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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Lessons Learned Hot wash, then After Action is Lesson Learned…

 Streamed live on January 26, 2021

Please Post Where People Will See It

My God, My God....

 By Anna Von Reitz

People have been asking me about a Facebook link to a presentation about Adrenochrome, a drug hailed as "the Fountain of Youth"--- except that it requires torturing and killing children to create it.  

I will post the Facebook link though you have to open up Facebook in order to follow it, and I do not expect it to be on Facebook for very long.  

But then, I will cut to the chase and post the documents that this report is based on and let you read it for yourselves: 

These papers are internal production records -- production of Adrenochrome, that is, --- including the names and dates of birth of the children "used up" to produce the given amounts of "junk".  

The papers detail the names and locations of "centers" where this "harvesting" was done by a corporation called CYM. --- a Defense Contractor working for the United States Army Special Medical Corps --- itself just the name of another Municipal Corporation owned and operated by the British Territorial Government. 

The Brits, again. 

They were keeping these kids in detention centers, calling them inmates, calling themselves wardens,  slowly torturing these kids to death, and harvesting the adrenochrome from their blood.  

The adrenochrome is produced by the body in response to the terror and torture.  

Now you know where the tales of vampires and the Marquis de Sade come from, and what motivated these horrific, heinous, murderous acts against children and young teenagers.  

Now you know that the "Special Medical Corps" of our British Territorial "United States Army" was involved in the factory-like production of Adrenochrome.  

They were producing it, selling it, and using it for their own purposes --to keep their venal leaders alive long after these evil men and women should have died, to entice people like Hollywood actors and Supermodels who depend on their appearance to maintain their careers, and to blackmail everyone involved at any level as producers or consumers of the drug.  

More shocking, look at the names and the photos of the people who were involved in these activities.  They look perfectly normal, don't they?  They look like anyone you might see in the grocery store or the ballpark, a car wash, a concert, or, even in church --- and they were making their livings by torturing little kids to death. 

Some of them probably even thought that they were doing something important and necessary for "the government".  

Read through the list of the children's names and their dates of birth.  Imagine how you would feel as the parents of these "missing" children.... 

These men and women, all members of the United States Army Special Medical Corps who put up with this and "went along", all of them who were involved in this hideous business, must be appropriately and decisively punished. 

Any politician or agency personnel who knew about this and did nothing to stop it, deserve the same fate. 

Anyone who claims that any part of this was part of their religion needs to be jailed in a mental hospital for the rest of their lives. 

The corporations responsible deserve to be liquidated, with great prejudice. 

Any shareholder of CYM. having any knowledge of its operations or actual business (that is, not money market shareholders) or any other such organization, deserves to be exposed in public and shamed, stripped of their wealth, stripped of their reputation, and they should never be able to access the privilege to incorporate, operate a corporation, buy stocks or bonds or profit themselves from the labor of others in any way. 

The punishments meted out to these criminals should be in all ways commensurate with their crime, and should reflect the severity of it. 

Beyond that, I am just going to say -- God bless Timothy Holmseth.  God bless Kevin Annett.  God bless all the good and decent people in our Armed Forces. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Mass arrest at the capitol? Can anyone verify this?

Okay, Any Fools in the Audience?

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am going to put this as plainly as possible so that nobody misses the point: 

If anyone accepts a "Second Declaration of Independence" they lose all that they won and are owed as a result of the first Declaration of Independence.  

Not only that, but they will be forced to fight in support of that declaration and have to go back and try to re-establish what they are already owed. 

So spread the word not to be fooled by this.   

Don't be victims of any more fraud. 

The Vermin make their money by fighting and by pillaging. 

They would love to have you be stupid enough to start rallying around a "Second Declaration of Independence" so that they would have an excuse to shoot you and fight with you over it, instead of being obligated by their current agreements. 

Don't be chumps. 

My Mama never raised no fools and I am telling you flat out the consequences of ever giving up or turning your backs on the original Declaration of Independence. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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The LRS for Everyone: an Answer for a Canadian

 By Anna Von Reitz

I know this is all a bit new to most people, so let me explain that there is a fundamental difference between "recording" something in the public, and "registering" it.

A Public Record is a land jurisdiction recording and it is what it says it is --- you're just making a public record of a fact, such as the birth of a new baby, or a marriage, or a claim to a copyright or trademark or some possession, be it land or patent or DNA.  Our Land Recording System is a computerized, block-chained, scan-based system that establishes such Public Records for people, and does it in international jurisdiction, so it doesn't matter if you are an American or a Canadian or a German.  You are basically enabled to establish a Public Record that is visible worldwide and permanently published that records your name, your provenance, your chosen political status -- for example, John Able Smyth, Hydburne, Warwickshire, England, Englishman, born 6th of January 1967.... 

A "registration" is a commercial transaction taking place in the international jurisdiction of the sea, in which you are giving up your natural ownership interest in whatever is being registered to the entity that you are registering it with.  So, for example, when you "register" your private auto as a "commercial vehicle" you are turning it over to the ownership of whichever State of State or Department or Corporation you are registering it with.  They, in turn, issue you a "Title" that gives you control and responsibility for the car which has now been redefined as a "vehicle" subject to the Motor Vehicle Code.  

So when people unwittingly register things, even babies, they are giving up their interest in the car, baby, land, or whatever else, and entering into a subject-liege lord relationship with the entity issuing the "title" or the "birth certificate". 

This is not what we need to be doing.  Instead, we need to be recording our interest in our own children and in our own property assets, and depriving these corporations of any pretended interest in our private property, including our DNA. 

As your records will refer to a Canadian and to Canadian locations and not to an American and American locations, it is obvious that you are not becoming an American or trying to do any such thing.  

Cost varies depending upon what kind of record you are establishing and how many pages have to be scanned and uploaded and tracked in the system.  Certain things, like land patents, can be many pages long, while others, such as a simple Declaration of Political Status are only a page long.  Most records run $20-30 USD at the present time. 

It provides you with a world-spanning record on the land of who you are, and publishes that in international jurisdiction.  This makes it far more difficult for legal entities to pretend that you are "dead" or not claiming your birthright political status or have voluntarily given them an interest in your children, your car, or anything else.  

As many are discovering in America, we have been hoodwinked into undisclosed and even unconscionable contracts by our own public employees, and those undisclosed and otherwise improper adhesion contracts have then been used to impose commercial obligations on us to pay mortgages that they owe, to obey regulations that actually pertain only to them in the course of their duties, and which otherwise redefine who we are and the capacity in which we are acting in ways that serve to mischaracterize us, enslave us, demean us as "things" rather than as people, and most of all, deprive us of the rights and standing which we are guaranteed by Nature and by national and international treaties and charters, such as the Magna Carta.

I trust that your inheritance of these and other precious material and immaterial rights, including your possession of your own DNA as a birthright, is important enough to you, so that you see the importance of claiming these assets and inheritances and publishing your claim on the Public Record in case anyone --- or more to the point, any thing, such a commercial corporation --- attempts to steal from you or misrepresent your actions.  

We can put you in contact with the LRS Director.  We are currently establishing Recording Secretaries who can assist you in using the LRS from each country.  There should already be someone in Canada to assist, but I don't know who off the top of my head.  Will try to forward that information, too.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Situation Update, Jan 26th – Trump makes moves toward parallel presidency as Biden agenda blockaded

(Natural News) The resistance to the corrupt Biden agenda is gaining steam and it’s now clear that numerous elements of the political machine are lining up to block Biden’s actions.

For example, with two Democrat senators now stating that they will not support the removal of the filibuster rule, this means the filibuster will almost certainly remain in place, allowing the GOP to firewall the worst Biden-era laws that are pushed through the House.

In addition, states like Texas are already suing the Biden government, challenging the legality of executive orders that cause harm to real Americans. Texas has already won an important action on its first lawsuit against the Biden regime. As The Gateway Pundit reports:

Texas was the first state to sue the Biden Admin and AG Paxton won in under a week.

Biden took a loss within 6 days of his inauguration.

US District Judge Drew Tipton, a Trump appointee, temporarily blocked Biden’s policy.

“This was a seditious left-wing insurrection. And my team and I stopped it,” Texas AG Ken Paxton said.

More states are going to join those efforts to sue the Biden regime, and state legislators are already talking about passing local measures to ensure voting integrity to make sure the 2020 election theft doesn’t happen again.

Fake President Biden isn’t going to get an easy ride, it seems. Not like Obama did in 2009.

President Trump appears to be positioning a “parallel presidency” office with many surprises yet to come

At the same time, President Trump — who has for now disavowed the Patriot Party as anything real — is setting up what many might see as a parallel presidency office called, “The Office of the Former President.” Although it sounds like an epic troll targeting Biden’s “Office of the President-Elect,” this new Trump office is actually being staffed with highly effective people who are hitting the ground running, pushing Trump’s political strategies into play.

This is all very important to recognize because the military is still positioned to move against Biden’s treasonous, illegal coup, holding new elections under military authority later this year. Trump’s continued presence in the political playing field hints at his near-term plans to continue to play a prominent role in American politics.

This is why all of our grassroots efforts to halt the Biden regime’s destructive agenda are so important: The more we slow down Biden (and the radical trans activists running him), the more we help save America from destruction while the military and Trump both prepare for the opportunity to remove Biden from power and restore the constitutional republic.

Even if you think that’s a pipe dream that will never take place, slowing down the Biden agenda between now and 2022 gives America the possibility of retaking the House or the Senate at that time. Admittedly, Dems are pushing H.R. 1 which will codify nationwide vote fraud (ballot harvesting, universal mail-in ballots, etc.), so we may already be past the point of correcting all this at the voting booths, but we must explore every opportunity and pathway to avoid the collapse into civil war.

Today’s Situation Update for January 26th provides many additional details of what’s happening and how Trump’s long-term plan is taking shape: