Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

This is Too Good

 By Anna Von Reitz

Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce and other big corporations, especially in the Tech Industry are pushing for “vaccine credentials” which they claim will “empower” people to “return to life.”
This, at the same time that the US Treasury Department is pulling another name trick, converting all the Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts that were named like this: GORDON ALLEN FRAZER to the "dead" reversed and bankrupted form: FRAZER, GORDON ALLEN.
Now let me tie this together for you.
The Municipal United States Government which is nothing but a federal Subcontractor, organized as a foreign, privately-owned, for-profit commercial corporation, created Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after each one of us in an illegal and immoral effort to enclose our assets and use our assets as chattel backing their Municipal Corporation debts.
These trusts were never alive in the first place, but when they are tapped out or otherwise can't be used for chattel any more, they reverse the order of the names.
We know this because they did the same thing back in the 1930's when they "presumed" that everyone in America was a Municipal "citizen of the United States" and owed everything they had to pay the debts of these larcenous Subcontractors. All of sudden, names that stood on the Public Record as, for example, Julius Alfred Schnur, were reversed and registered as "Schnur, Alfred Julius".
Those familiar with Military Records will note that this is also the way that Military Rosters read --with the names reversed. It's always read out, "Frazer, Gordon Allen" never "Gordon Allen Frazer". The same logic applies --- while in the military, Gordon Allen Frazer is "dead" with respect to his civilian identity.
So these THINGS are now "dead" with respect to their former identity as Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts, but the vermin are making a bid to continue to use them and "bring them back to life".
It's like a really bad inside joke.
Observe that Microsoft and other huge corporations that have been foisting their tax burdens and debts off onto living people for decades are claiming that getting vaccinated is going to magically return you to life -- and how would that happen?
By accepting their "vaccine" containing their patented mRNA, you are converted into a GMO "product" that they can own under the current US Patent Laws-- once they secure that ownership interest, they can access your credit and ESTATE again, and "bring the ESTATE back to life" ---- put it back on the books as a DEBTOR supporting their debts.
That's what they consider "returning to life" ----- as a SLAVE.
Bill Gates thinks he is so smart that he and his cronies can enslave humanity to pay their debts using patents that are issued under the delegated authority of the victims.
And now, dear hearts, it's time to kill these guilty corporations and shove their own needles up their own butts.
Good-bye, Microsoft.

It will be good to see you under new management, or, alternatively, torn up into little pieces and sold off piecemeal to a couple hundred up and coming organizations that have other, better things, to think about than crimes against humanity.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Employer Pants

 By Anna Von Reitz

Almost every week I get correspondence from disgruntled people who are having some problem or other with "the government" ---- meaning the governmental services corporations ---- and they want to blame me for this. 

Some of these people are confused and think that our lawful American Government caused their problems, and some assume that we can just wave our hands and do a dance and provide them with instant relief. 

We are expected to not only provide instructions as to how to deal with the federal Subcontractors and their State-of-State Franchises, but to hand-hold each and every one of the millions of Americans who are suffering everything from illegal mortgages and foreclosures to kidnapping of children by "Child Protection Services" and garnishment of earnings by the IRS, business closures, and "public health mandates". 

When we are talking about someone's home or child or livelihood being seized upon and stolen, it's easy to see why emotions run high and people want a savior, without realizing that they are their own saviors.  

Yes, you read that correctly.  At least in this venue, you are all your own saviors. 

It is as simple as knowing who you are, being able to prove who you are, and standing---steadfastly--- in your proper jurisdiction.  Just stick there like a rock. 

We already have the lawful standing to enforce our Public Law and now all we need are the sheer numbers and organization to do so. 

While it is true that in this particular Cause, one man is an army -- it helps to be part of an "army" of people who are similarly fed up and standing together. 

It is by awakening a lot of people and repopulating our States of the Union and by serving as Jurors and Justices in our own American Courts, that we can set millions of Americans free from the harassment and predation of our erstwhile public servants and prevent the illegal and unlawful subjugation of Americans under foreign systems of law. 

Did you know that it is both illegal and unlawful to subjugate Americans under any foreign law whatsoever?  That includes Statutes, Codes, and Regulations. We are not subject to those forms of law, but they are constantly being misapplied to us.  

Why?  Because we have been misidentified --- accidentally on purpose --- as "US Citizens" and as Municipal "citizens of the United States".  

We are each standing around with a bull's eye on our backs and the same people who are preying upon us and subjecting us to their foreign forms of law, put that bull's eye on our backs.  On purpose.  With malice aforethought.  For the purpose of controlling us and seizing upon our assets under color of law. 

Did you know that you, as an American, cannot be subjected to Municipal Laws requiring business closures?  Mask mandates?  Forced vaccinations?  Environmental Emissions Standards?  Etc., etc., etc.....?

All these problems and issues that people are so worried about can be brushed away like so many cobwebs by their own hands.  It can be done safely, peacefully, and with lawful authority ---- and all it really requires is for you to wake up, join together, and enforce the Public Law.  Law that already exists. 

In other words, simply by doing our own parts, our "Public Duty" ---and accepting the responsibilities of self-governance, we can do away with not just one or two of the aforementioned evils and not just for a limited number of people---- we can do away with all of these evils for everyone. 

No more IRS harassment.  
No more CPS abductions. 
No more "Public Health" tyranny. 
No more mortgages to pay foreign public debts. 
No more forced conscription via drafts. 
No more bullying by the alphabet soup agencies. 
None of it. Not for anyone. Not ever again. 

And this blessed freedom isn't just for you.  It's for everyone.  It's not just regarding one issue --- "your" mortgage, or, your right to travel, or, custody of your grandchild, or, being forced to "register" your property, or, being "required" to wear a mask.  

It's about all these issues and far more.  And you already hold the solution in your own hands. 

Leave Babylon.  

Take your own horse sense and your own initiative to operate your own long-lost American Government, and join together with other like-minded souls to do the same. 

The pathway home to America has been cleared for you.  All you have to do is fill out some simple paperwork, support your State Assembly, and thumb your nose.  Together.  It's safe, it's peaceful, and it's your absolute right to do ---and all you have to do, is stop whining and do it.  

We've been in a situation where criminals have been able to pick us off one by one, to make examples of us on a one by one basis, to terrorize and extort and racketeer against helpless widows and little children and small businesses.  

And this has been happening right here in America, right under our complacent noses, because we couldn't be bothered to do anything about it, until it was our house or farm being foreclosed upon, or our business being shut down, or our child being abducted. 

Then when we, individually, are on the receiving end, we want to be the center of attention and we want all the help in the world, and we think that somebody owes it to us, don't we?  

Wake up, people.  An offense against one of us is an offense against all of us. And we all need to see it that way and take effective action -- but "effective action" isn't a group of four or five neighbors standing there in support of us as a bulldozer collapses our house. 

Effective action is the repopulation of your State of the Union and the operation of your actual State and Federation Government.

If you are sick of this abuse by corporations that owe their existence to you,  and tired of being terrified of your own public employees, who are taxing and bullying you into oblivion and taking their paychecks out of your pockets, then it is time to get up and out of your recliner and put on your Employer Pants.    

Yes, you heard me.  Employer Pants.  You are their employer.  So start acting like it.  Stop behaving and thinking like a little mewling baby being pinched by Big Brother.  Stand on your own two feet and shove. 

The lawful, peaceful, and safe means to do this have already been provided for you.  Go to:   

Stand together, remember that you are the Employers, and shove. 

And make a donation to the ongoing work of The Federation, your American Government operating in international and global jurisdictions to uphold your rights and your property interests. 

Snail mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger
                      In care of: Box 520994

                      Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Posse Comitatus, State Assemblies, and Our Military Operations

 By Anna Von Reitz

This country has always been under Martial Law as long as anyone now living can remember. It started in March of 1863, so nothing has really changed, except that the actual military encampment is coming out of the closet where people can see it again.
The Posse Comitatus Act was originally conceived as a means of outlawing armed bands of Union and Southern Troops, which did not immediately surrender after the Civil War, and keeping them from raiding communities and continuing to war against each other.
Later, it was a means to prevent large scale intervention in local politics by military authorities, but as an "Act" passed by the Territorial Congress, it was never really more than a Public Policy of a large corporation, and as such, was easily changed by President Obama, who removed the fangs of the Posse Comitatus Act during his Administration.
What you and many others are seeing now is enforcement that was always available to the U.S. Military, but wasn't spoken of; we have been living under a substantially foreign military junta for 160 years and this "news" is just now reaching the American Public.
Is it cause for alarm? Not really. The U.S. Military is still employed by us and staffed by our sons and daughters, albeit directed by middlemen, and their duty and contract is very clearly stipulated. If they want to keep their jobs, they have to protect us and our civilian government, which is no longer being "represented" by the Municipal United States, now that we are presenting ourselves and operating our own State Assemblies again.
Our American Government was never in constant Session. After the Civil War, the authorities enabled to call our States into Session were disrupted and as a result, our American Government wasn't called into Session and it appeared to be "absent" and "in interregnum" to the rest of the world. Just recently, in the last few years, we rediscovered this circumstance and a way to overcome it, so that the States and People have been properly summoned to assemble and that has now been accomplished in all fifty States.
We have also taken care of a bit of important housekeeping and formally enrolled all the States of the Union that have been created and entered Territorial Statehood since 1860. This means that all the States are present and accounted for and have full and equal standing as States of the Union. There can be no other legal presumptions of ownership interest or allegiance.
As a result of our reappearance on the world stage after 160 year silence, the Municipal Civil Government, which has been stealing our thunder and "representing" us in our "absence" ---even though it is only a foreign Subcontractor tasked with other duties--- cannot claim to be the civilian authority to which the U.S. Military owes allegiance.
This is very fortunate for our country as a whole, as the Municipal United States Government has become an entirely corrupt plenary oligarchy and both the American People and our U.S. Military forces have been abused and used inappropriately for decades by these interloping Municipal Authorities.
This whole circumstance opens up the opportunity for the U.S. Military to make corrections within its own command structure, and it can now force the Municipal United States Government to operate in compliance with The Constitution of the United States and Public Law. Checks and balances are being restored----and applied.
It's all very good news for America and the world at large.
Another aspect of this is economic and financial. During these 160 years a lot of criminal malfeasance has taken place. The cats have been away, so the mice have played. Certain members of the U.S. Military have been complicit in the pillaging and plundering that has taken place, but for the most part, the abuses have stemmed from the Municipal Government, which has accrued both massive debts and massive Slush Funds via a process of crooked bookkeeping combined with a sophisticated identity theft and impersonation scheme.
The members of the same Municipal United States Government have benefited themselves and their corporations with all the "slush" while impoverishing and cheating the members of the U.S. Military and the old folks back home. Now that this circumstance and the reasons for it have been fully discovered and exposed, the criminal nature of the Municipal Government is apparent and has only been fully confirmed in recent weeks.
Their plan to use injections of patented mRNA to unlawfully convert living people into GMO products that they could then claim to own as chattel property under current US Patent Laws, has been exposed for the outrageous criminal enterprise it is.
Their attempt to manipulate and change the outcome of the most recent Municipal Government Presidential Election this past November 3rd is also self-evident proof of the criminal nature of the Municipal Government and the widespread corruption it has promoted in other such "governmental services" corporations around the world.
The corruption of the run amok Municipal Government resulted in an oppressive top-down and predatory government with very little regard for law or for the well-being of the people it purportedly served. The reorganization of the Municipal Government to function as a commercial corporation and the similar reorganization of the Territorial Government in the years 1870 and 1871 not only promoted increased lack of accountability for the Perpetrators, but opened up the opportunity to abuse bankruptcy protections and expedite credit fraud. These practices have in turn caused the 1907, 1933, and 2015 debacles that have left millions of innocent people homeless, hopeless, and unemployed.
We are no longer confused about what happened or who did it. We are no longer acting in the role of trusting sheep. We are awake and moving forward to control the runaway train and stop the incipient crime spree---- and to at long last, punish the Perpetrators of these horrible crimes and Breaches of Public Law and Public Trust.
So don't be alarmed when you see American Troops activated on American soil, and don't be upset when your military arrests politicians and other prominent socialites and corporate moguls. This is long, long overdue.
Instead, pray for your country and for everyone throughout the world who has been harmed by this infestation of evil in our midst, and take up your lawful position as a member of the civilian government of this country --- the American Government, not "the US" Government --- with pride and determination to see things cleaned up and set to rights.
So long as Americans will act upon their responsibility to self-govern, will declare their political status as Americans, and join their State Assemblies, the future is bright.

Go to: today and learn more about how you can safely, peacefully, and with lawful authority put an end to the criminality, oppression, and theft via impersonation and embezzlement that this country has suffered.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Critical Communications Equipment for today's situation - Anytone AT3208U/V


You can own this radio and listen, but to transmit you need a LICENSE From the FCC.

 Call for Accessories 800 889 2839
User manual and programming software

New Features Added:
(it does what the others can't......).
Separate squelch level for each channel.
Change squelch level on the fly.
Resumes scanning after off/on cycle.
Quicker activation of talk-around function.
Quickly see frequency of Alpha-tagged channel.
RX FM Broadcast 79-108 MHz
Wide Band & Narrow Band
Always Fast scan rate.

Anytone 3208UV w/FAST SCAN

Dual Band, Dual Frequency, Dual Display, Dual Standby, Two Speed Scan
FCC Type Accepted for Part 90 business use ID# T4K3208UV
199 Channel Scanning Dual Band Portable Radios with 5 Watts RF Transmit Power and Field Programmability

A very reasonably priced radio with American features that is easy to operate. This very comfortable and functional radio is full 5 watt output on VHF and 4 watts on UHF, and is dual band, dual fequency, dual display and dual standby, plus built to business band specs, and does 2 Meter ham and 70cm ham also. Function key allows easy access to most features from the keypad including adding or deleting channels from the scan list. The keys are plainly marked for the functions activated by the function key. You can have one line of the display set on VFO and the other set to memory function. If you are properly licensed we can open this radio to transmit on the business bands on VHF 150 - 174, and UHF 450-470 Mhz. in addition to the ham bands!
YOUR LOW PRICE: JUST $120.00 + shipping.
Package Includes Radio, Antenna, 1500 mAh Lithium Ion Battery, Desktop fast Charger, Belt Clip, Wrist Strap

VHF/UHF Dual Band 199 channel $120.00 + Freight


Call Paul Stramer to order this radio. 406 889 3183 or go to our website and order with PayPal here:

Click for Owners Manual (pdf format)

With Deep Discounts for Volume Sales 800 889 2839

Other unique features include:

  • Customizable Welcome Screen
  • FCC Type Accepted for Part 90 business use ID# T4K3208UV
  • Programmable by computer or keypad on radio
  • 1500 mAh Li-ion Battery
  • Dual Band, Dual Frequency, Dual Display and Dual Standby
  • Supports VOX transmission
  • VHF&UHF, UHF&UHF or VHF&VHF working modes
  • High/Low power selection
  • Wide/Narrow Bandwidth selection (25KHz/12.5KHz)
  • RX & TX 136-174 MHz & 400-520 MHz
  • VFO Scanning - frequency limits can be set for both VHF & UHF
  • Wire clone function
  • 105 groups D.C.S/50 groups CTCSS
  • Channel Name edit and display
  • Digital Coded Squelch (DCS)
  • Multiple scan modes
  • Keyboard lock (Auto/Manual)
  • Multi step frequency: 2.5K/5K/6.25K/10K/12.5K/25K/50K/100K
  • Transmit Time Out Timer
  • Busy Channel Lockout
  • Squelch mode adjustable for each channel
  • CTCSS that really works - when scanning channels, radio will stop ONLY when CTCSS tone is present
  • Channel Scanning - scanned channels can be ADDED or REMOVED via the keypad

Call for Volume Discounts!
800 889 2839
406 889 3183

Critical Communications for today's situation!

You can own this radio and listen, but to transmit you need a LICENSE From the FCC.

 Call for Accessories 800 889 2839
User manual and programming software

New Features Added:
(it does what the others can't......).
Separate squelch level for each channel.
Change squelch level on the fly.
Resumes scanning after off/on cycle.
Quicker activation of talk-around function.
Quickly see frequency of Alpha-tagged channel.
RX FM Broadcast 79-108 MHz
Wide Band & Narrow Band
Always Fast scan rate.

Anytone 518UV w/FAST SCAN

Dual Band, Dual Frequency, Dual Display, Dual Standby, Two Speed Scan
FCC Type Accepted for Part 90 business use ID# T4K3208UV
199 Channel Scanning Dual Band Portable Radios with 5 Watts RF Transmit Power and Field Programmability

A very reasonably priced radio with American features that is easy to operate. This very comfortable and functional radio is full 5 watt output on VHF and 4 watts on UHF, and is dual band, dual fequency, dual display and dual standby, plus built to business band specs, and does 2 Meter ham and 70cm ham also. Function key allows easy access to most features from the keypad including adding or deleting channels from the scan list. The keys are plainly marked for the functions activated by the function key. You can have one line of the display set on VFO and the other set to memory function. If you are properly licensed we can open this radio to transmit on the business bands on VHF 150 - 174, and UHF 450-470 Mhz. in addition to the ham bands!
YOUR LOW PRICE: JUST $120.00 + shipping.
Package Includes Radio, Antenna, 1500 mAh Lithium Ion Battery, Desktop fast Charger, Belt Clip, Wrist Strap

VHF/UHF Dual Band 199 channel $120.00 + Freight

Call Paul Stramer to order this radio. 406 889 3183 or go to our website and order with PayPal here:

Click for Owners Manual (pdf format)

With Deep Discounts for Volume Sales 800 889 2839

Other unique features include:

  • Customizable Welcome Screen
  • FCC Type Accepted for Part 90 business use ID# T4K3208UV
  • Programmable by computer or keypad on radio
  • 1500 mAh Li-ion Battery
  • Dual Band, Dual Frequency, Dual Display and Dual Standby
  • Supports VOX transmission
  • VHF&UHF, UHF&UHF or VHF&VHF working modes
  • High/Low power selection
  • Wide/Narrow Bandwidth selection (25KHz/12.5KHz)
  • RX & TX 136-174 MHz & 400-520 MHz
  • VFO Scanning - frequency limits can be set for both VHF & UHF
  • Wire clone function
  • 105 groups D.C.S/50 groups CTCSS
  • Channel Name edit and display
  • Digital Coded Squelch (DCS)
  • Multiple scan modes
  • Keyboard lock (Auto/Manual)
  • Multi step frequency: 2.5K/5K/6.25K/10K/12.5K/25K/50K/100K
  • Transmit Time Out Timer
  • Busy Channel Lockout
  • Squelch mode adjustable for each channel
  • CTCSS that really works - when scanning channels, radio will stop ONLY when CTCSS tone is present
  • Channel Scanning - scanned channels can be ADDED or REMOVED via the keypad

Second Sunday After Epiphany

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

In the Introit of this day's Mass the Church calls upon all creatures to thank God for the Incarnation of His only-begotten Son.

INTROIT Let all the earth adore Thee, O God and sing to Thee: let it sing a psalm to Thy name (Ps. 65:4). Shout with joy to God all the earth, sing ye a psalm to His name: give glory to His praise (Ps. 65:1-2). Glory be to the Father.

COLLECT Almighty and eternal God, Who disposest all things in heaven and on earth: mercifully hear the supplications of Thy people, and give Thy peace to our times. Through our Lord.

EPISTLE (Rom.12:6-16). Brethren: We have different gifts, according to the grace that is given us: either prophecy, to be used according to the rule of faith, or ministry in ministering, or he that teacheth in doctrine, he that exhorteth in exhorting, he that giveth with simplicity, he that ruleth with carefulness, he that sheweth mercy with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good: loving one another with the charity of brotherhood: with honor preventing one another: in carefulness not slothful: in spirit fervent: serving the Lord: rejoicing in hope: patient in tribulation: instant in prayer: communicating to the necessities of the saints: pursuing hospitality: bless them that persecute you: bless and curse not. Rejoice with them that rejoice, weep with them that weep: being of one mind, one towards another: not minding high things, but consenting to the humble. Be not wise in your own conceits.

EXPLANATIONSt. Paul in this epistle exhorts every Christian to make good use of the gifts of God; if one receives an office, he must see well to it, so that he can give an account to God of the faithful performance of his duties. He exhorts especially to brotherly love which we should practice by charitable works; such as, receiving strangers hospitably, giving alms to those who are in need, and to those who by misfortune or injustice have lost their property; he commands us, at the same time, to rejoice in the welfare of our neighbor, as we rejoice at our own good fortune, and to grieve at his misfortunes as we would over those which befall us.

How is brotherly love best preserved?

By the virtue of humility which makes us esteem our neighbor above ourselves, consider his good qualities only, bear patiently his defects, and always meet him in a friendly, respectful, and indulgent manner. Humility causes us to live always in peace with our fellowmen, while among the proud, where each wishes to be the first, there is continual strife and dissatisfaction (Prov. 13:10).


Those have to expect a severe sentence from God, who merely for temporal gain, seek profitable offices, and thrust themselves therein whether capable or not, and if capable care very little whether they fulfill the duties required, or perhaps make the fulfillment of them depend upon bribes. Of such God makes terrible complaint: Thy princes (judges) are faithless, companions of thieves: they all love bribes, they run after rewards. They judge not for the fatherless; and the widow's cause comes not into them (Is. 1:23). A most severe judgment shall be for them that bear rule (Wisd. 6:6).

ASPIRATION Grant us, O Lord, Thy grace, that according to Thy will, we may follow the instructions of St. Paul in regard to humility and love, have compassion upon all suffering and needy, think little of ourselves, and descend to the lowest, that we may, one day, be elevated with them in heaven.

GOSPEL (Jn. 2:1-11). At that time there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. And Jesus with to her: Woman, what is it to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye. Now there were set there six water-pots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And they carried it. And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, and saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine; and when men have well drank, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee: and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him.

Why was Christ and His mother present at this marriage?

In order to honor this humble and God-fearing couple who, with faithful hearts, had invited Him and His mother to their wedding; to give us an example of humility; to assist them in their poverty, and save their good name by changing water into wine; to reveal His dignity as the Messiah to His disciples by this miracle; and to sanctify by His presence the marriages that are contracted in the spirit of the Church.

Alas! how few marriages of our time could Jesus honor with His presence, because He is invited neither by fervent prayer, nor by the chaste life of the couple: He is excluded rather, by the frequent immorality of the married couple and their guests.

Why was Mary interested in this married couple?

Because she is merciful, and the Mother of Mercy, and willingly assists all the poor and afflicted who fear God. From this incident, St. Bonaventure judges of the many graces which we can hope for through Mary, now that she reigns in heaven; "For," says he, "if Mary while yet on earth was so compassionate, how much more so is she now, reigning in heaven!" He gives the reason by adding: "Mary now that she sees the face of God, knows our necessities far better than when she was on earth, and in proportion to the increase of her compassion, her power to aid us has been augmented." Ah! why do we not take refuge in all our necessities to this merciful mother, who although unasked assists the needy?

Why did Christ say to Mary: Woman, what is it to me and to thee?

This seemingly harsh reply of Christ was no reproach, for Mary had made her request only through love and mercy, and Christ calls those blessed who are merciful, but he wished to show that in the performance of divine work, the will of His heavenly Father alone should be consulted. He meant to remind her that He had not received the gift of miracles from her as the son of woman, but from His eternal Father, in accordance with whose will He would do that which she asked when the hour designed by God would come. Though the hour had not come, yet He granted the wish of His mother, who knew that her divine Son refused none of her requests, and so she said to the servants: "Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye." Behold the great power of Mary's intercession! Neglect not, therefore, to take refuge in this most powerful mother!

What are we taught by the words: My hour is not yet come?

These words teach us that we should in all things await God's appointed time, and in things belonging to God and His honor, act only by divine direction, without any human motives.

What does the scarcity of wine signify?

In a spiritual sense the want of wine may be understood to signify the lack of love between married people, which is principally the case with those who enter this state through worldly motives, for the sake of riches, beauty of person, or who have before marriage kept up sinful intercourse. These should ask God for the forgiveness of their sins, bear the hardships of married life in the spirit of penance, and change the wrong motives they had before marriage; by doing so God will supply the scarcity of wine, that is the lack of true love, and change the waters of misery into the wine of patient affection.

Why did Christ command them to take the wine to the steward?

That the steward, whose office required him to be attentive to the conduct of the guests, and to know the quality of the wine, should give his judgment in regard to the excellence of this, and be able to testify to the miracle before all the guests.

ASPIRATION O my most merciful Jesus! I would rather drink in this world the sour wine of misery than the sweet wine of pleasure, that in heaven I may taste the perfect wine of eternal joy.


What is Matrimony?

Matrimony is the perfect, indissoluble union of two free persons of different sex, for the purpose of propagating the human race, mutually to bear the burdens of life and to prevent sin (I Cor. 7:2).

Who instituted Matrimony?

God Himself, the Creator of all things (Gen. 1:27-28). He brought to man the helpmate, whom He formed from one of the ribs of Adam, that she who came from his heart, might never depart therefrom, but cling to him in the indissoluble bond of love (Gen. 2:18, 24). To this original, divine institution Christ refers (Mt. 19:4-6), and the Church declares the bond of marriage perpetual and indissoluble.

Is Matrimony a Sacrament?

Yes; according to the testimony of the Fathers, the Church has held it such from the times of the apostles, which she could not do, had Christ not raised it to the dignity of a Sacrament. St. Paul even calls it a great Sacrament, because it is symbolical of the perpetual union of Christ with His Church; and the Council of Trent declares: "If any one says that Matrimony is not really and truly one of the seven Sacraments of the Church instituted by Christ, but an invention of men that imparts no grace, let him be anathema" (Conc. Trid., Sess. XXIV, can. 1).

What graces does this Sacrament impart?

The grace of preserving matrimonial fidelity inviolate: the grace of educating children as Christians; of patiently enduring the unavoidable difficulties of married life, and of living peaceably with each other. Married people are indeed greatly in need of these graces, in order to fulfil their mutual obligations.

What is the external sign in the Sacrament of Matrimony?

The union of two single persons in Matrimony, which according to the regulations of the Council of Trent (Conc. Trid., Sess. XXIV, can. 1), must be formed publicly in the presence of the pastor, or with his permission before another priest, and two witnesses.

What preparations are to be made to receive the grace of this Sacrament?

1. The first and best preparation is a pure and pious life. 2. The light of the Holy Ghost should be invoked to know whether one is called to this state of life. 3. The parents and the father-confessor should be asked for advice. 4. The choice should be made in regard to a Christian heart, and a gentle disposition rather than to beauty and wealth. 5. The immediate preparation is, to purify the conscience, if it has not already been done, by a good general confession, and by the reception of the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. Before their marriage the young couple should ask their parents' blessing, should hear the nuptial Mass with devotion, with the intention of obtaining God's grace to begin their new state of life well, and finally they should commend themselves with confidence to the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her spouse St. Joseph.

Why are there so many unhappy marriages?

Because so many people prepare the way by sins and vices, and continue to sin without interruption, and without true amendment until marriage, therefore always make sacrilegious confessions, even perhaps immediately before marriage. Besides this many enter the married life on account of carnal intentions, or other earthly motives; in many cases they do not even ask God for His grace; without any proper preparation for such an important, sacred act, on their marriage day they go to church with levity and afterwards celebrate their wedding with but little modesty. Is it any wonder that such married people receive no blessing, no grace, when they render themselves so unworthy?

Why did God institute married life?

That children might be brought up honestly and as Christians, and that they should be instructed especially in matters of faith; that married people should sustain each other in the difficulties of life, and mutually exhort one another to a pious life; and lastly, that the sin of impurity might be avoided. For they who in such manner receive matrimony as to shut out God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust, as the horse and mule which have not understanding, over them the devil hath power (Too. 6:17).

'With what intentions should the married state be entered?

With such intentions as the young Tobias and his bride had, who before the marriage ceremony, ardently prayed God for His grace, and took their wedding breakfast in the fear of the Lord (Too. 14:15). Hence God's blessing was with them until death. If all young people would enter the married state thus, it would certainly be holy, God-pleasing and blessed, and the words of St. Paul, spoken to wives, would come true unto them: Yet she shall be saved by bearing children, if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification with sobriety (I Tim. 2:15).

Why are the bans of marriage published three times in Church?

That all impediments which would render the marriage unlawful may be made known. Such impediments are: consanguinity, clandestine marriages, etc. Therefore, any one who is aware of such impediments, is bound to make them known to the pastor.

Why is the marriage performed in the presence of the parish priest?

Because the Catholic Church expressly declares that those marriages which are not performed in presence of the pastor, or with his permission before another priest, and two witnesses, are null and void (Conc. Trid., Sess. XXIV can. 1)1; and because the blessing of the priest, which he imparts in the name of the Church, gives the couple, if they are in a state of grace, strength, fortitude and grace to be faithful to each other, to endure all trials patiently, and to be safe from all the influences of the evil enemy."

Why do they join hands before the priest, and two witnesses?

By this they bind themselves before God and His Church to remain true to each other, and to be ready to assist each other in all adversities. The bridegroom puts a ring on the bride's finger which should remind her of her duty of inviolable fidelity; to this end the priest signs and seals this holy union with the unbloody Sacrifice of the New Law.

Can the bond of marriage be dissolved in the Catholic Church?

A valid marriage, contracted with the free consent of each of the parties, can according to the plain doctrine of the Scriptures, the constant teaching and practice of the Church, be dissolved only by the death of one of the parties. If the pope or a bishop, for important reasons, gives a divorce, this is only partial, and neither can marry again while the other lives. Such a marriage would not be valid. How pure and holy are the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church in this the most important and sacred of all human relations, preserving its inviolability and sanctity; while, on the contrary, by means of the wanton doctrine of the heretics, which for trivial reasons entirely dissolves the marriage contract, this sacred union is made the deepest ignominy of mankind, and the play-ball of human passions and caprice!

What is thought of mixed marriages, or marriages between Catholics and Protestants?

The Catholic Church has always condemned such marriages, because of the great dangers to which the Catholic party is unavoidably exposed as well as the offspring. Such marriages promote indifference in matters of religion, by which the spiritual life of the soul is destroyed; they are a hindrance to domestic peace, cause mutual aversion, quarrels, and confusion; they give scandal to servants; they interfere with the Christian education of the children, even render it impossible, and they frequently lead to apostasy and despair. But the Catholic Church condemns especially those mixed marriages, in which either all or a number of the children are brought up in heresy, and she can never bless and look upon those as her children who do not fear to withdraw themselves and their own children from the only saving faith, and expose them to the danger of eternal ruin. Therefore, those Catholics who enter the matrimonial union with Protestants, although the marriage if lawfully contracted is valid, commit a mortal sin if they permit their children to be brought up in heresy, and should it not be their full intention to bring up their children in the Catholic faith at the time of their marriage, they would commit a sacrilege.

What should the newly married couple do immediately after the ceremony is performed?

They should kneel and thank God for the graces received in this holy Sacrament, in such or similar words: "Ratify, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that which by Thy grace Thou hast wrought in us, that we may keep that which in Thy presence we have promised unto the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." That they may keep their promise made at the altar, they should always remember the duties laid down to them by the priest at the time of their marriage, and the exhortations which are taken from the epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians (Eph. 5:29, 31), wherein he instructs married people how they should comport themselves towards each other, and recalls to them as an example the union of Christ with His Church, and His love for her. To the husbands he says, they should love their wives as Christ loved His Church, for which He even gave Himself up to death; from this is seen, that men should assist their wives even unto death, in all need, and not treat them as servants. To the wives St. Paul says, that they as the weaker should be in all reasonable things obedient to their husbands, as the Church is obedient to Christ; for as Christ is the head of the Church, so is the husband the head of the wife. Experience proves there is no better way for women to win the hearts of their husbands than by amiable obedience and ready love, while, on the contrary, a querulous, imperative deportment robs them of their husbands' affections, and even causes them to be regarded with aversion. St. Paul says further; that husbands should love their wives (and consequently wives their husbands) as their own bodies, because married people are, as it were, one. They shall be two in one flesh; no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, as also Christ doth the Church (Eph. 5:29, 31). How unjustly and barbarously do those act, who, instead of loving one another, rather hate and outrage each other, and cause the loss of their property, and by detraction steal their honor! These do not consider that he who hates and disgraces his partner in life, hates and disgraces himself; while according to the words of St. Paul he who loves her, loves himself. If married people would remain in constant love and unity, it is most necessary that they should patiently bear with each other's infirmities, wrongs, and defects, exhort one another with mildness and affection, keep their adversities, trials, and sufferings as much as possible to themselves, and complain in prayer only to God, who alone can aid them. By impatience, quarrels, and complaints the cross becomes only heavier and the evil worse. Finally, not only on their wedding day, but often through life, they should earnestly consider that they have not entered the married state that they may inordinately serve the pleasures of the body, but to have children who will one day inhabit heaven according to the will of God; as the angel said to Tobias: "For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out God from themselves and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust as the horse and mule, which have not understanding, over them the devil hath power" (Tob. 6:17).

PRAYER Most merciful Jesus! who didst work Thy first miracle at the wedding in Cana by changing water into wine, thereby revealing Thy divine power and majesty, and honoring matrimony: grant we beseech Thee, that Thy faithful may ever keep sacred and inviolate the holy sacrament of Matrimony, and that they may so live in it truthfully, in the fear of the Lord, that they may not put an obstacle in the way of obtaining heaven for themselves, and their children.

1. In all such dioceses of the United States, where the Council of Trent has not been published, civil marriages are considered valid. The Catholic, however, who becomes married by civil authority commits a mortal sin, except in case of extreme necessity. To be married by a sectarian preacher is looked upon as a denial of faith, and incurs excommunication.