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Monday, May 24, 2021

Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 23 -- Treaties and Obligations

 By Anna Von Reitz

It stands that Treaties are the Highest Law and that the United States is committed to this principal, as evidenced by 1 Statute-at-Large 37; therefore there can be no disagreement or lack of performance with regard to matters of standing Treaty owed to the people of any nation, and no ignorance of Matrimonial Treaties --- that is, Treaties sealed by the Marriage of Principal Heirs in ages past, between the French Armorican Chieftains and the tribal nations of the Americas. These alliances are in fact established in the blood and exist in every State of the Union.
We are attaching a digital unsigned copy of the Declaration of Flag issued in 2017, which clears up a lot of misunderstandings and which was sent as a wet-ink signed copy to all Parties including the Vatican Chancery Court, The International Court of Justice and the United Nations at that time.
JPEGS of the date and signature pages are also attached, making it a complete documentary record.
Rumors are now circulating that the Western United States has been sold to China in an attempt to pay off US DEBT to China.
Need we say that "the US" cannot sell what does not belong to it?
Our money and our assets were employed in gaining the land and soil assets of those states, not the Holy See's and not the Queen's, either. Our Seals were affixed to the paperwork, too.
It behooves the Vatican Chancery Court to intercede and move the responsibility for the debt where it belongs, and to void the sale.
If we owe the Chinese anything, which is doubtful, we have the means to pay it and do not propose to sell them any of our land and soil.
As of the last day of September 2020, all the Territorial States in the Western United States including Alaska and Hawaii were formally enrolled as States of the Union and taken out of Territorial status by the Roll Call Vote of the assembled States of the Union that were enrolled prior to the American Civil War.
And as the attached documents prove and this transmission also proves, we were not silent or acquiescing to the arrangements being made "for" us in any purported "absence".
Our claims to North America are not dependent on any petty commercial ventures occurring in the distant past. Our claims are based on the Treaties of Trieste and Camlan.
The Treaty of Trieste (Treaty of Three Lives) is also sometimes called The First Treaty. It set up the recognition of the three jurisdictions of law --- air, land, and sea and provided for the peaceful settlement of controversies arising in all three jurisdictions. This Treaty was settled in France and established by a laying on of hands by the participants which included my Husband's ancestors and my ancestors, too.
The intent of the Treaty of Trieste was to prevent exactly the kind of usurpation of one jurisdiction over another that has occurred here and now, wherein the watery jurisdiction of the British Monarch's domain has been enabled and allowed to slosh over the continental mass of many nations with no regard for law or treaty. The same can be said for the further allowance of the Municipal air jurisdiction seeking to dominate both the land and the sea.
My Husband and I are both grandfathered into the Treaty of Trieste and are here to enforce it in the sight of the Holy See, which has all the records necessary to confirm the lineage of the Irish and Scottish Kings, the true Kings of England, the true Kings of France, the true Kings of Spain, and the attendant Treaty of the Kings of Authority, which we are also heirs to.
It is no secret to the Holy See that the violation of the Holy Vows of Matrimony resulted in the severance of treaties merging the Kingdoms of Ireland, Wales, Powys (England) and Gaul early in the Sixth Century.
Gaul, at that time, already included the land mass of The United States as a Christian country and nation, thanks to the earlier intermarriage of Armorican Chieftains (French Normans) with Native Americans. Our tribal people, the sea-faring Armoricans, gave their name to this westerly continent as can easily be seen.
"America" is a British phonetic transliteration of "Armorican", so it is readily admitted both by name and by history that this continent and the people on it, are allied by the blood with France long before any such affiliation claimed by England.
The Treaty of Camlan provided that the lands of Powys and Wales were forever ceded to the King of Gaul, his heirs, descendants, and assigns --- his son, Guilleroi du Lac. It was signed and sealed in 540 A.D. in the presence of the Pope and was seen as an important step forward for the Christianization and stabilization of the British Isles at the time, so we doubt that the Holy See has quite forgotten the French footholds that gained its safety and its entrance to the British Isles.
It is precisely the enforcement of this Treaty of Camlan by William of Normandy (and the back-sliding of the British) that caused the Norman Conquest, another part of history that is being conveniently ignored as if it never happened.
For the interest and action of the Holy See and the United Nations and every instrumentality thereof, William of Normandy forever precluded the possibility of there ever being a true British Monarch again, via The Settlement of the Norman Conquest upon his death in 1087 A.D.
William of Normandy scrupulously catalogued every scrap, down to the single goat, of the property assets of England --- and upon his death, he bequeathed separate kingdoms to his loyal Barons as "sovereigns in their own right". From that moment on, there were and have been many "kings of England" . In truth, it was the signature of those many kings appearing on the Magna Carta, only appearing to be French Barons in France, that has given that document, The Magna Carta, the Force of Law.
King John was deliberately given no land at all. His grandson, who signed the Magna Carta, became the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth lands in England, and to this day, that has been the source of all his descendant's claims to have any "kingship" at all in England or anywhere else.
My Husband and I are both heirs of all the Treaties and Treaties by Marriage referenced above, inheritors of sovereignty resulting from this Settlement of the Norman Conquest, and though we do not like to embarrass anyone, the failure to enforce the above referenced Treaties and Settlements has brought the entire world to the brink of economic and social collapse.
Please observe that the Belle Chers (Belchers in England) Coat of Arms established as a sovereign coat of arms (in England) and a barony coat of arms (in France) was and is part and parcel of the Royal House of the King of Gaul, and closely related to the Kings and Princes of Aragon which shares the unique vertical striped shield that was adapted to the use of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States.
There can be no mistaking the relationships of these symbols and trademarks, nor the authority over land grants possessed by both the House of Aragon and the House of Du Lac.
Thus, there is no right, rhyme, or reason why the Holy See should allow its Overseers of the Commonwealth to presume upon the jurisdictions of the land and soil upheld by The Treaty of Trieste, The Treaty of Camlan, The Norman Conquest, The Settlement of the Norman Conquest, The Magna Carta, The Supreme Declaration of Independence of the Colonies of the United States of America, and our victories in no less than two (2) World Wars.
We remind the Holy See that we have never sought war, but never been defeated in war of any kind in any jurisdiction.
We are here demanding a complete review of these circumstances and their immediate correction. The sea must return to its natural bounds, and the land must be upheld; the jurisdiction of the air must be content with its own vast domain and administer it properly without complaint, for the representatives of the Holy See were also present and parties to The Treaty of Trieste.
China must be properly advised that China was not dealing with the actual government of this country and our land assets are not available to pay for the debts of the United States Municipal Corporation. We propose a complete fiscal audit of the transactions involved in the development of any purported debt owed to China, as there can be no actual debt accrued in a debt-credit system.
So far as we can observe, American labor paid for Chinese goods, the Chinese spent the Blood Money, and now want to double-dip and demand commodity asset payment, too. The extent of any such alleged payment owed by this nation would be determined by the stipulated expenses allowed as a result of the exercise of our delegated powers.
We also request and require the return of control of all our gold and silver and platinum and other precious metals assets so that we can settle all and any valid debts we may have worldwide and thus avoid any possible conflagration on our shores or anywhere else.
by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

Choices and Outcomes

 By Anna Von Reitz

Democrat or Republican? The Closet Communists eat you alive, or the Robber Baron Corporatists eat you alive. You still get eaten alive, so, tell me--- why should the choice of cannibal matter to you?
From my point of view, and for about 70% of other Americans, too, there is no actual choice to be made, so why bother? One blood-sucking leech is as good as another.
More and more Americans have figured that out, which accounts for the plunge in actual poll numbers, and the need to import illegal voters, dead voters, and phantom digital voters to take up the slack.
The majority of Americans have ceased participating in their own demise, which is encouraging, but not sufficient.
We have to do our own actual Public Elections, field our own candidates, and take action in our own jurisdiction to finish filling all our public offices. The Recorded Electors have every right to upstage the Registered Voters, and should be looking forward to it.
This is how we give ourselves choices that are choices.
It's the same way with the money and the boiling ball of snakes now arguing over the gold versus commercial paper debate.
There's no actual choice in their paradigm. Joe Q. Public loses either way.
Lawful money is arguably better because it has value in and of itself, but that value has been inflated and distorted to the point where we are all in La-La-Land.
Gold traded for around $30 an ounce in 1930. It is now trading for almost $2000 an ounce. This reflects both the evil effects of abusive Legal Tender Laws, and the reason that it is impossible to recoup the losses. The combined impact of inflation and usury means that instead of the "US National Debt" being around $25 Trillion, it is actually closer to $8,750 Trillion.
That $8,750 Trillion is owed, primarily, to Americans.
Continuing to use fiat currencies of any kind, including Bitcoin and other digital currencies, only sinks us deeper into the unregulated commercial paper insanity.
And I do mean "insanity" quite literally. Ask yourselves --- how it is possible for a piece of paper to be worth $500 Trillion (or more) "dollars", except that the "dollar" being referenced isn't worth anything to begin with?
Perhaps it would be instructive for me to bring forward historical examples of currency issued during the Weimar Republic?
Or to quote Jethro Beaudine, "Naught into naught is naught...."
In 1934 the Emergency Banking Act established a "dollar for dollar" Exchange Rate ---- one paper "dollar" Federal Reserve Note in exchange for one silver dollar. So, the Perpetrators were able to exchange their I.O.U.'s for our silver and what we received in return was their debt. The same scheme has been carried on with a few additions and changes ever since: we give them goods and services, they give us their I.O.U.s.
Does this seem equitable to you?
Especially when they periodically go bankrupt, name us as their Secondaries and Co-Signers, and leave us to pay their debts on top of it?
So, first you are given an I.O.U. in exchange for actual goods and services by these Freeloaders, and to add insult to injury, you are then also stuck paying their I.O.U. for them.
Plus interest.
This is what we mean by "debt slavery".
Recently, we've moved to put an end to this system of things, and have claimed ownership of all their debt and all their assets, too. The whole smoking pile. And all our purloined gold and silver, also.
The actual spot price of gold as of this morning is $1,888.24 and the price of silver is $27.66.
As our American Silver Dollar is defined as one ounce of .9999 pure silver, this gives us a handy estimate of the damage done by inflation to the US DOLLAR since 1934. It now takes almost 28 paper "dollars" to buy one Silver Dollar, starting from a one-to-one exchange rate in 1934--- and this is in a market where the value of silver is grossly manipulated.
If silver were allowed to reach its known historical parity with gold, its price would be $1264.96 per ounce this morning. Our half billion American Silver Dollars still in circulation and those we may mint and put into circulation in the future look a lot less silly and old fashioned when viewed against this backdrop.
We, the Luddites, are fully vindicated.
However, we are faced with the reality that the debt on one side of the equation is insurmountable to the same extent that the credit on the other side of the equation is also insurmountable. Either way you totter the teeter results in economic death.
This goes back to my early observation that money is like fertilizer.
Literally like manure.
Too little and the economy starves for fuel. Too much and it burns up.
So the trick, as any farmer knows, is to apply the right kind of fertilizer in the right amounts, as demanded by each kind of ground and each kind of crop.
You use chicken manure and corn cobs for rhubarb, fish for corn, and cow patties for wheat. And it's the same way with money.
It's not a simple "coinage is good and credit is bad" reduction. Credit, especially pre-paid credit, judiciously applied, can be an excellent substitute for actual commodity-backed money --- especially when it is used to wipe away oceans of debt.
As we go forward the only reset that we should be highly interested in, is the gradual "offset" of debt for pre-paid credit, resulting in a clean slate and a firm foundation to build upon.
Any other plan, such as the "RV" that the military has envisioned, will result in worldwide economic death and the destruction of their own hegemony with it.
Let's face it. Hiram (Ulysses S.) Grant was no economic genius and none of his successors have been, either. The responsibility for the money was placed upon the Fiduciary Deputies of our land jurisdiction Congress, and that is where it should have --and could have-- always remained.

It is time to restore our government and put things in their proper place, with the correct people in charge, and the right Congress in office.


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