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Thursday, September 17, 2020

BROKEN: Do You Really Think The FED Knows What it is Doing?

They Have No Money

 By Anna Von Reitz

I keep struggling with people who are under the delusion that "the government" has money, apparently, endless money to spend.
But the fact is that the free-loading Territorial and Municipal Federal Employers have no money and never did have any money.
What they have been spending like drunken sailors is credit that they stole from us.
So what happens when they offer to pay you back for what they've stolen? Ah, you just go deeper in debt ---- because what they are spending is your credit.
It's like a Credit Card Thief caught with your card, red-handed, and in response, he says, hey, I'll pay you back with interest! --- And he gets ready to swipe your card, again.
See? The "Government" has no money. They can't pay you back.
They deliberately stole our identities, impersonated us, and accessed our credit.
Just like any credit card hacker.
Just like any identity thief.
You thought they were your government, instead of two packs of foreign subcontractors merely in the business of providing governmental services, so you trusted them and obeyed them.
And they abused you, stole your children, conscripted three generations of Americans into legalized slavery, and have all but destroyed your country. While on your payroll.
That's the Bad News.
The Good News is that: (1) the banks that colluded in this are on the hook for it; (2) we have them in a legal bind so tight that there is no way they can get out of it; (3) all the actual assets belong to you and people like you and (4) we know who is responsible for this and we are bearing down on them like hammers on a nail.
So, wake up, America. All that money that "the" government has been spending is your credit, the value of your assets, purloined under conditions of deceit, racketeering, and unlawful conversion.
It's time for a Debt Jubilee, since all the debt is phoney anyway.

And the return of your credit and your assets, unharmed, unencumbered, and set free. Hold tight and keep your eyes on the prize.


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Judge Rules Pennsylvania Governor’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional

Help Shut Down the Cock and Bull Story

By Anna Von Reitz

Claims that Russell J. Gould and David-Wynn Miller "saved America" --- are demonstrably false. Shut them down. Russell Gould and David Wynn-Miller made big claims for themselves, but those claims are not true.
I will tell you what is true----
It's true that our grammar --- that is, our use of our grammar, leaves a lot to be desired, but English is still our Official Language, as it should be. It's also true that we are very ignorant about a wide range of subjects, but it is not our fault. We have been deliberately left in this condition by a Public School system that does everything but educate the public.
PARSE is just a variation of a very old fraud scheme, dating back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian. Please see the uses of Dog Latin as revealed by the research of the Australians, and especially Romley Stewart. It is not "mathematically correct". It can't even distinguish between a cucumber and a pickle.
All that PARSE is meant to do, is to defraud and demean you.
As for his claims to have salvaged the Title IV Flag ---- the Title IV Flag is simply a specified size and shape of our war flag that we allow our British Territorial Subcontractors to use when they are acting in our behalf and exercising our delegated powers. As a result, what Russell captured was our property, and he has not offered to return it ---- which makes him a pirate, not a hero.
The actual law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." It is still our flag along with all other proportions and variations of our flag.
Mr. Gould is just acting as a Spoiler and as an undeclared Foreign Municipal Agent trying to wrangle a contract by force.
Our experience with Mr. Gould underlines this conclusion. We talked to him extensively; agreed on some points (regarding English Grammar) and not on others, tried for some months thereafter to dissuade him from his erroneous conclusions, and to help him with some of his projects which seemed worthy, and in thanks, caught him referring to us in very disparaging ways, and referring to me as a "Jackal".
When confronted with this, he denied it. We returned the taped interview where he said it. We haven't heard a word since.
This is not a trustworthy or truth-seeking man. Whatever else he is, Russell J. Gould is no American and no hero.

Run like an antelope away and be fully forewarned. Please help bring an end to this spurious attempt to undermine the actual American Government and commandeer our flag. Piracy has been one of the Hallmarks of the crimes committed against us by our purported Trustees. Don't allow it to prosper further.


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2021: The Year of the Deadliest Vaccine

Notice to United Nations Secretary-General

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to our attention that the United Nations mistakenly accepted applications made in our names and with presumptive evidence of a captured U.S. War Flag known as the Title IV Flag. For your explicit Notice--- the Title IV Flag is our property; we set that proportion of our war flag aside for the use of our British Territorial Federal Subcontractors when they are exercising delegated powers.
The Subcontractor's use under contract does not extend to actual ownership or capacity of any true possession of our Title IV Flag or any flag of ours at any time.
Claims of "abandonment" may be applied to those bankrupt corporations that left the Title IV Flag in Washington, DC, during their 1999 Bankruptcy closure, but that in no way changes the fact that all variations of the American flag including the Title IV Flag belong to us and to our sovereign government in international jurisdiction ----our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776.
The actions of Mr. Russell J. Gould and Mr. David-Wynn Miller may have been well-intentioned or not; the fact remains that they acted as pirates, seized a flag belonging to us, and have not returned it.
They have instead sought to assert a personal ownership of the Title IV Flag which is not appropriate, consensual, or even possible.
The actual law that pertains is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."
The Title IV Flag as well as all variations and proportions of all our war and peace flags belongs to The United States of America.
Please correct and remove any offending records or agreements otherwise, and in the future, be aware that our lawful government is now in Session.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires in Western states

Gross Violation of the Palermo Protocols

By Anna Von Reitz  

Trafficking in “persons” – the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime – the Palermo Protocols.
As usual, the hypocrites focus just a little bit to one-side, so as to blame others for physical abduction, while leaving themselves free to play word games that result in the same crimes or worse.
“Trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the use or threat of force, or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of Exploitation.
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.”
Read the above and think of the millions of American Mothers in labor, and immediately afterward, the tiny babies just born. Is this not a position of vulnerability?
Those same Mothers are then immediately coerced to sign undisclosed paperwork at the hospitals, giving up their babies as Wards of the State of State organizations.
Is this not an “abuse of power” --- involving breach of trust, color of law, fraud, deception, and threat of abduction to “traffick” these babies into a foreign jurisdiction and deprive them of their natural estates?
I was boldly told that the hospital would keep my son if I didn’t sign the paperwork. Is this not the abuse of power “to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person”?
Shouldn’t we all be tearing these hospitals and the politicians responsible limb-from-limb?
What gives them the right to tax free status, when they are attacking and suborning and trafficking our children and stealing our identities under force and color of law?
Then read the Miller Act and the Buck Act (allowing military draft among other crimes) and tell me, are these hypocrites --- every single one of them --- not engaged in acts against the Palermo Protocol?
Yes, they are.
So how do they continue to thrive and get away with these heinous acts?
Number One--- we’ve been asleep and allowed it.
Number Two – by legalistic word-smithing, redefining “people” as “persons” and then redefining “persons” as “corporations” under “diversity of citizenship” bull crap.
Number Three – by constructive fraud and deceit allowed by the courts upholding it.
Number Four – as we have been unaware of these horrific acts of trafficking and exploitation of our children, we haven’t objected, have we?
Well, now we are objecting. In public. In their faces. We are exposing them for the criminals they are.
Next time you see a doctor, tell them what you think of their cowardice in allowing this to go on.
Next time you see a Board Member for any hospital, give them an earful.
And sink your figurative fangs into any politician you can.
If you are fed up being treated like animals by your own public employees and by the corporations they serve instead of serving you, it’s time to take action.

Go to: and claim back your children. children.


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We Do Not Exist Under Any Constitution. The Federal Government Does

By Anna Von Reitz

Among the pernicious misunderstandings that plague this country and its people is the idea that we, the rank and file people of this country, exist under a Constitution. 

We don't.  We never did.  

Our actual government stands upon The Declaration of Independence and very little else. 

It's our Subcontractors that are supposed to be providing the Enumerated Services and exercising the Enumerated Powers to do so, that exist under the constraints of the Constitutions, and who are obligated to perform in Good Faith. 

A duty that they have failed by orders of magnitude. 

We, the State Citizens (otherwise known as "People"), created the Federal Government and defined its roles and set up the contracts it is meant to administer.  Period.  

We created the Constitutions as the implementation of international treaty agreements entered into at the end of The War of Independence. If you read the Treaties of Paris, Versailles, Westminster, and Ghent from the time period of 1775 through 1790, the entirety of the process becomes apparent. 

The Constitutions are power-sharing agreements that came out of the peace treaty process, resulting in contracts for services with three principle purveyors of governmental services at that time: The Holy See, the British Monarch (acting in two roles) and the Lord Mayor of London.  

These Principals have acted in Gross Breach of Trust ever since the Civil War, and the trusting people have slept on until now, when the actual State Assemblies have been called into Session to supplant and over-rule those "substitute" Assemblies serving our Federal Subcontractors: these other Assemblies are distinguishable from the actual State Assembly in that they are clearly labeled as "District Assemblies" and "Municipal Assemblies". 

Thus, you have, for example: 

The Ohio Assembly --- which is the actual State Assembly and part of the American Government, populated by birthright Americans who claim their actual and original political status. This is the republican state government we are guaranteed.  It is not subject to any "constitution". 

The Ohio (District) Assembly --- which is populated by U.S. Territorial Citizens and organized according to Federal Districts.  Any time you see the word "district" you now know what you are dealing with.  These people are obligated to serve and function under The Constitution of the United States of America --- otherwise known as the Territorial Constitution. 

The Ohio (Municipal) Assemblies --- which are populated by Municipal citizens of the United States and also organized according to Municipal "districts".  Again, notice, any time you see the word "district" --- it is foreign and federal and is being operated by Federal Subcontractors, not the actual government of this country and not the actual "citizenry" of this country, either.  These contractors are supposed to serve and function under The Constitution of the United States, otherwise known as the Municipal Constitution. 

My Mother used to shake her head at people and say, "Well, they are in the right church, but the wrong pew!"  And that is exactly what has gone on here for the better part of a century. 

Americans have been deliberately misidentified as both Territorial Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, and are in fact, neither.  

Our Government, the actual American Government, "of, for, and by" the people of this country, is not always in Session.  In fact, it has been out-of-Session for such a very long time, that others throughout the world have assumed that we no longer exist and no longer assemble our lawful State Assemblies.  

We have, over the course of the last few years, proven them wrong.  

So if you are a foreigner associated with one of the foreign Federal Subcontractors, feel free to participate in district Assemblies and obey your contractual obligations under the respective Constitutions.  

If you are instead an American, declare your birthright political status and join your actual State Assembly.  

Go to: and join the Session now in place. 


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Conference of Governors Does Not Represent Us -- Notice to Karen Hudes

By Anna Von Reitz

Europeans may be ignorant of the facts, but the

Conference of Governors does not now and never did represent America nor Americans.  

The Conference of Governors is an organization that has no authority vested in it by the American People. 

The Conference of Governors is populated by British Territorial and Municipal "Governors" acting in secretive insurrection under the auspices of their thoroughly debunked agreements culminating in the 1937 document entitled: "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States". 

As Ms. Hudes can now clearly see, they are referencing our Union of States, The United States, as a separate entity that they are operating "in".  

And so it is.  These are all Federal Subcontractors.  These people do not speak for nor act for the American People when the American People are in Session and operating and presenting their own Government, in the form of their unincorporated Federation of sovereign and independent States: The United States of America. 

All that the Conference of Governors speak for are their own foreign State-of-State organizations and their own foreign citizenry.   
They have nothing to do with the actual government of this country, nor its people, except that they are supposed to honor their contracts published as The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, which they have been actively evading for the better part of a century.  

This is now coming to an end, and Ms. Hudes and the World Bank need to be fully informed that any agreements they make with the Conference of Governors will not create an agreement with the States and the People of this country who are the actual Parties of Interest. 

All fifty State Assemblies are now in Session. As of September 30th, all States will be formally enrolled.  

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
(907) 250-5087