By Anna Von Reitz
I recently mentioned that HR - 1 [House Resolution 1] of 2017 is a tacit admission of wrong-doing with respect to the so-called Sixteenth Amendment, in that it attempts to redefine the taxing authority under which the "Income Tax" is collected and to place it under the general taxation provisions of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1.
Why is that important?
They are admitting that they've been collecting this tax under false premises for decades.
They are admitting that they had no subject matter jurisdiction over money accrued from our labor as men and women--- our earnings and salaries that they taxed as "personal" --- meaning "corporate" income.
As Thomas Freed has said, regardless of any power to create a tax, there must also be the ability to write law to enforce it. "The fact that the 16th Amendment never gives Congress the authority to write law with respect to the enforcement of this alleged direct taxing just ignored...."
Notice that Congress has the power to tax us, but only under the limits and constraints of the Constitutions. And next....
Notice that Congress can tax Federal Citizens, both Territorial and Municipal, any way it wishes to tax them. Constitutional constraints don't apply to Federal Employees and their direct dependents.
This is another case of the foreign court system operating under Roman Law and "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
All my American Readers now know that this law was created for and applied to whom? United States Citizens and "citizens of the United States" ---- Federal Employees and their Dependents, in other words.
Federal workers are not in receipt of any Constitutional guarantees, so they were fair game and not protected by Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, nor by Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4.
Federal citizens of both kinds, military and Federal Civil Service, are defined
by the Constitutions and are not parties to these agreements, so they can be abused at will.
Simply by redefining all of us as "Volunteers" working for the Federal Government for free, as "Withholding Agents", they could strip us of our constitutional protections, too. And they did.
So what does this change in the source of claimed authority from the Sixteenth Amendment to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 do?
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 contains no ability and no claim to the ability to impose an un-apportioned direct tax on us and our earnings and salaries.
They can continue to do whatever they like to the Federal Employees and their Dependents, just as they always could before, but for those of us who declare our proper political status as Americans, the actual constitutional protections clamp down again.
If Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 is the only basis for the income tax, then it must also take the form of an impost, duty, or excise tax and the source of that impost, duty, or excise tax must be explicitly stated in the written law and that source must be taxable.
And we already know that 15 USC 17 specifically excludes any "excise taxation of labor", and we also know that as originally enacted in 1913 and still maintained as Subtitle A, Chapters 1-6, the intended "foreign persons" were all the Federal Employees, so that there is no possible application to the earnings and salaries of Joe Average Americans working in these United States.
Take home message --- direct un-apportioned taxation of the earnings and salaries of average Americans as Federal "income" has always been illegal.
They simply contrived to get around this fact by: (1) alleging that we "volunteered" to act as Federal Employees (Withholding Agents) and (2) misidentifying us as British Territorial Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States at birth.
This "unlawful conversion" of our political status stripped us of our Constitutional protections and guarantees and having converted us into "Federal Citizens" then made us subject to whatever taxes they imposed on their own employees.
So, they've admitted -- tacitly--that the Sixteenth Amendment was bogus as a taxation authority, and that also means that all the tax enforcement actions taken against average Americans by IRS Agents acting "under the 16th Amendment" from 1913 to 2018, were also bogus.
And now we get down to the reason that the Sixteenth Amendment was always a bogus taxation authority with respect to Joe Average American.
The "Constitution" that was amended by the "Sixteenth Amendment" was actually the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation, merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated. And that corporation went bankrupt and liquidated in 1906.
So we have been treated to the spectacle of a hundred years-plus of vicious taxation based on the By-Laws of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that was infringing on our Good Name for purposes of deliberate deceit and identity theft. And is trying to do so again.
But that's another story.
For now, declare your proper political status, record it, give notification of it, and if you are not a Federal Employee or direct dependent of a Federal Employee, revoke your election to pay Federal Income Taxes.
Thomas Freed has done a great deal of work on these issues though I have not been able to spend adequate time to evaluate it; it seems likely that he does not understand the reasons that the 16th Amendment had to be abandoned and may not understand that Federal Citizens were always subject to being taxed in ways beyond the constitutional provisions.
Most Americans remain stubbornly unaware of the existence of the two second class citizenship statuses of our Federal Employees and the impacts on them and, if we are not vigilant, on us.
Be that as it may, Freed does understand the implication of this tacit admission. Those who want to investigate more can find more at:
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