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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Clearing the Air for Coordinators and Leaders

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is my 13th Start Up.  By that I mean that I have spent much of my life working on "start up" operations --- creating or, in this case, restoring --- organizations that have either: (1) never existed before or (2) have existed, but have stalemated or been partially deconstructed, and need to be restored to full function and maybe even to undertake new functions.  

Remember my analogy about the huge old farm machine stored out in the shed out on the Back Forty?  A combine harvester from 1958, that needs its diesel engine brought back to life?  Or a steam turbine electrical generator that has sat in the generator shack above a dam spillway for forty years, unused?  

That's the kind of proposition we have here.  We are restoring and in many senses--- restarting, a system of government that has lain dormant for decades, even in some parts that has been forgotten for generations.  Not dead. Simply by-passed. Not used. Moth-balled. 

We have never seen the American Government in operation the way it is meant to be in operation in our lifetimes.  Our parents glimpsed parts of it.  Our grandparents knew more about it, but we have to go back to the era of our great-grandparents before the taste and feel of "how this engine is supposed to run" would become clear to everyone involved. 

As a result, it's like a start-up operation of any other kind and I emphasize this for everyone, because start-ups are profoundly different than the well-oiled machines that most people experience as inductees to the corporate world. 

People like me are like midwives dealing with the birthing process of businesses and governments, while the "managers" who come after us are dealing with organizations in various recognizable stages of maturity.  At each stage, the cast of characters, the skills, and the abilities of those involved change.  

Building or rebuilding from a start-up perspective is a whole different proposition worlds away from running an established and well-oiled machine. 

Building any organization is an organic process, because organizations and the functions of organizations are alive in much the same sense that we are alive as unique people. Like people, organizations can be moral and solid, or they can be crafty and dishonest.  

This is what we mean when we talk about "establishing a corporate culture" --- what are the values of the organization?  What gets rewarded, and what gets punished?  What kind of leadership do we choose?  What matters?  What are the goals?  

The first and foremost goal of any actual government is to protect the people and their private assets.  

Our government is no different.  

Our secondary goal is to protect, promote, and develop the public resources of our country--- our infrastructure and institutions --- our ports, roads, bridges, rail system, schools, universities, and public lands. 

And that, my friends, is really all that a good government needs to do.  Two things.  Keep those two things firmly in mind and make them your goal, and our people and our country will prosper.  Forget them or displace them in favor of profit-making, and our enterprise will fail. 

It's as simple --- and as challenging --- as that.  

We've seen what happens when "governmental services providers" take over. These private, for-profit government subcontractors have different goals. Sure, they may provide worthy and necessary services, but they are in it for different reasons.  They are here to make a profit for their shareholders. 

We are here to serve everyone's best interests, including our own. 

That is a profound change of focus and relationship.  They are employees.  We are owner-operators.  

Starting from these "givens" let me address one of many situations that generate ongoing concerns: computerization of functions. 

Back when our "Big Old Machine" was parked out in that storage shed, we didn't have computers.  Like them or not in theory, computers and computerization of functions has become part of our lives and functioning as a modern government requires us to adapt and make use of the new technologies.  So that is part of what we are doing.  

As the responsible party, I looked at what needed to be done and at the resources available, and I made the following decisions about the situation as it existed when the effort began. 

1. Brett would develop the Land Recording System; 
2. Dave and Sherry and family would develop the Assembly Hub and assist in the customization of the individual websites and all the portals, links, and accesses needed; 
3. Teri would continue to build, oversee, and manage the outreach and educational websites. 

In numerous conversations with people all over this country, nobody has disagreed with what I did.  Nobody has said, no, no, you were wrong to let Brett develop and manage the LRS.  Nobody has objected to anything Dave and Sherry have done.  And nobody has criticized Teri's work on the American States Assembly and Sign In America and Peacekeeping Task Force websites. 

Nobody.  Not a single word of complaint. Not a single dissenting voice.  

Everyone to all external signs, is well-content to have our people and resources thus distributed and employed, and, also, according to all reports, reasonable good progress is being made on all the various computer-related projects and tasks --- with one exception.  

For whatever reasons, we have not been able to timely deploy and provide the State Credential ID cards.  This, in itself, is a comparatively simple task, akin to producing a Driver's License at a DMV office.  As all our Assembly Members have done their political status declarations, that necessary step is done, and all that remains is to scan and upload specifics to a secure special purpose database and print out a card. 

My computer skills don't extend to programming, but even I could manage to produce a viable secure database and print out cards, quite independent of anything else that is going on.  

As the situation on the West Coast has continued to deteriorate and as our members there are in an increasingly exposed position, the prompt issuance of State Credential IDs has become an issue. 

Many of our people no longer use Driver Licenses as a form of identification because they now realize that they are not "drivers" in the sense of the statutory law, and that having a DL clouds their political status as Americans --- yet, due to the False Presumptions of military occupation of this country, everyone is required to have and produce a UPU guideline ID at all times for their own safety. 

What to do?  

With no prejudice or ill-will toward anyone or anything, Teri, who lives in the Seattle area where a lot of the current unrest is focused, took on the additional job of producing State Credential ID's for those in need.  This is not rocket science, and it does not have to be tied in --- at least not immediately --- to any other aspect of the ongoing computer developments. 

It can be handled as a separate function for now and the job can get done. It can get done at numerous locations, too.  Every State should soon have its own printers and be able to feed their information to a central file database.  As thousands upon thousands of Americans wake up, this will be necessary anyway. 

To me, that phrase, "The job can get done." is all-important, because--- remember--- the first function of government is to protect our people and their private property.  To the extent that anything impedes, delays, obstructs or stands in the way of us getting that job done, it has to be overcome. 

The delay in getting State Credentials issued to our people endangers them. Pure and simple.  It doesn't matter why and it doesn't imply blame.  There are no sides to this issue.  It simply has to get done.  

If it takes another six months for the credential functions to be mainlined through the Assembly Hub, so be it.  If it takes a year to train large numbers of clerical support volunteers to input data, so be it.  None of that matters.  What matters is protecting our people now.   

As the Chief Cook, Bottle-washer, and Grandma of this operation, I can tell you that when a baby is hungry, it needs to be fed.  There is no arguing about whose cow is tapped to give the milk.  And there is no reasonable cause for any big controversy about this situation.  All those who have resources and ideas and abilities to help solve the problem are invited to come forward.  Everyone else is invited to shut up and sit down.  

Why?  Because our first goal as a government is to protect our people and their private property.  Our second goal is to protect public property that also ultimately belongs to our people.  And there isn't a third goal. 

Now, I want everyone firmly focused on the two goals of Good Government. 

I want everyone committed to accepting differences in roles and responsibilities, and yet, also committed to what our Forefathers called "the Greater Good".  That means contributing our own unique abilities and resources as they exist in the present moment.  

There is a reason that I tell our contributors --- "If you can't send money and prayers, send us your prayers."  Everyone can contribute.  Everyone has something to contribute.  And as Dave and Sherry remind us, "All things work together for good."  

So let the Good Will begin at home, in our own extended Family.  Let's understand that when our Forefathers committed "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" -- they were making a commitment to each other, too. 

There is no room for taking sides. However divided our opinions may be, at the end of the day, we have to stand together and help each other accomplish the goals --- (1) protect our people and their property; (2) protect and develop our public resources.  

We have to develop the insight to not agree, and still defend to the death the rights of others to their own opinions.  

I made the decision to place Brett in charge of the LRS. He is still in charge of it. I made the decision to put Dave and Sherry and their co-workers in charge of the Assembly Hub and all that entails.  They are still in charge of that.  I asked Teri to develop the American States Assembly websites and other educational and outreach websites.  She is still in charge of all that.  

These are simple facts, not hard for anyone to understand.  They don't allow for any interpretation or presumption of competition or taking of sides.  There are no sides in this operation.  There are just different people and groups working on their own part of the whole. 

Dave and Sherry are in charge of connecting the credential functions through the State Assembly Hub --- whenever that part of it is ready to be done, but as a separate function, production of the state credentials is a side issue.  It could, as Dave and Sherry have themselves pointed out, eventually be contracted out to a company or companies that specialize in producing credential cards. 

And frankly, neither I nor anyone I have spoken with, cares who produces the State Credential ID cards.  Or how many offices we have that are, eventually, producing State Credential ID cards. 

What I care about is --- is the information complete and correct?  Is the database secure?  Can local law enforcement and peacekeeping forces easily access the information they need?  And if the answer to those three questions is "yes", then let's move forward with the means that we have at hand and get the job done. 

Because our people are in need and our people are endangered for lack of viable modern credentials, and our very first goal and reason for being is what? 

To protect our people and their property.  

Anything that stands in the way of accomplishing our mission has to be overcome, side-stepped, leaped over, dug under or bull-dozed. Those that recognize problems and show the initiative to overcome them, need our applause and support.  

None of us need any brou-hah-hah or speculation or back-biting.  This isn't the board room at Exxon, Inc.   This is a family. 

So I am addressing each and every one of you today to stop and nip-in-the-bud all and any tendency that you may have toward criticizing our volunteers --- any of them.  

They are all here doing their best to help move our Big Old Machine into position to protect our people and their property, and to preserve the interest of our people in the public lands and infrastructure of this country. 

That's our job when we take up self-governance, those are the goals, and there isn't anything else to it.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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Now watch a real debate

What a farce last night was between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

I don't agree with Jack Kennedy in many of his social policies. But he did some things right, and Nixon crapped in his own nest.  At least Kennedy knew about the money and tried to correct it, and it cost him his life.

Just the contrast between these two debates is like day and night.  

Just an interesting lesson in decorum and articulation of ideas.  I was very disappointed in Donald Trump last night, but he could barley get a word in edgewise without being talked over by both Biden and Wallace. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

ILB's Are Private, Not Public

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have tried repeatedly to get this across to people. Everyone please listen up.
Individual Living Being identification numbers are a private service and like private insurance or membership in an Auto Club are not associated with our government.
ILB's exist under private copyright by the inventors of that system.
If you choose to use their products, you become liable to their private copyright. If they issue an ILB related to you, it needs to be accompanied by a clearly stated and written and fully disclosed contract which describes your obligations, if any, for the usage of their copyrighted IDeed system.
Failing that, it is an improper contract and invalid on the land and soil of this country.
It is also not a public identification related in any way to your government and does not and cannot serve as an official government identification system.
Although it bills itself as a "replacement of government" --- we all know that that is in terms of private usage only, and if it did "replace" the government of this country, it would be in insurrection and those promoting it would be liable to prosecution.
For these reasons and others, I caution everyone using the ILB system to be aware of what this system is, and is not. It has some valid purposes and can be a benefit when identifying private property, much as private insurance policies can be of benefit for car owners.
The privately copyrighted ILB System promoted as IDeed does not replace our government nor does it replace our public identification systems, State Credentials, and other paperwork.

Anyone having any ideas to the contrary needs to be fully informed.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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Broadcast to All Americans - Part 4

 By Anna Von Reitz

So now you understand that "Honest Abe" wasn't really so honest after all. He used semantic deceit to run for a Territorial Office as "President of the United States of America" in order to avoid the prohibitions against attorneys serving in our government while holding foreign titles of nobility.
Many people considered what Lincoln did to be treason, as it deliberately side-stepped and evaded clear-cut constitutional obligations.
Lincoln never served in the similarly-named Office of The President of The United States of America, nor did he ever serve as President of the Federal Republic --- that is, in the Office of the President of the united States of America.
He used semantic deceits to occupy a foreign office, while appearing to be our President---- and had the horse laugh on everyone.
Unfortunately, as a direct result of his action and the actions of those foreign entities supporting him in this deceit, the actual Federal Republic was destroyed, and once that happened it was impossible for anyone in his inherited office ("President" Andrew Johnson and "President" Ulysses S. Grant, for examples) to correct this situation.
Even though these men were not attorneys and were eligible to occupy the actual offices owed to the Americans, the organizational structures were gone.
From that point on, the only way to restore the Presidency was to Reconstruct the entire "missing" mid-section of the government.
Both the Confederation and the Federal Republic operating as the States of America, would have to be rebuilt.
Where to begin?
Obviously, with the States and the Federation of States that gave rise to the Confederation in the first place.
Each member State of the Federation created its own "State of State" to participate as a member in the Confederation.
Maine created The State of Maine. New York created The State of New York.
And so on.
These business organizations were created to conduct routine business for the State while the State Assembly was not in Session. Their Confederation provided the same sort of service to the Federation, but was not authorized to declare war, act under any General Power of Attorney, or make any new policy decisions.
Next, after the Reconstruction of the Confederation by the States, the Confederation needs to take action in turn to reconstruct the States of America--- the American portion of the Federal Government known as the Federal Republic.
How and why this was done only makes sense once you realize that the entire "Federal Government" is merely a bunch of Subcontractors providing enumerated services, and exercising specific delegated "powers" to be able to provide those services.
Once the Constitutions were written and adopted, those contracts were intentionally set in cement, subject only to an arduous amendment and ratification process. Those delegated functions became "routine" and clearly defined, such that the States would not have to look at them again until a question of ratification of a constitutional amendment arose.
That's why the day to day management of the Federal Republic fell to the Confederation instead of remaining directly under the oversight of the Federation of States. And that is also why the reconstructed Confederation is a prerequisite to reconstruct the Federal Republic.
States to create American States of States.
American States of States to form the Confederation.
The Confederation to form the States of America.
The States of America to run the Federal Republic.
And please note --- the reason that we designate "American States of States" is that our State of State organizations, like our President's Office, were undermined and "substituted for" by Territorial interlopers "on an emergency basis", and later, by Municipal STATES OF STATES--- that simply nosed in for their share at the trough.

Make no mistake. These Confederation and Federal Republic offices and organizations are supposed to be staffed by Americans and they are supposed to be working for the American Government, not the Brits, not the Popes --- and that has not been the case since 1860.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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Unity is Hard-Won

By Anna Von Reitz 

James Timothy "Tim" Turner never understood the jurisdictional issues involved in trying to resurrect the Federal Republic, aka, united States of America.  He didn't have the benefit of the history that we now have.

For example, he wasn't clear about the structure of the three federal constitutions and which Parties and Principals were attached to which.  

He never knew that the States create the American State-of-States needed to reconstruct the Confederation; in other words, he didn't realize that Florida, the actual State, has to create the American business organization known as The State of Florida.

He didn't know that The State of Florida is the intended American member of the Confederation. 

He didn't know that the Confederation operates the States of America, which is known as the Federal Republic.

The knowledge that the States had to be repopulated, and then the American States of States restored, in order to restore the Confederation, and then, the Confederation needed to operate the States of America, also known as the Federal Republic --- all that complexity and step-by-step went over Tim Turner's head.

But the part that he got right, that the Federal Republic was Missing-in-Action, was a revelation to most Americans in 2008.   

And from that starting point, RuSA was born.

Four years later, like so many other Americans, James Timothy "Tim" Turner,  was misidentified as an "enemy combatant" in a long forgotten mercenary war, and railroaded on charges brought by the IRS, "presuming" that he was a Municipal citizen of the United States, and a therefore a Federal citizen and subject to Federal income taxes.

In retrospect we know that these courts had no right or reason to address him at all, except that our American State Assemblies were not in Session and our civilian courts were not in evidence.

But all that is changed.  All fifty properly declared Assemblies are in Session, and our civilian courts are beginning operations again as a result.  The "presumptions" of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service, both, are proven to be nothing but self-interested bunk.

Tim Turner should be released, and all the money ever collected from him in his private capacity by the racketeers should be returned, plus interest.

It has been eight (8) years since James Timothy "Tim" Turner entered federal incarceration.  His physical condition has deteriorated as a result. He has ten years left of an 18 year sentence. This afternoon I received a plea from his long-time friend and supporter, Jean Hertler, asking us all to help him obtain a home confinement order from the Trump Administration.

I didn't always agree with Tim.  He didn't listen to me. He paid a very heavy price, akin to the Colorado Nine.  But Tim Turner is a patriot and he did mean well toward America and he did get some crucial things right, so yes, let's put aside the differences and focus on helping someone who was trying his best to help all of us.  All it costs is a phone call and a postage stamp to pay our respects and say, "Aye, Tim Turner. You're one of us." -- here's the information for everyone to call and to write, per Jean's letter this afternoon--- beginning with his direct explanation:

"I have a number to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons,
Office of Public Relations.  This is the number to call to request
immediate release of an inmate due to the COVID-19 threat. The number is
202-514-6551.  Anyone calling will need the below list of info to tell
them why I should be released to Home confinement.  I am applying for
the release to home confinement and am in the administrative process
now.  The next step is a BP-10 to Region Office.  The reasons that I am
applying for home confinement is due to the risk factors due to my
health issues that include the following:

1. Chronic High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
2. Enlarged Heart
3. Light stroke in 2015
4. Chronic Anemia due to kidney problems
5. Kidney removed December 10, 2019 due to a tumor
6. The remaining kidney is not functioning properly
7. I have a history of lung infections and had double pneumonia in 2017
8. The probability of serious permanent injury or death if I contract
Covid-19 is very high
9. There have been multiple deaths at Oakdale Federal Correction
Institution Due to COVID-19, where I am currently incarcerated.
10. I have no violent offenses
11. I have no criminal history
12. I have no disciplinary actions during my 8 years of incarceration
14. I have a -22 overall score on the Male Pattern Score Sheet
15. I have state retirement and will be eligible for social security and
Medicare in March 2021
16. I have a home, loving wife, family, and church to return to
17. I have never been a threat to anyone
18. I have good relations with and am highly respected in my local
19. I am 64 years old
20. I can be included on my wife's health insurance plan at her
21. I have good job skills and can get work if I need to work
22. I have a commutation of sentence approved by the U.S. Pardon

For the above reasons I should be fully qualified pursuant to the CARES
ACT to be placed at home confinement."

And from Jean: 

"He regularly expresses gratitude for all of you and your care for him in
this time of adversity.  Please strongly consider taking action on
behalf of this honorable man who laid down his life for America—and the
world.  Consider writing to Tim and let him know you cared enough to
honor his request.  Email me and let me know your results, if you will.

James Timothy Turner
BOP# 14154-002
FCI Oakdale I
PO Box 5000
Oakdale, LA 71463"

Take a moment to make that call and send that letter.  What RuSA could not do is being done and we are all hastening the day when thousands of men and women like Tim Turner are set free by our woefully misdirected employees.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Monday, September 28, 2020

5 Taliban Generals-The truth about Benghazi

From one of our readers.  Can anyone verify this? If it's true will there be consequences?



So here's the REAL story:   Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept. had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military.   On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them.   Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile.   The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.     

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles.   This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept., NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft.   So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!    
THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete  the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack  was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals.   Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec. of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi.   Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in  Benghazi:  Because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles; that, if  used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then  to the State Dept.’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Forward this again and again and again until everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.   More than half of US citizens DO NOT Know.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass the justice and mercy of God are praised:

INTROIT Thou art just, O Lord, and thy judgment is right; deal with thy servant according to thy mercy. Blessed are the undefiled in the way; who walk in the law of the Lord. (Ps. CXVIII.) Glory etc.

COLLECT Grant to Thy people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to avoid the defilements of the devil, and with a pure mind to follow Thee, the only God. Thro'.

EPISTLE (Ephes. IV. 1- 6.) Brethren, I, a prisoner in the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called. With all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity, careful to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. One body and one spirit, as you are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God, and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all. Who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen.

ADMONITION Implore God continually for grace to accomplish and make certain your vocation by practicing these virtues, recommended by St. Paul.


One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. (Ephes. IV. 5. 6.)

These words of the great Apostle of the Gentiles show clearly, that it is not a matter of indifference, what faith or religion we profess. Yet in our times so poor in faith, we often hear the assertion from so-called enlightened men: “It is all the same to what religion we belong, we can be saved in any, if we only believe in God and live uprightly." This assertion is impious! Consider, dear Christian, there is but one God, and this one God has sent only one Redeemer; and this one Redeemer has preached but one doctrine, and has established but one Church. Had God wished that there should be more than one Church, then Christ would have founded them, nay, He would not have preached a new doctrine, established a new, Christian Church; for the Jews also believed in one God. But Jesus cast aside Paganism and Judaism, promulgated a new religion, and founded a new Church. Nowhere does He speak of Churches, but always of one Church. He says that we must hear this Church, and does not add, that if we will not hear this Church, we may hear some other. He speaks of only one shepherd, one flock, and one fold, into which all men are to be brought. In the same manner He speaks always of one kingdom upon earth, just as there is only one kingdom in heaven; of only one master of the house and one family, of one field and one vineyard, whereby He referred to His Church; of one rock, upon which He would build His Church. On the day before His death, He prayed fervently to His Heavenly Father, that all who believe in Him, might be and remain one, as He and the Father are one, and He gave His disciples the express command to preach His gospel to all nations, and to teach them all things, whatsoever He had commanded them. This command the apostles carried out exactly. Everywhere they preached one and the same doctrine, establishing in all places Christian communities, which were all united by the bond of the same faith. Their principal care was to prevent schisms in faith, they warned the faithful against heresy, commanded all originators of such to be avoided, and anathematized those who preached a gospel different from theirs. As the apostles, so did their successors. All the holy Fathers speak with burning love of the necessary unity of faith, and deny those all claim to salvation who remain knowingly in schism and separation from the true Church of Christ.

Learn hence, dear Christian, that there can be but one true Church; if there is but one true Church, it naturally follows that in her alone salvation can be obtained, and the assertion that we can be saved by professing any creed, is false and impious. Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life , speaks of but one Church , which we must hear, if we wish to be saved. He who does not hear the Church, He says, should be considered as a heathen and publican. He speaks furthermore of one fold, and He promises eternal life only to those sheep who belong to this fold, obey the voice of the shepherd and feed in His pasture. The apostles were also convinced that only the one, true Church could guide us to salvation. Without faith it is impossible to please God, writes St. Paul to the Hebrews, (XI. 6.) and this faith is only one, he teaches the Ephesians. (IV. 5.) If the apostles had believed that we could be saved in any religion, they would certainly not have contended so strenuously for unity, they would not have declared so solemnly, that we should not belong to any other than to Christ alone, and that we must receive and obey His doctrine. As the apostles taught so did their successors and all the Fathers agree that there is no salvation outside of the true Church. St. Cyprian writes: "If any one outside Noah's ark could find safety, then also will one outside the Church find salvation." (De unit. eccl. c. 7.) From all this it follows, that there is only one true Church which insures salvation, out of which no one can be saved.

But which is this Church? The Roman Catholic, Apostolic Church, for she alone was founded, by Christ, she alone was watered with the blood of the apostles and of thousands of holy martyrs, she alone has the marks of the true Church of Christ, [see the Instruction for the first Sunday after Easter] against which He has promised that the powers of hell shall not prevail. Those who fell away from the Church three hundred years ago do, indeed contend that the Church fell into error and no longer possessed the true, pure gospel of Jesus. Were they right, Jesus might be blamed, for He established this Church, promising to remain with her and guide her through the Holy Ghost until the end of the world. He would, therefore, have broken His word, or He was not powerful enough to keep it. But who dare say this? On the contrary, she has existed for eighteen hundred years, whilst the greatest and most powerful kingdoms have been overthrown, and the firmest thrones crumbled away. If she were not the only true and saving Church, founded by Christ, how could she have existed so long, since Jesus Himself said: Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. (Matt. XV. 13.) If she were not the Church of Christ, she would have been destroyed long ago, but she still stands today, whilst her enemies' who battled against her have disappeared, and will continue to disappear; for the gates of hell shall not prevail against her, says our Lord. He has kept His promise and will keep it, notwithstanding all the oppositions and calumnies of her implacable enemies.

You see, therefore, my dear Christian, that the Catholic Church is the only true, the only saving Church; be not deceived by those who are neither cold nor warm, and who say: "We can be saved in any religion, if we only believe in God and live uprightly," and who wish to rob you of your holy faith, and precipitate you into the sea of doubt, error, and falsehood. Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation; hold this firmly, for it is the teaching of Jesus, His apostles, and all the Fathers; for this doctrine the apostles and a countless host .of 'the faithful have shed their blood. Obey the teaching of this Church, follow her laws, make use of her help and assistance, and often raise your hands and heart to heaven to thank God for the priceless grace of belonging to this one, true Church; forget not to pray for your erring brethren, who are still outside of the Church that the Lord may lead them into her, that His promise may be fulfilled: There will be one fold, and one shepherd.

Tenth Sunday After PentecostGOSPEL (Matt XXII. 35-46.) At that time, The Pharisees came to Jesus, and one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: Master, which is the great commandment of the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shaft love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.

This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets. And the Pharisees being gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying: What think you of Christ; whose son is he? They say to him: David's. He saith to them: How then doth David in spirit call him Lord; saying: The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, until I make thy enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? And no man was able to answer him a word: neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.

What is meant by loving god?

It means to find one’s pleasure, happiness and joy in God, because He is he highest and most perfect Good; to rejoice in His infinite majesty and glory; to direct one’s thoughts, words, and actions towards Him as our only end: to do His will in all things, an be prepared always rather to lose everything, even life itself, than His friendship.

What is meant by loving God with our whole heart, our whole soul, etc. ?

These different expressions all properly mean the same thing, namely, that we should cling to God with a true, sincere and heartfelt love, but by our heart our will may be understood, that power by which we wish God all glory, and desire nothing more than that He be known, loved, and honored by all men. The soul signifies the intellect by means of which we should endeavor to arrive at the knowledge and love of God, praise and glorify Him above all things. The mind may signify our memory, with Which we continually remember God and the innumerable benefits bestowed on us by Him, praise Him for them, thank Him, and always walk irreproachably before Him. Finally, we love God with all our strength, if we employ all the powers and faculties of our body in His service, and direct all our actions to Him as to our last end.

Is it true love, if we love God only because He is good to us?

This is grateful love, which is good and praiseworthy, but it is not perfect love, because the motive is self-love and self-interest.

What, therefore, is perfect love?

When we love God only because He is in Himself the highest Good, and most worthy of all love. In this manner we should endeavor to love Him; not through self-interest not through hope of reward, not through fear of punishment, but only because He, as the greatest Good, contains all goodness and, therefore, deserves to be loved only on account of Himself. Such love had St. Francis Xavier, which he very beautifully expressed in the following canticle, composed by himself:


O God, I give my love to Thee,
Not for the heaven Thou'st made for me,
Nor yet because who love not Thee
Will burn in hell eternally.
In dying throes on Calvary,
My Jesus, Thou didst think of me,
Didst bear the lance, the nails, the tree,
Rude scoffs, contempt and infamy,
And pangs untold, all lovingly, -
The scourge, the sweat the agony,
And death itself, -all, all for me,
A sinner and Thy enemy.
Why therefore, should not I love Thee,
O Jesus, dead for love of me?
Not that I may in heaven be,
Not that from hell I may be free;
Not urged by dread of endless pain,
Not lured by prize of endless gain,
But as Thou, Lord, didst first love me,
So do I love and will love Thee.
To Thee, my King, I give my heart,
For this alone t hat God Thou art.

Can fear exist with love?

Servile fear cannot, but filial fear may. Servile fear is rather a fear of punishment than a fear of offending God. Where such fear exists, love cannot dwell; for in love, writes St. Augustine, (in Joann. Tr. 9.) there is no fear, for perfect love casteth out fear. ( I John IV. 18.) Filial fear, on the contrary, is the fear of offending God. This fear leads to love and is also an effect of love; it is the beginning of wisdom. (Eccles. I. 16.) Let us cherish this fear, for it will drive away sin, as sentinels expel thieves; (Ecclus. I 16.) it will replenish us with joy, and gladness, and obtain for us in our last moments divine blessings and a holy death. (Ecclus.. I. 27.)

How may we obtain a perfect love of God?

By meditating on His infinite, divine perfections, such as His almighty power, His wisdom, His splendor, His beauty, etc.; by contemplating His boundless love for us, in the incarnation, sufferings, and death of His only-begotten Son; by frequently practicing this virtue; by fervent prayer; and by making acts of love, such as are found in good prayer-books.

When should we practice the virtue of love of Gods?

As soon as we have arrived at the age of reason; when the world, the devil and the flesh, endeavor to withdraw us from God, by their apparent goods and pleasures; when we have separated ourselves from God by mortal sin; when we receive the holy Sacraments, particularly holy Communion; when we receive a particular grace from God; when we use food and drink and other lawful enjoyments; when we contemplate God's creatures; often during the day.; and especially in the hour of death.

[Concerning the love of our neighbor , see the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost].

Why is the commandment to' love God and our neighbor' called the greatest commandment?

Because in it are contained all the other commandments, for Christ says, in it consists the whole law. He who loves God with his whole heart, does not separate himself from God by infidelity, does not practice public or private superstition and idolatry; he does not murmur against God, does not desecrate the name of God by cursing and swearing; he does not profane the Sabbath, because he knows that all this is displeasing to God. On the contrary, he hopes in God, keeps Sundays and days of obligation holy, and observes all the commandments of the Church, because God wishes that we hear the Church; he honors his parents, inflicts no evil upon his neighbor; does not commit adultery, doe's not steal, calumniates no one, does not bear false witness, does not judge rashly, is not envious, malicious or cruel, but rather practices the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; and all this, because he loves God and his neighbor.

What is the meaning of the question What think you of Christ?

Christ asked the Pharisees this question in order to convince them, from their own answer, that He was not only the Son of David, but that He as the only-begotten Son of God was the Lord of David and of all men from eternity. (Fs. II. 7.) , Unhappily, even today there are men who like the Pharisees deny the divinity of Christ, the Son of the living God, consider Him merely a very wise and virtuous man, and do not receive His doctrine, confirmed by so many miracles. Beware, my dear Christian, of these men who rob you of the peace of the soul, and the consoling hope of a future resurrection and eternal life, together with faith in Christ, the divine Redeemer. But if you believe Christ to be the Son of God and our Lord, Law­giver, Instructor, and Redeemer, follow His teaching, and do not contradict indeed what you profess with your lips.

PRAYER O most amiable Jesus! who hast admonished us so affectionately to love God an& our neighbor, pour the fire of Thy love into our hearts, that all our deeds and actions, our thoughts and words may begin and end with Thy love. Grant, that we may love Thee with all the powers of our body and. soul, ,and thereby be so united to Thee, that, like St. Paul, no temptation, no tribulation, no danger, not even death, may be able to separate us from Thee. Grant us also, that we may love our neighbors, friends, and enemies as ourselves for Thy sake, and thus be made worthy to possess Thee as our Redeemer and merciful judge.