By Anna Von Reitz
Satan rules the world, they say. The Bible
makes it clear that at the time of Jesus, he was already ruling the
world. He doesn't rule the Earth--- just the world. So what is
the world?
The world is all the mental constructs and
associated behavior that takes place. It's the things that don't actually exist,
like corporations, foundations, trusts, cooperatives, LLC's, pension funds,
fraternities, etc., which are just built of ideas and labels and names,
agreements, and "business structures", patents and copyrights and trademarks,
generally accepted accounting procedures, banking and securities laws, treaties,
doctrines, dogmas, accords, conventions, conferences, and so
Now that you are squarely looking at it, does it
disturb you to know that Satan's Kingdom is built of nothing but words and
And does this now explain the need to examine your
Thoughts are built of words. Emotions are
built of thoughts. Emotions and thoughts together build actions.
Actions build the world.
But how can you build rightly, if any of the
precursors are faulty?
If you use the wrong words, or the words can be
interpreted in various ways, your thoughts can go sideways.
If your thoughts are not built on a solid
understanding, your emotions have nothing to rely on and can easily be
completely inappropriate.
And with wrong thinking (wrong assumptions) and
wrong emotions resulting from wrong thinking, it is all but inevitable that you
will take wrong actions, too.
We recently had an example of that in our own
family. My two daughters-in-law got into a horrible cat fight over a
complete misunderstanding. One said something and the other "took it
wrong". This happens all the time, and we all know that it happens, but
once equilibrium is restored, we don't take time to examine this
We don't care enough about how it happens, to
examine it, so we never catch on to how this same process is utilized by
The foundation of Satan's kingdom is diabolical
thinking which is based on the equally diabolic misuse of words.
Deceitful words and ideas are part of the rebellion
against the True God, who is the personification and embodiment of Truth.
In the beginning, was the Word.... and in the
beginning, each word had a specific function and meaning, there was one
language, and everyone knew precisely what every communication meant.
But something happened in Babylon.... words began
to take on a life of their own, the meanings of words began to change and shift,
and the content of thoughts sparked by words also began to change and shift and
become uncertain. This, then, affected emotions and actions, too.
More kinds of words were added to language and
these "modifiers" --- adjectives and adverbs -- layered on more layers of
possible, but increasingly uncertain meaning.
What appears red to me, may appear green to
What is "up" with relationship to me, may be "down"
with relationship to you.
So the effort to make our language more precise and
meaningful at the same time caused it to be more debate-able. This is
where lawyers have their stock and trade, sorting through the misunderstandings
and deceits and double-entendres that lurk in business and social agreements of
all kinds.
When a bank advertises "home loans" are they
offering to loan you money to build a home, or are they soliciting to borrow
your home as an asset for their use?
When you realize that the common mortgage process
consists of: (1) you paying for the house; (2) conveying your own property into
a trust; (3) giving the bank control of that trust; (4) which they then abuse
for their own advantages.... it becomes clear that "home loans" doesn't mean
what you were led to suppose.
The phrase was used as a "term of art" --- it took
on a special meaning, quite different than any common use, and nobody told
you. This is Satan's Kingdom at work. You were misled to
interpret "home loans" as an offer to loan you money for a home, when in fact,
it is a solicitation for you to loan your home to the bank. The exact
The same thing happened when a group of people
calling themselves the United States [Territorial] Congress "forgot" to tell you
that they were acting in a "Territorial Capacity" and changed the meaning of the
word "person" to mean "corporation" without telling you.
Double score! Two deceits for the price of
First, you were misled to think that they were
operating as our State Delegates, and then, whenever they said "person" it
suddenly meant "corporation".
And again, the new meaning is exactly the opposite
of the old meaning.
"Person" used to refer to you acting in your Lawful
Capacity as a tradesmen or merchant or businessman of some kind, but this group
of men suddenly upended that meaning of the word, and from then on, when they
said "person" it meant "corporation".
Thus, when you see the words "personal bank
account" you naturally continue to think of it as your own private property,
your bank account, but when these Masters of Deception say or write the same
exact words, it translates as "corporate bank account".
What corporation?
Well, they provided for that, too, by stealing your
identity and unlawfully converting your Trade Name (also known as a Given Name)
into the name of a corporation franchise conveniently owned and operated by
We are seeing this in the whole debate about
"global warming", too. There's no scientific basis to think that carbon
dioxide caused by human activity (or cow farts) is causing changes to the
This deceit, this wrong idea, has gained ground--
and now we have hysterical women standing on street corners shouting like
Hellfire Preachers, telling innocent people that if they don't stop using fossil
fuels "the Earth will die in eleven years!"
This is like the hysteria caused by the publication
of "The Population Bomb". This book claimed to "prove mathematically" that
population growth would "kill" the world by the late 1980's if we didn't all
reduce ourselves to eating dirt right now.
The 1980's came and went and only the abject True
Believers (who were not mathematicians or they wouldn't have bought this
crappola in the first place) continue to buy the ugly fantasy of the
"mathematically certain" destruction of the planet because we are having babies.
Neutering yourself for the cause proved less
popular than boycotting oil products, thank the True God.
A more "sophisticated" man or woman (not a
compliment) can easily see that: (1) both these hysteria responses were promoted
by false information causing wrong ideas which caused wrong emotions and wrong
actions; (2) this progression of errors is being used to promote political and
economic agendas designed to control and tax people.
Nothing more. Satan's Kingdom at work.
Get the rubes to cling to their own chains. Get them to believe a false
narrative that lets us tax and regulate them more, with their own agreement and
This is what I call "diabolical thinking"---- and
it is the actual means by which "Satan" ---or at least his Devotees--- use to
lie their way to success.
It's up to the rest of us to become such critical
thinkers, such skeptics, and so true-hearted, that we are bullet-proof against
Many people were startled by my statement exposing
Barack Obama as a British Corporate Jock, not a Communist at all. How
could I deduce that?
It's simple. These people always pretend to
be their own target.
This deflects attention away from what they are
actually doing, causes others to have false assumptions about them and their
motivations, allows them to blame their own bad behavior on their enemies, and,
last, but not least, their agent gets to infiltrate the social group they are
So if Barack Obama pretends to be a pro-black,
liberal, Communist, you can be sure that he is an elitist, racist, British Agent
--- the exact opposite of what he pretends to be.
This is how these people think and how they
operate. Black is white and white is black, the common man is an elitist,
the progressive is a Luddite, a person is a corporation, and a "home loan"
involves you loaning your home (and credit) to a bank for the bank's profit,
entirely and wholly at your expense.
At every step, you are deliberately misled and your
thinking, emotions, and actions are manipulated-- by deceitful use of words and
phrases, by deliberately promoted false ideas and false assumptions, and then it
is all kicked into action.
It's like using electrical shocks on a mouse in a
maze to "induce" the behavior you want from the mouse.
Want a war in Iraq? Produce some false
evidence, spread a bunch of lies using the lapdog media, promote wrong ideas and
assumptions, get people all pumped up, and they will reliably take whatever
wrong action you want them to take.
In such a manipulated and manipulative environment,
free thinking and logical deduction are even being discouraged in the scientific
community. Facts and truth might interfere with self-interested commercial and
political agendas.
This is why you must examine not only your own
logic circuits, but learn how these people use verbal deceit to promote wrong
actions that benefit them.
The Pilgrim Fathers called attorneys "Masters of
Deceit", because they make their livings alternately promoting and unraveling
exactly these kinds of deceits--- but it's not just attorneys steeped in
this crappola. Increasingly, the corporations posing as legitimate
governments--- that got into their position by deceit, are using more deceit to
stay in power.
This is why ex-CIA Chief Michael Hayden spoke so
glowingly about "Post-Truth America". He wasn't, as many people
assumed, indicating any future event in which the actual Truth would be told to
the American Populace. He was talking about a world completely built on
lies, ruled by exactly these kinds of deceits and manipulations. He was
gloating about it. He thinks its a good thing, because it allows him and
people like him, to rule over good people.
It allows him and those like him to murder, steal,
corrupt, use and abuse good people, and they think we are too stupid to catch
on, ever, because generations of Americans have trusted what they thought of as
their government and never figured out that they have been the victims of a
hostile corporate take-over, and all but overcome, by these banal deceits.
But, Satan lost the bet a long time ago. His
Kingdom is forfeit. And we are here to collect. Be of good
cheer. One candle lights a lot of darkness, and the Truth is a
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