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Sunday, February 11, 2024

International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution (Part 2)

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

You will recall this phrase from the prior International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution: 

"Their Mother signed an undisclosed contract at the hospital saying that they were "United States citizens" an act by which she unknowingly became an "Informant" -- as in an Informant reporting a crime."

How could it be a crime to be a United States citizen?  And why would a biological Mother be listed as an "Informant" on records related to her newborn? 

This goes back to the misrepresented and so-called American Civil War and to a giant British fraud scheme taking place in the years immediately after the surrender of Lee's Army.  

In Scotland in 1868, a new commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America" -- was formed. This just happens to be the exact name and style of name used by our unincorporated Federation of States -- The United States of America.  

They simply failed to disclose the difference by omitting the word "Incorporated", so everyone mistook them for our Federation of States. 

The complicit Bank Accomplices winked and gave them access to our credit.  They impersonated us like any credit card hacker does today, but nobody knew what they were doing in 1868. 

Next, they published, also in 1868, a document that on the face of it, said, "The Constitution of the United States of America", which appeared to be identical to the British Territorial Constitution issued in 1789 under the same name.  Everyone was confused and wondering why this was being done out of the blue. 

Everyone already had copies of The Constitution of the United States of America, but they were fronting yet another very similarly named corporation, this time a Delaware Corporation. 

Once again, the word "Incorporated" was omitted, thus failing full disclosure of what they were publishing ----and deliberately confusing it with the actual 1789 Constitution. 

What was actually happening was an attempt to legally enclose the actual Constitution and replace it with a different kind of Constitution entirely. They were publishing the disguised Articles of Corporation --the charter of a Delaware Corporation calling itself the United States of America (Incorporated).  

This is another substitution fraud scheme and unlawful conversion, but it was cleverly done.  This explains why none of the Amendments to this "Constitution" were ever ratified by our States of the Union --- they were rendered as By-Law Amendments of a Corporation and required only the approval of their Board of Directors, the erstwhile members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress. 

The most infamous By-Law Amendment to this document was the so-called Fourteenth Amendment. 

The Thirteenth Amendment of this document loudly and simply abolished slavery.  The Fourteenth Amendment reinstated slavery by declaring that criminals are slaves, and that "citizens of the United States" are criminals, therefore, slaves. 

Of course, they obfuscated this maneuver behind a fusillade of Legalese that would make the Devil faint, but that is, nonetheless, what they did for the purposes of their for-profit corporation and its administration.  

They were setting themselves up to collect "war reparations" from Southerners and from Federal Civil Service workers who sided with the South -- even though there was no actual war and they were not owed war reparations as a result.  

They had already set up ten "special" Military District Courts in the eleven Southern States in May of 1865; these were so-called Special Admiralty Courts, that is, Admiralty on Land, operated by civilians acting as Hired Jurists appointed by a General of at least Brigadier rank.  

These were and still are Military District Courts called "United States District Courts" and not Judicial District Courts at all.  Remember that all Judicial Districts were dissolved by the 34th United States Congress (1855-57) so that any pretense that these were Judicial Districts or Judicial Courts ten years later, was removed.  

These are the infamous "Carpetbagger Courts" -- called that because so many of the Hired Jurists coming down from the North used colorful bags made out of carpet material as luggage. Wagon loads full of these predators descended on the Southern States within days of Lee's capitulation. 

Now, with the "Fourteenth Amendment"  they had defined their new slaves and criminals as "citizens of the United States" -- a reference to the employees of the Papist Municipal United States Government that provided Postal Services and a few other Federal Civil Service functions prior to the "war", and which had sided with the Southern Confederacy.  

They also laid claim on all the former plantation slaves and cast them into this dehumanized criminal slave status by "conferring" this citizenship on them without their knowledge or consent.   

Private slave ownership might be abolished, but public slave ownership was just getting started. 

The Scottish Corporation operating as The United States of America (Incorporated) went bankrupt in 1906 and the Delaware version of the United States of America (Incorporated) followed suit in 1930, taking its fraudulent Constitution and its Fourteenth Amendment with it, but the corrupt elements of the court system and the U.S. Congress are still attempting to use this as a "cause of action" and an excuse to criminalize anyone unfortunate enough to be classed as a "citizen of the United States".  

American Mothers seeing the words "the United States" immediately assume that they refer to the Union States holding the soil jurisdiction of this country; they are never told that these same words have any other meaning. They are also never taught the meaning of "citizenship" so they innocently agree that their baby is a "citizen of the United States".  

They are thus misrepresented, not as the actual Mother of the baby, but as an Informant, giving testimony that their own baby is a criminal and a slave under the definitions of the long-defunct Fourteenth Amendment. 

This further denigration of political and social status from that of a U.S. Citizen serving as a "Human" to that of a citizen of the United States existing as a slave with only "Civil Rights" (that turn out to be privileges instead) takes place right after the initial registration with a second registration carried out by the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE in Washington, DC under the Municipal Law of the independent international city-state of WASHINGTON, DC -- which is just another British Crown corporation squatting in the District of Columbia. 

So there you have the origin of the present day  "Federal Dual Citizenship" --- and all of it being fraudulently imposed on Americans who owe the British Crown, the British Monarch, and the Pope, a great deal less than nothing at all--- about Minus $35 Trillion and counting. 

There was once another kind of Federal Dual Citizenship that can be glimpsed in the earliest versions of our Immigration and Naturalization Acts-- a status that allowed an American to work as a Federal Government employee of the American Federal Republic (operating as "the united States of America") without the loss of their Constitutional Guarantees. 

I mention this because there is an attempt by the British Territorial U.S. Citizens to substitute a British Territorial rendition of a Federal Republic for the American version -- The Federal Republic, and there may be attempts to redefine and latch onto our old definition of Federal Dual Citizen, too.  

They are quite desperate to escape and excuse and deny what they have done, and still not willing to just throw it down and plead for amnesty from the actual American Government, despite having a plausible excuse. 

Lincoln unlawfully converted our American Military Forces into Mercenary Forces; he and his Successors have been baffling the Generals with Legalese and excuses ever since, though the ugly truth of the matter can hardly have escaped a good many of them, and certainly didn't escape Smedley Butler who openly said, "War is a racket." -- in the criminal sense.  

Please note that the abject criminals most responsible, the members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, some of whom also duplicitously serve as members of the US CONGRESS, are still trying to use the Fourteenth Amendment of a long-defunct Corporation Charter to prosecute DONALD J. TRUMP, a foreign Municipal Corporation franchise owned and operated by the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION as a SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE --- aka, the body of a slave. 

Any time that you, as a Bar Attorney, have ever represented a PLAINTIFF or DEFENDANT in a COURT, you have been operating in a MUNICIPAL DISTRICT COURT, or STATE-OF-STATE FRANCHISE COURT representing a slave being transported as cargo in Maritime Commerce. 

All this Federal Code, as in Secret Code, has to be translated and can't be understood by average people. That is why Amendment XI of the actual Federal Constitution excuses Americans from having to understand it and keep up with its ever-changing definitions.  

We are held immune and exempt from all of this, as long as we are Americans. To deprive us of these protections of our natural political identity,  and to evade their own service obligations owed to us, these treasonous foreign corporations have contrived this entire scheme. 

We've just recently had a good example of their misuse of the ability to create legal terms and redefine common words, when they arbitrarily changed the "legal definition" of the word "vaccine" to include mRNA therapies, and then found out that the injections foisted off onto unsuspecting Americans as vaccines weren't mRNA therapies, either.  

They were nanoscale gene-editing devices known by Pfizer, Inc. to cause more than 300 harmful diseases and disorders.  

Looks like they just ran out of excuses for all of this; for once, the Liars couldn't change the meaning of common words fast enough.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 11th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

We are born and instantly, we are "given" a name, a nationality, a religion, a race, a color, a kind, a caste, a socio-political status, a blood type, a genome-type, a family tree, a financial rating, a bond, a certificate for what we are worth as a bonded commodity....  We don't choose any of this. 

Our identity is thus arbitrarily defined and imposed on us by the world that men have created. The world "system" immediately clamps down on us and starts defining and limiting us and shaping us for its purposes and convenience, not ours. 

And we are babies. We don't know that this is happening or why.  We are Innocents; we accept these "gifts" along with Mother's milk. 

Most people are deluded from the outset and stay deluded their entire lives.  Someone calls them by a name, so they identify themselves with that name, and take it as Gospel that that is who they are and that they are what their name means. 

They become the definition of their name, instead of their name becoming an instrumentality for their use. 

A name is actually a gifted bit of material property interest, akin to a bookcase or a bicycle; if your parents are wise, they record it in public, together with a property description, prior to the worldly government getting a chance to register it and copyright it for their use. 

"A son, James Allen, born to Richard and Anna Lee of Clivedyf Circle, Edinburgh, Scotland, on the twenty-third of March 1968" is a property description recorded and published in the local newspaper as a "Birth Announcement".  

It establishes who, what, when, where, and precisely which "James Allen Lee" we are talking about and also who this "James Allen Lee" belongs to, therefore, who is responsible for his upkeep, and also which nation he belongs to, and what law applies to him. 

He's a Scotsman, born in Scotland, under Scottish Law.  He's a son, not a bastard, not an orphan, and this is who his parents are.  This is where they live.   

Without this crucial record (and admission by the parents) we are left with nothing but the following "public registration process" that is created a few days or weeks after the baby is actually born. 

The hospitals create a "uniform registration" for all babies born in their care or under the care of any licensed doctor or midwife or ambulance or police service.  This registration is an ownership claim on the baby and his earthly estate by a government -- not necessarily his own government. 

That registration makes additional presumptions, that in the absence of other claims and records, allows the government to presume citizenship obligations on the baby. 

In this country, all babies with a birth registration are denigrated to the status of being "abandoned" by their parents, considered wards of the State, British Subjects, and British Territorial U.S. Citizens.  

They are no longer recognized as sons and daughters of men and women who are freeborn Americans, but occupy a lesser status as boys and girls derived from males and females -- the status of "humans" and "persons" and "animals" and "indentured servants", owed Human Rights, but not the Natural and Unalienable Rights they are otherwise heir to.  They are also assigned Titles under Admiralty Law: Miss or Master; later, they will be called by other British Admiralty Titles: Mister (a Midshipman), Missus, (a Midshipman's wife), Doctor (a ship's doctor) and so on.  

These newly created-by-contract (registrations are contracts waiving ownership rights) U.S. Citizens are allowed to be in this country under the provisions of the Residence Act. They stand under The Constitution of the United States of America, but are not heirs or parties to it, so they enjoy none of its protections or guarantees -- those are for Americans, and though they don't know it and their parents don't know it, they are no longer considered Americans. 

They are considered wards of the British Monarch and dependents/employees of the British Crown Corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated". 

Their Mother signed an undisclosed contract at the hospital saying that they were "United States citizens" an act by which she unknowingly became an "Informant" -- as in an Informant reporting a crime.   By doing so, she waived her ownership interest in her own baby, waived his or her ownership interest in their American estate, accepted the obligations of being a British Territorial U.S. Citizen "for" the baby, and accepted the denigrated status of a "human" and a "Person" owed only Human Rights "for" the baby, too.  

Of course, the Mother doesn't understand any of this.  She isn't told which "United States" or which "United States of America" these Pikers are talking about on these forms. She has no idea that she is signing away her baby and his birthright and changing his political status to that of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen. She has no concept of any of this and isn't told a word; the human trafficking thieves engaged in this criminal activity disclose nothing to her.  

So the parent knows nothing for lack of disclosure, and of course, the baby knows nothing, because its too young to be aware that anything is happening. 

This results in a totally unconscionable contract that irreparably harms the American baby and opens up his estate to be pillaged as an "abandoned" Public Interest Estate (Public Charitable Trust) operated under his own Given Name.  

The "infant decedent estate" thus created comes under the authority of the British Admiralty and the British Merchant Marine Service (Maritime Commerce) and as the infant American "died" intestate, this creates a Public Trust holding all his assets "for" him, until he "returns" and claims those assets. 

In the meantime, British BAR Attorneys will act as Executors de Son Tort and administer his "waived" American estate as they see fit --- for the benefit of their King, of course, and taking a nice commission cut for themselves for this "public service".  

Every time that you have acted as a BAR Attorney in any of the various Courts and have addressed a Plaintiff or Defendant using any Upper and Lower Case Name, you have been in an Admiralty Court, administering the Estate of an American who was "registered" as a dependent or employee of the British Crown, an American who was "lost at sea" and "presumed dead" -- even though he or she was most likely standing right there in front of you, the victim of the most egregious and self-interested fraud imaginable. 

This is a capital crime of Unlawful and Unconscionable Conversion of natural political status prohibited by both the Geneva and Hague Conventions; it involves human trafficking, inland piracy, impersonation, fraud, and conspiracy to defraud using undisclosed and unconscionable contracts.  It's one of the biggest peonage and enslavement rackets in history, and as a licensed BAR Attorney, you are dead center in the middle of it. 


As you can see, this swindle involves creating a non-existent Public Interest in a private estate for a foreign government.  

The victim is first registered and impersonated as a foreign Person and denigrated to the political status of an indentured servant to secure this claim. 

The foreign Legal Fiction Person  uses the same exactly styled Given Name as the American victim of this scheme, so that verbally and visually, they appear to be one-and-the-same.  

Emily Wright Bellevue, the Given Name of a living woman, appears to be exactly the same as Emily Wright Bellevue (Estate). They simply don't disclose (again) by saying or writing "Estate" after the name, and thus fail to identify the Plaintiff or the Defendant or the proper subject matter, much less the venue in any of these court cases.  

They are all completely fraudulent, null and void, and criminal under International and Public Law. 

This is just half of it.  The British half.  There's more fraud and malfeasance involving BAR Attorneys to come.  

You may be shaking your head and wondering how such a thing could be, but it has been going on "in the back room" for the past 300 years. 

You may also wonder what possible excuse there could be for this behavior on the part of your esteemed colleagues.  They've been told that they are at "war" and that this justifies all this evil done to innocent-appearing "enemies". 

That claim, that they are at "war", turns out to be just another crock of crap poured on top of an already vast manure pile. 

It derives from the idea that the so-called American Civil War was an actual war.  It wasn't and it isn't.  It was an undeclared Mercenary Conflict -- illegal and unlawful by definition.  

No Congress ever declared The American Civil War, much less the American Federation Congress responsible for taking such action.  

This "conflict" is owed no dignification as a war, and no cover is provided by the Pretense of War for Municipal or Commercial Corporations engaged in 
it; rather, they are engaged in acts of murder, armed robbery, inland piracy, and genocide. 

The Corporations responsible have strong-armed, deceived, and corrupted the courts into going along with this scheme, and now, they are all set to provoke civil unrest at our Southern Border and try to "get something going" again, with tons more innocent people in the middle and at risk. 

The actual battlefield is in our mind. It involves our ability to discern what is true and what is right, and tests our determination to put an end to this filthy criminality once and for all time. 

But standby.  There's more absurdly criminal malfeasance to report on.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 11th  2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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Quinquagesima Sunday

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

The Introit of this day's Mass is the sigh of an afflicted soul confiding in God:

INTROIT Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a place of refuge, to save me: for thou art my strength and my refuge: and for thy name's sake thou wilt be my leader, and wilt nourish me. (Fs. XXX. 3. 4.) In thee , O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice, and set me free. (Ps. XXX. 2.)

COLLECT O Lord, we beseech Thee, graciously hear our prayers, and unloosing the bonds of our sins, guard us from all adversity. Through our Lord, etc.

EPISTLE (I. Cor. XIII. 1-13.) Brethren, if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not; dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; is not ambitious; seeketh not her own; is not provoked to anger; thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never falleth away: whether prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall cease, or knowledge shall be destroyed. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part: but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child. We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known. And now there remain faith, hope, charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.

EXPLANATION In this epistle St. Paul speaks of the necessity, the excellence and the nature of true charity. He says that all natural and supernatural gifts, all good works, even martyrdom, cannot save us if we have not charity; because love alone can render our works pleasing to God. Without charity, therefore, though ever so many prayers be recited, fasts observed , and good deeds performed, nothing will be acceptable to God, or merit eternal life. Strive then, O Christian soul, to lead a pious life in love, and to remain always in the state of grace.

Can faith alone, as the so-called Reformers assert, render man just and save him?

Faith alone, however strong, though it could move mountains, without love, that is, without good works performed for love of God and our neighbor, can never justify or save us. For, when St. Paul says, that man is justified by faith without works, (Rom. III. 28.; XI: 6.; Eph. II. 8. 9.) he means to refer to those works which were performed by command of the law of Moses, and which, as they were external and without true charity, were of no avail; he did not refer to those works which are performed in a state of grace with a lively, love-inspired faith. Therefore the same Apostle writes to the Galatians: (Gal. V. 6.) Faith only availeth which worketh by charity; to Titus: (Tit. III. 8.) It is a faithful saying: and these things I will have thee affirm constantly: that they who believe in God, may be careful to excel in good works. These things are good and profitable unto men; and he exhorts the Colossians (Colos. I. 10.) to be fruitful in every good work. St. James confirms the same by saying: (James II. 17-24.) So faith if it have not works, is dead in itself; by works man is justified and not by faith only. That this is the true doctrine of Christ is evident from His own words, when He says: "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down and shall be cast into the fire." (Matt. VII. 19.) At the day of judgment Christ will demand good works from all men, (Matt. XXV. 35.) and will not judge them only according to their faith, but by their good works, which true faith must always produce. (Apoc. XX. 12.) Would Christ and His apostles demand good works, if faith alone be sufficient? "The devil's also believe and tremble," (James II. 19.) they believe, but they are not saved, and their faith but increases their torments. Therefore, the assertion that faith without good works is sufficient for justification and salvation, is plainly against the doctrine of Christ and His Church, and must of necessity lead man to vice and misery, as shown by the history of the unhappy separation of the sixteenth century

Are good works available which are performed in the state of mortal sin ?

Good works performed while in a state of mortal sin avail nothing in regard to eternal life, writes St. Lawrence Justinian, but aid in moderating the punishment imposed for disobedience and the transgression of God's commandments. They bring temporal goods, such as honor, long life, health, earthly happiness, etc.; they prevent us from falling deeper into sin, and prepare the heart for the reception of grace; so the pious Person writes: "Do as much good as you can, even though in the state of mortal sin, that God may give light to your heart."

ASPIRATION O God of love, pour the spirit of true charity into my heart that, according to the spirit of St. Paul, I may endeavor to be always in a state of grace; that all my works may be pleasing to Thee, and meritorious for me.

GOSPEL (Luke XVIII. 31-43.) At that time, Jesus took unto him the twelve, and said to them Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man. For he shall be delivered to the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and scourged, and spit upon; and after they have scourged him, they will put him to death; and the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things, and this word was hid from them, and they understood not the things that were said. Now it came to pass, when he drew nigh to Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the way-side, begging. And when he heard the multitude passing by, he asked what this meant. And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out, saying: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. And they that went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace. But he cried out much more: Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus standing, commanded him to be brought unto him. And when he was come near, he asked him, saying: What wilt thou that I do to thee? But he said: Lord, that I may see. And Jesus said to him: Receive thy sight; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he saw, and followed him, glorifying God: and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.

Why did Christ so often foretell His passion to His disciples?

Because He wanted to show how great was His desire to suffer for us, for we speak often of that which we crave; and because He wished His disciples when they should see Him treated as a criminal and martyred, not to think evil of Him, or imagine themselves deceived, but remember that He had foretold all minutely that all happened of His own will.

Did not the disciples  understand anything of what He predicted in regard to His future sufferings?

They may, certainly, have well understood He was to suffer, for which reason Peter tried to dissuade Him from it; (Matt. XVI. 22.) but they did not comprehend why or for what He would suffer, or how He would rise again. All this the Holy Ghost gave them to understand, after it had come to pass. (John XIV. 26.) The light of the Holy Ghost is of so much value, that without it even the clearest doctrines of faith are not understood.

Why does Christ so often call Himself the Son of Man?

He wished to show, in the Jewish way of speaking, He was also man, a descendant of Adam, and that we should be humble, and not seek or desire high titles.

Why did the blind man call Christ the Son of David?

Because, like all the Jews, he believed that the Messiah, according to humanity, would be of the house of David, as was promised. (Ps. CXXXI. 11.)

Why did Christ ask the blind man: What wilt thou that I do to thee?

This He asked, not because He was unaware of the blind man's wish, but to enable him the better to prove his faith and hope that through Christ he would receive his sight; and to teach us how willing He is to help us, and how it pleases Him if we confidingly place our wants before Him. We should learn from this blind man, who would not be restrained by the passing crowd in his ardent and reiterated request, not to pay attention, in the work we have commenced, to human respect, or human judgment, but to persevere, and not allow ourselves to be led astray by the world's mockery or contempt. We should also learn to be grateful to God, and faithfully cling to Him, if He has once opened the eyes of our mind, and healed our spiritual blindness, which is far more deplorable than physical blindness, for nothing can be more miserable than not to see and understand God, not to know what is necessary for our salvation, and what is pernicious.

Why is this gospel read on this Sunday?

The Church wishes to remind us of the painful passion and death of Jesus, and to move us by the contemplation of those mysteries to avoid and despise the wicked, heathenish amusements of carnival, sinful pleasures which she has always condemned, because they come from dark paganism, and, to avert the people from them, commands that during the three days of carnival the Blessed Sacrament shall be exposed for public adoration, sermons given, and the faithful exhorted to have recourse at this time to the Sacraments of Penance and the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, with the reception of which Pope Clement XIII. (Breve, 23. June 1765) connected a plenary indulgence. A true Catholic will conform to the desire of his holy Church, considering the words which St. Augustine spoke, at this time, to the faithful, "The heathens (as also the worldly people of our days) shout songs of love and merriment, but you should delight in the preaching of the word of God; they rush to the dramatic plays, but you should hasten to Church; they are intoxicated, but you should fast and be sober."

PRAYER O most benign Jesus! who didst so desire to suffer for us, grant, that we may willingly suffer for love of Thee; that we may hate and flee from the detestable pleasures of the world and the flesh, and practice penance and mortification, that by so doing we may merit to be released from our spiritual blindness to love Thee more and more ardently, and finally possess Thee forever.


Who instituted Lent?

According to the fathers of the Church, Justin and Irenaeus, the fast before Easter was instituted and sanctified by Christ Himself; according to the saints Leo and Jerome, the holy apostles ordained it given by Jesus.

Why has the Church instituted this fast forty days before Easter?

To imitate Christ who fasted forty days; to participate in His merits and sufferings; to subject our flesh by voluntary mortification to the spirit, and to mortify our evil desires as did St. Paul; (Col. I. 24.) to enable us to lead a pure life, and thus prepare for the holy festival of Easter, and the reception of the divine Lamb, Jesus: and, finally, to render God satisfaction for our sins, and do penance, as Pope Gregory says, for the sins of one whole year by one short fast, lasting only the tenth part of a year.

Was the fast of Lent observed in early times as in the present?

Yes, but more strictly; for the people of the early ages not only abstained from meat, but also from all that which is connected with it, such as eggs, butter, cheese, etc., even from wine and fish, although this was not the general command of the Church; they fasted all day, and only ate in the evening after vespers, in remembrance of which, vespers are now said before dinner-time, because the Church, as a kind mother, now permits the supper to be changed into a dinner, and also allows something to be taken in the evening, that the body may not be too much weakened, and become unfit for labor.

How much does this ancient custom put to shame the Christians of to-day who think the fast in our times too severe! "But," asks St. Ambrose, "what sort of Christians are they? Christ, who never sinned fasted for our sins, and we will not fast for our own great and numerous offences?"

How should the holy season of Lent be spent?

As according to the teaching of St. Leo, the main thing in fasting is not that the body be deprived of food, but that the mind at the same time be withdrawn from wickedness, we should endeavor during Lent, not only to be temperate in eating and drinking, but especially to lead a modest life, sanctifying the days by persevering prayer and devoutly attending church.


Almighty God! I unite myself at the beginning of this holy season of penance with the Church militant, endeavoring to make these days of real sorrow for my sins and crucifixion of the sensual man. O Lord Jesus! in union with Thy fasting and passion, I offer Thee my fasting in obedience to the Church, for Thy honor, and in thanksgiving for the many favors I have received, in satisfaction for my sins and the sins of others, and that I may receive the grace to avoid such and such a sin, N. N. and to practice such and such a virtue, N. N.

International Public Notice: Federal Agencies and Proper Language

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has already been said that there is no "State of Israel" associated with our country nor with our States of the Union.  

Please reference what a "state of state" is provided by the Definitions of the Uniform Commercial Code. 

A state-of-state is not a state, and should never be confused with one or referenced as "a state" or as "a State", because to do so is a deception, and it results in fraud and misunderstandings. 

This has been an issue since 1781, when such Confederate States-of-States organizations began to be called "States" though in fact these business organizations are not States and have no physical character, but are merely instrumentalities under contract to provide "essential government services" as referenced in Article IV of all Federal Constitutions.  

As an example, the State of California is often referred to as "the State" or "California" when in fact it is neither; the State of California is a corporate franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated, a foreign British Territorial organization in the business of providing government services. 

Failure to correctly identify states-of-states, and to realize that these foreign Legal Fiction Entities are not States of the Union can be used to promote all sorts of mischief. 

Israel, Inc., may well be a franchise of the United States, Inc., or the United States of America, Inc. or it may be that the State of Israel, Inc., is a franchise of these or other deceptively named parent corporations, but in no case is Israel a State of the Union nor even a state-of-state associated with our country.  

With the end of the Balfour Declaration the 99-year lease provided by the British Monarch to Jacob Rothschild ended.  

Instead of seeking a peaceful rehabilitation of the originally tolerant sharing of the land that was typical among Jews, Christians, and Muslims living in the region before the meddling British Protectorate, the present Israeli government has chosen to attack with declared intent to genocide its Muslim neighbors living in the Gaza Strip. 

The only known provocation for this atrocity is the discovery of oil in the Gaza Strip, making acquisition of this formerly disregarded and marginalized area an economic priority for the Netanyahu Administration. 

In the midst of this, we have the purported "Pope" telling Catholics to open their hearts to Satan and to pray to Satan for true enlightenment, and in several recent diplomatic broadcasts, we have Mr. Netanyahu seemingly saying that Jesus is the Messiah and that Jews must eventually realize this. These facts only underscore what we have already surmised: Netanyahu is working for the Pope. 

So now, for apparently commercial reasons, we have the Pope selling Satan and Bibi Netanyahu selling Jesus; and they are even trying to sell us and the rest of the world on the idea that Israel is one of our States. 

Obviously, they intend to try to embroil our country in their corporation's dogfight, using the completely specious idea that Israel is one of our States. 

The Pope's former Municipal Corporations that are all recognizable by the fact that they use what appear to be acronyms as names, for example, FBI, CIA, FEMA, DHS, DARPA, DOT.... such that we call them the "alphabet soup agencies", have been sold off to Blackrock or other large corporate umbrella organizations or given to China by the Bankruptcy Trustees handling the recent Chapter 7 dissolution of the UNITED STATES (Incorporated). 

None of this has anything to do with us or our country, despite causing havoc and opportunistic attempts to defraud our people and present chaotic conflicts of authority among agencies that never had any authority to begin with. 

It is important to realize that the so-called Federal Agencies have all been created since the Civil War by foreign corporations, and they have been hired as subcontractors by these foreign Municipal Corporations as workers -- subcontractors of subcontractors. 

It's simple enough to understand.  We hire Ben to do some work for us, and Ben then hires John, Fred, Cleo, Clyde, Bob..... and their various organizations to do the work.  

The DOJ, FEMA, DOT, DOD, DARPA, FBI, BLM, are all Subcontractors of Subcontractors, and they have been unlawfully and illegally exercising delegated powers that were never delegated to them. 

This malfeasance and misadministration is part of the complaint which we brought before the former owners.

Our country is in fact a consortium of separate and independent States bound together by mutual assistance Treaties and Compacts.  King George III signed individual Treaties with each and every State of the Union.  The only way to become a State in our Union of States is via the Organic Law known as the Northwest Ordinance, followed by enrollment as a State of the Union. 

The actual American Government is not vested in the Federal Subcontractors at all. 

They are hired to work for us under separate service contracts called Constitutions.  Their Agencies have no direct contract at all and are or have been in the past, working for our Subcontractors. 

Thus, after the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES the NSA (National Security Agency) is working for new bosses at this time and appears to be controlled by the Mossad. They also appear to be using the Military Commissions Act of 2006 to justify setting up a second military in this country, complete with military tribunals --- with what authority and to address who or what? 

As we have no contract with the NSA and no reason to allow them to set up shop on our shores, much less allow them to create a mercenary army in our midst, we wish for them and their promoters to be gone, along with FEMA, and any other former Federal Agency that is misbehaving and acting under color of law at the behest of new corporate owners. 

Anyone intending to use former Federal Agencies as cover for insurgencies in this country needs to think twice -- for it is within our direct power to prosecute former Federal Agencies as foreign criminal organizations and the NSA and FEMA and DOD and DARPA are all already under investigation for criminal conspiracy related to the Covid 19 debacle.

The pretensions of authority these organizations project were never valid and aren't valid now.  The effort to connect them with our government by association has failed. 

Just as a state-of-state is not a state, a Federal Agency is not a part of our government and not granted any delegated power, role, or responsibility by us. 

Any organization hiring or acquiring such an Agency is 100% individually and commercially-- and that means criminally--  liable for its lawful functioning. No corporate veil will apply in the event that we find these organizations engaged in criminal activities on our shores. 

Any actual foreign government caught dabbling in this dirty pool of false claims and misrepresented powers will be charged ten times the damages and bounties will be posted on their operatives.  

Any corporation caught trying to exploit the identities of foreign Federal Agencies for covert action against our country or government at any level will be liquidated with prejudice and its officers and employees will be charged with Inland Piracy and other international crimes appropriate to the circumstance.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 10th 2024 


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Settlement Letter to Bank for International Settlements - True Scale

 By Anna Von Reitz

We sent out a jpeg version for inclusion in Legal Size documents just previous to this, and are sending out the 100% jpegs for ease of letter transmission and readability. 

We referenced a Settlement Letter in some of our most recent correspondence and are providing the jpeg copies for distribution.  For obvious reasons, the Fiduciary Office is acting as the Moving Party in this matter seeking recoupment of the American Government's assets and also the assets owed to an American Trust Estate.