From the Priests of the Society of Saint Pius V.
Fr. Paul Baumberger, Holy Cross Church in Helena Montana
From the Priests of the Society of Saint Pius V.
Fr. Paul Baumberger, Holy Cross Church in Helena Montana
Yesterday the Fed hiked the interbank lending rate by 75 basis points (0.75%), which will lead to retail loan rates rising across the board. This is all part of the Fed’s attempt to reel in rising inflation, which the dishonest government claims is at around 9% but the rest of the world already understands to be closer to 20%.
Thus, raising interest rates by 0.75% isn’t going to halt inflation. Prices of food, fuel and consumer goods are going to continue to rise dramatically in the months ahead.
The rate raise, however, will cause sharp drops in the housing market, since housing is strongly dependent on mortgage loans which are highly sensitive to interest rates. Because home loans are often 30-year loans, even a small increase in loan rates can result in dramatic increases in monthly payments, pricing many people out of the homes they could afford just six months ago. The net effect will be falling home sales and decreasing values of real estate, combined with large increases in mortgage defaults.
According to’s reporting on the Black Knight Mortgage Monitor Report, us foreclosure “starts” (i.e. new foreclosures) have risen 440% from last year (June 2022 vs June 2021). July numbers aren’t yet reported, but it is near certain they will also show large increases in foreclosures.
Retail auto sales are down slightly, although much of that may be attributable to lack of supply rather than reduced demand. However, as interest rates rise, people are increasingly priced out of the automobiles they wish to purchase. As the UK Daily Mail reports, a shocking number of Americans are now paying $1,000 a month on a car loan payment:
– The percentage of people taking out new car loans and paying $1,000 in monthly payments has almost doubled from 7% to 12.7% over the last 12 months
– Average monthly payments on new car loans are at a record high of $686
– Used car market sees average monthly payments at $554, up 12% year-on-year
– Pandemic supply-chain problems are partly to blame with the shortage of new cars leading to price hikes on the forecourt
– Monthly interest payments also shot up after the Federal Reserve raised rates
Gold and silver will likely drop a bit more as people unload assets to meet margin calls in the stock market, but in the long run, precious metals look poised to skyrocket as the dollar’s real world value plunges and inflation spirals out of control.
Read the entire article here:
Tell Congress to Vote No to a Con-Con!
By Anna Von Reitz
URGENT: Members of Congress have introduced a resolution to call an Article V Constitutional Convention, or Con-Con. If enacted, this would decimate the Constitution and the God-given individual liberties that it protects. Deceptively, the resolution aggregates old, rescinded, and unrelated state legislative applications to Congress for a convention.
House Concurrent Resolution 101 (H.Con.Res.101) is sponsored by Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) and cosponsored by Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.). If passed by the House and Senate, it would call “a Convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States,” and require Congress to “set the date and place for the Convention to occur” within 180 days after the U.S. Archivist certifies that at least 34 states have applied for a Con-Con.
Importantly, H.Con.Res.101 deceptively reaches the 34-state threshold for calling a convention by aggregating “Balanced Budget Amendment” (BBA) applications with unrelated — and in many cases, centuries-old — applications for a plenary convention. The resolution states:
Whereas congressional and State records of purported plenary applications for amendments on any subject and applications for single subject Fiscal Responsibility Amendments compiled by the Article V Library list 42 total applications over time, 39 active applications in 1979, 40 active applications in 1983, and at least 34 active applications in many years thereafter[.]
Despite mentioning “Fiscal Responsibility Amendments” (FRA) in its preamble, H.Con.Res.101 does not limit the scope of the convention to only BBA or FRA Con-Con applications — there is nothing stopping Congress from considering any other topic in the Constitutional Convention it would call under the resolution.
The John Birch Society has been warning about this aggregation scheme. Delegates to any constitutional convention possess the inherent sovereign right of the people at large to propose any amendments or an entirely new constitution, as was the case in the original Convention of 1787. In other words, any Constitutional Convention under Article V cannot be limited. In a 1982 interview with the Los Angeles Times, President Ronald Reagan said, “Well, constitutional conventions are kind of prescribed as a last resort, because then once it’s open, they could take up any number of things.”
He was right. A Constitutional Convention, under Article V, could reverse the existing Constitution’s limitations on government power and interference. Furthermore, the aggregation scheme decimates any possible notions that the convention would be “limited” or confined to a single subject or amendments.
Additionally, every so-called “balanced budget amendment” proposal includes loopholes or escape clauses that would easily allow Congress to continue to increase spending and/or raise taxes. In other words, these amendments would make an unbalanced budget constitutional!
Commenting on H.Con.Res.101, one Con-Con proponent claimed the resolution was “designed to restore federal fiscal sanity.” However, as shown above, this claim is false. Rather, all Congress needs to do is to end its wasteful and unconstitutional spending; if it does this, federal spending would likely decrease by at least 80%, thus quickly eliminating our nation’s fiscal problems.
Accordingly, Congress must reject H.Con.Res.101 and every other dangerous Con-Con proposal. And instead, it must get serious about out-of-control spending by simply ending it. Please urge your U.S. representative and senators to do just that.
If you have not already done so, read The New American magazine’s recent Special Report about an Article V Constitutional Convention. We encourage you to obtain bulk copies of this issue and to mail them to your U.S. representative, senators, and their legislative aids and staff. Physical print copies of the TNA special report are available from Articles from that issue can also be found on
I have confirmed with local cattle ranchers in Texas that large-scale herd liquidations are under way right now, with some herds being reduced by 80%.
This is happening due to the extended drought affecting Texas, Oklahoma and much of the southern and western United States. The drought not only reduces grass production on the fields being grazed by cows, it also causes hay production to plummet, reducing the future food supply that could keep cows fed through the fall and winter. As a result, the vast majority of cows in Texas are being sold for slaughter.
As I point out in today’s Situation Update podcast, below, this will cause a temporary glut of beef in the food supply chain which will lower beef prices in the short term. But after that supply glut is processed and shipped, beef prices will skyrocket as cattle remain in short supply for years to come. It takes several years of good rain to replenish cattle populations and bring beef prices back into an affordable range.
The upshot is that if you plan to eat beef anytime in the next 2 years or so, you’ll want to acquire it and freeze it over the next several months. By early 2023, beef will be skyrocketing once again.
This cattle liquidation is just the latest disruption to hit the US food supply which is already reeling under global supply chain disruptions, fertilizer shortages, diesel fuel price increases and extreme drought conditions. The hits just keep coming.
By Lex Greene
July 21, 2022
The short answer is, worse than in 2020.
Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's YearThe Introit the Church invites us to give praise to God in the following words:
INTROIT Oh, clap your hands, all ye nations: shout unto God with the voice of joy. For the Lord is most high, he is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth. (Ps. XLVI.) Glory etc.
COLLECT O God, whose providence is unerring in what it ordains, we humbly beseech Thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us all things which will profit us. Thro'.
EPISTLE (ROM. VI., 19-23.) Brethren, I speak a human thing, because of the infirmity of your, flesh: for as you have yielded your members to serve uncleanness and iniquity unto iniquity, so now yield your members to serve justice unto sanctification. For when you were the servants of sin, you were free from justice. What fruit therefore had you then in those things, of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them, is death. But now, being made free from sin, and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end life everlasting. For the wages of sin is death. But the grace of God, life everlasting, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
EXPLANATION St. Paul here admonishes the Romans who had been converted to Christianity, but were still sensual and weak, that they ought to be much more zealous in serving God and mastering their passions. He demands of them that they should at least strive, now as hard to save their souls as they once did to destroy them. This certainly is but right, for many a man would become just and holy if he would do as much for heaven, as he does for sin and hell. But to know how wholesome it is to consecrate themselves to justice and sanctity, he wishes them to consider what advantage they derived from sin. Nothing is gained from it but shame, confusion, sorrow, and death, but by a pious life, God's grace and eternal life. - Often consider this, Christian soul, and do not defile yourself by sins, which profit nothing, but bring shame, grief, and the retributive wrath of God.
GOSPEL (Matt. VII. 15-21.) At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves: by their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. Not every one that saith to me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Who are the false Prophets?
Those seducers who under an appearance of virtue and honesty lure innocent, simple souls from the right path, and lead them to vice and shame; who by sweet words, such as: "God , is full of love, and will not be severe on sin, He does not require so very much of us, He knows we are weak, and if a person sins, he can be converted," seek to steal from souls all modesty and fear, of God. Guard against such hypocrites, for they have the poison of vipers on their tongues. By the false prophets are also understood those who propagate error, who by superficial words fade the true faith, who speak always of love and liberty, and who under the pretense of making people free and happy bring many a soul to doubt and error, depriving it of true faith and peace of heart.
How can we know the false prophets?
By their works; for evil, corrupted men can produce only bad fruit. If we look into their life we will find that at heart they are immoral hypocrites who observe external propriety only that they may the more easily spread their poison. The false teachers and messengers of error may be known by their lives, but especially by their intentions, Which are to subvert all divine order, and to put the unrestrained lust of the flesh and tyranny in its place.
Who else are understood by the false prophets?
Those who under pretense of making men happy and rich, induce the credulous to make use of superstition, of wicked arts, deceit, and injustice; especially those who under he deceiving appearance of liberty and equality, independence and public good, incite them to open or secret revolt against civil and ecclesiastical authority.
Be not deceived by these so-called public benefactors who look always to their own advantage, but trust in God, support yourself honestly, live like a Christian, and you will find true liberty and happiness here and hereafter.
Why does Christ say: "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire?"
He warns us that faith without good works is not sufficient for salvation; and he therefore adds; Not every one that saith: Lord, Lord (who outwardly professes himself my servant, but is not really such) shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who, (by the fulfilment of the duties of his state of life and by the practice `of good works), does the will of my Father, merits heaven. Strive then, Christian soul, to fulfil God's will in all things, perform your daily duties with a good intention, and you will certainly obtain the kingdom of heaven.
What are good works?
All the actions of man which are performed according to the will of God, while in the state of grace, for the love of God.
Which are the principal good works?
Prayer, fasting, and alms deeds. These are especially inculcated in holy Scripture. (Tob. XIII. 8.) By prayer is here understood all religious services; by fasting all mortification of soul and body; by alms deeds all works of charity.
How many kinds of charitable works are there?
Two kinds: spiritual and corporal.
Which are the spiritual works of mercy?
Those that are performed for the good of the soul: to admonish sinners; to teach the ignorant; to counsel the doubtful; to console the afflicted; to suffer injustice patiently; to forgive all injuries, and to pray for the living and the dead.
Which are the corporal works?
Those which are performed for the good of the body: to feed the hungry; to give drink to the thirsty; to clothe the naked; to visit and ransom the captives; to harbor the harborless; to visit the sick; and to bury the dead.
Can we be saved without good works?
No, for Christ expressly, says: Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. The servant in the gospel who did not even waste the talent received, but only hid it in the ground, was therefore cast into outer darkness. How greatly do those err who hope to reach heaven, simply because they do no evil! Of this great mistake St. Chrysostom plainly says: "If you had a servant who was in truth no robber, no glutton or drunkard, but who sat at home idle, neglecting everything for which you had employed him, would you not pay him with the whip and send him off? Is it not bad enough to neglect that which duty demands?" Such a servant is the Christian who, doing neither good nor evil, makes himself thereby unfit for heaven which is the reward of work performed, and if no work has been done, no reward is to be expected.
SUPPLICATION O Lord, guard me from false prophets, heretics, and seducers, and grant me the grace, that according to St. Paul's instructions I may become fruitful in all good works. Inflame my heart, that I may adorn my , faith with them, thus do the will of the Heavenly Father, and render myself worthy of heaven.
By Anna Von Reitz
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By Anna Von Reitz
As readers of this site know full well, the incompetent, suicidal leaders of the USA and NATO are following globalist orders and deliberately trying to provoke Russia to launch nuclear strikes against western cities. This will achieve the destruction of the USA and Western Civilization, allowing China and Russia to complete their quest for world domination while the United States collapses into a post-nuclear war hellzone.
The setup to accomplish this is simple: The USA hands Ukraine HIMARS missile systems. Already done. Next, the USA gives them long-range missiles that work with such systems. Ukraine then, as its military leaders are promising, uses those missiles to attack Russian military targets in Crimea, which Russia considers to be its own territory. In response, Russia launches a nuclear retaliation against western cities, knowing that western nations have zero defenses against Russia’s advanced nuclear weapons delivery systems such as the RS-24 YARS missiles, shown in the Brighteon video below:
By Anna Von Reitz
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
By Anna Von Reitz
How do we use your donations? Find out here.