By Anna Von Reitz
When I went to school there were two distinct history courses, one called "American History" and one called "United States History".
Do you think there is a reason for that? Or just sloppy semantics?
There are in fact two separate histories involved --- the history of the American Government and the history of the United States Government, also called the Federal Government.
You need to know both to make sense of your world and to claim and exercise your rights, treaties, and guarantees.
You need to know that these two governments, are designed to operate in tandem, and are: (1) foreign to each other, and (2) mutually exclusive, and (3) designed to operate in separate jurisdictions, and (4) diametrically opposed in structure -- that is, in the American Government, power flows from the bottom up, and in the US Government, power flows from the top down.
We presently have numerous organizations in this country trying to figure this mystery out, but it is in reality no mystery at all. Jimmy Carter created the Federal Department of Education and as of 1976, American History was deleted from the curriculum of Public Schools across America.
As a result, two generations of Americans have grown up totally unaware of their own history, and a great many of them --- left to their own devices --- have assumed that US History was their history.
The majority of Americans are not "U.S. Citizens" or Municipal citizens of the United States, either. The majority of Americans should be reading American History, and only studying US History as an offshoot consequence of American History.
A massive fraud scheme seeking to impersonate Americans as US Citizens of one kind or another has been in play since 1976, and so has an equally odious plan to evade the obligations our Federal Subcontractors have always owed under the Federal Constitutions.
Again, this morning, I had a contributor ranting and railing about Grand Juries.
Why, they ask, can't we just get a Grand Jury, bring up the charges, and start prosecuting these criminals in suits?
It's pretty hard to muster a Grand Jury without your own citizenry and courts being assembled to do the work.
This same person ranted at me about our constitutional guarantee to a republican state government --- and apparently thought that that meant the United States was obligated to provide us with such a government, instead of respecting and guaranteeing our right to assemble one.
We have the right to assemble our republican state assemblies--- and our State Assemblies operating on the land jurisdiction, too, but if we fail to do so, guess what?
It's like my "right" to pick blueberries. I have the right to do it, but if I don't take my bucket up the hill and pick them ---- the right is moot.
If I don't assemble my State Assembly and fill its offices and exercise its powers, the right and the Constitutional Guarantee protecting my right to do so, are both moot.
All these confused patriots have been running around sending Writs to Grand Juries that are attached to foreign Municipal, Maritime and Admiralty courts that are practicing foreign law and in foreign jurisdictions. Hello?
The American courts owed to these patriots --- including their own Grand Juries --- aren't in session as a result of their own inaction.
They haven't declared their political status in a hundred years, haven't elected their own Justices of the Peace, haven't filled their own jury pools, haven't enforced their own Public Law, haven't summoned their own Grand Juries, and have left their own courts dormant, for the most part, since the 1960's. They haven't attended to their own business affairs since the 1860's.
No wonder the rest of the world thought our American Government was dead, absent, in "interregnum".
So when these Americans wake up and realize that they are being harmed and railroaded and their Constitutional Guarantees are not being respected, they look around, they see the foreign courts, and they assume, like the Colorado Nine, that these foreign courts serving in international and global jurisdictions are their courts run horribly amok.
But in fact, these are not our American courts. Pure and simple. They are foreign courts of limited jurisdiction being used to address issue that arise in the administration of Municipal, Admiralty, and Maritime jurisdictions.
These courts of "limited jurisdiction" are most assuredly not the courts intended for Joe Q. Public American and never were.
These same bleary-eyed patriots also mistake both the Territorial District Assemblies and the Municipal District Assemblies for their own "missing" assemblies. Like a baby duck mistaking a goose for its mother.
You would think that the word "District" as in "District of Columbia" would give them a clue, but instead, they persist like a moose in love with a donkey, fondly deluded by the assumption that somehow, they belong in a district assembly instead of a county assembly.
For about fifty percent of the Americans eligible to stand up and function as Americans, it's like pounding rocks to get the idea of self-governance into their heads. The idea that they are responsible for providing their own government is totally foreign.
They expect their government to be present, in Session, and served up like oysters on a half-shell with no effort on their part, and that isn't the way the American Government works.
The American Government is not staffed by professional bureaucrats. It's staffed by average people who have jobs and productive functions and families to care for.
That's why Lincoln described it as a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and did not describe it as a government of the persons, by the persons, and for the persons--- that is, the various species of professional bureaucrats hired to work under our delegated powers to perform specific enumerated duties.
Our employees are not the actual government. We are.
So, now, finally, enough Americans have awakened to the facts, and lumping along, there are now properly declared State Assemblies in every State of the Union. Now, finally, those Assemblies are beginning to take on the actual work of the American States again, and are beginning to fulfill their functions.
If you really want to solve the problems instead of adding to the confusion, you have to take part in the actual government and pull your weight. You have to assemble the state assemblies. You have to organize and educate. Yes, you, Americans, are called to self-govern and provide yourselves with the republican states and the courts that go with those states.
And then maybe everyone will realize that your Grand Juries are just a part of your Court System, and that the Grand Juries attached to District Courts and State-of-State Courts have precious little to do with 95% of Americans.
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