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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

For All the Gossips Among Us

By Anna Von Reitz

Here in Alaska we struggle with some exceptional problems.  One of those problems is a long history of incest and child molestation in isolated Native communities.  From time to time this issue comes into public view more forcefully than others, and certainly that was the case in the early 1980's, when we had a virtual statewide witch hunt in which hundreds of men, both Native and Caucasian, were accused and convicted without oversight by the courts.

My husband was one of them.

He was living in Sitka, Alaska, at the time -- an isolated mostly Native community, where he had carved out a life as the captain of a fishing boat during the summers and working as a successful artist in the winter.  He had three children and a wife that he loved.

His eldest child, a daughter, was in High School at the time, and she had a Native friend in school who actually was molested by her own Father.  As a result, this other girl was emancipated by the court at the age of 16, and given her own apartment by the State.  It promptly became "the" place for her classmates to party, party, party.  Jim's daughter got caught up in all this, which included underage sex, marijuana, recreational drugs of other kinds, and a whole lot of skipping school.

That summer, his daughter got a job as a waitress at one of the local restaurants and one night she was invited to a party that required her to have transportation.  She stole her grandfather's car, got drunk, and wrecked it on the way home. 

Amazed and outraged, her parents told her that she had to start turning over her wages each week to buy her grandfather a car.  She seethed and rebelled and went to the authorities and told them that her Father had put his finger in her vagina. 

Of course, he never did any such thing, and she later fully admitted it.  She just wanted to be emancipated like her friend and avoid paying her grandfather back.  She had no thought of what it would do to her family --- that her parents would divorce, that her younger brothers would suffer, and that her innocent Father would be put through no end of humiliation because of her actions. 

But the witch hunt was on and Sitka was a remote mostly Native community where such things (and a lot worse) were known to go on, so the prosecutors came in like the Wrath of Joe Public and he was convicted without a plea, without any physical evidence, without cross-examination of the witness, without any valid due process at all. 

Afterward, after she saw the damage she had caused her family, his daughter repented, but it was too late.  Efforts were made to overturn the conviction based on her recanted testimony, but that required a new trial and reliving all the hurt and embarrassment and disruption again.  And this time, though her Father would be cleared of wrong-doing--- she would go to jail for perjury and related offenses, leaving her toddler without a Mom.

The Governor heard about the case and offered a pardon, but a pardon admits that a crime occurred --- and no actual crime occurred. 

So damned if you do and damned if you don't. 

Jim decided that he was better able to bear the stigma than his daughter, a decision he might have regretted, if he could have foreseen her future.  She sank ever deeper into the twisted world of drugs, alcohol, and sexual escapism, gradually accruing a criminal rap sheet as long as my arm and doing long stints in jail.

We don't love her "at her best" any less, but facts are facts. 

I once asked her whatever happened to her, that she did this to her family?  She lifted her face and looked me right in the eye and said two words: "Public School."  Now, over fifty, her health is shattered.  We do what we can for her.

I met Jim when I was 32 and he was 47. Neither one of us could claim to be children anymore. We met through my work.  I hired him as an artist subcontractor to work on package designs.  He was always quiet and very nice to everyone, always got his jobs done on time, always superlative quality, and we got along well for over a year before he asked me out.

To be honest, I was very surprised, but it seemed innocent enough: dinner with some old friends of his, a couple, and he didn't want to go without a date. I understood being the Third Wheel all too well, being 32 and unmarried myself.  I agreed.

On the way to dinner, he told me he was a "registered sex offender".  He looked like he was going to choke on the words, and I certainly must have looked completely thunderstruck and blank. 

Two thoughts hit my brain simultaneously--- (1) This doesn't make sense. A guy doesn't ask you out on a first date and tell you something like this; and, (2) Boy, Howdy--- how'd our Personnel Department screw up on his background checks? I could have been working with an ax murderer....

Normally, everything would have ended right there and then, but my logic circuits and Shinola Sensor were on full alert.

A man who is guilty of such offenses doesn't tell you something like that on a first date.  He covers it up, gets his hooks into you, and then waits for other gossipy people to let you know.  That's how real sex offenders operate.

There was more.

Jim didn't say anything to defend himself, no explanations, no excuses. 

People who abuse children always have excuses.  They always have some reason or rationale.  They were drunk or high or reliving some trauma of their own, blah, blah, blah. 

Not Jim. He sat with his hands folded and looked straight ahead, and I was intrigued.  I suspected that there was more to the story, but he wasn't going to give me any excuses and try to make it look better for himself--- so I'd have to take it on the chin for what it was.   And I did.

His friends were delightful.  The conversation was lively and intelligent and gracious.  Dinner was elegant.  It was a beautiful evening and by the time we left the restaurant the early stars were out.  We walked along the sidewalk, heads down.  He took my hand as we reached the corner and our separate ways home. 

What do you say under such a circumstance?  He shook his head and smiled a bitter little smile.  I caught the glint of a tear in the corner of his eye as he looked away. 

"Thank you for coming with me tonight," was all he managed.

"Sure," I said. "Let's do it again." 

Now, for all the one-in-a-million shots a guy could have, that was one. I would have bet against him for a second date, and I was the one making the odds, but I wanted to know the "rest of the story" --- which his daughter eventually told me.  And in the meantime, we fell in love.

Here we are, 31 years later. 

I have never known a better, more unselfish, kinder, more generous, more inspired, more gallant, or more enduring soul. And I have never found anyone more loyal to a cause or to his family. 

What he has suffered, no man should have to suffer --- not once, not ever. But as long as our culture refuses to honor Due Process and relies on Public Policy instead, such miscarriages of justice and all that they entail will continue.  

In an actual court for people, his daughter would have had to face him and lie about him in front of God and everyone else. She'd have to get into the details and nitty-gritty of her accusation.  She would have broken into tears of shame and regret in the courtroom under cross-examination, and that would have been the end of it. 

She would have gone back to work and paid off her grandfather's car.

And who knows how much better her own life would have been? 


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Wow, synchronicity if ever I have seen it!

    1. Updated predictions #2 Reflecting changing energies in America, similar to China Trend:

      May 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to May 29, 2020: Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky corp. Gov’t in Forceful authorities, Physical Injuries, ...

      May 30, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 1, 2020: Forceful corp. authorities show force, Physical Injuries... Mid-High neg.Energy exchange.

      June 2-3, 2020: +/- 1-2 days: In pains, sorrow, despair, Political/ Gov’t chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high neg. Energy exchange.

      June 4, 2020: (+/- 1-2 days) #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, Coup d’Etat. Political chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high negative Energy exchange.

      June 5, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 12, 2020: Forceful narcissist authorities in force, Physical Injuries.. Negative conj. Higher energy exchange. Unity and extreme relationship breakdown, Political still in chaos.

      June 13, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 17, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin freedom as well to railroad people to no-end. Tower moment.

      June 17, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 28, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... SUPER-HIGH neg. Energy exchange. Extreme relationship breakdown, See Gov’t conspiracy Vs. people below IMPORTANT.

      June 20 to Sept 9- 2020: Corp. Gov’t Conspiracies against People (by foreign –Bar politicians). Lawless in-jail toxic vaccine possible. 30,000 guillotines bought, hidden in FEMA or Govt military compounds, run by UK++, Popes & thievery Bankers. Avoid all you can.

      June 29 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 2, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin as well to railroad people. Tower moment. Political chaos. Unity, United-we-stand seen. Extreme relationship breakdown.

      Jly 3rd 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 10, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injury... Negative conj. High energy exchange. More United relationship & extreme relationship breakdown.

      July 12, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 13, 2020: #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, mil. coup d’Etat. Still in chaos. Extreme neg. relationship.

      July 14, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 24, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... Decreasing neg. Energy exchange. ** Read the IMPORTANT mid-block. **

      July 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days): Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky Gov’t shows Forceful lawless authorities, Physical Injuries, mild neg. energy exchange. Both sides: In pains, sorrow and despair.

      June 21st, 2020: Solar Eclipse: Marks the major effects on American homes, security and insecurity. Making us think why or if our Gov’t is worthy to respect. They are in multi-party business, not for us as they pretended to serve, per hired 19-enumerated contract. They act as if they are our bosses. Remember: we are their bosses.

  2. **
    Maybe someone would like to do a story / article on this ----

    The illusion we were forced to live in is now exposed --- Wake up or die up.

    "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

    Appearances are of four kinds:
    Things either are as they appear to be;
    or they neither are nor appear to be;
    or they are, but do not appear to be;
    or they are not, and yet, appear to be.

    ~ Epictetus (55 – 135 AD) ~ 80 years old

    "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate." --Dr. Wayne Dyer

    "There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns." -- Ayn Rand

    “Intellect and Emotion are partners who do not speak the same language. The intellect finds logic to justify what the emotions have already decided” ~ Roy H. Williams

    Gratitude - keep moving forward

  3. This happened to a hard working man I've known for over fifty years. My friend had a long term relationship with a divorced woman and they were planning to wed. This woman had a teenage daughter. This man also had a teen daughter from a previous marriage. This man, woman and both daughters thought of themselves as a family and participated in all the activities you would expect of a young family - events like boating, camping, movies. Unfortunately, the man's daughter has been mentally unstable since birth - taking medication for the condition. Her father reprimanded her on a few occasions regarding her treatment of the step daughter and she somehow got it into her head that her father favored the other step daughter over her. His daughter commenced injuring herself by cutting herself and attempting suicide. This girl then proceeded to accuse her father of abuse. Long story short;after an investigation by social services in which the girl recanted her abuse lie; the man was cleared of any wrongdoing. But by then the damage was done. The man was so destroyed that his own daughter would wrongly accuse him of abuse; he began to drink heavily and drive. He was arrested for DWI and wound up in prison. The relationship with the woman was destroyed and ended as well. The man is now out of prison and trying to pick up the pieces of his life - restart his contracting business. He still has a relationship with his daughter but it will never be the same as before - the trust is gone. This kind of thing happens more than you know and all based on a lie.

  4. I know a few wives that have used that despicable tool saying the husband bashed them and molested the kids. One even admitting it before a cop that it was just for revenge. She kicked the father of three kids out so the boyfriend could move in and told him straight up. Very sad story as he hasn't seen his kids since.

  5. You two have a lotta guts, and my respect. And agreement, we need to step into the gap and right that going forward.
