Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

First 100 Families FREE!!! Mintbuilders New Promotion

First 100 Families FREE!!! from MintBuilder on Vimeo.

To take advantage of this and get your subscription go to:

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Paul Stramer  296110   406 889 3183

The Prince of the Air and the Rupture of Time Lines

By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible calls Satan "the Prince of the Air" --- because his original domain was the air, the realm of ideas and beliefs and sound. 

Since his fall from grace, however, I tend to think of him as the Prince of Hot Air ---- the Author of All Bushwah, the Doctor of Bunk, the Grand Master of Horse Hooey, Father of All Lies, Perpetrator of Fiction. 

Having lost his grip on the air, the realm of true ideas and beliefs, he was "cast down into the sea" ---- the dominion of international trade and Admiralty, that has, of course, been infected with his disease. 

A lie is any departure from the truth. 

At a very basic level, it doesn't matter why a lie -- a departure from the truth -- exists.  A lie is separate from and is set apart from the truth, like a waste by-product.  This is what the Refiner's Fire in the Bible is about: the process of separating truth from lies and casting aside the impurities and dross.  At the end, we emerge from this process in a state of purity and truth and there is no longer any fault in us.

Okay, so that is where we are all headed -- ultimately.  We all undergo this process of being refined like gold, melted in the heat of misery and the joy of exultation, raised up and cast down, milled through our lifetime experience, learning from our mistakes, observing what we are here to observe, testing karma's cause and effect, bit by bit "eating" the bowls full of our sins, until we have no more sins left.

In this process, we are all ashamed. 

We all fail the tests we are given.  Not just once, but over and over and over.
We don't learn important lessons from only one perspective. We have to do the full monty and learn "the all of it", which means we all play all of the different roles and taste all the variations of experience. 

We are the oppressors and we are the victims, we are the true loves and the jilted and the cads, we are all forced to play all the roles there are, until we know and are able to recognize them -- and not just from the perspective of knowing what the role is, but from the perspective of having been there, played "it", and taken home the experience.

We all have the soaring moments when we go over the top and pass the test with flying colors.  And we all have the moments of truly epic failure, when we betray our highest selves and everyone else in the theater.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. 

But what all this is leading to, is being able to recognize and be part of the Truth.

Think about that.  The Truth. 

Satan's realm is the realm of Make Believe. It's the realm of images and fakes, falsehoods, and vain imagination. 

Pornography is a good example of what Satan is about.  We see images on the page, and we know that they are just images on the page, but we react to the images just the same.

Money is another good example.  Objectively, we know that what we carry around as money is just paper or little rounds of metal or even a plastic card. It couldn't possibly be more fake or arbitrary, but we use this "symbol" to buy and sell things.  Sometimes we even sell ourselves.

Again, as with pornography, money is fake, and we all have cause to know that it is fake, but we react to it as if its real.

Are you seeing the pattern here?  We are delusional.  Tricked.

Some of us are so far gone as to believe that living people can be redefined as "Special Purpose Vehicles" and go around talking glibly about "SPVs", as if these constructs of their imagination are real. 

A similar process happens when they wander around with a clipboard and "assign street numbers" to property that belongs to others, and then use the street names and numbers to claim an interest in that property. 

It's all batshit crazy when you realize what they are claiming--- and the basis for their claims and actions.  It's complete Looney Tunes with Ding Dongs on top.

These basic "functional irrationalities" and their proliferation is causing a non sequitur response in our brains, a sort of unconscious alarm bell, and, along with that, a vague sense of anxiety and unease. 

At the edge of our consciousness, we know something is wrong, but we aren't stopping and focusing on it long enough to perceive what is causing the alarm buzzer. 

It's like the fire alarm went off, we look around, there's no smoke visible, so we ignore the alarm, turn it off, and go back to sleep.

The accumulation of lies ---and of liars---  continues as a result, until we need hip waders to read the newspaper. 

Under such conditions, it becomes a desperate effort to sort through what is true and what is false, and our sense of reality becomes both schizophrenic and increasingly subjective.

You can see this bifurcation of reality in the political dialogue going on in this country.  

In the world of Democrats, Joe Biden is a leader, even though he's a crook.  Government control of everything and everyone is desirable as a moral imperative. Mountains are made out of rock candy. Taxes are good because they support welfare programs and kickbacks. And anyone who doesn't agree, is The Enemy.

In the world of Republicans, leaders are cat herders. Government control of everything and everyone is necessary to maintain coercive power. Mountains are made out of minerals to be exploited or cashiered away, so that no competitors can exploit them. Taxes are good--- so long as you can avoid paying them yourself.  Anyone who doesn't agree is The Enemy.

This is what happens when "truth" becomes subjective and logic is overcome by self-interest and fear.

As our mental playing fields polarize and diverge, a predictable rupture in our common experiential reality occurs.  We are no longer living together mentally or emotionally, so physical reality begins to unwind, too.

All sorts of weird things start to happen.  We start observing the Mandela Effect, on top of all the other confusion.

Books no longer say what they used to say.  Roads disappear.  Landmarks change. Dems are Republicans and Republicans are Democrats.  Cats start acting like dogs and men start acting like women.  You start seeing newscasts from the future.  Literally.

You will assume that it's a typo when, on March 31st of 2020, you read a newspaper article about something that occurred in September of 2020, but what you are seeing is the Mandela Effect. 

The news story is appearing in the "now" of this time line, but it is being projected from a future standpoint.

You, poor sod, can't tell if you are living through a zombie apocalypse or the promised resurrection. 

Powerful magnetic forces start to hum and buzz, and the magnetic pole starts to "walk" toward Siberia as oxygen in the atmosphere is hyper-energized by 5G transmissions and also thereby depleted in the usable form we need as biological organisms.  Oxidation is disrupted at a cellular level and toxic waste products build up. 

Soon, we are sick, but we don't know the cause.  Is it a new bio-engineered form of the flu, or radiation sickness caused by oxidative and electrical stress?

With the Mandela activated, who knows?  Anything could happen.  

Just as we, ourselves, go through a refining process to know the Truth and to become the Truth about ourselves, the world around us is being sorted out. 

The lies and delusions of many centuries are being brought to light and burned away, and as most of this mental world we live in was founded on self-interested lies and willful delusions, it should not surprise us that this process of revelation is causing huge disruption.

The important take-home message is that the Truth is the only thing that matters at the end of the day, and all this disruption is taking place for your good, so that the lies are weeded out, and the glorious truth shines through.

Let it be, and be at peace, and keep your Shinola Sensors set on "High". The Prince of Bunk won't give up without a fight.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Doctor Fauci you need to see this. You are caught.

Found Here:

We are all being lied to by these government goons once again.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Second Decree Over Mandate

By Anna Von Reitz

See attached.  Signature page JPG and mailing receipts will follow in a day or two. See below.

Final Second Decree Over Mandate

See the Webinar of March 30th for the explanation of what this is and why it's important.

Zoom Webinar #55, March 30th 2020,

Signature pages and Postal receipts for proof of service  published 4 2 2020

Signed page 1

Signed page 22

Post office pages with receipts.

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Print these out and keep them in your files for proof of this important 22 page document and it's accompanying proof of service. They will try to make this go away at some point in the future.
I can't guarantee this huge database will always be available on line.

Paul Stramer

Black Rock, Smack Rock

By Anna Von Reitz

Well, meet your brand new "Financial Services" Company, which has been the "operative manager" of the merger of the Fed, a crime syndicate, with the IMF, another crime syndicate, and which now stands in the middle of the middle.  

Black Rock.  Like Black Law.  Like Black Water.  Like Black Everything, except, of course, black people, which they generally despise and use and abuse as slaves. 

Time to wake up, people.  Summon the Army of Gideon and rise.  

This gives the details that you will never, ever, hear come out of President Trump's mouth, nor out of the Mainstream Media.  

This giant crime syndicate (which isn't really Jewish, by the way) has taken over two other giant crime syndicates.  Oh, whoopee-ding.  But here is the good news, if you get organized and know who you are (as in declare your proper political status and join your State Assembly) this has nothing whatsoever to do with you or your assets at all. 

This has to do with Babylonian Fakirs defrauding and deceiving "U.S. Citizens" and "citizens of the United States".  

Now, it's true that your Proper Given Name has been seized upon  under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure by these Creeps. 

And it is true that your Proper Given Name has been used as the basis to create unauthorized U.S. Citizens and unauthorized Municipal CITIZENS, too.  

But its all Bull.  They just make up a new corporation and define a new "Special Purpose Vehicle" ---- a new "style" of name --- and they claim to own it, similar to what they have done by going around making up land descriptions and attaching them to your land.  

What they need is about 320 million riflemen aiming up their rumps in this country and the entire population of all the other countries around the globe, to convince them that their "magic" --- that is, lies and fraud, has been recognized for what it is, and no "Special Purpose Vehicles" are to be attached to us, our Good names, or any of our assets.  

Not now, not ever again  

The fraud is discovered.  Black Rock needs to go hide under a literal black rock.  They need to hide their heads in shame and have the Board Member's profiles and faces and home locations broadcast worldwide.  

We all need to demand their permanent liquidation as a crime syndicate involved in restraint of trade and illegal securitization practices (SPVs --- ha!) and unjust enrichment schemes based on impersonation, probate fraud, bankruptcy fraud, identity theft, unlawful conversion, and conspiracy against the Constitutions. 

Line all these criminal corporations up and liquidate them -- one, two, three.   

If Trump and the military don't have guts enough to do their jobs.....stand aside and let the Grandmothers of the world do it instead.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Fiddling The Figures - The Magic Trick - David Icke 'Virus' Update

Found Here:

Keep your comments on topic.


The Actual Value

By Anna Von Reitz

I am old enough so that “I have been here before.”  And it’s not just some thinly underlined deja vu. 

I have survived all sorts of horrific crime scenes and panics — and if you are older than a high school student, so have you. 

I’ve seen Eisenhower and JFK and LBJ and Tricky Dick, used Silver Certificates and silver coins, saw the military script “Federal Reserve Notes” being forced down our throats, lived through the Petrodollar, too. 

I’ve seen Korea, Vietnam, Shock and Awe and Desert Storm and everything ever since.  I’ve seen “Federal Revenue Sharing”, Y2K and 9/11.  AIDS and HIV and all sorts of other loathsome diseases come and go.  Wars against poverty and wars against drugs and wars against cancer and wars against hate and wars against drunk driving and wars against free speech. 

I am still waiting for a war against war. 

Right now, we are engaged in a “war” against the Common Cold. 

It’s all bogus.  Like the zombies at the Fun House at the State Fair when I was 7.  

What this does demonstrate, however, is: (1) Americans in general and especially members of the Press Corps, are math illiterates; and, (2) we continue overall to be both naive and gullible; and— (3) despite all the things that have been done to us to make us hate ourselves and hate life—- we still love life. 

We still supremely value life.  We are willing to do all sorts to bitter things to protect and save and preserve life.  

Too bad we don’t always remember that primal truth and core value and share it more consciously day to day.  Too bad that we take life and love for granted until there is a Big Scare, some looming threat— real or perceived, and then, all of a sudden- as if it is some Big News, we remember how important life is.  

And we start taking better care of ourselves and we start taking better care of each other.

And that’s a good thing. 

If Yeshuah came back today he would find us minding our own business and all those of us who accept serving others are here, finding that we are needed just as much or more than ever. 

Lift that weight. Tote that bale. Tell the truth. 
Go the extra mile.  Show that little extra love and self-respect. Take that hot bath.  Scrub that counter.  Rest.   Reflect on just how precious life is and the mystery of how we ever lose sight of that “ultimate value”. 


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday)

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This Sunday, called Judica from the first word of the Introit, is also called Passion Sunday, because from this day the Church occupies herself exclusively with the contemplation of the passion and death of Christ. The pictures of Christ crucified are covered today in memory of his having hidden Himself from the Jews until His entrance into Jerusalem, no longer showing Himself in public. (John XI. 54.) In the Mass the Glory be to the Father, etc. is omitted, because in the person of Christ the Holy Trinity was dishonored. The psalm Judica is not said today, because on this day the high priests held council about our Lord, for which reason the Church in the name of the suffering Saviour uses these words at the Introit:
INTROIT Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man, for Thou art my God and my strength. Send forth thy light and thy truth: they have conducted me, and brought me unto thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles. (Ps. XLII. 1. 3.)
COLLECT We beseech Thee, Almighty God, graciously to look upon Thy family; that by Thy bounty it may be governed in body, and by Thy protection be guarded in mind. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Heb. IX. 11-15.) Brethren, Christ being come, a high-priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation, neither by the blood of goats or of calves, but by his own blood, entered once into the Holies, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and of oxen, and the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled, sanctify such as are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who, by the Holy Ghost, offered himself without spot to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? And therefore he is the Mediator of the new testament; that by means of his death, for the redemption of those trangressions which were under the former testament; they that are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
EXPLANATION St. Paul here teaches, that Christ as the true high-priest of the New Testament, through His precious blood on the altar of the cross, has indeed rendered perfect satisfaction for sins, but that the sinner must also do his own part, by cooperating with Christ to make himself less unworthy of participating in His passion and merits, and to appropriate to himself its fruits. This is done when he diligently and devoutly assists at the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass, by which the fruits of the death on the cross are attributed to us; when, according to the will of the Church, he purifies his conscience by true contrition and confession; and when he seeks by trust in Christ's merits to render some satisfaction for his sins through voluntary penance and faithful following of Christ.
ASPIRATION  Grant us, O meek Jesus, Thy grace, that through perfect sorrow for our sins and the exercise of good works we may become participators in the merits of Thy bitter passion.
GOSPEL (John VIII. 46-59.) At that time, Jesus said to the multitudes of the Jews: Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God. The Jews therefore answered, and said to him: Do not we say well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? Jesus answered: I have not a devil; but I honor my Father, and you have dishonored me. But I seek not my own glory; there is one that seeketh and judgeth. Amen, amen, I say to you, if any-man keep my word, he shall not see death for ever. The Jews therefore said: Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest: If any man keep my word, he shall not taste death for ever. Art thou greater than our Father Abraham, who is dead? and the prophets are dead. Whom dost thou make thyself? Jesus answered: If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father that glorifieth me, of whom you say that he is your God. And you have not known him; but I know him. And if I shall say that I know him not, I shall be like to you, a liar. But I do know him, and do keep his word. Abraham your father rejoiced that he might see my day: he saw it, and was glad. The Jews therefore said to him: Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am. They took up stones therefore to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple.
Why did Christ ask the Jews, which of them should convince Him of sin?
To show us that he who would teach and punish others, should strive to be irreproachable himself; and to prove that He, being free from sin, was more than mere man, and therefore, the Messiah, the Son of God, as He repeatedly told the Jews, especially in this day's gospel, and substantiated by His great and numerous miracles.
Why did He say: He that is of God, heareth the words of God?
To prove that the Jews on account of their stubbornness and unbelief were not the children of God, but of the devil. "Therefore," St. Gregory says, "let every one when he hears the word of God, ask himself, of whom he is. Eternal truth demands that we be desirous of the heavenly fatherland, that we tame the desires of the flesh, be indifferent to the praises of the world, covet not our neighbor's goods, and give alms according to our means. Therefore examine yourself, and if you find in your heart this voice of God, then you will know that you are of God."


When Christ told the Jews the truth, He received insults and calumny; they called Him a Samaritan, that is, an unbeliever, a heretic, one possessed of a devil. This was a terrible slander, and it must have pained Him exceedingly, but at the same time it is a great consolation to those who are innocently calumniated, when they consider that Christ Himself received nothing better. St. Augustine consoles such by saying: "O friend, what is there that can happen to you that your Saviour did not suffer before you? Is it slander? He heard it, when He was called a glutton, a drunkard, a heretic, and a rebel, a companion of sinners, one possessed of a devil; He even heard, when casting out devils, that He did so by Beelzebub, prince of devils." (Matt. IX. 34.) He therefore comforts His apostles, saying, If they have called the good man of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household? (Matt, X. 25.) Are the pains bitter? There is no pain so bitter that He has not endured it; for what is. more painful, and at the same time more ignominious, than the death of the cross? For think, says St. Paul, diligently upon him who endured such opposition from sinners against himself: that you be not wearied (by all contempt and calumny), fainting in your minds. (Heb. XII. 3.)
How and why did Christ defend Himself against those who slandered Hate?
Only by denying with the greatest modesty the things with which they reproached Him, saying that He had not a devil, that He was not a Samaritan, because He honored His Father not in their manner, but in His own. In repelling this calumny while He left the rest unanswered, Christ removed all doubt in regard to His divine mission, thus vindicating the honor of God, and securing the salvation of man. Christ thus teaches us by His own conduct to defend ourselves only against those detractions and insults which endanger the honor of God and the salvation of man, and then to defend ourselves with all modesty; by no means however to do it, if they injure only our own good name, for we should leave the restoration of that to God, as exemplified by Christ, who knows better than we how to preserve and restore it.
[See the Instruction on the Epistle of the third Sunday after Epiphany.]
How had Abraham seen Christ's day?
In spirit, that is, by. divine revelation he foresaw the coming of Christ and rejoiced; also, he heard, by revelation from God, with the other just in Limbo, that Christ's coming had taken place, and derived the greatest comfort from it.
Why did Christ conceal Himself from the Jews, instead of taking vengeance?
Because the time of His death had not come; because He would show His meekness and patience and teach us that we should avoid our enemies rather than resist them or take vengeance on them; Christ wished to instruct us to avoid passionate and quarrelsome people, for it is an honor for a man, to separate from quarrels: but all fools are meddling with reproaches. (Prov. XX. 3.)
PETITION  When Thine enemies calumniated Thee, most meek Jesus, Thou didst answer them with tender words, and when they were about to stone Thee, Thou didst depart from them, whilst we can scarcely bear a hard word, and far from yielding to our neighbor, defend and avenge ourselves most passionately. Ah! pardon us our impatience, and grant us the grace to bear patiently the wrongs done us, and when necessary, answer with gentleness for Thy glory and the salvation of our neighbor.


 Protection of St. Joseph During a Contagious Disease
Not many years ago, the following wonderful instance of an answer granted to prayer made a great sensation in the neighborhood of Chambery.
It was the summer of 1861 and both the town itself and the whole country around were in a state of excitement and alarm, on account of a contagious disease which had appeared suddenly among the population, and the number of the victims continued to increase day by day.
The fervent parish priest of the Church of St. Pierre, seeing the danger and anguish of his flock, summoned them to the church, and exhorted them earnestly to place themselves under the special care of Mary and Joseph. He then organized a devotion for the next seven Sundays in honor of St. Joseph. On these Occasions the church was filled to overflowing, and numberless candles were presented at the altar of the Saint.
The compassionate Heart of our divine Lord showed itself merciful to these humble supplications offered to Him through the intervention of His Immaculate Mother and chaste Foster-father . For although the disease raged in the other parts of the town, for full three months longer, not one more fatal case occurred in this parish; and while the bells of the neighboring churches were continually tolling the sad announcement of death, the bells of St. Pierre were only heard from time to time on festival days or sounding the glad news of some baptism or marriage. Devotion to St. Joseph, which already had taken deep root in the heart of these faithful Catholics, became more lively, and in all their affairs they had recourse with unbounded confidence to the intercession of Mary and Joseph.
                                    A Novena to St. Joseph during this pandemic.
Glorious St. Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ! To you I raise my heart and my hands to implore your powerful intercession. Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus the help and the grace of a happy death and the special favor I now implore for the Coronavirus to end.
Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel animated with confidence that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

V. O glorious St. Joseph, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His name.
R. Hear my prayers and obtain my petition

Saturday, March 28, 2020

All This Stupid Talk....

By Anna Von Reitz

All day I have been listening to prattle about the "meaning" of "the Fed Take Over" by the Treasury Department. All these people are running around spinning all sorts of "interpretations" about this.  

One group is sure it's the work of the "evil New York Wall Street Jews"..... 

Another group is lauding and praising Trump as if he accomplished a miracle.... 

Still more groups are evenly split with some saying its the End of the World and the rest saying its the Beginning of a New World.

Listen to what your Grandma is telling you.  

The FED can't buy anything that isn't guaranteed by "the government".  

The "government" that was pretending to be the civilian government of this country (and never really was) was organized as a commercial corporation that violated its charter.  It is in Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy Liquidation as a result. 

Okay?  So, what can the FED buy, if there is no "government" guaranteeing them anything, and their charter forbids them to buy anything that isn't guaranteed by a government?  

Think, Grasshoppers.  You all have brains and I am giving you the facts.  

The FED was all dressed up with nowhere to go.  

Doing this little "rearrangement" with the bogus "US Treasury" ---- aka, IMF ---- 
which has no such noisome restrictions on what it can buy, lets the IMF take the risks and do the deals while the FED washes its pretty hands of responsibility for impersonating and mis-characterizing and defrauding millions of Americans--- all those "SPV's" you are hearing about --- and invest in NEW "SPVs". 

Oh, yeah?    

Now the "US Treasury" ---- IMF ---- will take the rap for that, and the FED will just provide the grease to create a whole new generation of "Special Purpose Vehicles" ---- new styles of names for me and you, used to defraud and racketeer against Americans.  

When Obummer changed the "Special Purpose Vehicles" from names styled like this: JOHN MICHAEL DOE to new "Special Purpose Vehicles" with names styled like this: JOHN M DOE, the banks got the TARP bailout for free, all funded on your backs and your Public Utility assets. 

So now what do you think the vermin are doing?  

They are trying to buy up your land estates and mineral resources at fire sale prices based on the (false) idea that you "abandoned" your natural birthright estate as an American ---- and they are using your own assets to do it.  

Yep, that's right.  They are using your credit secured by your assets to buy themselves a First Position Priority Creditor interest in your estate. 

At your expense.  

And the only ones out here on the field carrying your torch and standing up for you?   

The United States of America.  The members of your State Assembly, which you stupidly haven't joined. Heck, you haven't even recorded your proper political status, have you?  You haven't done one thing to protect yourselves and your families from being utterly, totally ripped off, have you?  

You are all just standing there with your mouths gaping open, thinking, this is our government.  They wouldn't do anything bad to us.....  despite DECADES of abuses like this, despite DECADES of proof otherwise.  

There are no heroes, no red, no blue.  There's just a whole lot of sanctimonious liars and crooks that you have failed to shut down and deal with.  The FED is the bank for the Territorial pigs and the IMF is the bank for the Municipal pigs, and you, folks, are playing the part of the trough in all of this. 

Can anyone shout, "Fraud!  Bank crime in progress!  Fraud in progress!  Red alert!  More fraud incoming!  American States and People protest FED and IMF collusion in conspiracy against the Constitutions and the people of this country!" 

Can anyone hit these stupid Generals upside the head and recall their "duty" for them?  

And how about "Q"--- time to squash all that Hope Porn like a bug?  

Trump is cleaning the Swamp, all right.  Problem is, he's only cleaning half of it.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Truth Bomb, are you listening?

The Governors are committing treason and crimes against humanity with their illegal lockdowns and subversion of our freedoms and constitutional rights given their draconian measures on a virus that does not measure up against the common flu. In 2017, the flu infected 44 M Americans with 61,000 deaths with no shutdowns and business as usual. Yet with only 1000 recorded deaths with this virus the US is going insane. This is a concerted conspiracy by the MSM and Blue State Governors to stage a coup on a duly elected President. Trump did not mandate a US lockdown and left it up to the Governors who colluded with the MSM and perhaps China to bring down the economy as well as Trump. The state of MD has 4 deaths yet the state is locked down. Absurd! I live in PA with a commie Obama ass kissing Gov who shut down counties with ZERO deaths! Fake news, fake numbers, fake tests. These Governors must be arrested for a treason against the American people!

Grandma Gives It to You Straight

By Anna Von Reitz

There are DOZENS of strains of Common Cold Virus and always have been.  This is all just a ridiculous smokescreen to hide the Municipal Bankruptcy and Territorial attempts to "buy" back the Municipal Corporations (which belong to us) using our credit and assets to do it.  

Imagine this --- a pickpocket steals all the cash out of your left pocket, and then, he uses this stolen cash to buy the jewel in your right pocket.  

Have you got the schtick now?  It's a shell game.  

The Municipal Government is owned and operated by the Pope directly (theft of the cash in your left pocket).  The Territorial Government is also owned by the Pope, but it's operated "for" him by the British Queen --- who is busy trying to use your own assets and credit to buy your Municipal holdings (offer to buy the jewel in your right pocket).   

You are funding the whole shooting match, and they are trying to foist this off on you by doing what?  

Offering you "relief" payments --- also known as "benefits" ---- which they are free to define and misconstrue however they like, if you accept without doing some re-defining of your own.  

Left to themselves, the rats who are "giving" you a whole $300 billion out of the $6.2 trillion they are attempting to charge against your assets and credit ---- would happily claim that you "voluntarily" agreed to settle your claims against the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC., and that you accepted a token "equitable consideration" and donated the rest to them.  

So, we have acted in our official capacity and issued a Second Decree Over Mandate which you should take time to read --- and officially "accepted" these "relief payments" as "gifts" from the Pope and Queen ----- and back-charged their accounts for it, not ours.  

The "Unknown Country" has nothing to do with Kim or Tank or this country or the price of beans in China.  The "Unknown Country" is also known as the "Divine Province" --- the realm beyond death.  They set that trust up and renamed it to benefit themselves.  They acted as "self-interested donors".   A trust can be set up so that the Donors are also the Beneficiaries, and that is what they did.  

"Store up your riches in Heaven where thieves do not break in and moths do not decay......"  

But Benedict XVI also ordered them to open the Storehouses of the Lord ---- other trusts and accounts that are supposed to provide food and support for people in the End Times.  Part of that included the Romanus Pontifex  --- the City of Rome Trust, also known as the Urban Trust and the UBS Trust that Jamie Dimon stole and railroaded.  

Kim doesn't know jack shit about any of this.  Marduk hated mankind and never intended for her to know or be able to do diddly.  And just look at the situation.  Do you see any actual assets being deployed, or just more BS?   

Let me answer --- more BS. 

More "Money of Account" that is being charged to you and used to benefit the bankers and middlemen.  

Goddamn stupid, crooked military officers can't figure this out to save themselves or don't have the "honor" to do anything about it.  


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EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV | Dr. Shiva

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Is COVID 19 a manufactured bio weapon?

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Get It Right Or Stop Talking

By Anna Von Reitz

England is not owned by the Pope because of any agreement between King John and Pope Innocent III in 1213 or at any other time.  That is a total misreading of what went on there.  

“King” John was a King in France but not in England.  In England neither he nor his immediate forebears had any land, which is a requirement of sovereignty. He had no special rank over the Norman Barons who were set free and made sovereigns in their own right as part of the Norman Settlement.  That’s why they were able to force the issue of the Magna Carta and lawfully make it stick for a thousand years. 

Americans need to learn their own history before they go stumbling around trying to interpret British history—- as this present example shows.  

What happened between John and the Pope was a role reversal.  Prior to that the Church managed the Commonwealth land for the King. After that, the King managed the Commonwealth land for them.  

And what is “Commonwealth” land? 

Originally is was scrub and wasteland and gravel and swamp that the kings donated to the Church and which the church utilized for the support of the sick and poor and indigent. 

After 1213 King John became the Church’s steward and to this day, Elizabeth II acts in that same capacity with respect to the Commonwealth.  

If we are talking about Commonwealth property, she works for the Pope and gets paid by the Pope to administer it.  

This, it turns out, is very important to know, because in America, our Territorial Government is a British Commonwealth (belongs to the Pope, but administered by the Queen), and the Municipal United States Government is directly operated by the Church.  Thus both the remaining Federal Government Subcontractors belong to the Pope—- which precludes any notion of any Civil War developing here on our shores  The Pope can’t fight against himself and maintain any logic or credibility. 

Another often repeated American Know It All mistake is the idea that the Act of 1871 seeking to create a Municipal Corporation for the District of Columbia was “the” cause of all the evil we have seen since that time. 

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874.

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874. 

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874....

Repeat as often as necessary! 

Part of the intent of the original Act was implemented in 1878, and in itself, this was no big whoop in that it was a change in business structure for the foreign Federal District Government and should not have had any effect on us at all. 

Shouldn’t have. 

In reality, the corporation this created and authorized became a vehicle for improper hypothecation of debt and bankruptcy fraud.  It didn’t have to be that way, but crooked men in government offices and positions of public trust abused the new corporation to function in ways never contemplated by the framers of our actual factual government.  

So the Act of 1871 was repealed. 

And the Act of 1878 that partially reinstated it didn’t have to be anything bad or wrong.  It was the members of Congress that bent and twisted it and used it for evil purposes and to the detriment of the Public Good. 

Now please spread the word— England is not owned by the Pope because of any deal with King John in 1213. And the Act of 1871 was repealed and the replacement Act of 1878 was no big deal in and of itself. 

Everyone got that? 

The real problem arises out of the Birth Registration Act and all the other oppression coming from that. 


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Friday, March 27, 2020

Liars, Liars, Stumps on Fire....

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats are trying to buy an interest in our estates for themselves using our assets and credit to do so.  


They are presenting "the CDC" as some big authority we all need to listen to. 

The CDC is a privately owned vaccine company and on the take for hundreds of millions of dollars from the men who promoted weaponization of the Common Cold. 

Don't believe me?  Maybe you will believe RFK, Jr.?

These despicable criminals set up this entire pandemic to profit themselves. 

Instead of being in position to control and manipulate our response to their handiwork..... 

And instead of being allowed to profit themselves.... 

They should be arrested, tried, and executed without any further adieu.  

It might not help their victims, but at least we would be rid of them. 

And as for the CDC, it should be shut down and all its assets liquidated. 

It's Board of Directors should be denied any benefit of the corporate veil.  

Its' collaborators on this "project" --- DARPA, the Pirbright Institute and Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should all be similarly dismembered, liquidated, and their board members/trustees denied any protection of the corporate veil.  

Corporations are only allowed to exist for the Public Good, and as you can see, these corporations have not existed for the Public Good.  

They have planned this pandemic with malice aforethought and for profit.  

Thousands of people have already died because of these mass murderers. 

And now, Mr. Trump --- do you know what your duty is?  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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