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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening

Economic conditions just keep getting worse.  As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down.  And just like we witnessed in 2008, employers are conducting mass layoffs as a horrifying housing crash sweeps across the nation.  

Those that have been waiting for the U.S. economy to implode can stop waiting, because an economic implosion has officially arrived.  The following are 15 facts that prove that a massive economic meltdown is already happening right now…

#1 Existing home sales have now fallen for 10 consecutive months.

#2 Existing home sales are down 35.4 percent over the last 12 months.  That is the largest year over year decline in existing home sales since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Read the rest here: 

Compile the Pile

 By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, Campers, here is another wonderful tidbit consolidation brought forward by one of our Rat Watchers Extraordinaire --- a concise history of the entire globalist /WEF run down, which explains the new taxation scheme (carbon credits, etc.) in tandem with the Globalist push to adopt "population suppression" measures (C -19) and collapse of the banking system.  This report was first published on and I am simply providing the link to it. 

Only a couple of the insurance giants will survive and they will survive because they are providing insurance for the rats.  Think Lloyd's of London and New York Life. A few smaller old-fashioned companies that have wisely eschewed debt-based investments and avoided major stock market investments might make it, but otherwise, you are wasting your money.  

All these companies that are supposed to be underwriting and protecting your property interests won't be solvent, so when you make a claim you will be one among all the others depending on these racketeers to save you, and they will be standing with both pockets turned inside out, pleading bankruptcy.  

And why is that? 

Repeat after me: because they are corporations. 

Corporations have no redeeming social value. They were dreamed up as "protected" business models that would encourage investment in dangerous things like gunpowder factories, without the nicety of personal liability.  

Instead, the public is purportedly responsible for the debts and liabilities of these corporations; the shareholders and boards of directors get off Scot-free. 

If you, as a member of the General Public, find this unacceptable, please be aware that the Municipal Congress promised Big Pharma that they would hold the pharmaceutical giants harmless from any claims made against them as a result of harmful vaccines. 

No matter what they put in vaccines or what horrendous harm they caused, Congress promised to hold them harmless and unaccountable.

That is what the President of Moderna firmly believed, that he and his corporation were in the clear, based on those guarantees. So far as he knew, he really could have put snake oil in the "vaccine" injections, so long as they were called "vaccines", and nobody could hold him or his corporation accountable.   

He forgot about the Law of Admiralty.  

To a less formalized and specific extent, all corporations have been given a similar carte blanche.
They can go bankrupt at any time, no matter what they have done or failed to do that results in the bankruptcy, and the private property belonging to their owners, boards of directors, and shareholders all remains untouched. 

This encourages people to tread the edge of both law and investment risk, and they do so with ever-increasing impunity, until the commonplace corporate dictum is akin to the National Motto of Scotland -- "F%#^ Around and Find Out".  

See how far you can push it (before the people find out and squash you flat).  

Want to see how far they are pushing it?  Read on: 

Fifteen signs that they are purposefully driving the banks and insurance providers and the currency and everything else to collapse: 

Kiss your home equity good-bye.  Many of you can kiss your jobs good-bye. Everyone can count on sky-rocketing food and fuel costs.  Everyone is facing poisoned food and water supplies.  

A third to two-thirds of the population of this country is already dead, murdered by those they depend on to keep them well. Many people haven't awakened to the horror of this, because it is occurring gradually as individual immune systems and organ failures take their toll, but inexorably, the statistics tell the story.  And this is being done to us by the DOD, the Municipal Department of Defense, which both owns the master  patents and which controls the Mainstream Media. 

It's a very dire situation as the Comedy of Errors multiplies, and the two guilty commercial corporations attack each other ceaselessly, seeking profit from continuing to wage an illegal mercenary conflict on our shores.
The DOD leadership at all levels, corporate and shareholder, employees and dependents, should be profoundly ashamed of what they have done and the genocide against innocent civilians that they have perpetuated -----and also mindlessly inflicted on themselves. 

The karmic payback won't be long in coming, as all the timelines are shortening by the hour. 

The so-called voluntary suicide of Humanity has been conducted by members of an elitist Death Cult that has infiltrated governments and government subcontractors and vendors all over the planet, and which now must be removed root, stem, and leaf.  


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:

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Dear Don,

 By Anna Von Reitz

Creating a big frou-frou-rah and a cloud over our American banks is what the FBI set up the attack and internal sting operation to do, hoping that you (and others)  would flip out and think the worst of everyone, and so, would help dismantle the banker's competition for them, instead of doing the right thing to protect yourself and others from the coming collapse. 

And if you don't think there is a collapse coming, you haven't been reading financial news.  

There are three kinds of "credit union" possible, total. 

In our American system, there are only two that are allowed, and one of them isn't really a "credit union" in the sense that you think of credit unions, because the credit is pre-paid. 

It doesn't have to be paid back.  The banks and other corporations already owe it to you.  

The other kind of American Credit Union is the kind portrayed in the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life", in which the members of the Credit Union put their chips together and make loans to each other within the group.  

If you have any questions, I suggest you listen to the explanation that George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) gives during the "panic" created by Mr. Potter, the local banker. 

Those are the two kinds of "credit union" possible in the American system, and they are both competent to hold and transfer gold and silver assets and asset-backed currencies. 

In the US System, there are all the credit unions you are used to, the Federal Credit Union of this or that, that works very similar to a bank and which trades exclusively in fiat credit currencies. 

What those "volunteers" did was to set up a single group account, like a club account, in Hunter's pre-existing (2014) private commercial bank, they called it a "Credit Union" Account, and they told him that they were intending to gather USD fiat in that account in preparation for the opening of the Pre-Paid Credit Union and International Trade Bank. It was a way to park and protect their fiat funds in a private bank, and that is the benefit, plus a favorable group interest rate, that they were after. 

8% may not be a huge return rate, but by grouping all the deposits in one account, they could get that much out of Certificates of Deposit related to the larger total amount.

Within that account, everyone in the "club" has a sub-account. That means you, Don Baker. 

If you didn't understand that and it wasn't explicitly told to you that your money was going into a private bank club account that has nothing to do with me or with the banks we are building, your problem isn't with me or our banks. 

Your problem is with whoever recruited you to join the club and failed to make full disclosure and who set things up to capture that higher 8% return on timed deposits--- and now created this panic and demand for immediate return of the funds when they know damned well that an 8% rate wasn't ever predicated on pass through accounts.  

I don't know anything about what these "volunteers" told you but you have sense enough to know that banks only give maybe 1%-2% on pass through depository accounts, if you are lucky.  

So, here's Hunter, with timed deposits in his private commercial bank which has been in operation since 2014 and which has nothing to do with the Blue Dot Bank System, trying to return everyone's money as if this club account was an on-demand account.  

That's not how Xavier, Darla, Yvonne, et alia set things up and now they are trying to blame Hunter for their own actions and force him to make good on demand for timed deposits. 

If you go to your local bank and set up a Certificate of Deposit what happens, Don?  You agree to leave that money on deposit for a specific period of time in exchange for a higher interest rate.  The more money you agree to leave on deposit, and the longer you leave it on deposit, the higher the interest rate. 

So they may have thought that they were doing good for everyone in the club but if they didn't tell you and left you with the idea that this was like any other pass through bank account, they are the ones that have explaining to do -- to you, and yes, maybe to the authorities that govern US banks. 

Judging from the responses they have made to me, I would guess that they just got in over their heads and were trying to create a safe-haven account that would pay good interest. Ironically, they succeeded in doing that, but think they can just withdraw their money like an on-demand pass through account --- which isn't what they created. 

If you report them to the bank authorities, those authorities will come in and ask Hunter's side of the story.  He will show the records.  The bank examiner will see what kind of account it is.  He will roll his eyes. 

Hunter won't get in trouble, and unfortunately, from my standpoint, neither will they.  It may have been well-intentioned, but they have left people having to wait for funds and some of them really need their funds returned because of current needs.

Privately, Hunter has been pre-paying out as many accounts as his cash flow allows.  He doesn't have to do this, but he is trying to get funds to anyone who really needs their funds early and though they lose the 8% interest rate, he isn't charging them for early withdrawal fees. 

That's about as good a settlement as you are going to get, Don. 

On top of creating a panic and trying to involve me in something that is 100% not in my bailiwick, the "volunteers" have been trying to make a big deal out of the fact that Hunter changed his phone numbers. This was a planned change many months in advance. He told me he was going to do this and he told me why and what the schedule was, as part of the bank development plan.  If these volunteers had stayed the course, they would have had new email addresses and phone numbers and offices to work out of, too.  

If you need your money back right now and want to get in touch with Hunter, go to the Global Family Group website and use the Contact Form.  He's still working as usual and is returning calls and conducting business. 

Hunter is not a banker of the kind that you think of when someone says "banker".  He is what bankers will be in the future -- and the banks we are building will be stunningly different, too.  

When we are ready to start conducting business through these new banks and the Pre-Paid Credit Union, I will make a big public announcement of the fact and there will be brochures and balloons and websites with all sorts of user-friendly interactive pages and educational modules to show you how you can benefit from this totally new-- and totally American-- bank system. 

Until then, kindly don't misrepresent me and do not misrepresent our American banks, which aren't even open for business yet. 

If you do,  I will hold you 100% personally and commercially liable for my time and damage done to me and our bank's reputation. 


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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Loy Brunson Zoom Call

US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption – Catherine Austin Fitts

 By  On December 20, 2022