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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Not a "Debt Default" -- An Objection to Illegal Odious Debt

 By Anna Von Reitz

What if a credit card hacker stole your identity and charged a lot of expensive items to your credit card?  Would you be obligated to pay for his charges?  No. 

What if a thief impersonated you, ordered a bunch of supplies for their business on a 30-Day Net Agreement, had the supplies shipped to a warehouse, and then shipped them to Mexico ---- skipping town without paying for them.  Would you be responsible for this?   No.  

What if a foreign government said it was involved in salvaging a bankrupt corporation's assets and charged you a whole bunch of money for service fees and materials to do this "salvage work" when you were never a franchise or shareholder of that corporation?  Would you owe any of its debts?  No.  

These are all examples of "odious debt" --- which is strictly defined as dishonest debt and charges related to some kind of scam or fraud scheme from which the victim does not benefit. 

In the present situation, the operators of both the US, INC. and the USA, Inc. have profited themselves tremendously at the expense of Americans who have been impersonated as the shareholders and franchises of these corporations--- without the nicety of a single dividend check---- and who have had all the expenses of these faceless operators dumped on them with no compensation and no knowledge of what was being done "in their names" at all.  

At least $88 Trillion dollars worth of such Odious Debt has been heaped on the American DEBT SLAVES and there is little wonder that some people are staring at this humongous manure pile and talking about "Debt Default" --- just telling the rest of the world, sorry, it's all our fault and we can't pay, boo-hoo, boo-hoo --- which would leave the creditors of the US, INC. and the USA, Inc. free to come in here and take everything as compensation.  

No, no, no.  What needs to happen is for everyone to wake up and realize that-- Number One, no "National Debt" exists, because our equal and answering "National Credit" hasn't been applied.  The books haven't been balanced.  No debt actually exists. By definition. 

And Number Two, from our perspective, if any debt remains after National Credit is applied, it's an Odious Debt having nothing to do with us or our assets.  The debt was accrued by foreign commercial corporations hypothecating debt against us while engaged in unauthorized salvage operations on our shores.  They used a double-ended impersonation scheme to accomplish this which makes it fraud from the get-go, and so, no, we don't owe any "National Debt" and any debt that does exist, is Odious Debt associated with foreign commercial corporations. Not us. 

One other thing is certain --- though we may benefit from the existence of these two foreign corporations in certain respects, we are not the intended beneficiaries of these corporations and we do not receive any juicy corporate dividends or debentures or annuities or any unearned welfare benefits. We are not the owners of these foreign corporations and we are not the owners of any corporation or business or ship that these corporations have legitimately salvaged at any time.  

So, no, children, we don't need to default on a debt that isn't ours, but the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, all the British Crown Corporations and all the Municipal Corporations need to pay up for what they have leveraged, squandered, and hypothecated in our names. 


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