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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Return to Joe's Hamburger Shop 2.0

 By Anna Von Reitz

A few days ago we issued a handy little text that exposed how Joe, an Average American, the owner of a little hamburger joint, was fooled into extending credit to Fred, a Federal Employee --- by accepting I.O.U.s from Fred in exchange for hamburgers, based on promises to pay (at an undisclosed future date) issued by two Municipal Corporations -- the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  

We also discussed that the "Federal Reserve" was never part of the Federal Government, but was instead an association of private banks in the business of loaning money to the Federal Government Subcontractors. 

The exact membership of the Federal Reserve association has varied over time.  

When I checked into it last some years ago, the members were: Goldman-Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb, the Rothschilds (both London and Paris), the Warburgs (Hamburg), Lazards (Paris) and Yisrael Moses Seif (Rome).  

The primary managers were William Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, and James Stillman. 

These are all private investment banks/investment bankers, playing footsie with "central banks", that are commodity rigging organizations that control the supply of currency and other commodities including gold, silver, and those items normally listed on commodity stock exchanges.  

Yes, pork bellies, too.  

It's all criminal insider cronyism and obstruction of trade to the hilt, and they've been getting away with it for over a hundred years.  Right in front of our noses. 

Of course, we thought "our" government was monitoring all these cozy relationships, so it must be okay.  They couldn't be doing anything illegal or unlawful --not while we were spending billions each year for "law enforcement" and related services, right?

Turns out that all that "law enforcement" was to protect and profit the criminal corporations in a private capacity; these Agents and police forces weren't being paid as public peacekeepers at all. 

Even the County Sheriffs have been on the take. 

All our Federal Employees were studiously silent about their actual political affiliations and the illegal looting and monopolies and credit fraud and every  kind of illegal confiscation went on, literally, for decades and was unopposed, simply because the people of this country were trusting and ignorant and kept deliberately in the dark by their Subcontractors. 

This is all the more reprehensible in view of the kindness, valor, generosity, and loyalty that so many Americans have shown to what they thought of as their public employees and "their" government.  

So now let's observe when Fred the Federale dumped his I.O.U. into the marketplace by exchanging it with Joe for a hamburger, Joe was left holding the I.O.U. as if he was the debtor. 

As the scheme grew legs, and actual money was gradually removed from the marketplace, Joe had no actual money to pay a debt.  His gold and silver had been siphoned off and all he had was Fred's debt to exchange, over and over again.   

Each time that "Federal Reserve Note" was exchanged for actual goods and services, the I.O.U. was charged again, but there was only one note. 

Think about it. 

Wouldn't it be great if you and your pals could issue a single I.O.U. and exchange it again and again and again for actual goods and services?  One ten dollar note could be exchanged for a hamburger, then a pair of socks, and on and on --- and it would still look like all you owed was ten dollars. 

By the time "the US Debt" reached $15 Trillion Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes, only God knows how many hundreds of trillions-worth of actual goods and services had been exchanged for those same "Notes" over time and what the actual debt owed by these Con Artists is. 

Bear in mind that they did the same thing all over the world, not just America, foisting off their debt as our debt, and selling "US TREASURY BONDS" the same way they foisted off FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. 

By 2007 the Lehman Brothers Bank, otherwise known as the US Department of Agriculture's Small Business Administration, was getting cold feet.  So the other banks killed Lehman Brothers Bank, and the Big Short ensued, exposing the criminal nature of the mortgage industry and especially, the fraudulent nature of pre-packaged mortgage-backed securities.  

Nothing has been done about it. 

By 2009, the trademarked Federal Reserve System doing business as the FEDERAL RESERVE was bankrupt, leaving the whole burden on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the American people presumed to be the Underwriters of both these Municipal Corporations. 

Chase Bank and JPMORGAN acquired the FEDERAL RESERVE and FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS names as part of their loot as Creditors in the FEDERAL RESERVE (SYSTEM) bankruptcy. 

And not a word was whispered to the American Public or anyone else with a vital interest in these "undertakings" --- as in Undertakers. 

There are a number of things that need to be done. 

First and foremost, peace must come to our land and soil, and there can be no more false claims or illegal confiscations or self-serving registrations or patent claims against Americans or other living people based on undisclosed injections of patented genetic  materials. 

Second, all the Bar Attorneys and Hired Jurists must stand down and be relegated to those courts of "special limited jurisdiction" they are heir to; they cannot be allowed to misaddress any American again. Ever. 

Third, the Principals responsible must be exposed for their wrong-doing and not allowed to hide behind pawns and scapegoats and storefronts, such as carrying on business as the UN CORPORATION and pretending to be the United Nations organization, instead.  

The Pope and the British Monarch probably didn't dream all this up, but they went along with it and profited from it, and they and HSBC and the QFS "System" clearly intended to do unto China what they've already done to us--- that is,  steal their money and their credit and leave them buried under a mountain of Odious Debt. 

Fourth, all our unlawfully converted property and institutions and resources must be returned to us and to our control.  This means the "State" Trusts and all other property, assets, and interests that naturally belong to us, our money, our credit, our Good Names, our patents, our trademarks, our public buildings, equipment we paid for, shareholder and cash asset interests, land titles, and everything else that is ours, must be returned to us free and clear. 

Fifth, all contrary activities such as promotion of the QFS and the so-called Central Bank Digital Currency boondoggle must cease and desist and make way for an honest system based upon actual land jurisdiction Commerce, not Maritime Commerce. 

We have provided ourselves and everyone else a viable modern option to conduct both Trade and Commerce subject to the Law of the Land, honoring private asset ownership, and an end of illegitimate claims of public ownership interest in private property. 

This means accepting the Lawful Conversion of all those assets that were Unlawfully Converted via false registrations and other mechanisms implemented in the 1920's and 30's. 

It also means returning our military to their honorable status as defenders of our country, not cheap mercenaries for hire by banks, commercial corporations, and foreign interests. 


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