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Saturday, May 22, 2021

My Opinion as an Anti-Vaxxer

 By Anna Von Reitz

Luc Montagnier, one of the world's top virologists, has flatly said that everyone who has received any form of the purported vaccine has no chance of survival --
"There is no hope, no possible treatment, for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies." 

After studying the contents of the so-called vaccines, the Nobel Laureate said, "They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said." 

Antibody-dependent enhancement, sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication. Wikipedia

So an "enhanced" Common Cold Virus gets easy entry to the cell -- similar to what happens with HIV, and no coincidence, either, since HIV research was the source of the "enhancement" in the first place.  The victim's immune system wears itself out, similar to AIDS, and there you go.  Down the long road. 

The results in India can be seen for themselves, and yep, the funeral pyres are piled high and more funeral rafts than ever are sailing down the Ganges, and we will be overwhelmed soon enough come winter, thanks to our evil and idiotic politicians. 

Still, I don't agree that there is "no possible treatment".  

Any evil  that man can devise can be overcome. The problem is that it usually takes time to overcome such mindless depravity and breach of trust, unless of course, the Perpetrators already have the solution to the problem they have created waiting in the wings. 

Which in this case, they do.  

Afterall, they have to have the antidote available to save themselves. 

They also have to have the antidote to make Big Money off their invention. 

So, rest assured, there is an antidote, and what has to be done to make sure everyone knows and has access to the antidote? 

That's right.  It's time to send in the Goons and Gorillas. For real. 

Bill Gates seems to think that simply refusing to take the vaccine by claiming that he and his children are "allergic" to it, is sufficient.  That is what he did when the Needle Police arrived at his door. 

This claim is the Get Out of Jail Free Card provided as the remedy needed to legalize their illegal mask mandates and other demands. So use it. 

Remember Woody Allen's neurotic film character mumbling, "I'm allergic to everything." 

That's you from now on, and your family, too.  You are all such delicate little rosebuds that you are allergic to everything.  The mere sight of a corn chip makes your skin crawl.  Dust and pollen?  You break out in hives. 

And if you have already taken the jab, stand by. 

Dr. Luc may be right, but then, there may be other things that he isn't yet aware of and isn't taking into account.  

The Perpetrators definitely underestimated the resistance of the American People and the loss of credibility of the Mass Media and also the loss of trust in government.  Less than 40% of our population has "voluntarily" self-destructed. 

That leaves about 40% of our population sick and dying with nothing to lose and reason to hate every politician from here to Melbourne. No wonder Fancy Nancy wants $2 billion spent on "defenses for the capitol". 

Those who don't believe in God, the True God, that is --- are about to get a helluva jolt.  Just like the priests of Baal got it, 3,000 years ago. The spiritual forces of death and evil have spent their wad.  And now comes the payback.  


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Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 22 -- The Great Reset and Old Dictionaries

 By Anna Von Reitz

Observe the meaning of "re-set" as revealed by the 1828 Webster's Dictionary:'SET, noun In Scots law, the receiving and harboring of an outlaw or a criminal.
And then also observe the meaning of "Scots" ---which has only a passing relationship with Scotland: Black's 2nd 1910 tells us that a Scot is a TAX. Therefore getting off Scot Free means that you aren't being taxed. And a bit more digging reveals that a "Scot" is specifically the kind of tax mentioned in the Exclusion Clause of Lincoln's National Banking Law.
They can only be referring to the corporations being released from the debts that they have owed all of us since the Civil War. So, quite apart from the common meaning of "reset" which everyone assumes, the more arcane meaning is that the tax outlaws (including certain generation skipping trusts) are being welcomed with open arms and allowed to profit from their ill-gotten gains --- a free-for-all for the corporations, not for people, and amnesty for all the criminals who took our gold and our Cestui que Vie trusts offshore to expedite their pillaging of our resources.
So are we in favor of The Great Reset? No, we are not.
We have specifically requested and required that our assets be removed from The Great Slush Pile and held harmless from The Great Reset. We have also specifically requested and required--- that as these guilty corporations have all been created in our names and we have been held accountable for their deceitful abuse of our credit through multiple prior bankruptcies, there can be no doubt that we own all of these corporations --- they must all stand under the Public Law of the Land, and failing that, they must all be dissolved.
Any possible "misunderstanding" of which "Public Law" is being referenced, is exactly what is being clawed at by US SENATOR LISA MURKOWSKI and others as they desperately try to advance the idea that the Law of the Sea is what we mean when we demand that these corporations stand under the Public Law.
No, what we mean is that all corporations operating in our names and under our charters must obey the Law of the Land while on the land and cannot be presumed to operate under the Law of the Sea while on the land. No "Special Admiralty" allowed. Finally, we also preclude the application of Municipal Law outside the environs of the District of Columbia and do not provide for the redefinition of the District of Columbia as any kind of "state" -- Territorial or otherwise.
All these semantic legal deceits must end and we must all come to our senses again. We have provided for a simple means for every corporation chartered under the US or USA to comply, and if they don't comply, that is simply more proof that they are willful renegades engaged in criminal enterprises which are owed no quarter and no support from the Public.
We do not stand as sureties and we will not act as Guarantors for any such organizations.
The new Municipal Corporation doesn't have a contract with us and it follows that none of its officers have contracts, either. This includes Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and all the other Actors. Whatever actions they take and whatever costs they incur are the responsibility of the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor and their application must be limited to their domain within the District of Columbia and applied only to actual Municipal citizens of the United States. These Principals also remain responsible for the proper functioning of all their operations.
The Constitutions are in full force and effect for Americans and all limitations and obligations are also in full force and effect for Federal Government corporations and their employees.
We regret that it is necessary for us to say so in public, in the forum of The International Court of Justice, and to thus air a great deal of dirty laundry, reveal mistaken identities, and settle questions that have too long been left unanswered, but over the course of the past decades, the spiderweb has grown to such enormous proportions and the criminality and corruption has spread to such an alarming extent, that we must admit the incompetence and/or criminality of our public employees and would-be representatives.
It is under this unfortunate set of circumstances which we find ourselves compelled to address the rest of the world community and also to address The Court of International Justice regarding this criminal misadministration and misinterpretation of both our delegated powers and our standards of international law, respectively. It also falls to us to reveal that a similar cat-and-mouse-game has been played by the self-interested commercial corporations operated as governmental services organizations against the lawful governments of many other countries, too, all of which have been surreptitiously occupied by mercenaries operating under color of law, similar to the Raj in India.
This outbreak of Corporate Feudalism, a social illness more to be feared than either Colonialism (which it imitates to a large degree) or Feudalism itself, can only be attributed to the Roman Curia, the Pope, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London, all operating in Breach of Trust and Contract.
Please note: the Americans were deceived into thinking that the necessary Reconstruction of their American Government had already occurred, therefore, they never took action on a matter that they were told was concluded. Their purported lapse and lack of action was then used as the excuse to impose a Territorial Government in our purported "absence" --- when in fact the actual Delegator of the several "powers" entrusted to the Federal Republic and the Territorial Government, too, has been here the entire time.
This all set up a constructive fraud cloaked in secrecy, in which a Territorial (Military) Government was empowered to, in effect, occupy the land and soil of its employers under the terms of the Geneva Conventions, resulting in a perpetual "state of war" being engendered in this peaceful country, and in Americans being alternately mistaken for enemy combatants, POWs, or civilian wards of their own Territorial Government.
A similar ruse and further semantic deceits were used to similarly occupy all the former Commonwealth countries. The end of the Commonwealth arrangement was very quietly announced, so that the people of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other former Commonwealth nations were deprived of their constitutions, but never made aware of their obligation to form new governments for themselves.
The failure of the Australians, Canadians and other peoples to act upon this unknown opportunity then resulted in the British Territorial Government similarly occupying their land and soil under exactly similar provisions to what had already occurred in America.
Thus, the free people of both America and the former British Commonwealth were enslaved by their own public servants and occupied by their own armed forces--- and all via means of fraud and omission in breach of trust.
The Queen still speaks of the "British Commonwealth Nations" but they are only "British" in the sense of ethnicity and the fact that the Pope's Commonwealths are being administered by the military British Territorial Government (their own version of the Raj in India) while the civil government is administered by foreign corporate mercenaries in breach of trust. All this has occurred under the false front of the Geneva Conventions being applicable to the situation, when in fact, all those "foreign" occupation forces should have never been deployed, nor paid for using the victim's funds; this is a Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract, with respect to all the populations being impacted.
We could wish that this secretive encroachment upon the land jurisdiction by commercial corporations was isolated to fraud against Americans and Brits by their own public servants and international trustees, but no, it has not stopped there and has quietly usurped the positions of virtually all land jurisdiction governments, worldwide.
This presents us, and The Court of International Justice, with a spectral world in which the creation --- that is, corporations --- are thought to be greater than the creators, in violation of common sense and Maxim of Law, both.
We assert that those who issue corporate charters are greater than those receiving such charters by definition, and that those who guarantee and underwrite the operations of corporations are again, greater than any corporation thus protected can be---again, by definition, and, finally, those issuing the charter and acting as the Guarantor, are also more endowed with ownership interest in these corporations than any shareholder.
So even though the Corporations Act of 1870 was fraud on the face of it, the various corporations chartered were chartered in our names, presumed to be placed under our authority, and paid for with our blood and our money, which provides us with the actual and factual ownership interest and right of possession.
We have claimed ownership of all corporations, both US CORPORATIONS and USA Corporations, that have been chartered "in our names" since 1870; we have paid for them through multiple rounds of bankruptcy and they belong to us as chattel property. As the owners and Guarantors in international jurisdiction, we insist that all these corporations abide by our published Law of the Land while conducting business, duties, or other operations in our country.

All the complicit Boards of Directors of all US and USA incorporated entities are being served Notice through these public actions, together with their Principals: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Lincoln -- a Sad Duty to the Public

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those who have followed my work know that I am not enamored with Lincoln, and everyone always seems stunned and amazed. Why don't I love our fifteenth President and revere him as akin to George Washington?
Three reasons:
(1) He was a Bar Attorney and he knew that he was a Bar Attorney and he also knew that Bar Attorneys were (already) prohibited from serving in any public office of our American Government, but instead of ending his affiliation with the Bar, he used semantic deceit and public ignorance to occupy a similarly named Territorial Office, and thereby cheated and evaded the actual Federal Constitution and betrayed the trust of the American people who were relying on him.
(2) He provided "emancipation" --- not freedom --- for the slaves, a mistake that has caused millions of people to live maimed and truncated lives, and provided the means to enslave millions more of all races for the past 160 years. Is it likely that Lincoln himself missed the difference between "emancipation" and "freedom"? No, it is not likely at all. He was a lawyer. He chose his words carefully. He meant to leave that loophole standing.
(3) And now, we have this quote:
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and
causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of our country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my forebodings may be groundless.’
You will note that Lincoln clearly identified the problem--- "corporations have been enthroned" and the "Republic" that he was concerned for was indeed the "Federal Republic" --- the same institution he undermined by running for a different Presidential Office in the first place. No doubt he regretted what he'd done to fool the people, and no doubt that the powers that put him in office and which he helped enthrone --- the corporations --- did destroy the Federal Republic after his death.
Why, we must wonder, if Lincoln cared about the Federal Republic, did he fail to honor its Constitution in the first place?
Maybe he thought, as many do when standing on the slippery slope between self-interest and duty, that because he was loyal to the Republic, no harm would be done if he engaged in a little sleight of hand and used a lawyer's trick to bypass the actual Presidential Office and undermine the actual Presidential Election Process?
We will never know. What we do know and fully recognize is that Lincoln was the lynch-pin that, in a sense, created the whole problem. He showed the way for the corporate interests to commandeer the White House and bypass the actual Federal Constitution. He exposed the bifurcation of the Presidential Offices and the ways that they could be separately invoked, and thereby also the means to substitute all the other federal offices, as well. He, more than any other man, undermined the Federal Republic and betrayed it to the same corporate interests he identified as the source of the corruption.
Without Abraham Lincoln and the schemers who were directly part of his cabinet, men like William H. Seward, the mammoth fraud and enslavement racket we have suffered under for decades would never have been possible.
Lincoln may have valued and revered the role of the Federal Republic and may have imagined himself competent to protect it after having himself ruptured the fabric of its safety net---- but men like his Secretary of State and his Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon Chase, would not be denied their prey.
Having so far progressed their aims they would not and did not let Lincoln's sentiments about the Federal Republic stand in their way.
In the crucial hour, neither would General Grant rally the Union Army to its duty to protect the Federal Republic. Never forget that Grant and his wife were supposed to be with Lincoln that fateful night at Ford's Theater, and they withdrew at the last minute, choosing to go visit their daughter instead.
So the sad truth is that the Great Emancipator fell short of freeing anyone --- quite the opposite. And the most eloquent spokesman for the Federal Republic, wound up being the author of its destruction, too.
Without Lincoln, the Reconstruction was talked about, but never done.
Both Lincoln and Kennedy were incredibly popular and could have stopped the progress of the destruction at any time. In fact, Kennedy bragged (unwisely) that he would --- but his life was cut short, like Lincoln's --- before he could do anything meaningful about it.
Without Kennedy, Vietnam continued to fill the coffers that the Democrats used to buy votes and buy off local governments with Federal Block Grants, and the oil industry gained another fifty years-worth of wanton profits for the cost of three bullets.
Maybe it's time we all grew up, stared the Beast in the face, and realized that it's up to us. All of us. Stop waiting for a hero to do it for us and just plain do what has to be done to restore our own government. That is certainly the conclusion I have drawn, and the reason I encourage each and every one of you to fully engage the process and power of self-governance:
The same qualities and eloquence that made Lincoln and Kennedy so popular were the exact qualities that withheld their hands from taking action. Grey Men like William H. Seward and Allen Dulles suffer no such pangs or questions. For them, profit and power are the twin gods of destiny; respect for law is a very distant third runner up, and care for other people has no place at the table.

These Other Men, the ones you don't see, are the ones that stole last fall's election. They are the ones who manipulate your credit and your money. They are the ones who have callously, selfishly, and recklessly manipulated the commodity markets for generations. They are the problem. And you are the solution.


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