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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The First of Many

 By Anna Von Reitz

As someone who has studied law and religion and history out of necessity for many years, this day brings forward profound issues of justice that are likely to trouble me and many others for years to come.  

News has come that a doctor in Malaysia has been executed for administering the Covid "vaccine".  He was reportedly addressed under the Nuremberg Code, which is "nationalized" into the Federal Code of this country, too. 

The chain of events released when the very first dose of this stuff was administered has come full circle and reached its obvious conclusion.  

When doctors are used as "Uniformed Officers" to commit genocide, doctors die. 

Is this justice, when the doctors don't even know that they are conscripted under their "required" Medical Doctor license?  They don't know that they are functioning as "Uniformed Officers".  They didn't go to boot camp. 

To paraphrase Pope Benedict, nobody told them. 

They don't know that their status as "Medical Doctors" places them under Admiralty Law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (USMJ)--- and that this law is far different from any civilian form of law.

A civilian criminal case can drag on for years with no end of appeals and pleas to clemency. Military trials are a different breed.  You pay the Piper if you did the deed.  

There is no Perry Mason-style grandstanding allowed, no extenuating circumstance, no back story about how you had a sad childhood.  It's just the law and the facts.  And three unbiased commissioned officers staring at you, unblinking. 

The indications are that the doctors weren't given any more information than the General Public. 

They were told that the "vaccine" was "safe and effective" but not what it was "safe and effective" for.  It's safe and effective for killing and maiming people. As long as it was administered according to package directions, it posed no threat to the doctors themselves. 

Like Satan in the Garden, oh, it won't kill you......right away.  

Of course, the doctors took the words "safe and effective" the same way that members of the General Public did.  There is no indication that they were given Satan's Playbook, with all the double-secret-meaning code explained. 

Yet a doctor has been executed just the same.  

Word from other sources (unverifiable at this time) say that Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel has been sentenced to death by a Military Tribunal.  According to the alleged transcript, Bancel hadn't taken his own shot. 

The evidence against Bancel was only from the military personnel records demonstrating the deaths of 32 soldiers and dozens more who developed rare and/or serious unexplainable health problems immediately after receiving the first shot of Moderna "vaccine".  

Bancel allegedly attempted to defend himself by saying that the FDA had given him permission and held his company harmless.  Nobody understood why permission from the FDA could provide a defense much less exoneration for genocide and mass murder.  

According to the report, Bancel is to hang three days from now.  It is uncertain what will happen to the billions of dollars he made producing and selling these "vaccines" but it is probable that, if the rest is true, the proceeds will be seized as proceeds from criminal activities.  We hope that they will be used to care for and compensate the victims. 

The military tribunal could have also considered any civilian deaths or injuries, of which there are millions, but the military cases alone were sufficient.  

How, you may ask, would Bancel be subject to a military tribunal?  He appears to be a civilian businessman.....but, all corporate officers (notice that word) are subject to the USMJ.  The CEOs of corporations and all their junior officers can be tried and hanged for genocide, depending on their parts in all of this. 

So.  It has begun.  The Great Retribution. 

My questions and concerns remain.  What was the intent of the doctor?  Did he know that there was a double entendre connected to the words, "safe and effective"?  Did he take the vaccine himself, thinking that it was like any other vaccine he ever administered to his patients? 

We may never know the answers to those questions and more, because military tribunals tend not to ask.  Their focus is simple and focused on the act that caused the harm.  Did you inject PFC Bryan Reynolds with Pfizer Vaccine?  Yes or no? 

I fear that a great many innocent people--- in addition to all those we are losing because of the vaccination program--- may die because of ignorance. I fear that in seeking justice for the victims we will only create more victims.  


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