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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Touche, Matthew Tucciarone

 By Anna Von Reitz

Real Whistleblowers don't tend to be whiners in my experience, nor do they have vacillating moral convictions.  That rather discredits Matthew Tucciarone as a Whistleblower in my mind.  

More like an Off-tune Whistler, which is a different kind of bird altogether. 

He claims to have run hither-thither to any and all "patriot" groups and has apparently even mistaken me for a guru.  He claims to know me from way back, but I don't know him, which is another concern.
He claims that we, myself, David Straight, and half a dozen people I don't know, are all frauds and in it for the money.  Only two characters named Jack and Margy are good and true. 

That's rather interesting, as I have never charged anyone a dime for my work.  It has all been made available free gratis.  I don't even get a penny from the books available on Amazon -- they are published at cost. 

So, "in it for the money"?  

I can't speak for anyone else, but I outright deny that.  And any time Tucciarone thinks that donations to the cause outstrip the needs, I will share my "to do" list.  

So who are Jack and Margy?  I don't know them. They don't know me.  Their website-type materials show that they are using commercial law techniques to get people individual relief from the pirates, and if that's what you are focused on, fine.  

One by one, get some relief.  

But notice, I said, "some" relief, because the solutions that Jack and Margy are offering are like salve on an itch.  Fine enough, if you are content to spend your life in a battle with toenail fungus, but 
not serious about preserving your life as a whole. 

In order to exercise commercial solutions, you have to be operating in commerce, and part of the reason you are in trouble in the first place, is that there is a presumption (largely unjustified) that you are operating in federally regulated maritime commerce.  

Please focus --- if not for that presumption, you probably wouldn't have an itch to begin with.  

So, using Jack and Margy's methods, you can go in and have a maritime battle royale and you can use commercial means and arguments to win cases, but all that really guarantees is that you will continue to have commercial court fights. 

It also cements the fact that you ARE operating in commerce, and does not settle the issue of what kind of commerce you are engaging in. 

It doesn't set you free.  

It is just one more way of getting out of a legal jam, when there shouldn't even be a legal jam. The end result is that you get out of one part of the maze, but stay trapped within the maze itself. 

Is that what you want and need?  Just a one-time fix and everything is fine-fine?  Great.  Go see Jack and Margy.  God bless you, God bless them. 

But I'm in it to win.  

A lot of Americans are being unjustly accused of "statutory infractions" and dragged into foreign courts and fined and jailed and harassed --- it's revenue for the pirates, and this kind of activity fleecing people for corporate profits is just going to increase. 

So feel free to resist in any venue whatsoever. 

But I am not offering any "silver bullet" for speeding tickets or magic tricks to solve divorce settlements. 

That's not what The American States Assembly is about, and I am sorry if Matthew Tucciarone assumed otherwise.  Let's make it explicit for him and everyone else. 

My efforts and the efforts of all those with me, are aimed at long term solutions for everyone -- broad spectrum and systemic solutions brought about by the restoration of the American Government to its proper form and function. 

We are not concentrating on individual court cases; instead, we are concentrating on setting up our own common law court system, so that we all come under the form of law we are owed, and get permanent relief from 80 million possible statutory infractions. 

It's our right to do it, and we are exercising that right.

Think of it--- all of us permanently freed from the scourge these courts represent, because they will be replaced with American Common Law Courts, instead. 

No more Hired Jurists sitting like God on a bench (bank) making arbitrary decisions based on their "discretion". 

No more motive to pass more and more and more oppressive statutory laws.  

No more struggle and expense to enforce all these foreign "laws".  

No more millions of Americans being harmed everyday.  

No more pillaging and plundering of constructive public trusts.  

No more fights with the toenail fungus, because the fungus itself will be gone. 

What a concept! 

That's what we are working on.  

That isn't to say that the Admiralty and Maritime courts will disappear, but they will be, as they are meant to be, courts of strictly limited jurisdiction.  

If you don't understand the actual goal of an individual or organization, it's unfair to criticize them because you, personally, had other goals in mind or because you held your own incorrect assumptions about what they were doing. 

Like Matthew Tucciarone, who is, apparently, one of those people looking for a quick fix for his own problem and not thinking beyond that to fixing the whole problem. 

Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys out there with their head halfway into a cranial insertion, because they suddenly fetched up with a speeding ticket, a DUI, a divorce, a child custody problem, an insurance claim, etc., etc., etc. and they expect me, personally, or the Assembly process, to fix it for them.   

They don't want to analyze the problem.  They don't want to know the history of the problem.  They don't really want to fix the problem once and for all.  

They want out of their particular dilemma and they want it now, because their personal titty is in the wringer.  And as soon as they have relief, they are content to forget about their ugly experience with the "law", go back to their couch, and shut it out of their minds, leaving the actual problem fully functional and intact and ruining more lives every day of the week. 

Not so the rest of us.  We've had enough.  We've analyzed the problem.  We know the history.  And we are bent on ending the problem -- root, stem, and leaf, once and for all, for everyone. 

We know that the only peaceable and just solution is to restore our own courts to full function. 

So that's what we are doing. 

That's also what we are advertising about what we are doing.  

So, Matthew Tucciarone and all those like him have no excuse for expecting instant solutions for their individual problems. 

We aren't in the Quick Fix business. That's for people like Jack and Margy. 

That said, let me observe -- what we aim for with the Assembly process, is a far greater and permanent solution, bettering the lives of millions of people all across the board.  It's a solution that actually does fix the problem -- it just fixes the problem, permanently, for everyone. 

Matthew Tucciarone and all the guys like him just have to expand their hearts and their minds and then they won't be "disappointed" because they were looking for a quick fix and butted up against the greater challenge of a permanent fix, instead.  

So, I am disappointed, when I take my car into the shop for a front end alignment and find out that I need a new transmission instead.  Who wouldn't say, "Ouch!" to that? 

But I don't blame the mechanic.  I don't accuse him of being crooked and money grubbing because my first gear won't shift into second.  I deal with the actual problem, the funky transmission. 

It's the same way with the current court system. It's broken. It needs to be fixed.  It's going to be expensive. It's going to take a lot of effort. But at the end of the day, we'll be able to go where we want to go and do what we want to do again. 

People like Matthew need to focus outward on the far bigger picture and get beyond themselves and their needs and their petty suspicions and their pet peeves.  And get their oar in the water to help instead of being a detriment. 

At the American States Assembly, we are restoring our traditional and customary government, including the court system we are owed. That is what we are doing in the broad open air for everyone to see, and there should be no misunderstanding about that. 

 And no slimy unjust accusations, either.  


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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The Tree and Its Branches: Chapter Two

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Belchers have, as a whole and throughout the last several centuries, been blessed with a very large family of skilled workmen who were also skilled farmers and by day or night, also possessed additional skills -- they, in their "spare time" after high school, acquired training as lawyers, engineers, linguists, theologians, surveyors, architects, biologists, chemists, and other professions.  

This family tradition of having both a skilled trade and a profession served them well.  In hard times, they could always find work, no matter what.  As tradesmen they kept in touch with the work life of honest laborers, and as professionals, they could walk among the elite. 

This tradition has followed down the years so that my husband is a highly skilled fisherman and sea captain (as his trade) and fine artist of national reputation, having been a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America, the oil painters equivalent of the National Watercolor Society.  

Whether homely or rarified, the Belcher men slip seamlessly into their environment, humble with the humble, and comfortable with the great men of society, having trained both their hands and brains. 
In this process, they also train their hearts, and develop the habit of picking up skills whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

My husband, for example, can sew.  He can build things, be it cabins or cabinets.  He can make and smoke sausages, brew whiskey, rebuild motors, grow a garden, macrame a net, tie any kind of knot, operate a ham radio station, run a road grader.... and so the list goes on and on, of skills he "just picked up" along the way. 

His ancestor at the time of the Revolution, William Belcher, was a similar character, being a "jack of all trades and master of some".  He fit easily into the company of officers and statesmen surrounding General Washington, but had the practical skills needed in the field, too.  

It's a rare combination then or now, because people tend to specialize and live their lives either as workman or professionals; the Belchers contrive to do both and thereby gain a wider range of usefulness and a deeper insight into life. 

In such a way, a man becomes a master of himself and rises easily to become a popular leader among other men, simply because his own life broadens his view and hones his edge until other men can respect him and trust him on more than one level. 

His loyalty to and love of family recommends him. His knowledgeable care of land and animals also speaks well of him.  His many skills are a benefit to all those around him.  His deep understanding of life viewed from different perspectives is comforting and healing.  His professional and intellectual abilities inspire admiration. 

With such a tradition of hard work, adaptability, enterprise, and self-responsibility behind them, the Belchers were particularly well-suited to life in the New World, and quick to adapt to its peculiar challenges. They were also well-adapted to cope and survive the challenges presented by the Civil War Conflict. 

In the Southern States and the then-Western States of Tennessee and Kentucky, the Southern Belchers regrouped and recouped.  Some of them drifted away from their British and Anglican roots and became affirmed Southern Baptists, while the more traditional members of the family established the first Anglican Congregations and, awash with many new cultural influences, firmed up their commitment to their British and Church of England roots. 

The Northern Branch which continued to live in the Northeastern United States and down the Coast to Virginia, then drifting Westward with the rest of the country, was overall more given to intellectual and academic pursuits. 

The Northern Belchers embraced a variety of religions, some remaining steadfast members of the Church of England, but others becoming Transcendentalists, Buddhists, Hindus, and especially in Maryland and Virginia, Catholics.  They took on a sense of identity that was not dependent on their British heritage, and if anything, harkened further back to their Norman French ancestors and culture. 

These gradual changes further solidified the drifting apart of the two branches of the family; what started with a philosophical debate about God's Law (the freewill of mankind -- slavery issue) versus Man's Law (the rightful exercise of contracts -- secession issue) ultimately led to the two branches being separated by physical space, and increasingly, separated by culture and religion.  

The conservative largely Anglophilic Southern Branch of the family has grown in numbers and popularity in the Appalachian and Southeastern United States, Tennessee, and Kentucky, where the name is both common and beloved. 

The Northeastern Church of England remnant continues to live in the very place where the family first arrived in this country: Boston and surrounding Counties, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire, but the numbers of Boston Brahmins and Rhode Island Sea Captains has dwindled and today, only a very few of the original Massachusetts Belchers remain.  

In between, what we might call the southern part of the Northern Branch has been decimated in numbers, too, though there are towns still named after the Belchers in West Virginia and traces of them throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, they've largely moved on with their customary wanderlust leading them westward, even, as in our case, to Alaska. 

After 416 years in this country, and 542 years in England before that, the Norman French Belle Cher Clan has undergone massive changes.  The hereditary leadership has changed, too, with each successive encounter with new cultures adding their value to the grand American adventure and new meaning to the name. 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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A Tree and It's Branches: Chapter One

 By Anna Von Reitz

By sharing information about James, my husband, and his family, I hope to satisfy an understandable curiosity about early America and how our current situation came to be. Instead of starting at the beginning in 1608, when the first American Belcher helped build the first permanent dock in Boston Harbor, I am starting in the middle in order to cast more light and sooner on our present situation. 

Be patient then, as we shall endeavor to work the middle out to both ends, and provide a satisfying portrait overall. To begin....

Benjamin Belcher had fifty (50) children, one for every State of the Union.  He did this honestly, with three young wives. The children were all born in wedlock and all loved and brought up according to good standards at the time; the girls were educated through at least Eighth Grade with some completing High School and at least two completing College.  The boys were each taught a trade and expected to pursue at least one branch of Higher Learning. 

This meant that Belcher men could always earn a skilled living for their families, as accomplished tradesmen, if all else failed.  But they were also college men, able to debate and keep accounts, enter into philosophical and religious discussions, and more often than not, rise to prominence in one of the professions.  

Being able to physically, mentally, and spiritually support a family was seen as a primary goal in one's personal life, and it's a good thing, because Benjamin was called upon to be a Father and a Good Father to fifty men and women who would face all the same challenges we all face, at a time that was especially traumatic for the Belcher Family as a whole.  

Benjamin, who was named ultimately after Ben Franklin, and his large flock of children, lived in what became West Virginia in 1863 in the middle of the Civil War.  This lovely wild corner of Virginia favored the North, while the rest of the State favored the South. 

This oddly mirrored the situation within Benjamin himself.  He sided with the South on the issue of Secession and with the North on the issue of slavery.  As always among the Belchers, discerning "the heart of the issue" was paramount, and justice an overriding concern.  

In the end, the moral issue of slavery presented a greater concern than the more legalistic issue of secession, and the Belchers overall came down on the side of the North, but it was a very hard choice for the Patriarchs of the family and they never lost sympathy and understanding for their Southern neighbors and individual family members who sided with the South.  After the War, they worked hard to mend fences and ease the pain, but a permanent split had been engendered. 

From then on, there would be the Northern Belchers and the Southern Belchers, and though peace would reign and love would overcome, the Family Tree was split in two branches along the lines compelled by the Civil War Conflict.  The Southern Belchers spread along the vast expanse leading west through the Cumberland Gap and down into the Southern States of Georgia and Florida and from their perspective at the time, the Western States of Tennessee and Kentucky.  

Most of Benjamin Belcher's children either stayed in West Virginia or headed west.  A couple of them made it all the way to California, but the largest contingent of new pilgrims settled in Tennessee and Kentucky, where the beauty of the land and the pastureland for horses and cattle, seemed like "a new Garden of Eden".

Over many decades the Northern and Southern branches have largely lost track of each other, each one following a difficult path of their own: the Southern Branch bearing the brunt of the British Territorial predation following the Civil War Conflict, and the Northern Branch suffering a different, but nonetheless potent brand of the same evil. 

While the Southern Belchers were taxed to death and impoverished and suffered every kind of social and economic hardship, the Northern Belchers were set upon by barely disguised Union Troops in civilian clothing, ambushed, attacked, slandered, burned out, and in some cases, forced to flee -- not because of the Civil War, but because of their part in the Original Government, which the Union Army Generals and their British Territorial partners sought to displace behind a smokescreen of confusion following the armed hostilities.  

Having been separated by physical distance and the Great Conflict, the two branches of the family formed during and immediately after the Lincoln Administration would not be in close proximity again for over a century and a half.   

See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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