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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Reply to David Straight and Notice to the Generals 6.0

 By Anna Von Reitz

The plain fact is that the U.S. Citizens have no land except "Territorial land" in the form of Insular States, which occupy a distinctly different jurisdiction and inferior status --- and most importantly, provide a merely custodial interest, and which are not now and have never been sovereign States of the Union.
All this nonsense about a Second Declaration of Independence is merely a ploy by our disloyal and incompetent Employees seeking to obtain a political status forever foreclosed from them while they persist in their attachment to the Queen and the Pope, both.
Ditto any "new" Constitution. A Constitution is a contract which requires at least two separate sovereign Principals --- meaning sovereign Countries represented by their Heads of State.
What does Mr. Straight propose? That the British Territorial U.S. Citizens sign a contract with themselves? Or with Israel? Or another go-round as they try to set themselves up in business against the interests of this entire country?
I don't think so.
Whatever he is selling today, it is certainly not lawful and very likely not legal, either. And it most certainly has nothing to do with these United States versus THOSE United States.
As I have said before --- when and if you adopt a "Second" Declaration of Independence, you give up all that you already fought for and won as a result of the Original (and so far as I am concerned, only) Declaration of Independence.
And as I will say now, judging from the level of base ignorance in the General Public concerning their history and identity as Americans, any attempt to draft much less adopt any "Second Constitution" would be disastrous.
There have to be fifty Legalese "man traps" in the first two pages of that document, and people can't even perceive that when words are read aloud, because the trickery only appears when rendered in black and white.
Not only that, perhaps only 10% of the population is now competent to read the layers of meaning built into these documents.
We don't need new Constitutions. We need new Employees and Service Providers who will honor and uphold the existing Constitutions. And that is the actual problem that Mr. Straight and his British Friends won't admit: they acted in Breach of Trust and that is what has caused this entire debacle.
They have lost their contract and are desperate to get a new one at any cost, however, we, their Erstwhile Employers, have been treated very badly indeed, and have no reason to recontract with them, without a complete overhaul and renegotiation.
That process does not require a new Constitution. It requires competent, serious, dedicated and loyal service providers willing and able to uphold the Constitutions.
That overhaul is the responsibility of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It's their responsibility to clean up their own Mess and present a new management plan and new understanding of the character, duty, and mission of the Combined Armed Forces.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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International Public Notice Regarding Saint Germain Trust

 By Anna Von Reitz

18 May 2022

International Public Notice Regarding Saint Germain Trust


The Saint Germain Trust, also abbreviated as the St. Germain Trust, is an American Common Law Trust created to underpin the founding of our new nation according to the guiding principles of individual freedom espoused by my ancestors, including Saint Germain. 

The Trust Indenture was not vouchsafed to any Committee nor to any Trustees and does not enable any such Persons to alter or remove the Trust to any foreign jurisdiction via any process of foreign incorporation or enfranchisement. It does not allow anyone to place the Trust assets under foreign law.

As Heirs, Family, and Donors of the Saint Germain Trust, we are hereby enforcing the original and only legitimate trust indenture.

Thus, the principal and the returns owed to the Saint Germain Trust and the Administration of the Trust and its assets remains under American Common Law and under the original custodial appointment and assignment made to this Government and not to any other.

It is the will of the Donors to secure a recent financial audit of the Trust corpus and its investments and returns.  The dispersal or dispensing of Trust assets in accord with the Trust Indenture is to be overseen by the Family acting as Donors of the Saint Germain Trust and by such Agents and Assigns as we deem competent. As an American Common Law Trust, the Saint Germain Trust is not subject to statutory trust limitations and may be maintained in perpetuity for the purposes set forth and stipulated.

Those who are attempting to use Saint Germain Trust assets to fund a worldwide relief program echoing the principles of the failed NESARA legislation appear to be well-intentioned, but ignorant concerning the nature of these issues, the actual jurisdiction that the Trust Indenture is lodged in, and the lack of authority to move it. 

It is our intention to remove the assets to our own American-chartered Blue Dot Bank System, where physical assets and commercial paper can both be properly administered, and where, via our own Global Family Bank, the assets can be securely dispersed in support of the living people and used for appropriate infrastructure and technological development.

Saint Germain’s love of science and mathematics and freedom, his profound understanding of Law, his love of Nature, and his compassion for people and animals must be reflected in the works that we establish in his name.

At this point, my Sister and I are the only known familial Heirs of Saint Germain left alive after the fire-bombing of Dresden.  We are part of the lineage established here in America, where the greatest dreams of Saint Germain and his collaborators were to be made physical – first here, and then, throughout the world. 

In 2011, I was directly visited by Sanat Kumara, embraced, and simply told that, “It is time.”  This year, I was approached by and bathed in the Violet Flame.

These experiences, my position as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, and my familial lineage as a Donor, mandate my assignment as the Caretaker of the Saint Germain Trust, while the original Trust Indenture makes it clear that any action attempting to remove the Trust and its assets from The United States of America and apart from the American Common Law is expressly prohibited.

Thus, by the Trust Indenture bequeathed by Saint Germain, by the Law this Trust was established under, and as a Donor of this Trust, I invoke my right to administer it as part of my Public Duty to administer and recoup the assets of The United States of America and also invoke my right as a Donor to disperse the assets according to the will of the Donor(s).

 My Sister and I don’t deny the possibility that there may be other Donors’ progeny left alive in this world, but we don’t know any of them, and we have no reason to think that they would have any objection to using the assets according to the plan established by Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, and their Collaborators in this Great Work to free the entire world from poverty and ignorance and pain and fear.  

Paul Soare is our appointed emissary in this matter, and we hope and pray for a happy reconciliation and return to normal relationships among the many members and organizations that have devoted so much time and effort.


                                                  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                                                  The United States of America

                                                  In care of: Box 520994

                                                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

                                                  (907) 250-5087



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Brits and the Color Orange

 By Anna Von Reitz

This goes out to all my British friends, and yes, there are a good many British friends on my Dial-O-Matic, despite the infinite faux pas of their Government.
Please understand my experience --- and perhaps the experience of all people who have been colonized and marginalized and defrauded and pillaged by your government as "foreigners" -- and consider whether it is better or worse than your own experience of the same Gung-ho Gangsta British Raj at home:
Let me give you a small analogy.
My Mother was a beautiful, petite woman with hair the color of chestnuts and deep green eyes. She looked fabulous in oranges and all the autumn colors.
Her daughters inherited their Father's pale skin, auburn hair, and blue eyes. Any and all orange garments looked like warmed-over dog dung on us. And made our freckles stand out like leopard spots.
Understandably, we hated wearing orange, but because orange looked good on Mom, she persisted in buying orange garments for her daughters long after both our protests and any pair of eyes should have told her, "No! Mom! You are making a terrible mistake!"
Well I remember a certain orange boatneck sweater, handknit, bulky, about three inches too short across the midriff, and yet, because it would have looked super on my petite buxom Mother, pale pudgy I had to wear it to school.
Even the dog howled as if he didn't recognize me (or felt sorry for me) wearing this particular artifact. I burned it, ritually, several years ago.... along with the avocado green stretch pants.
I often get the feeling that the Brits are so deluded and believe so strongly in the benefits and glory of their Government, that it's like Mom and the color orange. It suits them. They get rich because of it. Must be great for everyone else, too.
Yet, it's not great for everyone else. It's horrid for everyone else. And often enough, and increasingly, it's horrid for the Brits, too -- they just tend to muddle on.
It reminds me of a friend who was given a bad prescription medicine that caused her to be delusional. I woke up one morning to find her stripped naked, trying to dig a hole in the middle of my lawn with a shovel, barefoot.
When I went out and (very cautiously) asked her what she was doing, she smiled and waved her hand and asked me if I liked her new dress?
She twirled around and lifted the hem of her non-existent but apparently very fetching skirt, and then she told me, "You know, China is just over there, on the other side of the Earth, so I thought, well, why not dig a hole to China!"
She was British, so I said, "What a splendid idea, Lucy! Care for a cup of tea?"
No doubt she intended to shop for some Special Oolong once she got to China. Her intentions were entirely good, but she managed to bruise both feet pretty badly, scared my elderly neighbor silly, and took some convincing to put on a bathrobe over that lovely dress.
When you are deluded for whatever reason, you believe all sorts of things that simply are not true. For example, many Americans believe that they live in a democracy because the British Territorial United States Government is a democracy.
The Americans (too many of them) have forgotten that they live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy of any kind.
And the British Territorials for their part think that a government that can never get a 51% majority mandate for anything is glorious. They think they should pawn this form of government off onto everyone else without question. Like Lucy's invisible dress and the color orange, it's just the right size and color for everyone!
Yet our Founding Fathers abhorred democracy as Mob Rule, and anyone can see what the British Territorial drive to "spread democracy" has cost us and everyone else, worldwide.
The British Territorials I deal with here in America don't come across as bad people. Most of them are polite, a bit snarky and flippant when cornered, and then scared when it finally hits them that they aren't wearing anything --- and it was the wrong color anyway.
"Yes, Lucy, splendid idea! Would you like a cup of tea?"

"There, there. It's cold this morning....just slip on your bathrobe.... The doctor will understand. Yes, it's a lovely dress...."


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The Public Employer's Directive

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is being sent to all Public Employees within the borders of The United States. These are plain facts long established upon the Public Records of this country, plus a few directives from the current American Government to help you discern what your duties and limitations are. 

1. First, we, Americans populating the States of the Union, are your Employers; 
2. We, Americans, pay your wages, salaries, pensions, and emoluments; 
3. In consideration of your wages, salaries, pensions, and emoluments, you owe us Good Faith Service and allegiance; 
4. We, Americans, your Employers, do not reside in your States-of-States; instead, you reside in our physically defined States of the Union; 
5. It's our Congress of States, not your Congress of States-of-States, that has the right to declare war; 
6. It follows that no Public Employee or group of Public Employees has standing to declare war, and any misunderstanding otherwise needs to be cleared up immediately and permanently; 
7. Likewise, no Public Employees have any right or standing to confer foreign citizenship obligations on their Employers; 
8. No Public Employees have any right or standing to legally presume anything at all about their Employers' political status; 
9. No Public Employees have any right or standing to label their Employers in any manner whatsoever, and that includes misidentifying Americans as "Enemies" or "Enemy Combatants" or "Sovereign Citizens";
10. Your Employers are not, generally, subject to any of the foreign codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, or trust mandates that you have subjected yourselves to as Public Employees and Dependents; 
11. The private laws promulgated by your State of State Legislatures to direct the functioning of your governmental service corporations are foreign with respect to your Employers and what applies to you "as law" as a condition of your employment or dependency, does not, generally, apply to your Employers; 
12. The Military Employees are obligated to function within the limitations of The Constitution of the United States of America.  All Civil Service Employees are required to function within the limitations of The Constitution of the United States; 
13. All Constitutional Amendments not ratified by the States of the Union are Unapproved By-laws having no contractual authority; 
14. Both Territorial and Municipal Employees are Dependent on their American Employers' sovereignty and will be stateless if our sovereignty is breached as a result of malfeasance, usurpation, incompetence or political overreach by our Employees; 
15. No US President or President of the United States has ever been granted unilateral or dictatorial powers over his Employers; 
16. Our Employees are required to follow the directives of their respective corporate Presidents in exactly the same way that their Presidents are obligated to honor their contracts with us, their Employers. If any corporate officer gives orders that are not in compliance with the respective Constitution, that man or woman is to be arrested and charged with treason; 
17. We retain the right to hire and fire, to direct, to critique, to manage, and to correct our Employees without any obligation to join any of their organizations or clubs or districts or enclaves, adopt any foreign citizenship obligations, subject ourselves to any foreign laws, or conform to Employee demands of any kind, apart from the routine exercise of those powers we delegated to our Employees --- so long as they adequately and honorably perform those duties; 
18. We, your Employers, are not required to register anything at all; registration is part of the foreign British System that is made available to British Territorial U.S. Citizens residing in this country; 
19. We, your Employers, are not Federal citizenry, and are not generally subject to Federal Law, until and unless we take part in activities that are consensually known to be federally regulated by treaty or under constitutional contract; 
20. We, your Employers, are not subject to laws that appear on the Federal Register; the only Federal Laws that may apply to us appear on the Federal Record, and only when we are engaged in those activities that are legitimately under federal regulation; 
21. We, your Employers, do not recognize any "Emergency" occasioned by the failure of the American Confederation of States-of -States in 1860; our Federation of States is more than competent to carry on without the Confederation and did so from 1776 to 1781 when the Confederation was created; 
22. Likewise, we, your Employers, do not recognize any "State of Emergency" occasioned by the fall of the American Federal Republic, which was an adjunct of the Confederation; 
23. We, your Employers, do not condone or support and will not tolerate illegal mercenary conflicts on our shores or let such activities be promoted "in our names"; any Public Employee caught engaging in or promoting any such activity is to be immediately arrested and charged with treason; 
24. We, your Employers, do not play games and tell lies and quibble with the meanings of words so as to create confusion and evade our obligations --- and we do not condone any such activity by our Employees. The adoption of such conventions of semantic deceit to create a literal Federal Code, including changing the meaning of the word "person" in Federal law to mean "corporation", and "natural person" to mean "corpse" and "State" to mean a political subunit of the District of Columbia and so on, is not in keeping with the traditions, standards, and requirements of your Employers who have declared common English to be the Official Language of our Government; 
25. We, your Employers, abhor the abusive use of deceptive and special language conventions to prey upon the General Public,  and we specifically object to the use of these foreign conventions and specialized legal terms in connection with us and our Government and the administration of any function of our Government, delegated or otherwise; 
26. We, your Employers, expect our Employees to uphold rigorous standards of honesty, decency, respect, accountability, and loyalty to our American Government at all times and in all places. The American People deserve no less;
27. We, your Employers, are owed every jot of the Constitutional Guarantees published as prerequisite to the adoption and continuance of the constitutional contracts that allow our foreign employees to remain on this Continent and no foreign court may address us under any presumption that our Government is "absent" or that we are "lost at sea"; 
28. We, your Employers, are properly declared and recorded as American civilians who do not voluntarily accept or adopt Federal citizenship obligations. Our States of the Union, by roll call vote of our State Assemblies, have  issued an International Peace Proclamation  ending any presumption of war existing on our shores;
29. Our Employees are not enabled to continue any vestigial "civil war" or pretend that we are now or ever were part of that or any other mercenary conflict that they have promoted without explicit action by our Congress, which is the only Congress competent to declare war; 
30. We, your Employers, hereby direct you to shut down and limit all "registries" and "registration" functions to apply only to actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens who are legitimate Employees or Dependents of that foreign government, and to cease and desist all activities latching onto Americans and copywriting their Given Names and Family Trademarks as property belonging to British Foreign Situs Trusts. All such activities and false claims are repugnant to The Constitution of the United States of America and all other Treaties and Service Agreements we have with the British Government and with Westminster;
31. We, your Employers, are not at war and have not been at war at any time since 1814; our Employees must release all American assets, especially all land and soil assets, that they have been claiming and holding under False Presumptions of custodial interest; 
32. We, your Employers, have nothing but your best interests at heart and despite a checkered and ugly past, we hope that you all realize that your actual job is to protect your Employers and our property assets within the limitations of the respective Federal Constitutions---nothing more and nothing less; 
33. We, your Employers, have never granted our Employees any authority to impersonate us so as to access our credit, nor have we allowed you to convert our Post Office into a Postal Service, nor have we allowed you to say anything about our health nor to misaddress us via your own foreign courts, and we have not knowingly, willingly, and with full disclosure ever agreed to enfranchise ourselves or our assets as collateral belonging to any foreign corporation, bankrupt or otherwise; 
34. We, your Employers, have been the Source of virtually all goods and funds and benefits for you and yours and the other Principals that act as middlemen in the chain of command, and now we are telling you --explicitly-- to straighten up and quit all the monkey business if you want your contracts renewed. 

                                           Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                                           The United States of America 


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Mr. Risenhoover:

 By Anna Von Reitz

As should be apparent by now, we are talking apples and oranges.
You wish to discuss the "laws" and policies affecting Federal citizenry, and that is of almost no interest to me, as I am an American.
Your discourse is all about foreign nations and foreign systems of law, which I know, but which I am not interested in.
The total effect is like having someone bombard me with Spanish Law-- someone who wrongly assumes that I am Spanish and that I am subject to Spanish Law and therefore interested in it.
Could I give a Fine Flying One less? No, I couldn't.
It doesn't apply to me, and as you can see from reading a correct copy (1860) Amendment 11, I am not required to know or obey foreign law. That includes the laws of England, Great Britain and the UK. That includes the Roman Civil Law and Canon Law, too.
It's true that I know all these forms of law, but so what? I was imposed upon, wrongly, by my employees --- and obtained my extensive knowledge of these things under duress of False Legal Presumptions.
You, and anyone else claiming federal citizenship, are obligated to know the only law that you and I share --- the Federal Constitutions, but other than that, the only time I need to know anything whatsoever about Federal law is when I choose to engage in a "Federally Regulated Activity", which amounts to: (1) interstate commerce; (2) manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms across State borders; (3) selling postage stamps; (4) or I actually and factually set sail on the HIgh Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.
I don't claim, want, or need any form of Federal citizenship.
Federal citizenship is for my employees and my dependents.
If you want to work for the Federal government(s) or receive welfare from them, and adopt foreign citizenship obligations in order to do so, that's your call, and good on you. If I don't, that's my decision, too. It's no skin off of your nose and none of your business what I do or don't do with respect to my political status.
If you, an American Indian, decide to adopt a Tribal Membership, you are accepting Municipal Government citizenship and the benefits that go with that.
Those benefits come at a cost.
For example, you can't actually own land in this country, you can only receive a title to temporary "foreign situs trust" property. This is the exact same circumstance that impacts all Municipal citizens and all British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and is not any special punishment meted out to Native Americans.
You don't have any Constitutional Guarantees, either.
You could just as easily forego Tribal Membership and a presumed allegiance to Rome, and stand as a member of your Nation --- "I am a member of the Winnebago Nation" --- not "I am a member of the Winnebago Tribe". And then you could be recognized as a Free Man. It's your choice, Chief.
I didn't take anything from you or force anything on you. I am simply telling you the results of choices you have made ---knowingly or unknowingly--- and observing the chains you cling to.
If you want or need federal welfare checks and block grants and all the other payola, by all means, stand down and suck on the government teat --- but don't expect to do that and at the same time claim that you are a sovereign free man.
The British will just laugh at you, and so will the Pope. And I will shake my head and walk away.
If you want your guaranteed rights proclaimed, in part, by The Bill of Rights ---well, okay, you can claim them as a living American born on the land and soil of whatever State you were born in. You can say, hey, I am a Minnesotan... or a New Yorker, or whatever other State you may belong to.
Otherwise, as long as you persist in adopting any form of Federal citizenship, the most you are granted is the privilege of Equal Civil Rights --- which is not guaranteed and which can be taken away at the whim of either the USA President or the US Congress. Please note that President Trump placed Equal Civil Rights in abeyance and it would take an Act of Congress to restore them, so as it stands right now, you and everyone else claiming any form of Federal citizenship have no civil rights and no natural and unalienable rights at all.
You are just stuck like an ant in amber, subject to military discipline.
You may be a Federal Citizen or a Municipal citizen or both, to your dying day and you may be the captive and slave of everything that these foreign corporations have created --- all 80 million codes, statutes, regulations, ordinances, and mandates --- and your political status choices will still not effect my status and standing at all.
I have, whether you have noted it or not, given you and every other Native American the secret to your freedom as well as having demonstrated my own.
You should be grateful for this, but you're not.

As my Grandmother observed --- you can lead a horse to water, but sometimes all you get is a horse snotting down your neck and a dislocated shoulder.


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Yes, Even the ASVLP/ASBLP Accounts Are Connected

 By Anna Von Reitz

Public and International Inquiry
The Heir and Administrator of all World Trust Assets is Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary for The United States of America; the Heir and Administrator of all Code FLAT assets is Demetrios Julius Shiva, now an American State National living in South Carolina.
There is no doubt that these facts have been established prior to this and we have no idea why the ICC has attempted to adjudicate anything about these funds without Notice being provided to the Principals and Heirs and Lawful Administrators.
This is a profound issue of miscarriage of justice against the Public Records of numerous institutions and courts worldwide, as well as our private records and receipts.
Only today we have learned that the ICC has styled itself administrator of funds belonging to us and which should rightfully be under our administration.
We hereby fully inform the Court that we are alive and well and competent to administer our own affairs, and have been so throughout the several decades during which the Court has presumed an interest and a jurisdiction related to us, when in fact, as Americans, we have not been under the Court's jurisdiction at all.
For the Record, Ferdinand Marcos acted as a Private Attorney for Severino Sta Romana (acting under his numerous identities) who in turn acted as an Agent for the D'Avila Family Trust.
Marcos had no authority or position authorizing him to distribute funds from the D'Avila Family Trust in his own self-interest or the self-interest of his family members.
Marcos in his capacity as President of the Philippines also acted as Trustee/Government of the Philippines to administer assets belonging to our country and which are properly under the Administration of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
Furthermore, the St. Germain Trust belongs to the lawful Heirs of St. Germain and for the betterment first and foremost of the Principal Beneficiary, which is also our Federation of States, and secondarily, the other nations of the world.
All of these trusts share a common indenture and Will, which can be summed up most succinctly by the indenture of the D'Avila Family Trust: "to break the chains of poverty and ignorance" in America and throughout the world.
The Vatican Chancery Court determined that we have standing; the Supreme Court of Spain has established the standing and rights of the D'Avila Heirs, the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Central Bank of the Philippines have prior-adjudicated these issues, the records of the United States Congress affirm these facts, the Federal District Court has adjudicated these issues in our favor, and frankly, we don't know who or what "The Royal Office of the Holy Redeemer" might be, but we are more than prepared to require a re-examination of the Court's authority and it's findings in favor of this individual.
All ASVLP/ASBLP funds tied to the Code FLAT assets are under our Administration. All Odd Numbered Master Accounts, 111, 333, 555, 777, and 999 are under our Administration. All Even Numbered Accounts not attached to our assets through the ASVLP/ASBLP programs are from labor and securitization of flesh, both of which are illegal source assets in the modern world--- and hence, must be returned to the victims of these crimes against their persons and against Humanity.
It is possible that the Court's actions with respect to the so-called "Royal Office of the Holy Redeemer" address these foregoing unlawfully and illegally-sourced assets attributed to Even-Numbered Master Accounts: 222, 444, 666, and 888, and to unrelated patent and certificate interests and that there has been an adjudication related to them that we are unaware of, but we hereby protest any Presumption of the Court that our Accounts are tainted by any illegal assets, or subject to any obstruction or sanction, are "abandoned funds" or funds available to be administered by any "Royal Office of the Holy Redeemer".
We require an explanation of what is going on here and why?
If our assets were to be impacted in any way, why were we not contacted and given Notice and opportunity to present our authorities and records and prior court decisions and valid claim to own and control our own private trust assets?
These are obvious miscarriages of both Due Process and Justice, involving the mischaracterization of Americans and the American Government, as well as crimes of personage seeking to redefine living people and their property interests as Cestui Que Vie Public Trusts, and to misrepresent the living people as voluntary decedents despite the obvious fact of their rebuttals on the Public Records of five continents and their concerns freely expressed to the High Courts for the past thirty-plus years.
The assets accrued by our Family Trusts are supposed to be used for the good and edification of Mankind, not to promote crimes of evil and control against Mankind. And we are to be the Administrators of the Funds, not unknown, unauthorized, unrelated bureaucrats.
The assets accrued by our Family Trusts are supposed to be administered by us under our Lawful Government and under the Public Law, and as land assets, are not subject to Maritime or Admiralty Court consideration.
Please respond with a succinct reply answering the following questions:
(1) Has the ICC addressed ASVLP/ASBLP Accounts or Master Accounts belonging to The United States of America, Saint Germain Trust, D'Avila Family Trust, or our other Heritage and Legacy Accounts?
(2) If so, why were we not fully informed and given Due Notice concerning the proceedings?
(3) As we are Land Jurisdiction Principals and these are Land Jurisdiction assets, why is it not self-evident that we are the Lawful Owners owed the return and reversionary trust interest?
(4) Who or what is the "Royal Office of the Holy Redeemer" and by what authority is this clearinghouse acting?
(5) Where are the public records related to these adjudications?
(6) Is the ICC presuming authority over our Family Trust assets? If so, on what possible basis?
(7) Is the ICC presuming that the Odd Numbered Master Accounts are affected by the Even Numbered Accounts?
(8 ) Is the ICC unaware of the ownership of these prior-adjudicated asset interests?
(9) Is the ICC blocking our access to our physical assets under the False Presumption that we were "lost at sea" or "absent" or that our government was "in interregnum"?
We need to come to an understanding regarding the ICC's role and authority (or lack of granted jurisdiction) related to our country and our people and all assets naturally belonging to our people, including derivate assets.
There must also be a recognition on a worldwide basis that we have all, or nearly all, been the victims of a confidence racket promoted by commercial corporations operating under color of law, and that most of the world's population has been human trafficked into the foreign international and global jurisdictions under conditions of fraud and deceit.
The controlling laws of Roman Civil Law and Maritime law both provide --- in the first case, once fraud has been discovered, all results are null and void, and in the second, that possession by pirates does not change ownership of material assets.
Please return service as soon as possible.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652 usa


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