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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The First of Many

 By Anna Von Reitz

As someone who has studied law and religion and history out of necessity for many years, this day brings forward profound issues of justice that are likely to trouble me and many others for years to come.  

News has come that a doctor in Malaysia has been executed for administering the Covid "vaccine".  He was reportedly addressed under the Nuremberg Code, which is "nationalized" into the Federal Code of this country, too. 

The chain of events released when the very first dose of this stuff was administered has come full circle and reached its obvious conclusion.  

When doctors are used as "Uniformed Officers" to commit genocide, doctors die. 

Is this justice, when the doctors don't even know that they are conscripted under their "required" Medical Doctor license?  They don't know that they are functioning as "Uniformed Officers".  They didn't go to boot camp. 

To paraphrase Pope Benedict, nobody told them. 

They don't know that their status as "Medical Doctors" places them under Admiralty Law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (USMJ)--- and that this law is far different from any civilian form of law.

A civilian criminal case can drag on for years with no end of appeals and pleas to clemency. Military trials are a different breed.  You pay the Piper if you did the deed.  

There is no Perry Mason-style grandstanding allowed, no extenuating circumstance, no back story about how you had a sad childhood.  It's just the law and the facts.  And three unbiased commissioned officers staring at you, unblinking. 

The indications are that the doctors weren't given any more information than the General Public. 

They were told that the "vaccine" was "safe and effective" but not what it was "safe and effective" for.  It's safe and effective for killing and maiming people. As long as it was administered according to package directions, it posed no threat to the doctors themselves. 

Like Satan in the Garden, oh, it won't kill you......right away.  

Of course, the doctors took the words "safe and effective" the same way that members of the General Public did.  There is no indication that they were given Satan's Playbook, with all the double-secret-meaning code explained. 

Yet a doctor has been executed just the same.  

Word from other sources (unverifiable at this time) say that Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel has been sentenced to death by a Military Tribunal.  According to the alleged transcript, Bancel hadn't taken his own shot. 

The evidence against Bancel was only from the military personnel records demonstrating the deaths of 32 soldiers and dozens more who developed rare and/or serious unexplainable health problems immediately after receiving the first shot of Moderna "vaccine".  

Bancel allegedly attempted to defend himself by saying that the FDA had given him permission and held his company harmless.  Nobody understood why permission from the FDA could provide a defense much less exoneration for genocide and mass murder.  

According to the report, Bancel is to hang three days from now.  It is uncertain what will happen to the billions of dollars he made producing and selling these "vaccines" but it is probable that, if the rest is true, the proceeds will be seized as proceeds from criminal activities.  We hope that they will be used to care for and compensate the victims. 

The military tribunal could have also considered any civilian deaths or injuries, of which there are millions, but the military cases alone were sufficient.  

How, you may ask, would Bancel be subject to a military tribunal?  He appears to be a civilian businessman.....but, all corporate officers (notice that word) are subject to the USMJ.  The CEOs of corporations and all their junior officers can be tried and hanged for genocide, depending on their parts in all of this. 

So.  It has begun.  The Great Retribution. 

My questions and concerns remain.  What was the intent of the doctor?  Did he know that there was a double entendre connected to the words, "safe and effective"?  Did he take the vaccine himself, thinking that it was like any other vaccine he ever administered to his patients? 

We may never know the answers to those questions and more, because military tribunals tend not to ask.  Their focus is simple and focused on the act that caused the harm.  Did you inject PFC Bryan Reynolds with Pfizer Vaccine?  Yes or no? 

I fear that a great many innocent people--- in addition to all those we are losing because of the vaccination program--- may die because of ignorance. I fear that in seeking justice for the victims we will only create more victims.  


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  1. I'm curious if the commanding officers who ordered the soldiers to get the shot will be excused.

    1. As a military mom I sure hope so.

  2. I call BULLSHIT on the Moderna CEO death sentence, that's pie in the sky talk disinformation. Why does Anna write like this giving info that is UNVERIFIABLE? I think she must be a part of the illuminati deception team getting paid to mix untruth with some truth. That's fucked up man.

  3. There's NO REASON to pump up this shit by escalating BULLCRAP and feeding the protestors propaganda. Anna is no better than the ASSHAT citizens in Congress. And what about citizenship? That ship is going down fast now and yet Anna is STILL ON IT!

  4. Those that are calling bull, never studied probate law. Everything she just said about the doctors being officers is true.

    1. No.
      Probate Law is FALSE.
      proving it FALSE:
      1. Probate Law is a Monarchical and Ecclesiastical Construct not found anywhere in nature;
      2. therefore it is only a Man-Made authority/ "Jurisdictional", FICTIONAL Construct that does not actually exist except in the minds of men from whence it came:
      3. it being outside of the Laws of Nature and Natures God, it is NOT TRUE, and what is NOT TRUE IS FALSE, and what is FALSE IS A LIE and no man is required to participate in another man's IMAGINATIONS /LIES.

  5. Ignorance is no excuse for any doctor or nurse that gave these "safe and effective" vaccines. I knew from day one the vaccine would be the bioweapon.
    Whistleblowers tried to warn people. Doctors and nurses have a duty to know that what they're administering. Telling someone that something experimental is "safe and effective" is simply fraud. It's experimental because the safety and efficacy is not fully known. NO MERCY FOR THESE MURDERERS!!

    1. Another point in fact, many doctors were given significant financial incentive to administer as many jabs as they could. Duh! Didn't it occur to these 'intelligent' doctors that something was amiss? And other doctors who were coerced by the threat of losing their licence - again 'Duh' - wouldn't that raise an alarm??? Let them hang!

  6. PAUL WHEN ARE YOU GONNA START DELETING COMMENTS MADE BY anon.? Anon is full of shit! Do u have any idea what kind of thouble you could get ur arse in by making false statments about people going to hang and even publish their pic. go to and take a look dumb ass ANONYMOUS


    1. It's simple click the publish button and another window comes up and put your name in the name box

  8. Anna is what she says she is. 3000 plus essays testify to that. The only problem I've had with the program is the paperwork to change status. I sent it in. The editor sent it back. And now I'm looking at it and wonder if I'll ever complete the redo. The original was hard enough. Keep up the good work and skepticism guys. We're climbing a high, difficult mountain.

  9. Boo Hoo, kill them all , let God sort them out.

  10. Hang them all, let God sort them out. Forgiveness has only served to encourage evil. In this case there are no innocent participants there are NO excuses for an evil deed it has been clear for over 50 years that vaccines are poison, everybody I know who gets a flu shot every year also gets the flu every year, everyone I know who never gets a flu shot also rarely or never gets the flu those who say they didn't know ignored the 50 years of evidence there is no innocence in that. Hang them all!

  11. I tried to warn you at Ellensburg but everyone criticized me, I won my case pro se in Western Washington Federal Court, Judge Coughneour yet Ninth Circuit pulled my Pacer account the next day and threatened me with large fines, they knew Gloria Brown's murder by a responder and PeaceHealth risk management employees without informed consent with a DNR would destroy Washington State Death with Dignity with Dignity Statutes. It's all part of the false covid scheme.

  12. Too bad. Noose time. Bye-bye piggy.

  13. "Was a doctor tried and executed in Malaysia for "giving the bioweapon vaccine and killing a patient" under the Nuremberg Code? No, that's not true: Malaysia stopped executing people in 2018 and hasn't reversed the moratorium on capital punishment since then."

    1. Capital punishment has been discontinued for civilians…
      Every military on Earth still has capital punishment for military and politicians for treason and other crimes…
      So this argument is not grounded…
      Having said that I still doubt the story is true…

    2. When this story came out a few days ago I saw a report about it on Bitchute. Someone in the comments section said that the doctor was convicted of profiteering by administering fake covid shots. This raises an interesting question. Was the doctor convicted and then executed by a military tribunal because he disobeyed orders to only administer the bioweapon injections?

  14. I have to agree with these words~~

  15. Very well said! 👏

  16. I thought the Pope absolved all the medical personal from all wrongdoing in the treatment of Covid 19.
    So Medical Personal are subject to military law, this explains why we have a Surgeon General and they wear military uniforms.

    1. Yeah, they can still get into the church's heaven based on new rules. lMAO.

  17. Still trying to figure out how to post without a google account.
    But we have a Surgeon General. A uniformed member of the medical profession. Are all medical professionals somehow part of the reserve member of the Public Health Service? And then would be subject to military law?

  18. Those of you commenting with astonishment that Anna is lamenting the future retribution are forgetting (or perhaps you never knew) that Anna is an evolved soul from the Angelic Realm and as such cannot function without a large serving of compassion.

  19. Thank Anna and Paul for posting about preplanned Plandemic vax fraud.


  20. One way to help find the guilty doctors (and nurses and jab pushers) is to check their bank accounts and standard of living. Living in a $million home and owning 3 Mercedes might be a clue.

  21. Funny how Anna, in earlier articles, lambasted the doctors administering the shots, and ruthlessly called for their hanging.

  22. Illinoisun: A large serving of compassion is indeed good, but compassion is only for individual application. It is never the place of compassion to replace the greater function and application of proper law that is applicable to the group. It is simply not acceptable to threaten an entire civilization with destruction for the sake of applying individual compassion. The universe simply does not operate that way, and it goes without saying that if Anna is from the Angelic Realm she would know this to be true with great certainty.

    Those who threaten an individual are subject to the laws governing individuals, for which abundant compassion and mercy is always advisable. But those who threaten groups, nations, and civilization are automatically subject to the greater laws controlling the collective. When you step in those collective shoes you must take up the responsibilities that go with it. There is a very good reason why crimes against humanity are viewed in an entirely different manner than crimes against an individual.

  23. Anonymous, perhaps you should have a deep talk with your creator? Forgive them father for they know not what they do. Knowing and doing is one thing, whereby, God does sort them out, ignorance by design is another; Ever done something you later regretted? Repent!

  24. Seems Illinoisun belives in the "rules for thee but not for me", truly sad

  25. Which military tried the malaysian. doctor and CEO bancel?? Did Bancel Inject anyone? There's a chain of command - are they all going down?? Where's the link to this?


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