By Anna Von Reitz
For the last several days I have been explaining
Political Basics for Neophytes --- like the fact that politicians create
problems deliberately, because they get rewarded for solving (or appearing to
solve) the problems that they create.
I told you all about my discovery (in college) of
Democratic Party Voting Records on key "social progress" issues --- like actual
Electoral Voting rights for blacks and women, like actual Natural and
Unalienable Rights being recognized for blacks and women, like Freedom of
Speech, like disclosure of the 'New Deal', and on and
In every single case I examined, here is what I
Democrats loudly decrying the evils of inequality
and prejudice against the working class and colored people, while secretly
legitimizing and voting for inequality, and at the same time, undermining and
taxing the working class to death to buy votes and create slush funds for
Indeed, what I found is that the Democratic Party
almost uniquely legislated FOR inequality and enslavement of the working classes
and colored people they pretend to
For just one stunning
When black people in this country stood up and
demanded to be treated like everyone else --- which I understand to mean that
they wanted their "Natural and Unalienable Rights" recognized --- what did the
Democrats do? They offered--- and passed off --- "Equal Civil Rights",
And Equal Civil Rights can never be "equal" because
they are granted by the Congress and can be taken away by the Congress, whereas
Natural and Unalienable Rights are given as a gift to us by Nature and Nature's
They pulled a Bait and Switch, and when MLKJ
discovered it, they killed him.
I could go on at least half a day and type as fast
as I could and show you case after case after case where the hypocrites
pretended to champion the rights and interests of poor people, working people,
colored people ---- and in fact, the Rats were busily creating and passing
legislation to undermine, enslave, abuse, and harm the same
Believe it, because it's true. I had no ax to
grind with the Democrats when I discovered this stuff. In fact, at the
time, I considered myself a Wisconsin Democrat, born and bred. You can
imagine how repulsed and disillusioned and disgusted I was back in 1973 --- and
still am.
Their party name should be amended to
"Demon-c-rats". Nobody should ever vote for them. Ever. Least
of all the traditional voting blocks that support
Recently, I have been asked about Alaska Senator
Lisa Murkowski and her apparent waffling about the Trump Impeachment
Well, short answer-- the Dems are being identified
as "the" problem, as they deserve to be, and so they are deliberately
infiltrating the Republican Party and pretending to be
Why not? If they can stand there and pretend
to champion the rights of the poor while sticking the poor in the back, why not
pretend to be a Republican and continue to do the same
And right here in River City, in my backyard, is a
darn good example of this.
In answer to the question about Senator Murkowski's
"waffling" ----
Lisa Murkowski is a RINO's RINO [Republican in Name
Only]---- her Dad was US Senator before her, a banker, and husband to
Nancy Gore ----- as in Al Gore. Same
family. Related to the Daley Clan in Chicago. She's no more a
"Republican" than FDR.
People are so stupid to elect these shills and then
think that they are going to keep their word and act according to the
advertising. I told everyone what I discovered about Democrat voting
records, no? Talk one way and vote the other? Time after time
after time.
Same thing with Lisa's voting record,
And when I called her on a particularly evil
example of this in action, all the Brain Dead Republicans in Alaska flew at me
like crows on a road kill.
You would have thought that I had killed their dog
and maimed their cat. They are so dumb that they trust in the name
"Republican" instead of paying attention to the fact of the Voting
No wonder the Voters are "confused", right?
You've got Democrats claiming to be Republicans and loudly proclaiming
their support for workers and poor people ---- and then creating legislation
that undermines and enslaves both.
We all have a right to feel "confused" ---- and
betrayed, and angry to the bone.
And thanks to Democrats camouflaging themselves as
Republicans and Republicans being too dumb to ferret them out, we have this same
kind of game going on and being promoted by what appear to be members of both
Political Parties.
That is, Lisa isn't really a GOP Senator "waffling"
about Trump's bogus Impeachment charges. She's a Dem in GOP clothing
waffling about Trump's bogus impeachment
Everyone needs to wise up, but nobody needs to wise
up more than the traditional Democratic
Recently, there has been an "awakening" and many
Democrats have joined the "Walk Away" Movement and exited, Stage Left, the
Democratic Party and Voting Block. I would suggest that a "Run Away"
Movement would be more appropriate.
Run like an antelope away, and keep a sharp eye out
for Dems pretending to be Republicans,
Here's how I would begin "the Hunt" on Nancy
Pelosi's House Seat: I'd take a photo of her big walled mansion, and I'd
make a one-page leaflet of it and here's what the leaflet would say:
"Here's where Nancy Pelosi lives. You really think she "represents"
And I would paste and plaster that leaflet all over
her filthy dirty, run-down, miserable, low-class, semi-slum Voting
Hello, Slum Dwellers. You think this woman is
one of you? You think she cares? Really? Let's examine that
And then I would go door-to-door and actually talk
to people. I'd give them a copy of the Frankfurt Plan of the Cultural
Marxists and ask them to look around at their world and her voting
I'd ask why --- after decades of supporting Nancy
Pelosi, and despite her rise to power in Washington, DC, ---conditions in her
home district have only --and steadily--- gotten
Fewer decent jobs, more decayed housing, more
garbage in the streets, but trillions of dollars belonging to US Taxpayers being
spent in other places on other things?
And all this being done on your
Still believe that Nancy Pelosi "represents"
No, she does not, and Lisa Murkowski doesn't
represent me.
So why are they still in Washington, DC, pretending
that they do?
Mainly, it's the gullibility of Republicans
(allowing RINOs in their party) and American Voters in general that allows
this situation to go on.
People don't seem to understand that it is their
money being spent in DC and that its being spent on everything and everyone but
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