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Sunday, February 25, 2024

For Declared Americans Only

 By Anna Von Reitz

Read every word of this carefully and especially notice all the bits and pieces that are enclosed by parenthesis, as these annotations show you where you need to add your own name or information, and provide further explanation.

As our research has fully revealed, we have been the victims of a national-level identity theft scheme. 

The scheme has resulted in American babies being misidentified and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.  That has further resulted in the creation of Municipal Corporation franchises operated as "slaves" in our NAMES. 

In order to overcome all this skullduggery and breach of trust by our own public employees, we have taken action and self-declared our interest in our own estates and Good Names and have recorded and published this in public, to overcome any mere Legal Presumption that we ever waived our birthright via any Third Party donation made by our Mothers acting without full disclosure, nor any unconscionable contract obligating us to act as U.S. Citizens or later as US CITIZENS at all. 

So now you have "declared" your correct political status as an American and have recorded and published this change.  

This forthcoming information is information that only you can make use of, so it is specifically directed to members of our State Assemblies and American State Nationals who may or may not be active in their State Assembly, but who have nonetheless done the paperwork to recoup their birthright political status. 

*****CAUTION!!!***** If anyone tries to use this information who has not gone through the Declaration, Recording, and Publishing process, they will land in jail, and probably for a very long time! 

*****CAUTION!!!*****you may have to remind the court that the Estate you are claiming is bonded against loss by the Bond Number disguised as a File Number on your State of State Birth Certificate and is additionally indemnified against claims brought by the Municipal CORPORATION and their franchises by The United States of America AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US Indemnity Bond lodged with the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.  

There are two foreign court systems gunning for you, a fact that you are probably very much aware of, because you and your parents going back several generations have been mercilessly hounded by your own public employees and dragged into their courts and been coerced and fined and jailed under the presumption that you are a public employee, too, or the dependent of a public employee. 

We are now going to teach you how to defend yourself against these obnoxious "impositions" and False Legal Presumptions.  

The moment you are misaddressed by one of their officers or courts you must set the ground rules by issuing a competent denial of their offer to contract and provide you with their "services".  

It is always preferable to do this in writing, but can also be done in court if you have been arrested and dragged into a situation you didn't allow or ask for. 

First, note that as a living man or woman, you are not acting as a "person" and therefore cannot issue an Affidavit by definition. You can't make any kind of pleading before their courts at all.  So, give that, what can you do? 

You can give "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit". You can also "fully inform" them (that is, report a crime).  

This is, in fact, what all the "United States" and State-of-State franchise Courts require as part of the Rules of Civil Procedure; if you don't observe this fine point, and issue an "Affidavit" instead, they can go ahead and presume that you are not acting as a living man or woman and are acting as a "Person" instead. 

(Please note that I and my husband have both acted as Persons in the past and have issued Affidavits, but that doesn't mean that you should!  We knew what we were doing when we did it and were properly papered up and prepared to take that action. Most Americans are not similarly enabled and don't have to be, so don't make Affidavits.)   

The yielding to their jurisdiction happens when you: (1) voluntarily appear in their Court/COURT; or (2) make any Motion or Pleading whatsoever.  

You may not know it, but you are appearing to grant them jurisdiction over you and your property when you enter pleas or go to their courts.  

So how do you reply to their summons and warrants and citations and other nonsense, without granting them any jurisdiction?  

If you receive a written summons or similar correspondence either by process server or via the mail (which they are using less often because they got in trouble with the postal authorities) you write back to them and right up front, in the first gasp, you issue a series of "denials" and counter-offers, like this: 

Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit

Please receive my compliments in response to the process summons attached and returned to the Court, without, however, mistaking any aspect of this communication as an offer of contract, acceptance of contract, representation, commercial correspondence, any acceptance of legal representation, or action in rem.  The Court may, of course, appoint their Attorney to represent their fictitious Defendant, but in no case shall any such Attorney represent me, nor shall any claim against any such fictitious Defendant/DEFENDANT attach to me, my Estate, my assets, my credit, or any beneficial derivative belonging to me.  

This blanket denial and refusal to contract sets the playing field and begins to define the rules of engagement for them.  Similar verbal replies will work for you in any situation where you are arrested. 

Then you will want to begin laying down specific denials according to the circumstance.  Most of the time the first COURT you will encounter will be a Municipal COURT of some kind, which is limited to dealing with Municipal franchise CORPORATIONS engaged in some form of Maritime Commerce. 

For General Purposes, no matter what kind of court they present, you will want to present a list of objections and denials like this: 

Part 1: Denials: What I am not and what I object to:

1.       I am not a Bar Attorney, Lawyer, or any Human Person engaged in any titled profession and I owe no licensed or dependent obligation, no pledge, title, performance or allegiance to any foreign incorporated entity, government,  or organization, not limited to the Bar Association, the Roman Catholic Church, the British Territorial United States, the Municipal United States Government, or any franchise, incorporation, agency or Agent thereof;

2.       I am neither a U.S. Citizen nor a Municipal citizen of the United States; I adopt and hold no citizenship obligation or franchise agreement with respect to the District of Columbia, the District Government, or the Municipal United States or its Government;

3.       I am not a dependent of any District or Agency Personnel, United States Persons or Municipal PERSONS presumed to exist in the realm of Legal Fiction as foreign corporations operating under some form or permutation or variation of my Given Name or some foreign sign language known variously as Dog Latin or American Sign language appearing to represent my name;

4.   I am not a corporation nor am I representing any corporation;

5.       I am not a public trust nor am I representing any public trust;

6.       I hold the only survivorship interest in the (Your Name in Upper and Lower Case) Estate and I did not authorize the construction of any District or Municipal Corporation operating under the sign (the name of the DEFENDANT)in any form or under any section of Municipal Code; nor did I authorize the registration of any Territorial Person that may be using my Good Name under presumption of a Public Usufruct;

7.       I do not use the name (DEFENDANT or Defendant's name) or any ordering or permutation thereof in commerce or as a Legal Fiction under Admiralty Law;

8.       I do not need and have never needed any conferred citizenship and am not stateless and have never been stateless;

9.       I am not a colored person of any kind; not a slave, not a criminal, not a pauper, not a dependent or employee or citizen of any Federal Corporation, not a DEBTOR, not a Debtor, not an indentured servant, and not a bankrupt person of any kind; I don't accept or adopt any denigrated political status;

10.   I am not a Felon against my Public Law;

11.   I am not waiving my birthright estate/Estate;

12.   I am not the subject of any foreign infant decedent Estate;

13.   I am not the cargo aboard any foreign Vessel;

14.   I am not the subject of and not subject to the 14th Amendment known as a citizen of the United States under any authority thought to still exist under the so-called Corporate Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated, first published in 1868, which was never ratified by my States of the Union;

15.   I am not an Enemy of the British Territorial United States nor of the United States of America, Incorporated;

16.   I am not a “Sovereign Citizen” and I object to any inference or insinuation that I am ignorant or that I avow an oxymoron as a political status;

17.   I am not a “Human”, not an indentured servant, nor a “Slave” nor any Volunteer, nor any kind of Tort Feasor against the Federal Constitutions and I do not voluntarily act as a Tort Feasor against Article I, Section 10 thereof;

18.   I object to the use of Federal Reserve Notes; I do not voluntarily use Federal Reserve Notes; I have no Federal Income according to the U.S. Supreme Court as I am not a “Federally connected” TAXPAYER operating as a voluntary franchisee of any foreign Municipal Corporation and have no corporate profit separated from capital that could stand as “Federal Income”; no evidence of debt presented as an I.O.U. or other form of Promissory Note, such as a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE can be considered actual payment or profit in hand; additionally, I am not a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine known as a “Taxpayer” (to the King) and am not lost at sea; I am not a Driver or other Person employed in any commercial avocation related to the Admiralty nor am I voluntarily operating in any form of Maritime Commerce; 

19.   I do not accept the American Civil War or any “War” since then as anything but Mercenary Conflicts that are not owed the dignity of the Law of War or the Law of Peace as there was no official and required Declaration of War by the Several States in Congress Assembled related to their onset, and I do not recognize the existence of or need for any British Territorial Military Protectorate related to me on the land and soil of my own country when our own State Assemblies are in Session;

20.   I do not accept any claim that I am rendered an Enemy while at the same time my Estate is being charged for services as an Employer and when my States have never participated in these conflicts;

21.   I do not accept any foreign public trust interest in the (Your Name in Upper and Lower Case) Estate based on an undisclosed unconscionable birth registration contract nor any private trust interest created by any foreign baptism nor other undisclosed contract with any incorporated Church nor any derivative contracts based on these presumptions of contract, pledge, or allegiance.

22. I Notice that all the so-called Western Territorial States have been enrolled as actual States of the Union since October 1st 2020, and this was made retroactive to the date these States entered Territorial Statehood, so there is no longer any presumption against any of the people born in these States of the Union. 

The important points to get across right up front are these:

1. You are not an attorney and don't accept being represented by an attorney; if the Court/COURT wants to hire an attorney to defend or prosecute their own phony foreign franchise DEFENDANT that's their business, but no attorney will represent you or your estate. 

2. You are the one that has the survivorship interest in the (Your Name) Estate; 

3. You are not a corporation of any kind and aren't representing or acting for any corporation of any kind;

4. You object to the use of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES or any other kind of promissory note "as"  money and don't consider the receipt of these I.O.Us to be any kind or payment or profit. 

5. If you live in any of the States that entered any "statehood" after the Civil War, your State has been officially enrolled as a State of the Union and you no longer labor under any Territorial Statehood claims. 

If there is a money claim being asserted by any of these commercial banks -- property taxes, franchise taxes, mortgages, income taxes, etc., you will additionally remind them that: 

1.       "Money" does not include treasury notes". Foquet v. Headley, 3 Conn. 534, 536;

2.       …."In legal acceptation, "money" means current metallic coins; therefore, an indictment for embezzling "money" is not sustainable by proof of embezzling greenbacks or national currency notes." Block v. State, 41 Tex. 620, 622.

3.       …."The term "money" does not include bank notes. They pass as cash, and constitute a part of the circulating medium, and for many purposes are to be considered as money; but, in the strict sense of the term, they are not included therein." Dowdle v. Corpening, 32 N.C. 58,60.”

4.       …. "Money," as used in the Crimes Act, section 13, providing that any person stealing any money, the property of another, shall be guilty of larceny, cannot be construed to include bank bills, for strictly bank bills are not money, though for many purposes they are treated as such." Johnson v. State, 11 Ohio St. 324,325.

5.       …. "The term "money," in the statute defining robbery as taking from the person of another any money or personal property of any value whatsoever, with force and violence, and with intent to steal or rob, does not include bank notes." Turner v. State, 1 Ohio St. 422,426. 

6.       …."Federal Reserve Notes are not dollars." U.S. Treasury, General Counsel, Munk.

7.       "Both notes and checks are acknowledgments of indebtedness and promise of payment." Hegeman v. Moon, 131 N.Y. 462, 30 N.E. 487. Smith v. Treuhart et al, 223 N.Y.S. 481;

8.       It follows that all the (Your Name in Upper and Lower Case)  Estate ever received as “payment” for any goods or services from Federal Corporations or their Employees are promises to pay, otherwise known as I.O.U’s or Promissory Notes, in this case,  FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES;

9.       It also follows that as the Inheritor of the assets and credit owed to (Your Name) you do not allow any private bill collectors to sue for the involuntary extension of more credit to Municipal Corporation franchises appearing to be named after the foreign Estate;

10.   It stands as public knowledge that the so-called Federal National Debt owed is now in excess of $35 Trillion Dollars;

11.   Add to this that Federal U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States have no ability to redeem fiat notes for United States Silver Dollars and are prohibited from doing so by Title 31 USC Section 408 which prohibits the redemption of any currency (that is, “Money of Account”) into gold, and Title 31 USC Section 405(a)-3 which prohibits the redemption of any United States currency dollar- for- dollar for gold /or/ silver, so that such foreign Persons/PERSONS are precluded from receiving actual payment and equally precluded from alleging any actual debt on the basis of commerce or trade using FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES;  

12.   Also,  Notice that the Tax Lien Act of 1966 placed all such actions under the Uniform Commercial Code, and for a check to be a negotiable instrument, it must contain an unconditional promise to pay a sum certain in money and be payable on demand or at a definite time (UCC 3-103 (b) (c)), a condition which no check issued in the current system can meet, which means that U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, like the Territorial Internal Revenue Service and Municipal IRS (can be any phony Creditor or set of Creditors like the First National Bank of BS or the SOUTH BRANCH FEDERAL CREDIT UNION) can only act as my Agents if I grant them permission to do so, and also means that no such Legal Fiction/FICTION entities, such as the Internal Revenue Service/IRS, (or First National Bank of Texas or HSBC) can act as Moving Parties alleging the existence of any actual debt based on Federal Reserve Notes, which are not “money” and checks which are not negotiable instruments;

13. Take Notice that fictional money results in fictional debts and fictional profits and fictional income, too; as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are debt notes by definition, the use of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES or their transfer can never result in profit or income, either one; thus, any allegation that I or my Estate are in receipt of “Federal Income”, is fraudulent, null and void, and provides no basis for any court decision;

(Notice that you can use the same information to torpedo a mortgage claim -- you and your Estate didn't receive anything of value and so don't owe anything of value. Just substitute the name of the bank or other foreign Creditor:  "Any allegation that I or my Estate received anything of value from First National Mortgage Bank and Trust in the form of a check transferring FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES or other Money of Account is fraudulent, null and void.")

14.   The allegation of any debt owed by me or my Estate and based on Federal Reserve Notes, their transfer via non-negotiable checks, or additional accrual of debt by their collection, results in a fraudulent and constructive debt claim that the Moving Parties are incompetent to demand or receive; I and my Estate are not the Debtors; we are the ultimate Creditors, and must be held harmless by the Corporations and Principals acting as Usufructs;

15.   Both the assets and the credit based upon the assets of the (Your Name in Upper and Lower Case) Estate are owed to me; I cannot possibly owe a debt to myself for the unauthorized abuse of my own credit or the involuntary extension of my credit in the form of a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE; and I have not approved the Moving Parties nor their attorneys  to collect any such debt on my behalf;

16.   The Gold Bullion Act of 1985 makes it clear that Americans, such as myself, are not obligors or grantors with respect to the Federal Reserve Banks and their Notes--- Public Law 99-185, December 17, 1985, 99 Statutes 1177. 

17. In Witness of all the foregoing, I am acting to prevent crime and to fully inform the Court, so that justice may be served and fact be honored and I affirm the foregoing account to be true and complete and not misleading, honorable and peacefully intended; and so, I have placed my hand seal and signature upon this paper for purpose of Witness only on this _____ day of __________in the year of __________.

You can now see the logic of all this.

You owe nothing to these banks; they owe you.

They make up a Legal Fiction named after you.

They use these "things" for their benefit. 

They act as Usufructs. 

They are obligated not to harm you. 

 But they do. 

They can't even allege a debt. 

They can't receive actual payment. 

The whole thing is a British Corporate hoax.

It's a con game to defraud you. 

They exchange their notes for your substance.

Then they go bankrupt. 

And claim that their debts are your debts. 

So that on top of everything else....

You get stuck paying their debts to you.

That is how they grossly enrich themselves. 

--at your expense, and double dip on the way. 

This is why we foreclosed on them.

This is why their banks are insolvent. 

This is why you should resist the crooks.


Under International Law....

Under Nuremberg Code....

Under the Geneva Conventions....

Under the Hague Conventions....

It is illegal and unlawful to pay taxes

To any organization involved in genocide.

Feel free to tell any of these courts. 

In addition to all the foregoing....

These corporations have funded genocide

And war for profit for generations. 

You just became aware of this. 

You don't want to be an accomplice. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice -- Why We Must Declare

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here, in America, we have been forced by deceit to participate in a European Caste System.  This Caste System recognizes three levels of increasing denigration.

The highest level of the overall Caste System recognizes men and women who have sons and daughters and who possess Natural and Unalienable Rights.  They are living people and Lawful Persons –  a “Lawful Person” is the Name that we use to conduct trade and business in public.  These lucky people are protected by the Constitutional limitations and guarantees.  They may use Public Law for their private purposes and are not naturally subject to legislation—codes, statutes, and regulations, which pertain to their public employees instead.  They own this country on a state-by-state basis.  They take their nationality from their State of the Union and are known as Californians, Virginians, New Yorkers, and so on.  This is our political status the moment we are born on the land and soil of this country.

Almost immediately we are denigrated by our own public employees to a second-class status as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, via a process of registration and the issuance of a Birth Certificate.  This creates a Legal Person operated under the same name as your Lawful Person, but this “Human” has only Human Rights and no Constitutional guarantees at all.  They are subject to all forms of legislation and must know and obey literally millions of codes, statutes, and regulations. They are prevented from owning land in this country, so all they own is a “title” to land, while the actual property is held in trust for them by the British Queen or King.  They are considered to be in a condition of peonage or indentured servitude as a Ward of the State and typically have a tour of duty or set number of years that they can be expected to serve, such as a published retirement age.  They are not considered to inhabit an actual physically defined State of the Union, but instead inhabit another Legal Fiction --- a British Territorial State-of-State, such as the State of Vermont.  They are allowed to be here in this country under the provisions of the Residence Act and often note that they are “residents” and are “residing” here on a purportedly temporary basis before returning home to Puerto Rico or England or another unknown home.  The reason they are here is to provide us with “essential government services” as described in Article IV of all three Federal Constitutions. They aren’t supposed to be registering us as one of them and unlawfully converting our birthright political status, but they have been getting away with this in Breach of Trust since the 1920’s.

Having been denigrated once to the status of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, the fiends responsible have seen fit to act as Public Usufructs and create a Municipal CORPORATION named after the British Territorial U.S. Citizen --- who, conveniently, is named after us.    Because the foreign U.S. Citizen is a Legal Person and already denigrated to the status of an indentured servant, their Master, the British King, holds their property in a private trust and may also choose to create a public trust named after the victim.  This results in the creation of a slave bearing your name, a second BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and a further degree of denigration.  This Municipal Corporation franchise functioning under the name of an actual living man, say, ROBERT JOHN MARTIN, has only Civil Rights, which are actually only privileges granted by the Slave Masters and Overseers.  These Legal Fiction PERSONS are slaves for life. They are sometimes called Fourteenth Amendment Citizens.  They are pre-considered to be criminals and guilty of any crime they are accused of.  They are also permitted to be here to provide “essential government services” and are residents under the Residence Act, and inhabit imaginary Municipal STATES, like VERMONT or the STATE OF VERMONT.

So, like dominoes, the identity of the American baby is stolen within a few days of being born and his actual and political status is sequentially denigrated; his Mother is not told a word about the registration process or its results.  Instead, she is deliberately misled into thinking that the paperwork she is signing is harmless routine hospital recordkeeping.  She does not know and is never told that she is changing and denigrating the political status of her baby.  She is not told that she is “waiving” his birthright estate as an American and giving him and his property assets to the British King. All this is kept very hush-hush, as it should be, because it is an international capital crime of unlawful political conversion. 

Because the parent is never given disclosure about any of this, and because the baby is too young to know anything about it, this registration process results in a totally unconscionable contract, one that pledges the baby and all his assets into the feudal British Territorial Government system and makes him the servant of the British King, and then, secondarily, as a result of the creation of the Municipal CORPORATION named after him, makes him the slave of the British Crown Corporation and the Pope.

And all without his American parents or the baby being any the wiser. It is only much later, when the victim grows up and notices that although he supposedly lives in a free country, he is not free himself, that he begins to suspect that something is not right in America. 

And this is, at the root, what is wrong.  We have been the victims of a National-level identity theft promoted by our own public employees.

As Americans, we are still owed every jot of all three Federal Constitutions.   As Americans, we are still owed all our rights and our property.  As Americans, we are still free.  But individually, one by one, through the guile and disservice of our own public employees – many of whom have been completely clueless themselves – we are no longer “recognizable” as Americans. 

This is how we, individually, and collectively, have been overcome by our misdirected employees acting in Gross Breach of Trust, and by Foreign Principals – the British Kings and the Popes – also acting in Gross Breach of Trust.  This is how they have evaded their own obligations under the Federal Constitutions – not by attacking the Constitutions directly, but by “legally” redefining the people these contracts are owed to, so that we can no longer individually access those protections and guarantees.

It has been a long road leading to this perdition and every step has been cloaked in secrecy, as it had to be, because the Perpetrators have been engaged in a known capital crime of unlawful political conversion the entire time.

So now you know why it is necessary for you to, individually, correct this circumstance and reclaim your birthright estate as an American and as a State National – a Wisconsinite, a Texan, or Ohioan, et alia, -- by declaring, recording, and publishing your own ownership of your own estate as a free man or woman, and reclaiming your birthright, including your Constitutional Guarantees.

As this was all taken from you by paperwork and “legal” but not lawful process, you have to use other paperwork and legal processes to undo the damage and regain your birthright position as a living, breathing American.  As a thing is bound, so it is unbound. 

This is why we have to do the Declaration paperwork. This is why we have to record and publish it, too.  We do this to free ourselves from the otherwise automatic legal presumptions that attach to us as a result of our names being registered as U.S. Citizens and later, as Municipal "citizens of the United States". 

This fundamental misrepresentation has led to millions of Americans being misidentified and mistreated.  These unconscionable contracts --from the baby's point of view -- were signed by Mothers who suffered non-disclosure, so that nobody actually knew about the meaning or existence of these purported agreements, but those self-interested Perpetrators responsible for their existence. 

These same purported citizenship and allegiance contracts have been ruthlessly applied to the clueless Americans by British Bar Members working as Hired Jurists on Commission --- Privateers, in other words --not only receiving salary and benefits as public employees of the British Territorial United States Government and its State-of-State franchises, but also receiving a kickback commission to their "retirement accounts" in the CRIS System, based on how many convictions they could guarantee and how much property they could illegally confiscate using this scheme.

These men and women knew that they were working with a foreign Caste System as they had to know the difference between Municipal and Magistrate COURTS that deal with Municipal CORPORATIONS and those State-of-State and Admiralty Courts that deal with U.S. Citizens.   

The Popes, the British Monarch, and the British Crown Corporation have all been served Due Notice and Due Process for over seven (7) years, which gave them ample time to correct their operations. Instead, they, for the most part, redoubled their efforts to steal more loot, ruin more lives, and create more problems for their erstwhile Treaty Partners, Allies, and Friends. 

They stepped up their planned transition to move their operations to China and to use the Chinese military as their new source of cheap mercenaries.  

They did not tell their Courts or their Court Officers the truth and did not instruct them to stand down.  

The Municipal Government run by the British Crown has been especially miscreant and violent, and has used Municipal CORPORATIONS and Licensed Medical Doctors as a secret Mercenary Force embedded in our country to recklessly misrepresent injected nanotechnology as a "vaccine" that was neither a vaccine in any traditional sense and not a "gene therapy" either.  

Rather, the injected material is a radical new technology with gene editing capabilities that can be directed by wi-fi signals, and it has been injected in over a billion people under False Pretenses and with lack of disclosure and with immense amounts of False Advertising employing semantic deceit, mandates enforced against the public under color of law, and other elements of fraud. 

The end line beneficiaries, WHO, Inc., and DARPA, Inc, and Microsoft, Inc., dba MICROSOFT,  as well as the Principals responsible, Pope Francis, dba,  FRANCISCUS,  the British Territorial United States, Incorporated, dba, DARPA, Inc., and the various pharmaceutical corporations and other UN CORPORATION franchises have attempted to claim, as we could foresee, that all those who "volunteered" to receive these undisclosed injections, were rendered Genetically Modified Organisms -- GMOs, literally owned as property by the Patentholders and therefore, disposable by the Patentholders. 

This commercial criminality and graft and fraud against the living people of this planet is at an end; all those involved in this conspiracy of dead corporate entities against the living people are guilty of capital crimes in an illegal, undeclared, and insufferable "war" for profit and coercive control; whereupon we have published our Public Law prohibiting their patent claims and their surreptitiously imposed Caste System, too, more than two years ago.  

Take Notice that it doesn't matter what kinds of guarantees these Criminals have tried to give to themselves or to their corporations, especially those guarantees given by the U.S. Congress to U.S. Corporations under the Reagan Administration, promising indemnity that that Congress itself did not possess. 

Take Notice that we are free to liquidate all foreign CORPORATIONS and all foreign licenses and registrations, rendering them moot, null and void, within the borders of our States. 

We are ordering all American Forces to use all appropriate protocols necessary to arrest Joseph R Biden who is merely a political party hack pretending to hold a public office, all members of the similarly compromised US CONGRESS,  all UN CORPORATION officials, all FEDERAL RESERVE officials, all DEPARTMENT OF THE GLOBAL FEDERAL RESERVE personnel, all members of the WHO, Inc. and WHO, INC. administration, all board members and executive officers of DARPA, the Municipal DOD, BLM, FBI, FEMA, PFIZER, MODERNA, ASTRAZENECA, JOHNSON and JOHNSON, DARPA, MICROSOFT, and their affiliates as members of a criminal conspiracy against our country and our people. 

The impersonation, misdirection and misrepresentation of our lawful government must end immediately. 

All forces are directed to secure the Southern Border with Mexico and ordered to assist Governor Greg Abbott of Texas.  Anyone resisting this order is to be fully advised of the circumstance and urged to comply.  If they don't comply, they are to be regarded as Mercenaries engaged in capital crimes of invasion and conspiracy against the Constitutions. 

As the attached Public Law makes clear, all Medical Doctors and Registered Nurses are set free of any foreign licensing or conscription obligations and are required instead to act according to their conscience; they will be held responsible as living men and women, not merely as corporate franchises.

Thank you for your cooperation and prompt action. 

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 25th 2024


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Second Sunday in Lent

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of this day's Mass, which begins with the word Reminiscere, from which this Sunday derives its name, is the prayer of a soul begging God's assistance, that she may sin no more:

INTROIT Remember, O Lord, Thy compassions and Thy mercies, which are from the beginning, lest at any time our enemies rule over us: deliver us O God of Israel, from all our tribulations. To Thee O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed. (Ps. XXIV.) Glory be to the Father, etc.

COLLECT O God, who seest us to be destitute of strength, keep us both inwardly and outwardly; that we may be defended in the body from all adversities, and cleansed in our mind from all evil thoughts. Through our Lord, etc.

EPISTLE (I Thess. IV. 1-7.) Brethren, we pray and beseech you in the Lord Jesus, that as you have received of us, how you ought to walk, and to please God, so also you would walk, that you may abound the more. For you know what precepts I have given to you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that you should abstain from fornication; that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor; not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles that know not God: and that no man over-reach nor circumvent his brother in business; because the Lord is the avenger of all these things, as we have told you before, and have testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification; in Christ Jesus our Lord.

EXPLANATION From these words we see, that the great Teacher of Nations as carefully showed the Christian congregations the sanctity of their calling, as he labored to lead them from the blindness and abominations of heathenism.

ASPIRATION Grant, O God, that I may live an honest, chaste and holy life in accordance with my vocation, and go not after earthly and carnal pleasures, as the heathens who know Thee not.

GOSPEL (Matt. XVII. 1-9.) At that time, Jesus took Peter, and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: and he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white as snow. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then Peter answering, said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said to them: Arise, and fear not. And they lifting up their eyes, saw no one, but only Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: Tell the vision to no man: till the Son of Man be risen from the dead.

Why was Christ transfigured in the presence of His apostles on Mount Thabor?

To permit them to see the glorious majesty of His divinity; to guard them from doubts when they should afterwards see Him die on Mount Calvary; to encourage the disciples and all the faithful to be patient in all crosses and afflictions, for the bodies of the just at the resurrection will be made like the glorified body of Christ. (Phil. III. 21.)

Why did Moses and Elias appear there?

That they might testify, that Jesus was really the Saviour announced by the law and the prophets, and that the law and the prophets received fulfillment in Him. The former was represented by Moses, the latter by Elias.

Why, did Peter wish to build three tabernacles there?

The delightful sweetness of the apparition in which Jesus made him participator so enraptured him, that he knew not what he said, not considering that glory can be attained only through sufferings, the crown through fight, joy through crosses and afflictions.

ASPIRATION Draw us, O Jesus, to Thee, that by the contemplation of the sacred joys awaiting us, we, by Thy grace, may not be defeated in the spiritual contest, but conquer through Thy grace and carry off the unfading crown of victory.