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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Dear Jack, About the Confederation

 By Anna Von Reitz

How many times do I have to tell you that I don't accept any foreign titles, like "Mrs." or "Mrs. Riezinger" etc.?   My only Proper Person is a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person, and I want no further confusion about that fact. 

A "Confederate State" by definition is a "State of State" and always has been.  A State of State is a business organization that is either (1) owned and operated by a State, or, (2) contracted to provide the services of a State-of-State organization.  

At no time is a "Confederate State"  defined as a true State with physical borders and a living population. 

All "Confederate States" are "inchoate" or "incomplete" States due to their nature as business organizations set apart from the physical State. 

This is why they follow the nomenclature as "State of North Carolina" for example, which literally means "State belonging to or set apart from North Carolina".  

Even those Insular States like Puerto Rico that have land and soil, have not entered Statehood via the Northwest Ordinance, so their "Confederate States" -- for example, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico -- exist only on paper remain a "Possession of the United States". 

If you don't believe me, you are welcome to check the "Definitions" section of the Uniform Commercial Code, older Legal Dictionaries, Banking Dictionaries that cover Commercial jargon, American Jurisprudence (Second Edition), Benedict's Admiralty Law, and even the autobiography of Jefferson Davis and the numerous quotes of Abraham Lincoln concerning the Confederation, all of which serve to clarify exactly what "a" Confederation and a "Confederate State" is, and what the Confederation created by The Articles of Confederation ---- was. 

Your assertion that States of States precede States, and that States derive from states is, as usual, provably and logically wrong. 

The use of the styles: "states""States", and "STATES" is a Latin style convention.  

Again, I remind you that our official language is English.  But for the sake of the discussion, in Latin, the use of all small letters denotes the superior party, Upper Lower case denotes indentured servitude or public office, and the use of all capitals indicates a slave, a corporation, or a dead man's estate.

With that generalized explanation in place, you are prepared to learn why a "state" in Latin is superior to a "State" and a "State" is superior to a "STATE". 
In the Latin system, the "state" refers to the national soil jurisdiction formed by the contiguous counties in each physically-defined State all joined together, while "State" refers to the international jurisdiction defined by the land underlying the soil and is defined by the physical borders of each State land mass.  

Please note that because it underlies the soil, the land must be present and must be claimed prior to the soil, or the soil has nothing to rest upon.  

So the national jurisdiction of the soil depends on the international jurisdiction of the land, and both are inseparably joined. 

The realm of the States-of-States lies outside physicality in the jurisdiction of the air.  In the Latin system, the STATE is a Confederate State.  

Using English conventions, we just call it the State of North Carolina, Incorporated. 

Even in the days before the so-called Civil War, the unincorporated Confederate State-of-State was called, "The State of North Carolina".  

So when you say, "Confederation" you are talking about a consortium of businesses that are allied together.   

And when you refer to each Confederate State, you are referring to an inchoate, non-physical business that may simply be "corporate" or which may be "incorporated" --- but in any case, is a separate business entity quite apart from any State of the Union. 

So now that we finally know what we are talking about and know that "Confederate States" are not the same as "States" in nature or jurisdiction, we are ready to consider -- who or what was responsible for organizing, running, and overseeing these "Confederate States", that is, businesses providing government services for the States of the Union? 

The Federal Constitution issued in 1787 to the States of America answers that question. 

The original Union States (or in the Latin system, Union states) had been using the business name "States of America" since the 1770's.  The 1787 Federal Constitution refers to this "States of America" as the Subcontractor receiving the service contract. 

So, the original Union (not the Northern faction in the Civil War) operating as the States of America was the recipient of "The Constitution for the united States of America" and was the operator of the Federal Republic and the Union states (Latin nomenclature system) were the owners of the individual Confederate States (State of State businesses). 

Contrary to the idea most people have been given, the "more perfect union" referred to in The Articles of Confederation was obviously the States of America and the original Union of the Union states (Latin nomenclature system). 

The Articles of Confederation were the Articles of Incorporation for the State-of-State (Confederate) businesses belonging to the Union States, so that they, similar to the State Members of the Federation of States, could act together in their mutual self-interest: that is, their "more perfect union". 

When the Confederation broke down for lack of quorum, that entire system broke down. It's been defunct for160 years. 

It can be restored via the Reconstruction but that can only be accomplished by the actual States, not the States of States. 


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As Things Stand on August 5th 2023

 By Anna Von Reitz

I talk to people every day who are having a tough time wrapping their heads around the world they are living in.  I sympathize. 

The only lawful government in The United States is represented by the living people standing in their State Assemblies in each State of the Union. 

Neither the British Territorial United States Government operated as a District of Columbia Municipal Corporation nor the City of Rome Municipal Corporation operating the Municipal United States Government have the nature and structure required to function as a lawful government of our nation-states nor our country as a whole. 

All the Principals involved have known this for more than 160 years, so it's not any new news for the Pope or the King or the Lord Mayor. 

25 years ago, my husband and I realized that the IRS was a privateering scam and everything else has unravelled from there. 

We realized that certain bankers and politicians and captains of industry were intent on declaring our entire country to be "vacated" and abandoned property --- ripe for the taking.  

We also realized that the corporations posing as the "government" were foreign subcontractors in the business of providing governmental services. 

It took time to organize a response and prosecute it, but we did the work. In the course of doing all the research and making the efforts involved, we learned that our country wasn't the only victim of this False Claim on Abandonment scheme. 

So we expanded our efforts to safeguard our own country to the other victims of the same con artists. 

As things stand, I set up my Proper Name Trust and recorded it.  I claimed all the major corporations and their debts, worldwide, in favor of the living people. 

So, for example, when I claimed the UNITED STATES, INC., I also claimed their subsidiary franchises, like CHINA, INC. and the UNITED KINGSDOM, INC. and AUSTRALIA, INC. 

What makes my claims unique besides the Due Process I gave them, is that unlike all other claimants, I claimed the debts of these corporations. 

Everyone else was busily trying to avoid claiming these awesome debts, but I claimed them, because I realized that for me and all the other living people, their debts are our credits. 

Claiming their debts puts me -- automatically -- in the absolute Preferential Creditor driver's seat.  All my claims are cured and they are all secured and they are all sitting in my private express trusts and my public Fiduciary Trusts, where they have been automatically cashiered during the entire process. 

So, through me and my Proper Name Trust, which on the statutory side is good for fifty years from the date of origin, all these corporations and all the assets they were holding at the time of my claim, are preserved for the living people of this planet. 

So, for example, whether it's AUSTRALIA, INC. or Australia, Inc., the assets are claimed and held in trust for the living people of Australia. All living people in Australia, aborigine or European, African, or.... whatever. Red blood and hands and feet, blood that flows and flesh that lives.  So are the debts (credits) held in trust.  Both the assets and the credit created from the assets belong to the living people of that country and nobody else.  

Now, it's true that everyone has to shake a leg and get organized and operate their own country's lawful government again, and it's true that may take some doing, but there is no "drop dead" date and no excuse for rumors telling people to meet a 60 day deadline to pull a lawful government out of their hat, or else join a native tribal government. 

We have our lawful government and every other nation impacted by this immense and brutal fraud has a traditional government.  

All the property that was claimed by the British Territorial pirates has come home to me, and as my Irrevocable Will says, all that property must be returned to the living people it belongs to -- not to corporations "representing" them, nor to the administration of tribal councils cohabiting the land with them and certainly no kind of Congress presently in situ.  

Each country has to organize their own lawful national government to inherit the public interest, and they have to get their own political status in order to inherit their private assets. 

They have to overcome their own ignorance and bickering in order to self-govern.   

The public assets get released from my trust(s)  when the living people of each country get organized to operate their own lawful government again, and the private assets go back to each one of the living people as they correct their political status with no predatory public interest claim attached to their private assets. 

Is that clear enough for everyone, everywhere? 

I own your corporations chartered since the 1600's. I own their debts, their franchises, their trusts, their names, their stock, their contracts, bonds, bills, indentures, treaties, and everything else that they have held "for" the living people --- and misused to profit themselves.  

We are irrevocably determined that it all goes back to the living people, not some "representation" of them, but literally given back to them. This is their inheritance and they are responsible for caring for it and passing it on to the next generation. 

We will do whatever is necessary and expend whatever a Prudent Man might reasonably expend to educate and assist and organize the lawful governments, clean up the damage, and support and educate the people to help them through this transition back to sanity.  

It is our intention to retire as soon as possible, to enjoy our well-earned peace, and whatever days are left to us. 

We do not enjoy managing other people's property and firmly believe that everyone needs to learn how to manage themselves and their own affairs. 

This argument about self-governance has gone on for over a thousand years, and as of last night, we won. 

Let us all redouble our efforts and carry through straight to the goal --- which is nothing less than freedom and prosperity and peace for all. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:

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New Thread for Oregon Discussion - Part 2 - Banks

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over two years ago I announced the plan for a new banking system, specifically, a "bilateral" banking system that would allow our States of the Union to conduct both trade and commerce independent of the BRICS or SWIFT or QFS. 

This news, and also the news that we would be launching a new asset-backed currency, a gold-backed dollar, was greeted with joy --- in most quarters.  

In due time, everything necessary has been created and synchronized and paid for.  The Assemblies have authorized the creation of a new American currency, the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, the AFD.

Since then, trillions of dollars worth of credit and assets have been recouped that are owed back to the American People, bilateral banks have been chartered and Bank Treaties have been signed, a whole architecture of satellites and computers has been purchased, new programs have been written, and so much more --- to bring us to this day, when our online banks are fully functional, ready to launch.

Bricks and mortar are still to come. The cash form of AFD embedded with threads of gold is still to come, but the vast bulk of the work and the diplomatic efforts and everything else that has gone into this effort has been accomplished. 

We now have our own independent banking system.

We have our own international land recording system. 

We have recouped some of our assets and credit, though there is still a lot more to retrieve. 

We have overcome all legal challenges and diplomatic obstacles and we have done this not only for ourselves, but for living people worldwide who have been robbed and oppressed for generations.

All this has been taking place on a truly global and international scale. 

The principle function of our banks is to create and spread the benefits of prosperity.  We don't even think of them as banks in the common sense, because we will not be enslaving anyone with debt and interest on debt. 

Instead, we will be delivering back prepaid credit that the living people are already owed and allowing customers and vendors to seamlessly conduct business on a global scale. 

Unlike the common corporate structures, we are not limited to a single-minded focus on "profit at any cost".  We are, instead, enabled to use our hearts as well as our heads to embrace all that is truly good for mankind, and are free to count our "profits" by a different standard. 

We are literally opening up the whole world economy and making money and banking services available to everyone, regardless of race, creed, age, sex, religion, nationality, or any other difference.  We are focused on the unity of mankind instead. 

Just stop a moment and take in the mind-boggling immensity of the endeavor and realize that it has nothing whatsoever to do with an ordinary State of California Credit Union. 

Our bilateral bank system is a totally different thing in a totally different jurisdiction and on a totally different scale. 

How there has ever been any "mistaken identity" confusing a Credit Union belonging to a Private Membership Association (PMA) in California for what I am doing with the bilateral banks, is beyond me.  

Even the promoters of the PMA Credit Union knew it had nothing to do with me, which is clearly revealed by their own comments on the Global Family International Trade Bank channel on Mattermost. 

The only discussions I ever had with these PMA members were in the context of preparing to migrate their Credit Union accounts over to the Bilateral Banking System, which is a Lawful Conversion process any credit union can undertake. 

So they knew that I wasn't a PMA member, that I had nothing to do with the PMA Credit Union, and that the PMA Credit Union wasn't linked to the Bilateral Banking System. 

But they told Assembly members that they had to be PMA Members in order to get an account in "my" international trade bank.  

They misrepresented accounts in their own PMA Credit Union as accounts in the Bilateral Banking System -- which they knew wasn't true.

Then, on cue and in sync with the attack on our international Land Recording System (LRS), they started a panic and started a bank run on their own Credit Union. 

And have attempted to blame me for it ever since.

In concert with all this, they were also telling people to go all over the country and start new bank accounts with Federal Reserve banks.  For no apparent reason.  

Well, there was a reason -- the reason was to pump billions of dollars worth of new credit access into those banks.  

So these people are Liars, pure and simple, and Instigators, too, seeking to undermine me and undermine our banks and even undermine the credit union and PMA they were pushing -- all to profit the Federal Reserve. 

That identifies these people as Undeclared Foreign Agents working for the British Territorial Government and the Rothschild Banking Empire headed by the Bank of England. 

They are competitors out to besmirch our efforts and blame me for something they did. 

And curiously, while loudly blaming me, and knowing that they had passed off accounts in the  State of California Credit Union as accounts in "my" bank, they never suggested that their victims could get satisfaction by reporting the circumstance to the State of California Banking Commission.  Why not? 

Because the State of California, Inc., is a Rothschild enterprise and they wouldn't want to hurt their own business. 

Think back to the tactics these people used, how they asked you to do things (join a PMA, take out multiple new accounts in other banks) that made no sense, how they made you feel afraid in an already scary economic environment and pushed the idea that I was involved in what they were selling. 

The bad news is that we suffered an attack. The good news is that we survived it. 

I speak to Hunter several times a week.  He hasn't gone anywhere. He's had to knuckle down to build a replacement International Land Recording System on top of building our global bank system.  

He has done it all as a heart transplant patient. 

These vicious people didn't even have respect for that, for his health, and for his friendship.  

So mark them well. Know what they are and never trust another word they say.   

The actual Oregon Assembly will be resuming meetings. Those who want to follow the peaceful and lawful path, join Tricia.  

Those who want to be traitors to their own country and act as shills for foreign business interests, go cuddle up to King Charles III ---  join your District Assembly. 

The rest of us won't miss you at all.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:

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