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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Gossip and "Blood Oaths"

By Anna Von Reitz

Of all our sins, gossip is one of the worst.  It harms others and does nothing to help us, rather serving to degrade us.  It is not in the nature of any honest investigation into facts, but exists in the realm of idle speculation and hearsay, and is mostly immune to rebuttal because it takes place behind our backs.

The very worst kind of gossip is the kind that deliberately exploits half-truths and preys upon the ignorant. 

If you go to my website,, and read the very first article called "Letter to Cardinal George" you will learn some very alarming things by following along as I explain them to the departed Cardinal of Chicago.

There are some references in that letter which you, as a Lay Person, may not completely grasp, but as this is a letter addressed to a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, that content held specific meaning known to him and to me, much in the same way that legal terms have meanings that lawyers know and that average people are unfamiliar with. 

Chief among these "Universal Church" means the whole assembly of those called together by the Creator to abide with his son.  The actual church like actual people, has no name, so it is called the Universal Church--- a church that comes from all corners of the Earth and includes people based on their hearts, minds, and souls, not their politics, dogmas, or denominations. 

If you have read your Bible you will recall where various people came seeking favor and positions in the new kingdom, thinking of it as an earthly kingdom with offices and honors and powers to be bestowed --- and what were they told?  That even the son wasn't privy to who would be called to him, and that it was not his decision to make, but his Father's. 

Think about that.  It is your mind and heart and soul that matter, and the True God who searches your mind and heart and soul who decides whether or not you are part of the true, only, and Universal Church.

I was telling him --- again --- that all this ridiculous sectarian strife and arrogant assumptions of Catholic superiority are never justified; there is no excuse for taking advantage of people based on the fact that they are not Catholic.  The True God does not allow for that.  And if he serves the True God, neither can he. 

This is a bone of contention, because certain elements within the Roman Catholic Church have treated it like an elite clubhouse and used belief or disbelief in Catholic Dogma as a rationale for committing crimes against non-Catholics, even heinous crimes.

I was giving him Notice that I have been called to the Lamb and to his altar, which is his body and blood, and that I am consecrated to him at the level of my soul.

Now these concepts may be difficult for you to grasp, but the scripture plainly tells us that the soul is in the blood.  And my blood, my soul, are united with him always: his blood with my blood, his soul with my soul, his mind in my mind, his heart in me, his power like a river set free.

We are but an "expression" of the True God, like a poem or a song, a singular creation, each one already whole, already mighty, already perfect.  All the rest is just delusions and bad choices, wrong turns, mistakes, scars waiting to be erased, wounds to be healed. 

No, Cardinal George and I both knew --- and you need to know --- that I was not talking about any altar made of marble or stone, no cutting with any knife,  but a different kind of altar, a crossroads, a single point, where across all of eternity we are part of him and he is part of us, forever. 

 "Neither life nor death shall ever, from the Lord his children sever."  -- and the tie that binds us is love.  Our love for him and his love for us.

Nothing can separate us.  No circumstance.  No accident.  No condition of depravity or delusion or sin.  No need.  No grief.  No rejection or rebuttal, no mistake.  We are bound together in perfection at a far deeper level than all of this. 

As part of the True and Living God expressed in this small vessel of flesh, I was telling Cardinal George and through him the entire Roman Catholic Church and all of its Vatican edifices, to repent of the evils I explained in my letter and which I brought before his conscience and his consciousness as a sword, not a pin prick.

Contrary to his habitual expectations, I did not address him as a beggar seeking any absolution this Earth can give.  I addressed him as a child of the  Living God and called upon him to do his duty in no uncertain terms -- and I could do this, because I remembered who I was and who I am and who I will be.

So all those silly people scurrying around behind my back and whispering and pointing and saying, oh, look!  She's talking about blood and oaths and altars, oh, my!  Oh, big, scary dangerous things! 

Let me remind you all that it is far more "dangerous" to remember who you are and act upon it as Sons and Daughters.  

It is far more dangerous to perceive the true altar of the Lamb, which is his message written with his life, sealed with his blood, and shared by his soul, than to sit around stupidly supposing that you need middlemen to arbitrate your salvation. 

If he abides in you and you abide in him, there is no separation.  There is no chink for Satan to enter in.  There is no space for delusions.  No time like the present to stand with all you are or can muster against evil of all kinds.  No time like now to speak up and take action, as I surely have. 

Take up your cross at the crossroads, that point of intersection where his life and your life unite. Stand there in utter humility and explode with the fire of the Holy Spirit born within you, and know that you are well and truly baptized by no human hand, created by no human flesh, named nor bound by any human mind. 

There is truth and power and freedom and might in you, far beyond any concept of limitation or pain or time.

But you must wake up.  You must leave childish things --- like gossip ---behind. 


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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For All the Gossips Among Us

By Anna Von Reitz

Here in Alaska we struggle with some exceptional problems.  One of those problems is a long history of incest and child molestation in isolated Native communities.  From time to time this issue comes into public view more forcefully than others, and certainly that was the case in the early 1980's, when we had a virtual statewide witch hunt in which hundreds of men, both Native and Caucasian, were accused and convicted without oversight by the courts.

My husband was one of them.

He was living in Sitka, Alaska, at the time -- an isolated mostly Native community, where he had carved out a life as the captain of a fishing boat during the summers and working as a successful artist in the winter.  He had three children and a wife that he loved.

His eldest child, a daughter, was in High School at the time, and she had a Native friend in school who actually was molested by her own Father.  As a result, this other girl was emancipated by the court at the age of 16, and given her own apartment by the State.  It promptly became "the" place for her classmates to party, party, party.  Jim's daughter got caught up in all this, which included underage sex, marijuana, recreational drugs of other kinds, and a whole lot of skipping school.

That summer, his daughter got a job as a waitress at one of the local restaurants and one night she was invited to a party that required her to have transportation.  She stole her grandfather's car, got drunk, and wrecked it on the way home. 

Amazed and outraged, her parents told her that she had to start turning over her wages each week to buy her grandfather a car.  She seethed and rebelled and went to the authorities and told them that her Father had put his finger in her vagina. 

Of course, he never did any such thing, and she later fully admitted it.  She just wanted to be emancipated like her friend and avoid paying her grandfather back.  She had no thought of what it would do to her family --- that her parents would divorce, that her younger brothers would suffer, and that her innocent Father would be put through no end of humiliation because of her actions. 

But the witch hunt was on and Sitka was a remote mostly Native community where such things (and a lot worse) were known to go on, so the prosecutors came in like the Wrath of Joe Public and he was convicted without a plea, without any physical evidence, without cross-examination of the witness, without any valid due process at all. 

Afterward, after she saw the damage she had caused her family, his daughter repented, but it was too late.  Efforts were made to overturn the conviction based on her recanted testimony, but that required a new trial and reliving all the hurt and embarrassment and disruption again.  And this time, though her Father would be cleared of wrong-doing--- she would go to jail for perjury and related offenses, leaving her toddler without a Mom.

The Governor heard about the case and offered a pardon, but a pardon admits that a crime occurred --- and no actual crime occurred. 

So damned if you do and damned if you don't. 

Jim decided that he was better able to bear the stigma than his daughter, a decision he might have regretted, if he could have foreseen her future.  She sank ever deeper into the twisted world of drugs, alcohol, and sexual escapism, gradually accruing a criminal rap sheet as long as my arm and doing long stints in jail.

We don't love her "at her best" any less, but facts are facts. 

I once asked her whatever happened to her, that she did this to her family?  She lifted her face and looked me right in the eye and said two words: "Public School."  Now, over fifty, her health is shattered.  We do what we can for her.

I met Jim when I was 32 and he was 47. Neither one of us could claim to be children anymore. We met through my work.  I hired him as an artist subcontractor to work on package designs.  He was always quiet and very nice to everyone, always got his jobs done on time, always superlative quality, and we got along well for over a year before he asked me out.

To be honest, I was very surprised, but it seemed innocent enough: dinner with some old friends of his, a couple, and he didn't want to go without a date. I understood being the Third Wheel all too well, being 32 and unmarried myself.  I agreed.

On the way to dinner, he told me he was a "registered sex offender".  He looked like he was going to choke on the words, and I certainly must have looked completely thunderstruck and blank. 

Two thoughts hit my brain simultaneously--- (1) This doesn't make sense. A guy doesn't ask you out on a first date and tell you something like this; and, (2) Boy, Howdy--- how'd our Personnel Department screw up on his background checks? I could have been working with an ax murderer....

Normally, everything would have ended right there and then, but my logic circuits and Shinola Sensor were on full alert.

A man who is guilty of such offenses doesn't tell you something like that on a first date.  He covers it up, gets his hooks into you, and then waits for other gossipy people to let you know.  That's how real sex offenders operate.

There was more.

Jim didn't say anything to defend himself, no explanations, no excuses. 

People who abuse children always have excuses.  They always have some reason or rationale.  They were drunk or high or reliving some trauma of their own, blah, blah, blah. 

Not Jim. He sat with his hands folded and looked straight ahead, and I was intrigued.  I suspected that there was more to the story, but he wasn't going to give me any excuses and try to make it look better for himself--- so I'd have to take it on the chin for what it was.   And I did.

His friends were delightful.  The conversation was lively and intelligent and gracious.  Dinner was elegant.  It was a beautiful evening and by the time we left the restaurant the early stars were out.  We walked along the sidewalk, heads down.  He took my hand as we reached the corner and our separate ways home. 

What do you say under such a circumstance?  He shook his head and smiled a bitter little smile.  I caught the glint of a tear in the corner of his eye as he looked away. 

"Thank you for coming with me tonight," was all he managed.

"Sure," I said. "Let's do it again." 

Now, for all the one-in-a-million shots a guy could have, that was one. I would have bet against him for a second date, and I was the one making the odds, but I wanted to know the "rest of the story" --- which his daughter eventually told me.  And in the meantime, we fell in love.

Here we are, 31 years later. 

I have never known a better, more unselfish, kinder, more generous, more inspired, more gallant, or more enduring soul. And I have never found anyone more loyal to a cause or to his family. 

What he has suffered, no man should have to suffer --- not once, not ever. But as long as our culture refuses to honor Due Process and relies on Public Policy instead, such miscarriages of justice and all that they entail will continue.  

In an actual court for people, his daughter would have had to face him and lie about him in front of God and everyone else. She'd have to get into the details and nitty-gritty of her accusation.  She would have broken into tears of shame and regret in the courtroom under cross-examination, and that would have been the end of it. 

She would have gone back to work and paid off her grandfather's car.

And who knows how much better her own life would have been? 


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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America is NOT "Mystery Babylon"

By Anna Von Reitz

More mistaken Bible scholars send me (repeatedly) Hollywood quality videos about the supposed end of the world and the identities of all the various players that bring about the cataclysm....

While their knowledge of the Bible is impressive, their spiritual and logical faculties are not. Chief among them, their fear-mongering and graphic presentation of skeletons and destroyed land and all sorts of nastiness calculated to inspire terror. Also irresponsible fear-porn about an EMP attack on America.

"Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid...."

It is his will that "not one shall be lost".

And "not a hair on their heads shall be harmed".

So take that into your considerations and wake up out of your bad dreams.

America is no more "Mystery Babylon" than I am my Aunt Tilly's cat.

Mystery Babylon is a secret religion -- a "mystery school". It's acolytes are all members of a False Church fostered by Secret Societies, which operate as crime syndicates organized as interlocking trust directorates controlling over 700 large corporations worldwide.

THAT is what "Mystery Babylon" is.

It "sits upon many waters" because its members operate a substantial number of "independent, international city-states" --- including, for example, Vatican City, Westminster - Inner City of London, Washington - DC, City of New York, City of Rome, the United Nations, etc.

All these "independent, international city-states" act as a bonded cartel, with separate functions, but common interests --- and they issue charters for Municipal CORPORATIONS via SERCO's abuse of our Delegated Powers. SERCO has been running the United States Patent and Trademark Office "in our names" as a thoroughly criminal Municipal Government Enterprise.

The result is that the Municipality of Washington, DC, has created all sorts of subsidiary corporations operated as, for example, LONDON and "the" UK, and OMAHA and "the" PHILIPPINES, ad nauseum, and all of these THINGS made of paper and air, are used promote fraud and expedite kickbacks to collaborators worldwide.

It's the biggest crime syndicate operation in the history of the world.

THAT is what "Mystery Babylon" is.

And yes, all the nations have "drunk of the wine of "her" fornication".

So why refer to "Mystery Babylon" as "her" and as a "Queen"?

Because these pedants worship a profane goddess of ancient origin, who goes by many, many names: Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Ashtar, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, …. and yes, Columbia.

As in District of Columbia.

The Followers of this "goddess" use good organizations and people as "storefronts" to hide their venal activities. They used the Roman Catholic Church as their primary storefront for centuries. They have used the Queen of England. They have used America. They have used the Hebrews. And now, they propose to use the United Nations organization in the same way.

They've even used the Freemasons.

After all, the Grand Lodge of Paris funded the building and gifting of the "The Statue of Liberty" --- a giant idol honoring The Great Abomination, the Mother of All Whores --- now sitting in New York Harbor. And another Grand Lodge funded the building of the Washington Monument --- an absolutely stupendously big phallic symbol, still pointing straight up on the Capitol Mall.
Well, you can be offended all you want, but the facts are the facts.

These are the symbols of the idolatrous ancient foreign profane religion of Mystery Babylon, squatting on our shores without us being aware of what these things are or what they symbolize.

The snide Romans renamed "Ishtar" and called "her" "Libertas" --- Liberty. That's what British sailors are still granted when they reach port: they are given "liberty" -- another name for riotous drunkenness, wild sexual rampages and orgies, gambling, fighting, and crime of all kinds.

If I were a New Yorker, I'd have Mayor Cuomo by both heels while I whispered, "Please return the "gift" that the Grand Lodge of Paris sent us? It's really not appropriate for us to have something like that standing as the gateway to our city or our country...."

And the members of Congress need to be told the same thing about the Washington Monument. Give it back to the Grand Lodge and let them tear it down. George would roll over in his grave and be horrified by such a public celebration of his "manhood". It's not appropriate here.

Not in America.

These blemishes aside, one must grasp the fact that none of these entities are "American". They are sitting on our land and soil like barnacles attached to the hull of a ship. They have nothing to do with us or who we are as a country, and you are really underestimating our Father if you think he doesn't know that!

As determined as our Creator is to utterly destroy this evil once and for all, he's not angry with us. He knows that most of us are innocent as children and don't even know what these idolatrous monuments are about.

What sort of Father do you think we have? That you teach that he will destroy us? That you teach against His Word---- "Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid....."?

You would make our Father into the likeness of Satan. You insult him by proposing that he will bring vengeance on the innocent and pay back evil unjustly.

Such a thing has never been and never will be.

So I am calling on all the Hellfire and Brimstone lot of you out there, to voluntarily repent and recant these errors. Take down these frightening videos. Teach the truth or don't teach at all. Better for you to have remained silent than to be found spreading fear and lies against the Living God.


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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The Missing 1100 Years

By Anna Von Reitz

I got a very angry letter from a Catholic (former) Nun, about six months ago, berating me and asking me how I could be so idiotically stupid as to issue a Payment Bond to the Holy See with what appears to be a maturity date 1000 years from now. 

She didn't understand, but the scribes and blasphemers do. 

You see, the difficulty is, that we spend most of our lives facing backwards and trying to move forward.  The moment that something becomes the object of our attention, it is already in the past. 

That essential moment of power called "Now" is hard to catch.  It's always moving onward faster than we can train ourselves to keep up, and unless we learn to focus on and ground ourselves in that precious moment, we are living backwards--- not just facing backwards.

We become disoriented and trapped in the delusion caused by faulty senses and faulty reference points. 

So now imagine what happens when the men in charge of keeping the calendar --- which in itself is a foreign invention used to calculate debt --- decide to arbitrarily delete 1100 years-worth of mankind's existence? 

All the history, the threads of many ancient cultures, and vast amounts of knowledge are burned, bartered, and given away. All sorts of tricks are employed, even Black Magic, to erase and hide those missing 1100 years.

That, "adjustment to the calendar" and a lot of other "creative reshaping of the narrative" is what the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church did during the Council of Nicea and afterward at other Councils, like the Council of Trent. 

They waved their hands and flicked their pens and wiped out over a millennium, and that was just for starters.

So, everyone assumes that the world is younger than it is, and as for debts being due, such a ruse --- if successful --- gives you 1100 years of "extra" usury that you never have to account for.   

Until, of course, you are facing a Fiduciary, who knows exactly what you've done.  

This isn't actually 2020.  It's 3120. 

So as you can now see, the  Payment Bond is Due and Owing, and if we were to hold the whole debt against them, it is 107 years overdue, because they were supposed to pay up and the Sons of Saturn were supposed to leave in what we think of as 1913, aka, 3013.

Instead of paying up, or leaving, either one, these False Guardians, these crooked Noisome House Guests doubled down.  They decided to dig in harder, extract more "penance" from the Earth and its people---when in fact, they are the ones who are the Debtors. 

The entire circumstance is exactly 100% the opposite of what they want you to believe.  They want you to believe that you are the Debtors, when in fact, they are the Debtors.

They want you to "forget about" all that they owe you and what they spent of your inheritance for 1100 years, plus the interest they owe on that, and which they promised to pay back, in addition to all the rest.  

They want you to ignore the fraud involved in all their shimmy-shuffle "symbolic" money systems, which are obvious idolatrous BS, that they used in non-equitable exchange for actual goods and services for centuries.

And at the end of the day they want to find some specious excuse to kill off most of their creditors, enslave the rest, and steal their creditor's assets for their own?  Really?

Yes, really. 

Welcome to the diabolical world of the Father of All Lies.

Even though the entire situation and all of what is coming to them is all their own fault, the Evil-Doers among us are very angry, stomping their little feet and waving their little hammers, blaming everyone but themselves.  

It won't do them any good.

The Payment Bond is due and owing. In fact, it's overdue.  Is there any doubt that your Father will settle this for you? 

Will the Curse of Lamech not overtake them? 

Be patient yet a little while longer, while everything is prepared. Turn your thoughts to Jerusalem and the mighty city gates..... all opening up, at last.


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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For England - 3.0

By Anna Von Reitz

What we've discovered is that all of this "mischief" is linked back to insurance and "indemnity" schemes that got started in the 1720's, when people started purchasing "bottomry bonds" on non-existent ships.

This same scheme was resurrected and applied to "Special Purpose Vehicles" on the land. 

They set up corporations and name them after living people, so as to impersonate the people --- a process they call "enfranchisement".  Then, they bring claims in commerce against these corporations owned and bonded by Third Parties, as if the assets belonged to the corporations, and not to the living people.  These are easily recognizable as crimes of both personage and barratry against the living people.

There, in England, you have a record of the debate that went on about this scandalous abuse -- the Disraeli v. Gladstone discourses, which have to be deciphered with the understanding that the argument is not actually about voting rights for laborers, but about commercial "enfranchisement" fraud upon the working classes-- and press-ganging of land assets.  This includes false claims upon their labor assets and the ability to force conscription upon them via "military draft" as well as theft of their homes and land assets as chattel for the perpetrators to borrow against. 

Queen Victoria used this method to fraudulently finance the Raj takeover of India and guaranteed Whitehall's ability to enforce this fraud and peonage against her own people in complete dereliction of her duty as a Christian Monarch. 

Secondarily, these crimes against the soil and land jurisdiction open a wide pathway to promote money laundering, bankruptcy fraud, and probate fraud ---- all of which have been practiced against the people of the entire world, including England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.

If you look into the history of any little scrap of your "fair land" you will find (I have found) up to six layers of "titles".  The existence of such "titles" are solid evidence that your land and soil assets have been placed in a trust --- inappropriately, it turns out --- without your conscious knowledge or consent, for several generations.  Each layer represents a transfer of title to another "trust organization", which typically issues a new "land description" -- that is, a new "title" to the land when they take over as trustees. 

What started out as a small village in Cornwall -- and still physically is -- "Pennywaithe Upon the Meers" -- goes through a progression of new descriptions (which are titles) that are disguised as parcel numbers, street numbers, utility service districts, and on and on.  As this process progresses the actual ownership of the land and soil becomes more and more clouded and the people innocently living in what they believe are homes they inherited in Cornwall, are progressively burdened down with more and more taxes while they themselves, the "presumed Donors" in this scheme, are regarded as unknown foreign tenants on their own land, and subjected to statutory laws meant to apply only to incorporated entities.  

This has to be stopped and we have to sort this out in favor of the living people.  It is far easier to mandate that every land owner have a Will than to continue this constructive fraud using lack of Wills as an excuse for it.  There is a great deal more that goes into it, but this is the basic outline of what has gone on and regrettably, is still ongoing.  The courts, especially the Maritime Courts, have been highly complicit in this, and have outrageously presumed upon the people of Britain for the past hundred years.

With the advent of the Belgian Electronic Asset Settlement and Transfer (BEAST) program, matters became even worse.

Now the same parties who secretively "took title" to our land and soil assets via processes of non-disclosed and unconscionable contracts, set up an electronic trading platform for all these False Titles purportedly owned by non-existent corporations and their vacuous Trustees, and have used these trading platforms as casinos.  In North America we have a similar system called "MERS", and when we delved into it, we found that technically, MERS hasn't existed and hasn't been the responsibility of anyone since 1997, yet titles to land are routinely submitted via MERS and transferred using this system, just as properties in Europe, Asia, and Africa are supposedly being traded and transferred by the BEAST system.

At the end of the day, it's all nothing but fraud, fraud, and more fraud.  It's fraud first and foremost against the actual Landlords who are living people owed the enjoyment of their assets, and fraud against the courts being called upon to take this seriously and accept responsibility to administer the enforcement of the fraud, and finally, fraud upon all the investors who are being snookered into buying this "underwater" real estate. 

Please share this with all your Barrister friends and all the Judges and Justices in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.  It won't take them long to connect the dots and follow the crumbs back to Whitehall --- and then it remains to be seen, how, once everyone realizes the depth and breadth of the fraud, we may recoup upon it, lawfully convert everything, and everyone come out ahead in the end.  We have answers for all of that, too.


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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A Nice, Succinct, Simple Explanation

By Anna Von Reitz

I love it when I find a news story that people can understand without a lot of frou-frou-rah or intellectual grandstanding designed to make the reporter look smart.

Here's one that cuts through all the "Obamagate" ribbons and bows and gets straight to "The Hammer" which is the real meat and steel of the issue.
Remember Edward Snowden? He cracked the lid on NSA spying on telephone and email communications some years ago.

Thanks to him, Edward Snowden, we all now know that our lives are infiltrated to some extent by illegal snooping activities by "the government", and it has been that way for a number of years.

Now take that information and fast forward in your mind to what has likely happened since then?

They got away with it once, so they did more and more and more spying on the public, and made more excuses for doing it, and refined their technology and expanded their grid.

This is utterly predictable. It's what criminals do, whenever and however they get away with crime: they do more of it. Eagerly.

And they begin selling all their ill-gotten information, too. Data mining rears its ugly head and so do operations like "the Hammer" --- meant to crush personal and political opponents and ensure a one-party monopoly forever and ever.

So you have a story of criminal abuse and misuse of private data being collected without the knowledge or consent of the victims, being put to political use by crime bosses infesting our capitol --- and all for their own petty profit.

They have invaded your privacy for their profit. Let that sink in.

Start with the Bill of Rights and then read Article IV and then read this short little gem of a news story:


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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Are We Losing Our RIght to Trial by Jury?

The Fully Informed Jury Association is based in Montana and has done more to protect our jury rights than any other organization. In fact I would go so far as to say they really started the whole movement to protect jury rights. Now if we could just get them to understand they are dealing with the wrong jurisdiction entirely maybe they could make better progress.

Are We Losing Our
Right to Trial by Jury? 
Good afternoon Paul,
Wow! There has been a sudden uptick in the already heavy news coverage of the situation for trial by jury in the United States and other common law countries. Click here to go straight to my latest report:
Court in the Time of Corona: Issue 2
At this point, trials by jury are starting to resume or are on the verge of resuming in some states. Most notably, Oregon called jurors for its first jury trial in more than a month.
Some of the stories in this report raise substantial concerns about how resumption of trial by jury will play out. We are now starting to see three main areas of concern:
  • some courts are now starting to experiment with trials by jury conducted remotely via technology rather than in person,
  • judges are discussing asking defendants to voluntarily forfeit some of the protections afforded them by trial by jury, and
  • courts in several states are indicating that they are willing to suspend the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to trial by jury for 6-9 months at least!
What other rights can you imagine the government canceling for 6-9 months just for starters?
Remember, during that time, the government is still finding ways to:
  • accuse and arrest people,
  • incarcerate people pre-trial—people whose legal status is INNOCENT because they have yet to be proven guilty, and
  • coerce those people with the prospect of indefinite detention in crowded, unsanitary facilities during a pandemic into forfeiting their right to trial by jury and accepting a plea bargain or a bench trial.
It sickens me to wonder if we are watching our jury system being irreparably damaged—or if perhaps this is even the beginning of the end of our right to trial by jury.
Check out the latest issue of our Court in the Time of Corona report by clicking below to find out how this is playing out in your area, throughout the United States, and around the world.
Courts in different areas will be looking at each other to see what steps they can take to move forward—especially what rights violations we will allow in this unprecedented situation!

Court in the Time of Corona: Issue 2

For Liberty, Justice, and Peace in Our Lifetimes,
Kirsten C. Tynan
Fully Informed Jury Association

The Truth About Vaccines - Many Videos Removed from other Platforms

If you really want the truth about this big scare going on you need to visit this new platform called All-Social and The Truth About Vaccines page.

There is no censorship on this platform.