, wherein the Government gets its' share, the Judge receives his bit, and the rest goes to the Attorneys.  

The prisoner or defendant in the "dock" --- naval term ---is misaddressed on a "docket" -- another naval term, and is mischaracterized as a captured ship being salvaged.  The victim's soul is considered his "cargo" and the "salvage" operation is considered to be his "salvation". The payment of fines and dock fees is his "redemption". 

It's a peculiar combination of sanctimonious Calvinist doctrine gone askew, abject toady-ism to the King or other Government, and theft, washed down with a straight face and whiskey flasks in the Judge's chambers. 

Equity Law leads directly to capricious justice wherein no two punishments for the same crime are similar, as each judge is free to interpret and excuse things according to their own "discernment".  

Usually, if the victim is ignorant and poor and not likely to effectively protest, he is dealt with most severely; if the Defendant is socially and economically well-placed, possibly with avenues to the King's ear, he gets off with a slap on the wrist.  So much for discernment. 

The salvation of the latter's soul becomes less of a public concern and more in the nature of a private one, as a rich man is automatically assumed to be on good terms with Satan, who sits as the Great Judge over this entire system of law.  

The thing that Equity Law  (created in the 1750's) promises in dry dock is also accomplished on the land by Public Trust Administration (created in 1666 by the Cestui Que Vie Act) --- and both get away with their abuses by assuming a "public interest" in private property.  

The "public interest" is an ownership interest, which allows the King to take out insurance policies on his Subjects.  It is not possible to insure something if you don't have an ownership interest in it and this is no exception.  

Via the imposition of Equity Law or via the presumptions provided by the Cestui Que Vie Act, the British King happily presumes an ownership interest in living people who have no relationship to him at all.  He simply theorizes the existence of a British Person, a Subject that exists in his care as their Trustee while on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, or presumes the existence of an "abandoned" orphan using the same name as the Victim, and insures that Person as his own Possession---his slave or indentured servant. 

Then, no matter what happens to that Person, up to and including death, the King makes a tidy profit from him or her.   Such Persons are handily subject to Equity Law and Administrative Law, both.  And unknown to the Brits, Americans, Canadians, and others who have been victimized by this purposeful fraud scheme, these are the imaginary foreign "Persons" being addressed under the foreign law of the equally foreign Equity Courts and (corporate tribunal) Administrative courts sitting on our shores.   

These courts can never address the actual living people at all.  If they did, they'd be committing crimes.  

Instead, they have to successfully misaddress and mischaracterize their victims as one of their own foreign Subjects, in order to establish jurisdiction. 

People fall into their trap by replying to a misaddressed Summons or by appearing as a character, a Defendant, in one of their court dramas. They can also do this by successfully misaddressing you as "Mister" or "Miss" or attaching some other Title to you.  

Mister is the proper form of address for a British Midshipman.  If you answer to someone calling you, "Mister Brown" you have taken the bait. 
A "Taxpayer" is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service. 
This pattern of purposefully mischaracterizing and impersonating people so as to invoke sea-going jurisdictions is endemic.  

Having once successfully misaddressed the target, they can proceed with the rest of their agenda, which is simply to fleece the victim and coerce them on behalf of their King. 

This is bad enough in times of peace, but during times of war, it devolves into "lawfare" wherein even the rules of Equity Law are bent beyond recognition and the judges operate more or less openly as petty tyrants, handing out arbitrary sentences, lying, practicing law from the bench, tampering with evidence, and generally making a mockery of justice, victimizing anyone they can misidentify as an "Enemy Combatant".  

In this country, they have used The American Civil War, an illegal Mercenary Conflict that actually ended over 150 years ago, as their excuse to presume enemies behind every bush and invoke Admiralty Law on dry land.  This allows them to presume virtually unlimited powers over life and death, property and its disposal, prison terms, etc. 

To weaponize their other venue, the Administrative Courts, they have their Captains declare various other kinds of "war" -- wars on poverty, drugs, and terrorism, for example. 

All this, where there is in fact no war and no Subjects to prosecute. 

There's a whole lot of "legal presumption" going on where it is not merited.

We have trustingly, stupidly, endured this situation for over 150 years.  

These foreign courts have misapplied their foreign and self-serving "law" to generations of innocent Americans, robbing, defrauding, mischaracterizing and coercing us in the process.  

The creation of Equity Law and its true nature as institutionalized crime did not escape the notice of our ancestors, who vehemently denied it access to our shores.  It only crawled out of the slime in the wake of the Civil War, when, in May of 1865, the Territorial Rump Congress provided for the creation of Military Districts in the eleven Southern States and the so-called District Courts were born. 

These Carpetbagger Courts became infamous for their injustice and raw avarice.  

And they are still in operation.  

We call for the removal of all maritime and admiralty courts from our shores and their permanent relocation to the District of Columbia, or other foreign locations.  

We can administer our own Public Law and Law of the Land with no trouble, all by ourselves. 

We also call for investigation by the Inspector General, Postmaster General, and the Post Master of The United States concerning the use of Dog Latin, also mischaracterized as "American Sign Language '',  to misaddress mail delivered within the borders of our States of the Union. 

Finally, we call for the lawful conversion of all private corporation assets presently occupying what appear to be public offices, departments, courts, and similar public service positions and their return to duty under the auspices of our lawful civilian government.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

26th November 2023


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Cheating Melchizadek

 By Anna Von Reitz

Abraham bribed a priest of an unknown God for a blessing, promising a tenth of the choicest of everything to the priests, who, two generations later, were “set apart” as the Levites.  

So Abraham’s “Blessing” was the fruit of bribery. 


Ask yourself— does our Creator stoop to accepting bribes for blessings?  What could we possibly give or sacrifice to our Creator that he does not already have, or that was not given to us as a gift? 

What kind of craziness is going on here? 

It gets better. 

Abraham’s Blessing (which he gained by bribing Melchizadek) is stolen from the rightful inheritor, Esau, by Abraham’s lying, cheating, cowardly Grandson Jacob, and his scheming Mother. 

So, a “Blessing” bought by bribery is in turn stolen and comes into the possession of a Liar and a Thief. 

Jacob, the Liar-Thief goes on to Father the Twelve Tribes, and he keeps his Grandfather’s deal with Melchizadek going by defining the Levites and setting a tenth portion of everything aside for them.  

A lot of the Levite duties involve ritual killing of “sacrifices” to this Unknown God.  

That includes ritual killing of human sacrifices.  

The Bible makes plenty of references to this though the Churches try to downplay it and gloss it over. 

Abraham readily accepted the idea that he had to kill his only Son, Isaac. 

Later generations just as readily adopted turning God’s House into a slaughterhouse. Cattle, sheep, goats, even doves and sparrows were killed by these blood-thirsty madmen. 

And the whole time they have been killing what they could never create or replace. 

Over and over again throughout both the Old and New Testaments we are faced with violent, cruel, and bloody acts being adopted by the Israelites as acts of worship — from Circumcision to “passing their sons and daughters through the fire” — that is, burning their babies alive as more sacrifices.  

Of course, they had to sacrifice the Son of God for their sins. 

Such is the entire criminal logic of the Judeo-Christian heritage.  What began with a bribe, proceeded with a theft, and ended with the murder of an innocent man.  

Am I the only one on Earth not okay with this?  

The only one among all the generations and nations of the Earth who has put together bribery, lies, theft, and murder —- and deduced the identity of the Unknown God that Abraham was worshipping? 


Not the Creator.  Not the true God.  

That should be obvious, but it isn’t.  Generations of people who readily call themselves “Christians” for no known reason, and other people who call themselves “Jews” for no known reason are fighting other people who call themselves “Muslims” for no known reason, and all their differences and grudges go back to this same crazy, criminal narrative.  

This planet is not meant to be an insane asylum but we have turned it into one and it is well-past time that we looked at the actual content of this narrative and said, ——WTF? 

Those who “cast Satan down into the sea” knew what they were doing.  

They are responsible for Satan being here.  

They are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and the misery of generations. 

Am I the only one calling the Archangel Michael out for this?  

What were you thinking, Michael?  Just give Satan a little vacation at our expense?  You were late for a date and had to go home and polish your armor? 


These Vermin need to be out of here now, root, stem, and leaf.  It should have been done long ago.  

I am tired of waiting!  Make it so! 

I see and God sees the external source of the mayhem visited on us, and I call down the enforcement of the Universal Law and assert the  right of Mankind to live in peace and to enjoy the inheritance that their Father has prepared for them.  

Let it be with no further delays or excuses. 


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Return to Joe's Hamburger Shop 2.0

 By Anna Von Reitz

A few days ago we issued a handy little text that exposed how Joe, an Average American, the owner of a little hamburger joint, was fooled into extending credit to Fred, a Federal Employee --- by accepting I.O.U.s from Fred in exchange for hamburgers, based on promises to pay (at an undisclosed future date) issued by two Municipal Corporations -- the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  

We also discussed that the "Federal Reserve" was never part of the Federal Government, but was instead an association of private banks in the business of loaning money to the Federal Government Subcontractors. 

The exact membership of the Federal Reserve association has varied over time.  

When I checked into it last some years ago, the members were: Goldman-Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb, the Rothschilds (both London and Paris), the Warburgs (Hamburg), Lazards (Paris) and Yisrael Moses Seif (Rome).  

The primary managers were William Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, and James Stillman. 

These are all private investment banks/investment bankers, playing footsie with "central banks", that are commodity rigging organizations that control the supply of currency and other commodities including gold, silver, and those items normally listed on commodity stock exchanges.  

Yes, pork bellies, too.  

It's all criminal insider cronyism and obstruction of trade to the hilt, and they've been getting away with it for over a hundred years.  Right in front of our noses. 

Of course, we thought "our" government was monitoring all these cozy relationships, so it must be okay.  They couldn't be doing anything illegal or unlawful --not while we were spending billions each year for "law enforcement" and related services, right?

Turns out that all that "law enforcement" was to protect and profit the criminal corporations in a private capacity; these Agents and police forces weren't being paid as public peacekeepers at all. 

Even the County Sheriffs have been on the take. 

All our Federal Employees were studiously silent about their actual political affiliations and the illegal looting and monopolies and credit fraud and every  kind of illegal confiscation went on, literally, for decades and was unopposed, simply because the people of this country were trusting and ignorant and kept deliberately in the dark by their Subcontractors. 

This is all the more reprehensible in view of the kindness, valor, generosity, and loyalty that so many Americans have shown to what they thought of as their public employees and "their" government.  

So now let's observe when Fred the Federale dumped his I.O.U. into the marketplace by exchanging it with Joe for a hamburger, Joe was left holding the I.O.U. as if he was the debtor. 

As the scheme grew legs, and actual money was gradually removed from the marketplace, Joe had no actual money to pay a debt.  His gold and silver had been siphoned off and all he had was Fred's debt to exchange, over and over again.   

Each time that "Federal Reserve Note" was exchanged for actual goods and services, the I.O.U. was charged again, but there was only one note. 

Think about it. 

Wouldn't it be great if you and your pals could issue a single I.O.U. and exchange it again and again and again for actual goods and services?  One ten dollar note could be exchanged for a hamburger, then a pair of socks, and on and on --- and it would still look like all you owed was ten dollars. 

By the time "the US Debt" reached $15 Trillion Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes, only God knows how many hundreds of trillions-worth of actual goods and services had been exchanged for those same "Notes" over time and what the actual debt owed by these Con Artists is. 

Bear in mind that they did the same thing all over the world, not just America, foisting off their debt as our debt, and selling "US TREASURY BONDS" the same way they foisted off FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. 

By 2007 the Lehman Brothers Bank, otherwise known as the US Department of Agriculture's Small Business Administration, was getting cold feet.  So the other banks killed Lehman Brothers Bank, and the Big Short ensued, exposing the criminal nature of the mortgage industry and especially, the fraudulent nature of pre-packaged mortgage-backed securities.  

Nothing has been done about it. 

By 2009, the trademarked Federal Reserve System doing business as the FEDERAL RESERVE was bankrupt, leaving the whole burden on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the American people presumed to be the Underwriters of both these Municipal Corporations. 

Chase Bank and JPMORGAN acquired the FEDERAL RESERVE and FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS names as part of their loot as Creditors in the FEDERAL RESERVE (SYSTEM) bankruptcy. 

And not a word was whispered to the American Public or anyone else with a vital interest in these "undertakings" --- as in Undertakers. 

There are a number of things that need to be done. 

First and foremost, peace must come to our land and soil, and there can be no more false claims or illegal confiscations or self-serving registrations or patent claims against Americans or other living people based on undisclosed injections of patented genetic  materials. 

Second, all the Bar Attorneys and Hired Jurists must stand down and be relegated to those courts of "special limited jurisdiction" they are heir to; they cannot be allowed to misaddress any American again. Ever. 

Third, the Principals responsible must be exposed for their wrong-doing and not allowed to hide behind pawns and scapegoats and storefronts, such as carrying on business as the UN CORPORATION and pretending to be the United Nations organization, instead.  

The Pope and the British Monarch probably didn't dream all this up, but they went along with it and profited from it, and they and HSBC and the QFS "System" clearly intended to do unto China what they've already done to us--- that is,  steal their money and their credit and leave them buried under a mountain of Odious Debt. 

Fourth, all our unlawfully converted property and institutions and resources must be returned to us and to our control.  This means the "State" Trusts and all other property, assets, and interests that naturally belong to us, our money, our credit, our Good Names, our patents, our trademarks, our public buildings, equipment we paid for, shareholder and cash asset interests, land titles, and everything else that is ours, must be returned to us free and clear. 

Fifth, all contrary activities such as promotion of the QFS and the so-called Central Bank Digital Currency boondoggle must cease and desist and make way for an honest system based upon actual land jurisdiction Commerce, not Maritime Commerce. 

We have provided ourselves and everyone else a viable modern option to conduct both Trade and Commerce subject to the Law of the Land, honoring private asset ownership, and an end of illegitimate claims of public ownership interest in private property. 

This means accepting the Lawful Conversion of all those assets that were Unlawfully Converted via false registrations and other mechanisms implemented in the 1920's and 30's. 

It also means returning our military to their honorable status as defenders of our country, not cheap mercenaries for hire by banks, commercial corporations, and foreign interests. 


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"Off-Balance Sheet Funds"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Although this may be a new concept for you, Joe Average American, it is an old, old concept for banks and bankers, and has been going on in this country since the 1920s. 

Ever since the FBI arrested Easy Eddie O'Hara, Al Capone's bookkeeper, and saw the advantages of his "Dual Accrual System" of bookkeeping, honest banks and honest government accounting have been out the window.  

In 1946, the Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia went so far as to formally adopt "Dual Accrual Accounting" as the official accounting system of the U.S. Government.  

Con artists and Sharpies call it "keeping two sets of books".  

The concept is simple enough.  You just divide income into two streams, like -- public and private, on-ledger and off-ledger, budgeted and unbudgeted. 

Now you have two sets of accounts -- what you admit and what you don't admit. 

Of course, the U.S. Tax Court convicted Al Capone of racketeering and tax evasion anyway, but later on, the District of Columbia politicians embraced the concept whole-heartedly for their own use. 

Thus, we hear endlessly about Budget debates, but never a word about all the Unbudgeted money flowing into Congressional coffers. 

It's not budgeted, so it doesn't count. 

Or, in other words ---what the Public doesn't know, won't hurt them. 

Now, hearing this for the first time, you might not believe me, so I am posting an article about Germany's "Creative Accounting" and letting you figure out where this shady accounting system came from: 

This is also how we came to have CAFR Accounts -- that account for all the unbudgeted money that all the various franchise entities attached to the federal "government" corporations are rat-holing away.  Like the billions upon billions in the University of California endowment system.  Or the millions of acres of land locked up in "Mental Health Trusts". 

That's all just extra, at the State of State level.  

This should suggest to you that all the poor-mouthing you have ever heard from the "government" corporations is just that and no more or less.  

Every bit of cry-eying over "the budget deadlock" and every drama over the "National Debt" and every threat of a "government shutdown" has been and still is nothing but gratuitous bunk. 

As part of their creative accounting, they have firewalled their own pension plans several hundred years into the future and pretended that employee pension fund demands scheduled for 35 years in the future are due now. 

Very creative.  Very, very creative. 

So are all the charges of "interest" due on the National Debt, which, strictly speaking, was paid off multiple times by sweet, clueless Americans already, and was never owed a dime of interest, either, much less bankruptcy protection. 

We have been in the thrall of criminal corporations and equally criminal banks and it is  past time to call it for what it is.

Also past time to realize that none of this could exist without criminal courts and plenty of criminal attorneys and crooked accountants, too.  

No, we are not talking about attorneys who prosecute criminal cases.  We are talking about attorneys who are criminals and who know perfectly well what they are doing, and are doing it anyway.  

Some of them are still acting under the idea that they are "at war" 160 years after the fact and that they are doing it for God and country --- an excuse as pathetic as "I was just following orders."  

Time to bring all those "off-ledger" and "off-balance sheet" accounts on ledger and take a gander at a whole new reality.  

Turns out that we aren't penniless beggars or government dependents at the mercy of our own Subcontractors. 

Turns out that we are richer than Midas and they owe us more than they could ever return.  

Caught with the hot goods in their filthy paws, they cooked up a plan to "redistribute" our wealth to their other creditors -- who agreed to give them a healthy kickback on all the overcharges.  

Although the victims were never told about the source of all this largesse, it was to come from selling off all our land and off-ledger bank deposits and shares in the Fortune 500 and everything else as "abandoned property" once owned by "unknown decedents".  

Remember how they got your Mother to sign you over to them as a chattel property without the benefit of disclosure, and fooled her into misidentifying you as a citizen of the United States (Corporation)? 

That created an American  "infant decedent estate" -- a conveniently intestate property interest representing your "waived" birthright estate interest in your actual State of the Union.  

This is what they were using as collateral to borrow against, and they rooked your Mother and defrauded you to do it.  At the end of the day, they proposed to divest themselves of your "waived" property by giving it away to their own creditors.  

That's what some of them, like all the pikers at HSBC, are still trying to do.  


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:

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