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ReplyDeleteThanks Paul for proving my point since I have been on this forum blogging my heart out for months to warn of divine planetary extinction of humanity and original divine creation!!! Now, we all see why our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven wants to currently exterminate His creation for His children's' corruption of original divine creation (Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Barry Soetero [Barack Obama] and the female lab technician throwing up the 666 hand sign [plus many others including Bill Gates] will be divinely exterminated as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 unless I personally reach out to them to intervene from their own divine demise [eternal-condemnation])!!! These folks in the picture (Anthony Fauci, Melinda Gates, Barack Obama (Barry Soetero) and the female lab technician) think they can out do our divine Father (Yahweh) by killing off His original divine creation (including humanity) but they are about to get a divine rude awakening very soon with my "Divine-Manifesto" of "Divine Intelligence's Lawful Divine Warning Orders To Humanity Of Earth To Avoid Divine Planetary Extermination"!!! What divinely more do I need to say to The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, globalists and to the rest of humanity???!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!
DeletePaul I am trying hard to do this but tech and money challenged at the moment. My grown children are robbing me blind and I can't pull the trigger to get rid of them. I will be able to contribute when I get past this year, but right now things are tough. Love your channel and Anna's blogs and agree 100%!