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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Situation Update, Jan 26th – Trump makes moves toward parallel presidency as Biden agenda blockaded

(Natural News) The resistance to the corrupt Biden agenda is gaining steam and it’s now clear that numerous elements of the political machine are lining up to block Biden’s actions.

For example, with two Democrat senators now stating that they will not support the removal of the filibuster rule, this means the filibuster will almost certainly remain in place, allowing the GOP to firewall the worst Biden-era laws that are pushed through the House.

In addition, states like Texas are already suing the Biden government, challenging the legality of executive orders that cause harm to real Americans. Texas has already won an important action on its first lawsuit against the Biden regime. As The Gateway Pundit reports:

Texas was the first state to sue the Biden Admin and AG Paxton won in under a week.

Biden took a loss within 6 days of his inauguration.

US District Judge Drew Tipton, a Trump appointee, temporarily blocked Biden’s policy.

“This was a seditious left-wing insurrection. And my team and I stopped it,” Texas AG Ken Paxton said.

More states are going to join those efforts to sue the Biden regime, and state legislators are already talking about passing local measures to ensure voting integrity to make sure the 2020 election theft doesn’t happen again.

Fake President Biden isn’t going to get an easy ride, it seems. Not like Obama did in 2009.

President Trump appears to be positioning a “parallel presidency” office with many surprises yet to come

At the same time, President Trump — who has for now disavowed the Patriot Party as anything real — is setting up what many might see as a parallel presidency office called, “The Office of the Former President.” Although it sounds like an epic troll targeting Biden’s “Office of the President-Elect,” this new Trump office is actually being staffed with highly effective people who are hitting the ground running, pushing Trump’s political strategies into play.

This is all very important to recognize because the military is still positioned to move against Biden’s treasonous, illegal coup, holding new elections under military authority later this year. Trump’s continued presence in the political playing field hints at his near-term plans to continue to play a prominent role in American politics.

This is why all of our grassroots efforts to halt the Biden regime’s destructive agenda are so important: The more we slow down Biden (and the radical trans activists running him), the more we help save America from destruction while the military and Trump both prepare for the opportunity to remove Biden from power and restore the constitutional republic.

Even if you think that’s a pipe dream that will never take place, slowing down the Biden agenda between now and 2022 gives America the possibility of retaking the House or the Senate at that time. Admittedly, Dems are pushing H.R. 1 which will codify nationwide vote fraud (ballot harvesting, universal mail-in ballots, etc.), so we may already be past the point of correcting all this at the voting booths, but we must explore every opportunity and pathway to avoid the collapse into civil war.

Today’s Situation Update for January 26th provides many additional details of what’s happening and how Trump’s long-term plan is taking shape:

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