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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Bio-Terrorism By Vaccination! - Dr Peter McCullough with Reiner Fuelmich

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich And 1000 Lawyers, Scientists & Doctors Have Evidence That The Covid Pandemic Is A Crime.


Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 27 -- The Sanctity of Life

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is indeed ironic that the head of the Roman Catholic Church, long the bastion of resistance to abortion and other life-denying and murderous practices, should be the ultimate owner and operator of the corporations engaged in the current worldwide genocide.
Those responsible attempt to condone this situation and this obvious conflict between doctrine and action, a hypocrisy beyond words, via the simple artifice of operating a Sacred Office and a Secular Office under one roof.
For centuries this was accomplished by having the Pope operate in the Sacred Office, and having the same man operate as the Roman Pontiff in the Secular Office. As of 2008, examination of this situation revealed that no man can serve two masters, and the decision was made to liquidate the Office of the Roman Pontiff and the underlying Roman Pontifex Trust as of 2011.
Wonderful, we all said, with a sigh of relief. Now, maybe the Church could get back to being a Church and the City of Rome and its sleazier adherents could slink off into the darkness where they belong.
No such luck. Instead, the separate offices were simply redefined a bit and shuffled around, and the duties split between two men, with the Pope Emeritus retaining the Ministerial Sacred Office, and a loyal Jesuit, obligated to obey the Pope in all things, tasked with all the nasty business and material affairs --- the de facto office of the Roman Pontiff was passed on to Pope Francis.
Anyone familiar with the operations of the Roman Church was alarmed and not deceived by this shuffle dance. Oh, yes, they seemed to say. We got caught. So what? We'll throw some dust and incense and a little smoke in the air and continue on.
We'll use an innocent young woman from Chicago with the last name of Urban, and an "open assignment" to transfer the assets of the Pontifex Trust to JP Morgan, and use the proceeds to bulwark our favorite banks all over the world.
We will pat the confused heir of the City of Rome (Urban) Trust on the head, without ever allowing her to read the Trust Indenture, and send her home to poverty and obscurity, while we skate on with our double-dealing and our chicanery unobserved and, apparently, accepted by the world.
Only it was observed and it wasn't accepted without objection. We objected and we published our objection. Flat out, in public, for all the world to see.
Either our young American wasn't a valid heir of the Roman Trust, or she was; and obviously, they agreed that she was, because they accepted her signature as their authority for the transfer of funds. They failed their due diligence and responsibility to fully disclose to an American standing on the land and soil of Texas. They pretended, knowingly, that she was a Municipal citizen of the United States, instead, and deprived her of her birthright in all respects.
And they benefited themselves and JP Morgan and BNP Paribas and Banco de Brazil, and so many other players without a backward glance, thinking that their deceit was sufficient to wash their hands and claim that they'd cleaned up their act ---- when they hadn't.
Similarly, the same players colluded to harvest the Life Force Value Annuities owed to the people of Mexico, "the" US, and Canada, and arranged to have the receipts transferred by the fictitious GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA to Prince Philip, who received $950 Trillion dollars and three days later announced his retirement from Public Life. How convenient.
Again, it did not pass unobserved and was not accepted without objection. We objected and we published our objections. The entire process of creating life insurance interests and insurance annuities based on the lives of innocent third parties and the value of their labor and ingenuity, takes the concept of legalized gambling beyond any pale, and subjects life itself to the rules of a dishonest casino. Where, after all, was any valid "insurable interest" granted to Prince Philip?
We objected a third time when British Territorial "President" Barack Obama provided foreign governments, including the Government of China, with official printing presses and supplies of custom paper and ink from the United States Mint and Bureau of Engraving, and so, opened the door to broad spectrum and uncontrolled foreign counterfeiting of the currency attributed to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --- another foreign corporation, with the intent of foisting off all resulting costs and claims on the American States and People and our credit, as a debt to be "assumed".
But again, we objected and we published our objections. We didn't assume any such debts. Those debts and the resulting damage to our economy and our credit belong to the banks and the whackjob out-of-control governmental services corporations responsible for the transfer of the printing presses, engraving plates, papers, and inks.
The use of our money and our good name to purchase the landmass of the Philippine Islands, Alaska, and Hawaii is another example of our Subcontractors run wild, as is their subsequent misadministration of these properties "in our names" and their creation of a False Trust naming the purportedly independent Government of the Philippines as the Trustee of our gold reserves, when they continued to control the interest in the landmass of the Philippine Islands in our names.
How "independent" could the Government of the Philippines be, under such a circumstance?
And so, on and on it goes, a long. torpid, sordid, selfish, dishonest, criminal misuse and abuse of the purloined powers of our American Government and our assets in all jurisdictions, by the Popes, the British Monarchs, and the Lord Mayors, all playing Footsie with each other, and passing roles around like almond clusters, so that each could play "Good Cop" or "Bad Cop" as the situation might demand, and the Americans would take it in the shorts each and every time.
All this and so much more hypocrisy and Breach of Trust was expedited via the use of impersonation and here we get to the meat of this final pointed discussion -- the sanctity of life and the need to end the crimes of personage and barratry that expedited all of this, and the insurance industry that provided the motives for it.
These present evils entered the modern world with the establishment of the Mystery Company in Great Britain--which set up the quid pro quo for sharing out receipts of the scam, and found fruition following the Great Fire of London, with the establishment and use of Cestui Que Vie Trusts favoring the Government's seizure of abandoned properties and the presumptive redefinition of living people as Public Trusts.
By 1702, these same tools of impersonation and Government advantage combined with incentives from crooked maritime insurance purveyors, which resulted in the Bottomry Bonds Scandal, in which non-existent ships and non-existent cargos of the Dutch East India Company were nonetheless insured, and the insurance collected upon.
By the handy trick of impersonation, the entirety of the Dutch East India Company and its Fleet disappeared, leaving the Temporal Earth ---- and making a beeline across the Atlantic for diverse locations in New York, the Bahamas, and elsewhere ----and also leaving their investors and insurers to hold the proverbial bag.
Since then these same crimes of deceit have been allowed to flourish under the auspices of the Roman Civil Law wherever and whenever this form of law has been preserved, and in every case, a flourishing economy based on crime and on inland piracy has been the result.
And in every case, this law has been imposed via courts impersonating living people as things (crimes of personage), court officials bringing known false charges (crimes of barratry), and false injury claims (insurance fraud).
These three things appear together, consistently, over the course of the last four centuries: personage, barratry, and insurance fraud go together like peas, carrots, and potatoes. Despite repeated and disastrous acquaintance with these evils, we have failed to get rid of the plague and failed to remove the incentives for these crimes --- both the incentives of the individuals involved and the incentives of the governments.
It always starts the same way, with officials in positions of trust --- especially tariff and customs and tax and naval officers, being granted authority to act as privateers and earn commissions from recoupments and impounds on the land --leading to asset confiscation based on various spurious legal presumptions, and improper salvage operations at sea.
These crimes always start in international jurisdiction and naturally arise in international jurisdiction, because the international jurisdiction stands between the actual, factual realm and the totally theoretical realm --- and it is here in the middle ground occupied by first degree Legal Fictions that the identities of the living can be obscured and "mistaken" --- accidentally-on-purpose--- and unlawfully converted into the identities of dead Legal Fictions, a process serving to benefit predatory malefactors.
As you can observe, the Bottomry Bonds Scandal involved ships, seagoing "vessels"-- that were completely imaginary.
Today, we battle with a similar scam, in which completely imaginary persons are created, and used like voo-doo dolls or poppets, to imprison, impound, cashier, rob, defraud, deprive, enslave, traffic and murder living people without consequence for the criminals guilty of this onslaught of constructive and institutionalized fraud.
Today, we battle with a foreign conspiracy that systematically redefines living Americans as foreign citizens, and then proceeds to create not only corporate personas to impersonate those living Americans, but also a dizzying array of derivative personas, each gratuitously and arbitrarily defined as a different kind of incorporated entity: cestui que vie trusts, public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, special purpose vehicles, and so on, in endless proliferation, all designed to do one thing---- steal or otherwise benefit from the identity and assets of the victims.
For Satan comes only to lie, to murder, to steal, and destroy.
These crimes of impersonation and barratry, and the insurance fraud schemes that accompany them, are nothing new. They are fully known, and they are just as damaging and destructive today as they were in 1609.
Those who do not remember the past may be condemned to relive it, but as we have adequately demonstrated, we have remembered the past and we have remembered who we are, and what we are owed as living people. There can be no pretension or excuse for continuing to misaddress us.
The International Court of Justice is uniquely situated to act in a variety of roles, as an Arbiter, as a Peacemaker, as a Comptroller, as a Prosecutor---- all within the targeted international jurisdiction wherein these specific crimes have occurred and been allowed to flourish until they threaten to destroy all life and the identity of life on this planet.
The sum total effect of these impersonation schemes serves to unlawfully convert the identity of living men and women and to render them as things---- dead things, corporations, and legal fictions. These legal fictions function in ways and under rules that are totally foreign to living people.
We ask that The International Court of Justice and the other High Courts herein addressed act as Arbiters in the interests of peace and engage these numerous issues with Good Faith and Determination to put an end to the evils presented by these pernicious crimes of personage, barratry, and insurance fraud, which have resulted in misery, confusion, mercenary conflicts, unjust enrichment, enslavement, peonage, murder, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, human trafficking, and many other crimes over the course of the last four centuries.
It has often been remarked that the courts have no positive powers, but only the powers of restraint --- then let these courts provide a mighty and determining rebuke and insightful permanent restraint upon the motivations of those criminals and criminal enterprises that have endeavored to mischaracterize and misidentify and impersonate the living as the dead, so as to benefit from their estates and purloin their credit and other assets, and exercise coercive power over living people via deceitful legal artifice.
Mankind has suffered for four hundred years under the lash of this institutionalized fraud scheme, and what the Bible calls "a strong delusion" --- but neither we nor anyone reading this is deceived any longer.
To the High Courts of the Roman Civil Law ---- take notice. We are not deceived and in your own language --- "Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritas."
To the High Maritime and Admiralty Courts --- take notice: possession by pirates does not change ownership.
The sanctity of life must be upheld, and the rights of individual living people must be enforced, and the bar between the living and the dead must be honored or nobody and nothing on this planet will be safe, there will be no peace, no sanity, and no end to poverty, ignorance, enslavement, peonage, and genocide.
The motivations of the gamblers must be taken away, and the merely presumed-to-exist insurable custodial interest of the British Crown must be firmly and permanently denied.
The courts of the international jurisdiction must be aroused to high dudgeon and motivated to protect their own credibility, honor, and competence, to put an end to this 400 year-old reign of terror brought to us via secretive insurance scams and profit-sharing schemes between governments, instrumentalities of governments, and corporations chartered by governments--- all seeking to deprive, defraud, misidentify, and impersonate living people as dead things for purposes of coercion, barratry and unjust enrichment.
We've had 400 years of delusional double-speak, lies for profit, and abuse of the living for the sake of the dead; it is the duty of the international courts to bring these abuses to an end.
May the High Courts bear Witness to the Law and the Source of all Justice in this most urgent hour, and take up their roles to preserve life, to affirm life, and to protect life from the ravages of their respective foreign domains and may they act to re-establish firm and lasting boundaries again between the Kingdoms of the Living and the Kingdoms of the Dead.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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 By Anna Von Reitz

At the end of reading an impassioned plea, the Queen passed it on with a one word comment: “Shrewsbury.”
It seemed to say, “Hmmmph!”
So much for the Lord High Steward. We’ve heard from him before. We shall no doubt hear from him again. He is persistent. And he is ignored, like all the prophets.
The name “Ivan Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury“ means either the Messenger of Grace or the Messenger of Destruction, depending on how you read it—or perhaps more importantly, how you respond to him and his message, which is as simple as Jonah’s message to Nineveh: repent!
The obligation of the Queen to act as a Christian Monarch cannot be abrogated or evaded by substituting another office or adopting another religion. The de facto Abdication of the British Throne in favor of The Chair of the Estates, can’t be allowed to continue —- and the Highest Hereditary Peer in the British Empire, the Final Judge in the Highest Court, has said so.
As a result, the entire Kingdom and Commonwealth is under Judgement of the Biblical kind.
The Court of the Lord High Steward has addressed the problem and there can be no doubt that if the bad behavior continues, so will the Plagues of Revelation.
Now, for those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear, it is apparent that those plagues are daily advancing.
The Great Tribulation (tribute paid to Rome) has come and gone. Thanks to the nuclear disaster in Japan a third of the life in the oceans has perished. And the Antichrist and the False Prophet have both arrived, on cue. The plague that will kill off a large part of mankind has been released and even now is doing its job….
And still the world will not repent and turn to the Living God and be healed.
The leadership of this planet, with rare exceptions, continues to ignore the obvious. We are under judgement for cause.
If you do this, you get that.
The Laws of God, unlike the laws of man, are self-executing. The results are known, and the results come, yet nobody in the Government appears to have noticed, except for Ivan Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, whose duty it is to render judgement.
And so, he has.
How much more must we and the rest of the world suffer before this insanity ends?
Peace could be attained so easily, and profit, too, if those misleading the world understood that God’s Law is like gravity.
It simply is.
God’s Law, which is built into the fabric of our existence, doesn’t alter or forgive or change direction until we alter our position with respect to it.
If we trip, we fall down.
When we give up our hardness of heart, then God relents. When we obey His Law, peace abides and life is abundant; but when we obey our own “law” things go to….well, take a good look around you.
The “law” of our own ego has brought us to this. Our idolatry of money and weakness for sex has once again yielded its ugly results, and yet we stand here like dumb, driven cattle, as if we haven’t been told how this works.
But we have been told, and Ivan Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, just told us — and the Queen— again.
Repent, or this misery will continue and enlarge in scope, until the last dregs of wrath have been poured out and the suffering of both man and beast is repaid upon those responsible.
Meanwhile, those of us who man the ramparts, have been sounding the alarm. No blood will be on our hands, because we have done our duty by you—- now, will you do the duty you owe yourselves?
Repent in your hearts and minds. Return to the land and soil of your Fathers. Be simple and humble and glad to have the True God reign as your king and together, accept no other. Be grateful, for even now, mercy abides with those who love what is good and who turn away from evil.
Let the record stand that the Lord High Steward has done his duty and rendered judgement. The Queen’s dismissive answer, —“Shrewsbury.” — will also stand, but in the end, the outcome of this spiritual war between the Liars and the Peacekeepers will depend on you.

What will you answer and discern?


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice – Blood Money 26 --- Land and Land Assets

 By Anna Von Reitz

The word "real" means "royal". So, "real estate" means "royal estate". The phrase "real estate" shows us that the system of land ownership that we have unwittingly been participating in is foreign. Specifically, it's British.
In the British system, all land ownership vests in the Monarch. The Monarch then gives a "title" to her loyal Subjects (who are wealthy enough to pay) who are then tenants on the Queen's land with a leasehold on the property so long as they pay another thing that is foreign to America --- property taxes.
Americans own their land by land grant or land patent, not according to foreign titles. Americans are landlords and owe no property taxes to the Queen. This is just one of many ample proofs that you have all been deliberately misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and therefore, Subjects of the Queen.
This system of things was imposed in the 1930's as part of FDR's plan to pay off the debts of his Municipal Government. The British Territorial Government was allowed to issue titles against every speck of land in this country, even though in fact, British Territorial Citizens accounted for less than 10% of the population.
Imagine that a Special Tax was passed against Americans of Russian descent, and as a result, everyone was redefined as Russian, to allow them to tax everyone "as if" they were all Russians?
That's what happened in America in the 1930's, and once again, we have FDR, the then-Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London to thank for this. Every American was "presumed" to be a Municipal citizen of the United States, which automatically defined them as a debtor responsible for the Municipal Corporation's debts.
Municipal citizens of the United States were already pre-judged as being guilty and as Debtors under the bogus Territorial Corporation's 14th Amendment, so once Municipal citizenship was "conferred" on everyone by the Municipal Congress, we were all presumed to be Municipal slaves and to be criminals and to be responsible for their debts.
The Queen's Government then self-servingly also redefined us as British Territorial Citizens in order to collect this debt we never owed and to subject us to foreign British Commonwealth laws. Nobody told us about any of these cozy arrangements made by our erstwhile Public Servants to serve themselves. And they unlawfully converted our American System into a British Commonwealth Land Title System and stole title to our land regardless of whether we were "federal citizens" or not--- all in Gross Breach of Trust, and under color of law.
So, what does it mean to be a "Real Estate Agent"? Ever heard the phrase "Foreign Agent"? As in "IRS Agent"? Or "FBI Agent"? Technically, all these people are in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Public Law 75-583, which requires them to publish their status and register as Foreign Agents.
The same thing applies to "Real Estate Agents". They are all Undeclared Foreign Agents, and 90% of these people have no clue that they are acting in any such capacity, much less do they know that they are acting against the actual government of this country by participating in these activities.
Virtually none of these people are registered as Foreign Agents, as the Public Law requires. And they get away with this, because the Public Law is not being enforced. And absolutely all of this outrageous Faux Pas is the fault of the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor, because while Joe Average on the street in America was totally unaware of any of this, they most certainly were fully aware of what they were doing, and they knew it was wrong.
They in fact knew that it was criminal, but they did it anyway, in Gross Criminal Breach of Trust and in violation of their constitutional contracts. As a result, generations of Americans have paid property taxes that they didn't owe, and often enough, they have lost their land when various economic circumstances left them unable to pay such property taxes.
Now, of course, all of this is strictly illegal and unlawful. They got away with it because it was never discussed in public, so that only those Americans who seized upon their land patents and demanded exemption from property taxes received exemption.
Over time, ignorance and "common use" led to people accepting titles and paying property taxes that they didn't owe, as if this was simply part of their government instead of being part of the foreign British Territorial Government usurping against us.
And now, the rats have unleashed a plague, trying to escape the consequences of their actions, like an octopus spewing octopus ink into the water to allow it to escape a predator. But be aware, if this entire charade is not brought to an abrupt and appropriate halt by the Pope and the Courts, there will be justice done.
Now we come back to the individual "licensed real estate agents". The first question should be, why "licensed"? When did selling land and homes become a crime requiring a special dispensation--- a license? It became a crime when the Queen's Agents misidentified us and misidentified our land as anything belonging to them.
No American could lawfully participate in this, and British Commonwealth Citizens had to be licensed, because the Crown has to control them. Licensed Real Estate Agents are, therefore, Officers in the Queen's Government, administering the lease-holds (that is, titles) that attach to the Queen's land and other property interests. They are working for the Queen and they are Foreign Agents, even though 99% of them do not realize this.
We have recently had problems with other Agents of the Municipal Government, the FBI, also Undeclared Foreign Agents. They have been inquiring about Licensed Real Estate Agents who also happen to be Americans participating in our State Assemblies as State Citizens. Obviously, Real Estate Agents who are working for the Queen cannot at the same time act as State Citizens, a status that requires unique loyalty to the specific American State. As a State Citizen, you cannot have a job or license or conflict of interest obligating you to any other government. If you do, you can be prosecuted both by the Queen's Government, and by the American Government, or worse, on behalf of the American Government.
We have recent indications that FBI Agents, who have also been improperly acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents in contravention of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, have been interfering with our State Assemblies and investigating the participation of Real Estate Agents in these organizations.
All licensed Real Estate Agents in America are faced with a hard choice: (1) continue working for the Queen and limit their participation in their State Assembly to the role of a State National, or (2) quit their licensed Foreign Agent activity and work as an American Land Patent Clerk for the Federation of States, in which case, they can choose to operate as a State National or as a State Citizen, either one.
As more Americans wake up to the inappropriate custodial claims of the Queen’s Government and the pernicious usurpation practiced against them and their lawful government, more and more Americans are not only restoring their own official political status, but they are seeking services to establish the Chain of Title back to the beginning of such presumptions, and then publishing their underlying land grants and United States Land Patents.
Only Americans can actually own land in this country, so Land Patents will not be transferrable to British Territorial or Municipal citizens of the United States, who must continue for the time being to have a lease-hold Title and consent to being donors to the respective foreign trusts during their condition of servitude.
As of the first of October in the year of 2020, all the Territorial “States” formed since the Civil War have been formally enrolled as States of the Union. There is no longer any basis to presume that our Government is in interregnum and no longer any basis for Territorial officials to presume a custodial interest in American property held within the borders of any State.
These are all matters of international law, treaties, and venerable contracts that effect the international land jurisdiction and which also impact various Agents working for the Queen’s Government and for the Pope’s Municipal interests. None of these people should be left “working in the dark” --- left not knowing the nature of their employment, not even realizing that they are working for a foreign government, and not obeying the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
This includes not only Real Estate Agents, but Insurance Agents, FBI Agents, FEMA Agents, ATF Agents, Tax Agents of all sorts, U.S. Marshals, Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, U.S. Patent Clerks and Bar Attorneys, --and various other licensed “professionals” --all of whom are acting as Foreign Agents, who have not been fully informed about their status as such and most of whom have not registered as Foreign Agents.
This lapse on the part of our Federal Subcontractors has resulted in numerous Federal Agencies being misdirected and their Personnel assuming powers never vouchsafed to them; the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice have been especially misinformed and have frequently abused and trespassed against their American Employers.
More recently, Medical Doctors and Registered Nurses have been prevailed upon by foreign government interests to participate in dangerous experimental medical procedures foisted off on the American Public as vaccines, when in fact, these serum injections are not vaccines, but are instead the introduction of foreign and damaging Messenger RNA which irreversibly changes the natural genome of the victims and damages their immune and reproductive systems.
This de facto attack on our Public Health by incorporated entities owned and operated by the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London must be stopped. The motives for it appear to be financial and specifically calculated to kill and sterilize the Priority Creditors of these same commercial corporations, and also possibly promoted to advance claims that the victims have been turned into Genetically Modified Organisms subject to patent claims.
We unequivocally and officially rejected and have outlawed all such repugnant commercial claims by any party or any incorporated entity seeking to create or own GMO humans since January 1, 2020. Anyone making such a claim will be denied and anyone enforcing such a claim will be subject to capital punishment under public and international law.
We must note that the vast majority of American physicians and nurses have never been informed of the fact that obtaining a Medical License changes their political status and involves being conscripted as a U.S. Citizen and subjected to the Queen’s Government as a Uniformed Officer defined under Title 37 of the Federal Code.
This lapse lacking full disclosure voids these contracts and has resulted in these people operating unknowingly as Foreign Agents on our shores, and in their being misdirected by corporate policy to take part in the above-mentioned repugnant activities wrecking damage upon their innocent Employers in violation of their pre-eminent commercial service contracts, which are the respective Federal Constitutions--- and all in Gross Breach of Trust.
We must call upon the Principals and the High Courts to honor their obligations of full disclosure to their American Employees and to put an end to these trespasses and travesties and failures to obey the Public Law and the requirements of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
We must also call upon the same Parties to Cease and Desist all inappropriate interference and trespass, all imposition of private corporate Public Policy on members of the Public, and also to Cease and Desist the misrepresented and deliberately damaging mRNA experiments.
Despite elaborate attempts to prepare a complex exit strategy seeking to leave no one financially accountable for these injections, the Incorporated Entities and the governments responsible for their misadministration and oversight will be held accountable under our Public Law and under International Law as well.
We have already issued and provided international arrest warrants for Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates III, and other known conspirators.
We understand and note that not only the land, but the soil, belong to the people of this country, and that the living people are themselves assets of the land and soil jurisdictions. Any attack against them or their persons, any interference in the exercise of their prerogatives, any lapse of commercial contract performance, any overreach of merely presumed authority against the interests of the Public (such as claim of any granted authority related to individual or Public Health by foreign governments and corporations) are fully actionable.
We have similarly and correctly claimed all primary right, title, interest, patent, and claim to all Public Infrastructure in America, all roads, natural resources, mineral deposits, and other resources of the land and soil belonging to the American States and People.
We have conducted an audit and found that the great preponderance of debt is owed by our European Subcontractors, and that the only reason that it has ever appeared otherwise, is a self-interested accounting scam and failure to offset the respective debts.
Whereupon we call upon the other Principals and the High Courts to order the immediate offset of all Public Debts, so that the balance of the payments may be released and zeroed out, and everyone may be relieved of this ridiculous presumption of debt in the midst of plenty.
The interests of the land and soil jurisdiction are paramount and well-represented. Acts of Piracy by legal fictions are illusions among the demonic manifestations of this world, subject to the Seal of God. All Principals and particularly the Pope are well-aware of this fact and circumstance, which absolutely requires action by all the High Courts, all the High Justices, and all the Charter-holders involved--- including the UN CORP and its derivatives and franchises.
We note that the Court of the Lord High Steward has returned its judgement and found the Crown and the Queen's Government in error. It has in fact left the entirety of Great Britain and the Commonwealth under Judgement in the Biblical sense; the Lord High Steward, Lord Shrewsbury, the Highest Judicial Authority left representing the British Empire, has issued a scathing and exacting recitation of the failures of the British Government in sum total, resulting in the inexorable progression of plagues and damage inflicted on innocent people worldwide.
The Highest Court in England has yielded clear and compelling and irrevocable condemnation requiring action by the Queen and the Queen's Government to correct and repent. We hold Lord Shrewsbury's findings for examination and also his claim of jurisdictional authority under the present circumstance for the advisement of all world governments.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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