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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Gossip and "Blood Oaths"

By Anna Von Reitz

Of all our sins, gossip is one of the worst.  It harms others and does nothing to help us, rather serving to degrade us.  It is not in the nature of any honest investigation into facts, but exists in the realm of idle speculation and hearsay, and is mostly immune to rebuttal because it takes place behind our backs.

The very worst kind of gossip is the kind that deliberately exploits half-truths and preys upon the ignorant. 

If you go to my website,, and read the very first article called "Letter to Cardinal George" you will learn some very alarming things by following along as I explain them to the departed Cardinal of Chicago.

There are some references in that letter which you, as a Lay Person, may not completely grasp, but as this is a letter addressed to a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, that content held specific meaning known to him and to me, much in the same way that legal terms have meanings that lawyers know and that average people are unfamiliar with. 

Chief among these "Universal Church" means the whole assembly of those called together by the Creator to abide with his son.  The actual church like actual people, has no name, so it is called the Universal Church--- a church that comes from all corners of the Earth and includes people based on their hearts, minds, and souls, not their politics, dogmas, or denominations. 

If you have read your Bible you will recall where various people came seeking favor and positions in the new kingdom, thinking of it as an earthly kingdom with offices and honors and powers to be bestowed --- and what were they told?  That even the son wasn't privy to who would be called to him, and that it was not his decision to make, but his Father's. 

Think about that.  It is your mind and heart and soul that matter, and the True God who searches your mind and heart and soul who decides whether or not you are part of the true, only, and Universal Church.

I was telling him --- again --- that all this ridiculous sectarian strife and arrogant assumptions of Catholic superiority are never justified; there is no excuse for taking advantage of people based on the fact that they are not Catholic.  The True God does not allow for that.  And if he serves the True God, neither can he. 

This is a bone of contention, because certain elements within the Roman Catholic Church have treated it like an elite clubhouse and used belief or disbelief in Catholic Dogma as a rationale for committing crimes against non-Catholics, even heinous crimes.

I was giving him Notice that I have been called to the Lamb and to his altar, which is his body and blood, and that I am consecrated to him at the level of my soul.

Now these concepts may be difficult for you to grasp, but the scripture plainly tells us that the soul is in the blood.  And my blood, my soul, are united with him always: his blood with my blood, his soul with my soul, his mind in my mind, his heart in me, his power like a river set free.

We are but an "expression" of the True God, like a poem or a song, a singular creation, each one already whole, already mighty, already perfect.  All the rest is just delusions and bad choices, wrong turns, mistakes, scars waiting to be erased, wounds to be healed. 

No, Cardinal George and I both knew --- and you need to know --- that I was not talking about any altar made of marble or stone, no cutting with any knife,  but a different kind of altar, a crossroads, a single point, where across all of eternity we are part of him and he is part of us, forever. 

 "Neither life nor death shall ever, from the Lord his children sever."  -- and the tie that binds us is love.  Our love for him and his love for us.

Nothing can separate us.  No circumstance.  No accident.  No condition of depravity or delusion or sin.  No need.  No grief.  No rejection or rebuttal, no mistake.  We are bound together in perfection at a far deeper level than all of this. 

As part of the True and Living God expressed in this small vessel of flesh, I was telling Cardinal George and through him the entire Roman Catholic Church and all of its Vatican edifices, to repent of the evils I explained in my letter and which I brought before his conscience and his consciousness as a sword, not a pin prick.

Contrary to his habitual expectations, I did not address him as a beggar seeking any absolution this Earth can give.  I addressed him as a child of the  Living God and called upon him to do his duty in no uncertain terms -- and I could do this, because I remembered who I was and who I am and who I will be.

So all those silly people scurrying around behind my back and whispering and pointing and saying, oh, look!  She's talking about blood and oaths and altars, oh, my!  Oh, big, scary dangerous things! 

Let me remind you all that it is far more "dangerous" to remember who you are and act upon it as Sons and Daughters.  

It is far more dangerous to perceive the true altar of the Lamb, which is his message written with his life, sealed with his blood, and shared by his soul, than to sit around stupidly supposing that you need middlemen to arbitrate your salvation. 

If he abides in you and you abide in him, there is no separation.  There is no chink for Satan to enter in.  There is no space for delusions.  No time like the present to stand with all you are or can muster against evil of all kinds.  No time like now to speak up and take action, as I surely have. 

Take up your cross at the crossroads, that point of intersection where his life and your life unite. Stand there in utter humility and explode with the fire of the Holy Spirit born within you, and know that you are well and truly baptized by no human hand, created by no human flesh, named nor bound by any human mind. 

There is truth and power and freedom and might in you, far beyond any concept of limitation or pain or time.

But you must wake up.  You must leave childish things --- like gossip ---behind. 


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. **
    Maybe someone would like to do a story / article on this ----

    The illusion we were forced to live in is now exposed --- Wake up or die up.

    "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

    Appearances are of four kinds:
    Things either are as they appear to be;
    or they neither are nor appear to be;
    or they are, but do not appear to be;
    or they are not, and yet, appear to be.

    ~ Epictetus (55 – 135 AD) ~ 80 years old

    "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate." --Dr. Wayne Dyer

    "There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns." -- Ayn Rand

    “Intellect and Emotion are partners who do not speak the same language. The intellect finds logic to justify what the emotions have already decided” ~ Roy H. Williams

    Gratitude - keep moving forward

    1. Updated predictions #2 Reflecting changing energies in America, similar to China Trend:

      May 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to May 29, 2020: Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky corp. Gov’t in Forceful authorities, Physical Injuries, ...

      May 30, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 1, 2020: Forceful corp. authorities show force, Physical Injuries... Mid-High neg.Energy exchange.

      June 2-3, 2020: +/- 1-2 days: In pains, sorrow, despair, Political/ Gov’t chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high neg. Energy exchange.

      June 4, 2020: (+/- 1-2 days) #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, Coup d’Etat. Political chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high negative Energy exchange.

      June 5, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 12, 2020: Forceful narcissist authorities in force, Physical Injuries.. Negative conj. Higher energy exchange. Unity and extreme relationship breakdown, Political still in chaos.

      June 13, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 17, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin freedom as well to railroad people to no-end. Tower moment.

      June 17, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to June 28, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... SUPER-HIGH neg. Energy exchange. Extreme relationship breakdown, See Gov’t conspiracy Vs. people below IMPORTANT.

      June 20 to Sept 9- 2020: Corp. Gov’t Conspiracies against People (by foreign –Bar politicians). Lawless in-jail toxic vaccine possible. 30,000 guillotines bought, hidden in FEMA or Govt military compounds, run by UK++, Popes & thievery Bankers. Avoid all you can.

      June 29 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 2, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin as well to railroad people. Tower moment. Political chaos. Unity, United-we-stand seen. Extreme relationship breakdown.

      Jly 3rd 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 10, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injury... Negative conj. High energy exchange. More United relationship & extreme relationship breakdown.

      July 12, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 13, 2020: #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, mil. coup d’Etat. Still in chaos. Extreme neg. relationship.

      July 14, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
      to July 24, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... Decreasing neg. Energy exchange. ** Read the IMPORTANT mid-block. **

      July 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days): Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky Gov’t shows Forceful lawless authorities, Physical Injuries, mild neg. energy exchange. Both sides: In pains, sorrow and despair.

      June 21st, 2020: Solar Eclipse: Marks the major effects on American homes, security and insecurity. Making us think why or if our Gov’t is worthy to respect. They are in multi-party business, not for us as they pretended to serve, per 19-enumerated contract that we hired them to follow. They act as if they are our bosses. Remember: we are their bosses.

  2. Supreme court judge or a fraud
    Related to Chuckey Schumer
    The gypsies, the traveling carnival show

  3. Hi Anna I do have one question from that letter that did not make sense to me and would appreciate your answering. You called yourself the left hand of God. He may have known what that was as you have just said but i am still scratching my head.
