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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Authenticated Birth Certificate

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are actually three pages to this document, which demonstrates an "Authenticated Birth Certificate" which is apostilled to conduct business overseas. 

The third piece is simply a normal Birth Certificate issued under my Given Name by the Territorial State of Wisconsin, which is then Certified as true and correct by the State Secretary of State and then also verified and admitted by the United States of America (Territorial) Secretary of State.  

The result, the yellow face page, is a "full faith and credit" declaration which is numbered and issued.  In this case, 15036455-3.  

This is a Legal Document afforded to my Legal Person -- a Territorial Citizen -- while in transit on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and in a backhanded way, it admits my true standing as a Lawful Person and an American.  

As of this writing, I am told that it is no longer possible to go through this process and obtain this specific document, because the office is shut down, but in any case, it is not necessary for you to worry about that, because I have already obtained it and exercised it and included all other Americans (those who claim their birthright political status) under my Full Faith and Credit owed by the Territorial United States Government.  

In a sense, I adopted all the other Americans who will come after me, and made them heirs pursuant to Equal Protection provisions which we also secured for everyone who claims their political status as an American. 

So, this is not "only" my Full Faith and Credit proof, but yours as well.  I am posting copies so that you as my heirs (see my recorded "Irrevocable Will") have a photographic record of it.   

The number at the top of the page is sufficient to identify the document, and you don't need the third page, a copy of the Territorial Birth Certificate issued to me,  to claim Equal Protection in their jurisdiction. 


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  1. i thought the birth certificate was in fact a document that disenfranchised the infant from their birthright .

    1. no, for you to be able to even mention the titke "American", - you must be a part of this structure. It was made beneficial to you, but being uneducated unaware, misled or confused one can damage this platform and spread the falce information intentionally or not. Figure this out before you speaknup next time.

    2. no, for you to be able to even mention the titke "American", - you must be a part of this structure. It was made beneficial to you, but being uneducated unaware, misled or confused one can damage this platform and spread the falce information intentionally or not. Figure this out before you speaknup next time.

    3. no, for you to be able to even mention the titke "American", - you must be a part of this structure. It was made beneficial to you, but being uneducated unaware, misled or confused one can damage this platform and spread the falce information intentionally or not. Figure this out before you speaknup next time.

    4. GoodE2boots,
      Seems like you need a hug. The Lord made us in His image... We are all a part of His body and we need each other. That's a fact. Stop drinking the Haterade and just be nice. The world needs nice people. God bless you 🙏

  2. Looks like they're still open...

  3. Anna, we need more continuity than just two pages of ...something
    when it comes to asserting ownership rights in a court of law.
    You leave people hanging. Same with the Z-tags you never supported
    with statute.

    1. Study it for yourself lazy one. Obviously your mind does not compute self governing. Nor can your mind refrain from bitchin..

    2. I like how your mind works happy camper.
      I have a very old motor home, and wanted to name it my house car. Well i looked up the legalese definition and boxcar came up. So i guess Hitler was putting people in house cars.
      Legalese must be declared illegitimate

  4. You constantly tell us to stay out of their courts that even i am saying it..but if we are clear up anything in America it has to be through the courts...thats where it started and thats where it has to end...lawfully..!!
    We need a groudswell of people bringing a massive class action suit against the deep state with proof of everything they have done..!!
    We need the names of people who will step up and take back our rebublic...its crazy just trying to get around all of this and eventually those who do try face jail as retailiation to the deep state. Now the central banks are trying to start their own crptocurrency, with no other competeitors...!! And they are making bitcoin and all other crptos income so they must claim it...and they do..!! You are fighting the wrong enemy...when are we going to unite like BLM and get this done. You are wasting time Anna. Who here agress with me..
    I mean it. Our courts are totally out of hand and corrupt..unless we do something about our courts nothing will change...!! We need at least 200 people minimum to make a statement..!!we really need more but i doubt this will happen...!!

    1. Thoughtless comments. They are not our courts. We are court. You are an irrational know it all. Confused too.

    2. A Birth Certificate is not evidence of your identity, but evidence of your interest. 31 CFR 363.6 Minor means an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who has attained the age of 18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor account. You are classified as minors b/c you haven't claimed your securities. The birth Certificate is a financial asset. It is in fact a security. Your mother handed a Registration of birth to the state and did not receive an even exchange. Therefore it has been held in trust for the beneficiary (you). Reclaim your security and reclaim your freedom. Listen to all 19 plus youtube videos and you will start to understand what is happening to you. At the age of 18 you did not reclaim your securities and 7 years later at the age of 25 you still have not reclaimed your securities and they considered you missing over the seas/dead. Your estate as been probated and you are recognized in admiralty in the flesh. How do you you prove you are alive and well in a dead system. Cannot do it in the flesh, that is why your status does not consist of repatriating to the land jurisdiction. There is no form in the system. HJR 192 is all about even exchange of securities. Paper only.

    3. Yes indeed . All should visit the website,
      This man is actually calling them out on their crimes. All crimes must have an injured party. So as the STATE OF
      is a corporate fiction. How did the STATE get injured ??
      A must visit website. Actual court in session getting their ass kicked.
      Ooh one more thing can a baby be born into a corporate fiction ??
      Just something to ponder.

  5. .
    This is the corporate US and the courts are not ours they were created by the Oligarchy and the BAR Guild.

    Do we have a lawfully seated CONgress from 1860 until now? -NO!

    Is the US in receivership - YES.

    The alleged judges (attorney in a black dress) have no oath of office since 1991.........which means ???

    1. As the Irish guy in Braveheart said" i think were fuuked

      #1 Corporations cannot have PARITY with the LIVING... without CONSENT TO CONTRACT.. and TRANSPAENCY.
      #2 Hale v. Henkle... you have UNLIMITED rights to contract... or NOT TO CONTRACT... DO NOT ACCEPT OR CONSENT TO CONTRACT WITH THEM.

  6. Money is not power knowledge is power if an extremely knowledgeable one of us could get on National TV we there would be a revolution over night Eustace Mullins

  7. I have both the county COLB and the State COLB authenticated under the signature of John Kerry and riveted with the official seal.

    The problem is, is getting the court to recognize them. I had a judge look at it, feel the e=seal and ask is this real? No you dumb SH$$ I am in a probate court with a counterfeit...

    He said I have been a judge for 40 years and only seen 2 of these...

    Her asked who showed me how to do it... I said I figured it out... he then said I should become a lawyer... I replied I am here BC I think lawyers are scum.

    It is my understanding you must give back the authenticated COLB to the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY and instruct them to pay off any outstanding debts and then issue you the balance in credit?

    Under the rules of the Leiber Code

    1. Well Shelby... I just finished the probate... and working on the REVEST to be sent REGISTERED mail to the Treasury... you are the holder in due course ... the Treasury holds of all booty and prizes in accordance with the Leiber Code and Lex Merctori...
      You arm chair know it alls are great at criticizing people... and want to be spoon fed the answers... get off you ASS-etts.

    2. Number one, trying to shame me into giving you work that took me thousands of hours just don't cut it...
      Number two, claiming because I won't KYA my information is incorrect won't cut it either...
      So run along now... you will get NOTHING. I have documents and information you will never find in your lifetime... and I don't jump through hoops for hubris quislings...

    3. BTW: all crimes are commercial 27 CFR 72.11

  8. Lady Anna wants the credit balance and the sweat of your brow. Bloodsucker if I have ever seen one.

  9. Just like Anna's "indemnity bond" covered us all too...remember? Now her "authenticated BC" does too? Once again, I must tell everyone her methods are half ass and incomplete and lead people down dangerous roads only to run into dead ends and total frustration. I completely agree with goodE2boots and shelby. There are people and groups out there that do A-Z process with actual proof of methodology and results. Sorry it's NOT Anna.

    1. The registration of live birth is signed by the DR. and two nurses... they have 3 days to deliver it to the Vital Records... who attaches the STATE to it and records it... then passes it onto the DHHS... who then sells it to the US Depart. of Commerce- where it get bundled as a volatile mutual derivative..., for the Treasury to use to borrow money against it... you are the collateral...
      You need to probate the estate, you are the holder in due course as the beneficiary.
      They trick you into being the fiduciary trustee for their thing (all capital lettered name likeness of you)... the IRS has a form to remove yourself from this BS position and appoint someone else... you can appoint as many as you'd like...
      IRS FORM 56...
      They also have PENAL SUM BONDS they file against anyone in jail GSA-SF24,SF25, SF25A... which they sell to the federal district court that monetizes them... and sells them. These are bought up by the likes of WalMart and others with their pension fund money..
      They have a captive security... so investors feel safe... that's why they go crazy with prison escapes... they have to guarantee the bond... just like bail bondsmen do... It's all fraud...

  10. I think Shelby has the narcissistic rantings of a loony tune
