By Anna Von Reitz
The most prevalent oxymoron I run into is "sovereign citizen" which is an impossibility and contradiction because one cannot be both at the same time. One can act as a "citizen" or one can act as a "sovereign" but never the twain meet.
As egregious and common as the "sovereign citizen" oxymoron is, and as prevalent and as ignorant as its use is by government attorneys and press agents, I am finding an even worse example of insanity and internal contradiction rising to the surface of the vast sea of popular ignorance and misconception: "secular religion".
Anyone, even a blind rat clutching a threadbare rope over a thousand foot chasm, should be able to recognize "secular religion" as an impossibility and contradiction.
It is, however, being applied with some fervor and success to the ridiculous practices and sophomoric norms of another oxymoron addition to popular culture--- "political correctness", and most recently to "racial sensitivity".
As if anything "political" could ever be "correct"? As if anything "secular" could be "religious"? As if anyone or anything possessing "racial" characteristics could be "insensitive"?