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Sunday, June 30, 2024

International Public Notice: Regarding the "Hidden Hand"

 By Anna Von Reitz

During the Administration of Abraham Lincoln, our honorable soldiers and sailors were unlawfully converted into a mercenary force. 

The evidence for this, besides the near-constant "state of war" this country has endured for over 150 years and the constant unconstitutional executive "declarations of war" made every two years on everything from poverty to drugs, rests on two important pillars: 

1. The discovery that the actual parties involved in the so-called American Civil War, both North and South, were not States.  They were all States-of-States -- business organizations under contract to provide government services for the actual States. 

Although they all called themselves "Confederate States" -- both North and South between 1781 and 1860 -- and are often referred to as "States" for short, they are not the actual States of the Union, nor were they the Union States. 

All the States-of-States engaged in the Civil War were commercial companies or corporations, which makes the "War" a Mercenary Conflict.  

2.  There was never a Declaration of War by any Congress empowered to make a Declaration of War concerning the Civil War.  Lincoln made an executive declaration of his own creation allowing the Northern garrison at Fort Sumter to open fire on the surrounding Southern forces, but that was all. 

Our Federal Constitutions -- all three of them -- make it explicitly clear that the Federal Congress is the sole entity responsible for declaring war on behalf of the United States.  So, as the Congress never declared war, what remains is a commercial Mercenary Conflict carried out by commercial entities, without any proper authority, but being called a "War" nonetheless.  

This deception and semantic deceit has prevented people from properly evaluating the "war" and its illegal and immoral nature from the start.  

Thus deluded and unable to discern the conversion of our United States military into a private Mercenary Force, it has been impossible for the American people, most members of the military, and the world at large to discern the nature of other crucial matters. 

Remember the Hessians?  German mercenaries hired by King George to come over here and fight against the Americans in the War of Independence? 

The Hessian mercenaries had a deal with the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. 

The essence of the deal was this --- (1) the Landgrave would receive a large payment from the customer (King George, in this case) prior to engagement of any action; (2) the soldiers would receive another, separate payment paid directly to themselves, with extra for those wounded, and three times the amount for anyone killed in battle; (3) the  pay would continue for a full year after the declaration of peace and end only after the mercenaries had returned home. 

King George required the services of 15,000 to 17,000 Hessian troops per year.  This made the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel one of the wealthiest men in Europe. 

Instead of the payments being made to the Landgrave directly, however, they stayed in England, where the money was managed by the Rothschilds as an investment; the Landgrave got drafts based on interest from the investments. The portion owed to the soldiers which was actually transferred to Germany, was then used to make high interest loans to other needy aristocrats. 

This created a huge boom in the banking business between England and Germany, with vast interest being generated by all the loans to governments and princes, and -- a huge increase in the postal services business.  The von Turn und Taxis family that owned the postal concession got their dollop, too. They are still members of the Committee of 300. 

Rothschild basically embezzled the money and used money that was owed to the Landgrave and the Hessian Mercenaries to create his own banking empire out of nothing--- at least, nothing that actually belonged to him.  

The money owed to the soldiers from this use of their money in this sidebar deal was never paid to the Landgrave nor to them. They got their bit as agreed, but nothing for the use and risk of their money to make loans, none of the interest Rothschild collected. 

In fact, the entire history of the Rothschild dynasty rests on situations like this, wherein the Rothschilds and their collaborators saw the opportunity to use someone else's money to make money --- and simply cut the actual owners out of the deal by keeping them ignorant.  

Nathan Rothschild, being able to underwrite the investment using this windfall from the Hessian Mercenaries, convinced the British East India Company to invest $800,000,000 in his bank for use to insure the success of Wellington's Peninsula campaign. 

Not coincidentally, this is also the money that was used to fund the Rothschild-von Turn und Taxis "intelligence" network (Rothschild paying von Turn und Taxis to violate the mail and open it to glean insider information) which allowed them to make such a killing on the stock market with advance knowledge of the results at Waterloo. 

From that time on, the Rothschilds have been Imperial Agents of the Crown. 

If the Hessian soldiers had known about all the juicy interest recouped off their efforts and money, they would have demanded their share. 

Now, fast forward to the so-called American Civil War and the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy suddenly redefined as Mercenary Forces. The Rothschilds saw their opportunity again, just as with the Hessians, and so did Queen Victoria --- only on a much vaster scale. 

Under the spur of Benjamin Disraeli, the Queen had already begun the process of "enfranchising" British land serfs and laborers as a legal means of latching onto them and their property assets for use as collateral backing the British Raj in India.  Why not  hire U.S. mercenary forces to occupy America and do the same thing to the Americans?  

Just offer the clueless Americans the opportunity to vote in U.S. Corporate elections ("enfranchise" them) -- by encouraging them to think that the private corporate elections were their own public elections -- and seize upon their assets for use as collateral and enslave them, too? 

With all the confusion and chaos caused by the "war" and the similar names deceits that had already been used by Lincoln and his Co-Conspirators, it was easy enough to do. 

So that's what was done.  The Brits hired the U.S. Military as mercenaries and paid the U.S. Congress for their services; that's how the British Corporation SERCO remains the Paymaster for "our" military to this day, and how our country has been illegally occupied all these years by the American Raj.  

The Rothschilds made full use of this situation to do the same thing to us and to our soldiers and sailors as they did to the Landgrave and the Hessians a hundred years before, with the same results. 

The Rothschild's collaborators in this were the JP Morgan and Chase Banks, and a little later, the Federal Reserve consortium that the Rothschilds were part of from the first. 

They've been registering and enfranchising us under color of law and conditions of deceit for decades and have gotten away with it for the same reason that the Rothschilds got away with it in Hesse-Kassel: nobody knew what was going on.  

And just as with Hesse-Kassel, the U.S. Mercenaries and to some extent, their titular bosses in Congress, didn't realize that the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazars, and other European banking interests representing "the Federal Reserve" were stealing them blind and embezzling the use of their money and resources to make private fortunes for themselves and their banking empires. 

Over the course of a few decades the situation devolved into outright theft of gold and silver assets, the whole inequitable exchange Money Mill scam of the  Federal Reserve I.O.U.s being used as a military scrip, while the civilian's actual money was inequitably and coercively exchanged for promises to pay someday with something, the theft of seigniorage and multiple bankruptcy frauds on the part of the federal parent corporations -- both the Dutch-Roman US, INC, interests, and the British Crown USA, Inc. -- formed an incredible intergenerational criminal melee, all funded on the backs of American soldiers and sailors, who remained blissfully unaware that they were acting as British Crown mercenaries. 

 And the Rothschilds?  David Rene de Rothschild is still holed up in an independent, international city-state Global Federal Reserve enclave carved out of Swiss soil near Geneva, still spinning the web and trying to claim innocence and retain power no matter what.  

JPMorgan and Chase and the IMF masquerading as the United States Department of the Treasury since 1924?  Still trying, rather unsuccessfully, to justify their patty-cake relationship as the other half of the Federal Reserve scheme. 

The Americans and other victims worldwide of this entire British Bunko - Banking Fraud?  Waking up angry and confused as hibernating bears. 

Did you know that the Federal Reserve -- which is a private cartel no more "Federal" than Federal Express, claimed the right to hypothecate debt against all U.S. assets?  And generously pretended that all those American babies they registered under color of law and conditions of deceit and breach of trust were "U.S. assets"? 

So British scum established unsupportable claims against American babies, their bodies, their good names, their intellectual and material assets, their land, their corporations, their money, everything. 

They got away with this because they impersonated American babies as U.S. Citizens via undisclosed registration. 

This undisclosed registration created a contract the victims never knew about -- called an "unconscionable" contract  -- which is illegal as Hell, but without anyone being aware enough of their scheme to object, they skated on for almost a hundred years making False Claims of foreign citizenship and corporate shareholder obligations against Americans who didn't owe them spit.  

Every ounce of gold, every silver dollar, every tract of land, every bit of improperly collected "federal income tax" and every improperly created "real estate title" and "real estate mortgage" and "real estate property tax", every Federal Reserve Note, every stock, every bond, every shareholder interest, every mortgage and debt that these schemers have stolen as assets from other people or foisted off as debts onto other people -- is now due and owing. 

Not only the assets but the interest on the assets and the credit generated from the assets and the profits from the investments and the interest collected on all the phony debts that nobody here owed --- belongs to the living people who were victimized, not these incorporated criminals. 

So much for the Hidden Hand. That's how it started with the Hessians and this is how it is ending. 

All the banks are in this fraud game are up to their eyeballs and considerably underwater ($525 Billion in "unrealized debt" in this country alone), and interestingly, they have no assets of their own; they have been doing business in receivership since the 1930s. 

Nobody has been able to explain that miracle yet. 

These banks aren't allowed to loan their own money out nor any money belonging to their depositors, so where has all this money to loan at interest come from?  

From the borrowers themselves, living people whom the banks and their Trustees have defrauded, and whom the  corporations have impersonated to that end, and whom the courts have unjustly prosecuted. 

Millions of Americans have been beaten and pillaged and plundered and threatened and harassed by these criminals for six generations under color of law, and our paid-for military has been hired out to foreign interests as mercenaries occupying our country and attacking and illegally occupying other countries-- all without the knowledge of the men and women doing the dirty work.   

The  American civilians have been robbed via all manner of illegal impositions and confiscations under color of war, when no war exists, burdened down like pack animals with taxes and mortgages they don't owe, and this has been supported by men and women owing us good faith and service against "all enemies both foreign and domestic". 

Unfortunately, the same can be said for civilians living in the seventeen still illegally occupied countries of Western Europe, the former Commonwealth, Japan, Libya, South Korea, Iraq, and everywhere else these criminal British Crown and Dutch-Roman corporate interests have operated "corporate governments" in collusion with these banks. 

There is no such thing as an incorporated government.  There are only incorporated government service companies. 

So, now the tide turns.  The long-sleeping public awakens.  The lies become apparent.  The crimes and schemes become apparent, too.  

The Hidden Hand turns out to be a bunch of criminal banks and clueless military officers and stupid, greedy politicians, all in league to racketeer and embezzle from the public they are supposed to serve in good faith.  

Our public.  The American public.  Not the "U.S. Public" nor the "Municipal United States Public" nor any other "Public".  We are the ones actually paying for their "service" and the ones they are supposed to serve, but instead, they were unlawfully converted to serve a different "public" and a different government under conditions of fraud and under color of law and under color of war.  

Faced with long overdue justice, the schemers have offered to "destroy the world" that they think they have created --- if so, it's no big loss, because it is a world where people are so dumbed down they can't even observe and think, a world where life is cheap, and family values non-existent, a world where men are kept like rats in a maze, pushing a lever to receive a little dollop of plastic cheese that they pay for themselves. 

There is just one problem.  The ability of the Hidden Hand to destroy the world depends on the willing service of men who now know how they have been cheated, men who would be destroying their own lives, their own homes and families.  The pandemic has proven to what ends these evil manipulators strive. 

Still, the instinct of these military officers is to cover their own butts and try to make themselves out as the heroes, when in fact, the only ones who have been totally innocent and who have funded everything from the get-go, are the abused average people who depended on all these yahoos, who looked up to them and trusted them.

The banks, the politicians, the military, the courts, and corporate "government" and the churches, too, have all failed the test. 

What remains are the venerable and actual governments of the people themselves.  We are in Session in The United States and numerous other countries. 

We are not going to believe any made-for-Hollywood movie horror stories, nor are we going to accept any excuses.  

We know the score from beginning to end, so everyone should save their breath, return the loot and assets owed to the actual people and the actual governments, and stand acquitted. 

All the Hidden Hand has really contributed to the world is the illusion of value, not actual value; it has also "offered" perpetual war for profit, aggression, strong-arm racketeering under color of law, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitutions, crimes of personage and impersonation, theft, fraud, unlawful conversion of nationality, political status, and assets -- via the use of unconscionable registrations and strong arm imposition of foreign citizenship obligations favorable to the British Crown and Holy Roman Empire.  

Everyone reading this can do their part to put an end to this gigantic fraud scheme and banking crime. Join and support your traditional State and County (or other political units in other countries) Assembly.

All countries have traditional land and soil jurisdiction governments that have been usurped and which have superior concurrent general jurisdiction. These governments were unlawfully, illegally, and immorally usurped and vacated by these fraud artists. 

It's the duty of every civilian reading these words to repopulate their traditional governments as soon as possible and the duty of every member of every military reading this to protect this effort.  

Corporate Feudalism funded by criminal bank interests must be recognized for what it is, the Perpetrators must be stopped, the purloined assets and the unjust profits must be returned to the living people to whom they belong with no "offer" by the military interests to maintain control. 

The military has been in improper control of our money since 1863 and we can see the results. 

As a final note:

There is a long-standing rumor that Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a German Jew from Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, hated the Church of Rome and the Holy Roman Empire.  This, like many other pieces of disinformation, was planted to put the hounds off the scent.  

The Holy See has been the "other" Hidden Hand, required to lift and tote and provide the countering support for this system of greed.  The Church's part of this was funded by the Office of the Roman Pontiff (dissolved since 2011) and the Roman Urban Trust which was purloined by Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan via signature theft circa 2015. 

These secular and peculiarly Roman interests intermittently represented as the Holy Roman Empire are as guilty or more guilty for this circumstance than the British Crown Corporation and its other affiliates. 

The House of Rothschild and its affiliates, including the Federal Reserve, have been instrumental in collaborating with the Holy See for two centuries; in this country, this collusion was cemented in 1937 by The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States. 

It should have read: "The Declaration of the Independence in Collusion of the Two Corporate Municipal Governments in the District of Columbia", instead. 

Since the heat of public observation has come to bear, these two collaborating organizations have fallen out, with one insisting on maintaining the status quo and the other insisting on radical change favoring its own interests and agendas.  

We highly advise both corporations and all their franchises and agents to stand down. They and their Principals have been caught red-handed. There is no "Good Cop / Bad Cop" game to be played here.   

Of course, they conveniently forgot to include the government of, for, and by the People of this country, and didn't ask for our opinion concerning all their actions undertaken "for" us in our "absence".  They also failed to provide the remedies for their otherwise criminal impositions. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 30th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Saturday, June 29, 2024

International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers


By Anna Von Reitz

1. Realize that there are different jurisdictions of law -- (1) land and soil; (2) coast (maritime) and high seas; (3) air -- commerce and ecumenical law. 

2. Realize that living people live on the soil that stands upon the land, breathe the air, and have both fresh and sea water in their veins, so that a living man rules and inhabits all these jurisdictions and has "general jurisdiction" in all three primary jurisdictions of law. 

3. Realize that by a purposeful and self-interested process of misrepresentation and registration, your natural political status as a free man or woman has been hijacked, your identity has been stolen, and your "presumed" status has been denigrated to that of an indentured servant or a slave, such that you no longer have access to the guarantees and protections of any Constitution, and no longer have access to the law of the land and soil.  

4. As a further direct result, your Good Name has been copyrighted by the British Crown Corp, your property assets have been dumped into a public trust, and you don't actually own anything.   You are considered either an indentured servant and Ward of the Crown, or, alternatively, a Roman slave. (The recent attempt to create a class of "Transhumans" below the level of a slave has largely failed.) 

5. So, your identity has been stolen, your political status debased, your property has been unlawfully converted and seized upon and used for collateral backing Crown interests and all sorts of payola rightfully belonging to you has been distributed to political cronies of the persons responsible for this state of affairs; your actual assets have been mortgaged to high heaven and your very life and soul have been traded on black markets as part of various insurance schemes. 

6. The False Claim of a "public" ownership interest in you and your assets, was made by a private, for-profit government Subcontractor, the British Crown Corporation, and has been alleged based on your purported waiver of your natural estate via "voluntary" (but undisclosed) registration of your birth (berth) and your equally purported preferred adoption of indentured servitude as a member of the British Territorial Merchant Marine Service -- a Person named after you and using the same exact name, spelled and styled the same way, but operating under the Law of the Sea.  This Merchant Mariner, however, ran into a spot of bad luck and has been "missing, presumed dead" for quite a number of years, which has resulted in the creation of a Municipal ESTATE trust named after you.  

7. In fact, you were a baby too young to contract with anyone about anything when all of this transpired and your Mother was given no disclosure about it, with the result that the "registration contract" is unconscionable and void upon discovery and objection.  This also dissolves any "derivative" contract obligating your ESTATE to Municipal service and law.  However, before you can object to this repugnant and merely "presumed" citizenship contract, you have to become aware of it and exercise your options.  

8. As with most actions at Law, proper response requires both a positive action and a negative action, so as to repel all comers with equal strength and force.  (1) With one hand you extend and assert your "reversionary trust interest" in your "birthright estate" --- that is, the natural estate of a living man in his native country. (2) You declare your proper political status, claim your assets, record this, and publish it. (3) You serve Notice to the Admiralty, Foreign Office, Secretary of State (if you have one), and whatever other offices are naturally engaged in the proper identification of people, their nationality, political status, and functions.  All this foregoing is positive action on your part to re-establish your existence and claim to your own property.  

Next comes the "negative" part in which you report these improper processes and presumptions as crimes to the Public Safety Officers; (4) this is done via  "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" signed, sealed with your thumbprint, and Witnessed either by a Public Notary or two independent living Witnesses who also sign the Testimony and provide their names and addresses.  Then you write letters to the Governor or similar Officer in charge of the "District" and/or Municipal Government where you live, copying this to the Chief Justice or other highest ranking member of the Court serving your area, and present (5) a Medical Doctor's affirmation that you are alive and well; (6) copy of your published Declaration; (7) "First Notice Letter to Remove and Return" your Good Name and copyright, and all other material assets belonging to you from the Public Trust(s) in which they have been deposited. Mark this: "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents".  Send this by overnight Express Mail.  

(9) You won't hear anything back from them, because this would require an admission of guilt; after thirty days plus three days mailing time, you can issue a (8) "Second Notice Letter to Remove and Return".  In this letter, you inform them that they have exercised a role as a Public Usufruct in creating a foreign estate named after you and also creating a Municipal trust corporation named after you, and they are obligated to hold you harmless for any damages, bills, or other possible injury to you, coming about as a result of the existence of these foreign corporate entities named after you.  Send a copy of the first Letter to Remove and Return along with this. Send with "Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals" and wait as before. 

(10) After another 33 days, it's time to finish this business off with a (9) "Third Notice Letter to Remove and Return".  In this letter you tell them that you have not heard back from them and you are exercising your right to create your own remedy, which will be to create and monetize commercial, non-commercial, and agricultural liens against your assets in their possession, plus damages.  If they do not voluntarily reply and relinquish your purloined assets back to you, in ten days plus three days mailing time, their acquiescence and agreement will be established on the Public Record. Remind them that if they do not take action they will continue to owe you Due Diligence to hold you harmless from any claims resulting from their creation of public trusts or any other corporation named after you.   Send copies of the first two letters, Notice to Agents.... send via Express Mail and time them out.  

(11) No matter what they do from this time forward, they have no valid basis for complaint. They continue to bear the Usufructuary responsibility to hold you harmless and you are free to exercise your general jurisdiction.  

(12) If you did not already have a Fiduciary in the field taking your part, you would have to do a lot of additional work creating public and private trusts in all three jurisdictions and creating commercial, non-UCC, and agricultural liens against them and their Principals, but our Fiduciary already did that for those with hands and feet, in whom the blood flows and the flesh lives, so all living men and women are safe to return to the land and soil of their native country and reclaim their public and private assets. 

(13) The Perpetrators had closed down the Land Recording Offices in most of the world so that people seeking to rebut their False Claims would have nowhere to go to record and publish their declarations and counterclaims to recoup their reversionary trust interest in their birthright estate.  In response, we stripped down the declaration essentials to a single page with two Witnesses and opened up the International Land Recording and Publishing System (ILRPS), so that anyone from anywhere can re-establish their identity and political status and publish it worldwide. 

(14) Having regained the natural general jurisdiction you are heir to, and being enabled to operate this superior concurrent general jurisdiction in tandem with any other government operating in any single jurisdiction, you are now set and ready to join with other men and women who have similarly objected to these False Claims of citizenship (means that you owe service to the government as a volunteer or employee thereof) and/or corporate enfranchisement.  

(15) With everyone papered up, it's time to stand up your County or State or other traditional political subdivision equivalent, and "peaceably assemble".  Always remember that this is about restoring your lawful government, not fighting against any other government.  Having reclaimed your own birthright political status, you are owed the protections of the Constitutions again.  In Britain, the living people are owed a Constitutional Monarchy administered by a Protestant King or Queen.  In America, the living people are owed a republican form of government throughout the States. Each country has a slightly different story and organizational framework to build upon, but all State and County level governments share similar functions: 

The County is the seat of the local soil jurisdiction government and is the most powerful and closest government to the people. It's jurisdiction is National in nature and its Court is supreme when it comes to the affairs, interests. and laws of the living people. 

The State is the seat of the international land jurisdiction government and also holds the international empowerments of the State at sea in America, apart from those powers delegated to the British King as Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  (And no, contrary to the fecund imaginations of Bar Attorneys, our Mother's "birth canals" are not considered "navigable inland waterways" within the meaning and intent of these treaty provisions.) 

In each country the organizational structure and names are different, but the fundamentals are the same --- there is a traditional soil jurisdiction government representing the interests and enforcing the laws of the nation, and a traditional land jurisdiction government representing the interests of the people in international jurisdiction.  

These two levels of government, land and soil, are fundamental and the "ground" upon which all other rights and layers of government depend; without ground to stand upon, one lacks "standing" in Law, and as a result, a victim of human trafficking shanghaied to live at sea and under the jurisdiction of the sea, is unable to represent their own interests. 

This is, in part, why it is so fundamentally important to "return home" and occupy the otherwise vacated jurisdiction of the land and soil. This is the realm from which your political status and nationality derive, and upon which your rights and guarantees depend.  

At each level, the governments established on the land and soil provide essential services to the living people (soil) and Lawful Persons (land) that are part of their population.   Please note that we are not "residents" in our own country.  That term is reserved for "aliens" who are not permanently part of our nation or population.  

Those services include: (1) a General Assembly competent to hold elections and debate issues and take issues on behalf of the population within that County or State or Principality; (2) an International Business Assembly competent to make decisions for the State in the best interests of the people who live in that County or State; this is traditionally done via Fiduciary Deputies who must act as Prudent Men in the conduct of public business; (3) a Militia at both State and County level, for the protection and assistance of the people in time of war, famine, or natural disaster; (4) a Court system appropriate for the needs of the people -- a County Court run under traditional Common Law, and a State Court operated under International Law -- with one court to address land jurisdiction issues for Lawful Persons, and another court to address maritime and admiralty issues for Legal Persons.  

A similar bifurcation exists with respect to the global commercial venues, with some corporations being under the Merchant Law on land, and others operating under Maritime Commerce at sea. 

As a result of the insurmountable debts accrued by the Maritime Corporations it is highly recommended that those who have corporations in the current system should lawfully convert them to land-based Merchant Corporations instead. 

That wraps up a decent overview of what's happened, why it needs to be addressed, and what's to be done about it. 

The same applies for lawyers in their own capacity as living men and women, except that as they may function as attorneys and are coerced to subject themselves to the British "American" Bar Association as a result, they suffer intrinsic loss of both rights and property as a consequence of that relationship and as a result of accepting the foreign title of "Esquire". 

Members of the military are similarly harmed but on a more temporary basis as their obligations to the current corporate employer are more immediately reversible upon the end of their "Tour of Duty" (aka, indentured servitude) and also because the enlistment contracts they signed were not fully disclosed concerning the mercenary nature of the work they were undertaking. 

Remedies for these outrages are long overdue in terms of providing easy and official and published meaning advertised ways --  for Americans and others to refuse and/or correct these impositions of foreign citizenship obligations by deceit and coercion. 

A very serious breach of public trust has occurred and the military is responsible for keeping its oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 29th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

International Public Notice: The Nature of Israel

 By Anna Von Reitz

The name "Israel" has its roots in the distant past, when Jacob the Liar (he obtained his brother's birthright by deceit) was given the name "Israel" instead.  

The etymology of the name "Israel" reveals that it means "people of the God Ra" -- the Egyptian Sun God, popularized by Egypt's monotheistic Pharaoh Akhenaten.  

Ten (10) of Jacob's sons were "lost" to the worship of the God of the Hebrews and chose to worship Ra and their children followed the religion they'd picked up in Egypt, along with some other practices like worshiping the Golden Calf that came from Egypt's earlier pantheon of gods and goddesses--- instead. 

These are the Ten Lost Tribes, but they were not actually physically lost, just spiritually lost in the opinion of the two tribes that continued to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  

So the well-spring of all this was Jacob, the Patriarch --- who was later called "Israel" in token of his own conversion to Egyptian monotheism, whether his conversion was sincere or not.  

One can never tell with Jacob, a guy who rolled fast and loose and told Big Fat Ones by act and by omission all his life -- like selling the favors of his wife to protect his own interests and omitting the fact that she was his wife. 

According to the Biblical Record, Jacob was a charming sleazebag, having little conscience at all. He was mean to his devoted but ugly wife, Leah, who bore him ten sons.  He showed so much favoritism to his two sons by her younger sister, that his older sons sold Joseph into slavery.  

So that's the background surrounding the use of the name "Israel" to describe the nation formed by Jacob and his ten older sons who all followed after Egyptian monotheism. 

According to extensive genetic research investigated by Michael McKibben, the Hebrew lineage that Yehoshua (Jesus) came from was dying out at the time of his birth and no members of the Hebrews -- the Two Tribes left after the Ten Tribes went back to Ra worship -- are alive today

Those people who practice Judaism today are descendants of the Ten Tribes, that is, Israel, who survived the Diaspora, such as the Sephardic Jews,  and a large number of converts to Judaism from Eastern Europe known as the Ashkenazi.  

So when the modern nation of Israel calls itself "Israel" they know what they are talking about, but we don't. 

By naming their nation "Israel" they are saying, hey, we're what's left of the Ten Lost Tribes -- plus converts. Some of us, a few, are related all the way back to Jacob, that is, to "Israel" and his older sons by Leah --- the converts not so much.... but, not to worry, we accept converts. 

This is why not all Jews are exactly equal. You can't expect the lineage of David to rub knickers with wildmen from the Caucasus. 

And this is why all the current and immediately past leaders of Israel have changed their names from Polish and Lithuanian and Russian and Hungarian and Baltic States surnames to more "Jewish" and Semitic surnames.  

Yitzak Rabin was not a Rabin and Benjamin Netanyahu is not a Netanyahu. Henry Kissinger probably wasn't a Kissinger, either. 

This whole business of changing names and identities for political and social advantages or simply to evade detection of who you are and what your motives might be, or even to mark your religious preferences, goes all the way back to Jacob, or Israel, as the context might dictate. 

Does this give us cause to pause?  It should. 

Israel is not what it seems and the men running it are not what they seem to be, either.  The Jewish nation is named after a bunch of Egyptian monotheists. Where's that in the Bible?  

It's in there, like Ragu Spaghetti sauce, "It's in there!" but you have to look. Joseph's wife, the mother of Ephraim and Manasseh, was the daughter of Potiphar, the Egyptian High Priest. 

Do you think she married outside of her religion, or did Joseph follow in his Father's footsteps and go with the flow? 

Here is Lord Jacob Rothschild, admitting that his family founded Israel: 

Jacob Rothschild is telling the literal truth. He worked it out with the British Government which held a British Military Protectorate over the land involved via the infamous Balfour Declaration which just expired this year.  

The Rothschild family bought and paid for the whole country that we call "Israel" today, created it out of money and thin air, while the British, far from protecting the people who were peacefully living in the region prior to their "Protectorate", pandered to the Rothschilds and sliced and diced things up into the miserable mess it is today

Donald Trump is following along like an orange duckling following a trail of British pawprints and providing "Israel" protection as a new purportedly American State --- the State of Israel, which has a mailing address at Kensington Palace. 

They are foisting off "the State of Israel, Incorporated" -- another British Territorial state-of-state, and not an actual State of the Union associated with our country, as an American State, and they are doing this for a reason.  

They want an excuse to continue meddling, and now that the Brits can't do that directly, they are bringing in the British Territorial interests to play their game for them.  

Let the rest of the world be aware that this has nothing to do with America and everything to do with USA, Inc., a British Crown Corporation.  

We are not directing, promoting, agreeing to, or supporting what is going on in Gaza with Netanyahu's proxy government.  We are not confused and we don't consider Israel a State of the Union owed our protection, money or blood.

Let them bring in their newly-hired Chinese Mercenaries instead and show the world what they are really made of, who they are, and what their motive is.  They can't hide behind us anymore. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 27th 2024 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Our Capitol Issues and Our Flags

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we showed everyone how to prove to their own satisfaction that their traditional government has been usurped by foreign, for-profit commercial and municipal corporations that are merely in the business of providing "essential government services".  

Today, we are answering questions about our actual National Capitol versus our Federal Capitol -- which involves some details about the Federal Capitol that most people don't know, and our new Treasury. 

Our National Capitol remains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and we maintain an office there in preparation for the day when the Union States convene the Continental Congress.  

Owing to the wrongful persecution our Federation of States has suffered, the Federation Capitol has moved repeatedly over the course of the last six generations and is now located in Big Lake, Alaska, a sleepy frontier hamlet on the edge of nowhere. 

We have learned to be adaptable and efficient in the long years that our lawful government has been persecuted under False Pretenses by its own misdirected employees. We can function almost anywhere and maintain our operations, as the current situation proves. 

In addition to the Union States Capitol and The United States of America (Federation) Capitol, the Federal Capitol remains, albeit, in a condition of confusion and decay.   

The District of Columbia was created and set aside as a location for our Federal Subcontractors to operate, and within the District of Columbia, the City of Washington, DC, was established as the Federal Government's Capitol.  

Though this is coming as a shock to many people, Washington, DC, is not the capitol of our country. 

The capitol of our country is wherever our State Fiduciary Deputies choose to officially conduct business "in Congress Assembled".  

They can move the capitol by moving their meeting place; Topeka, Kansas, might be next.  

Washington, DC, is the "Federal" Capitol, where our Federal Subcontractors and their respective Congresses are supposed to conduct their businesses and maintain a secure, neutral, and international meeting place for their mutual benefit.

Yes, we said, "Congresses" --- multiple Congresses exist, not just one.  

The Union States' Congress is known as The Continental Congress.  The Federation Congress is identified as the "Several States in Congress Assembled", the Confederation Congress (if it were still operating) would be "The States of America in Congress Assembled". 

In addition to those Congresses and their delegations of Fiduciary Deputies, who are not necessarily the same officers, there are three (or supposed to be three) Federal Congresses.  

The Congress of the Federal Republic -- the missing American Federal Subcontractor -- is called, "The United States in Congress Assembled".  

The British Territorial United States Congress is properly called the U.S. Congress, and the Municipal Congress is styled as the UNITED STATES CONGRESS or "the" United States in Congress Assembled.  

Only the latter three have been active in recent years and they have most often been operating under conditions of constructive fraud. 

Much of the disruption and constant infighting observable to the outside world is the bickering between these two foreign subcontractors caused by their divided business interests.  

So our Federal Subcontractors have their own Federal Capitol set aside within the District of Columbia, where their respective Congresses are supposed to meet.  

But it is not actually a single Federal Capitol. 

The City of Washington, DC, is the Federal Capitol that is supposed to be run as a "plenary oligarchy" by members of the Federal Republic Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.  In their absence, the British Territorial Congress members have been running things. 

Within the City of Washington, DC, in a "one mile square" area enclosed by the Boundary Stones set around Capitol Hill, we have what has become the Municipality of Washington, DC, an independent, international city-state run as a theocracy by the Holy Roman Empire. 

Thus the District of Columbia is constructed like an onion, with the Municipal capitol in the heart of it, the Territorial Government holding the City of Washington capitol surrounding it (in the absence of our American Subcontractor), and the District itself forming yet another enclave under the control of the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation set up in the 1790s. 

If this seems mind-bogglingly complex and confusing, it is.  

The January 6th Protestors were fine and unmolested so long as they stayed in the City of Washington, DC, but they were lured deeper into the maze and trespassed onto the "sacred ground" held by the Municipal Government--- which is, within those precincts, enabled to inflict the Roman Catholic Law of the Inquisition, which explains the deplorable mistreatment of these prisoners.  

At a minimum, bear in mind that the American Government capitol and the United States (Federal) capitol are two separate things, and that there are multiple governments represented, both foreign governments under contract to provide us with "good faith service" and our own American Government.  

The American Government has never entered the District of Columbia nor held any Congressional Sessions there. 

Our American Federal Subcontractor known as the Federal Republic, which now stands "absent" and vacated, and its members were entrusted to maintain the City of Washington, DC, and operate it as a "plenary oligarchy", but in their absence, the British Territorial "Rump" Congress initiated by Lincoln has been maintaining it on an "emergency basis".  

The Municipal Subcontractor has morphed into something never intended or permitted; the Holy Roman Empire Successors have gone far beyond their granted role to maintain the Capitol Hill surrounds as "sacred ground" and have established a foreign secular city-state akin to Vatican City, without the benefit of a treaty allowing them to do so.  

This violates the basic use permit granted to the District of Columbia by Maryland and Virginia, a point that we have brought forward. Our intent was simply to give our foreign subcontractors a separate and safe place to conduct business, not for them to establish separate governments and separate countries within our country.  

The State Assemblies are now in Session nationwide and the Federation of States is in operation, so the American Government is present with no representation needed to conduct its business. 

The absence of our Federal Republic among the Federal Subcontractors gathered in the District of Columbia is a concern, but its delegated powers have simply returned to the Federation of States from which those powers were delegated. 

The States and their Federation of States are competent to wield their own powers and have accepted the return of the delegated powers of the Federal Republic. 

It is within the power of the American Government to: (1) reconstruct the Confederation, and via the Confederation, (2) to reconstruct the American Federal Republic; or (3) to hire or create a new American Federal Subcontractor to exercise the duties of the Federal Republic and (4) issue a new Federal Constitution enabling this, or (5) leave the Federation of States to exercise the returned once-delegated powers, or (6) come up with an entirely new business plan to meet our needs. 

Some of these options require action by our Congressional bodies, but in the meantime, the Federation of States is competent to manage all essential international and global business and did so for almost five years, 1776 to 1781, all by itself. 
It can certainly exercise those once-delegated powers of the absent Federal Republic without question. 

Please note that the enumerated and delegated powers entrusted to our Federal Republic have never been redistributed among our other Federal Subcontractors, so that their exercise of those powers formerly entrusted to the Federal Republic have depended upon presumptions and assumptions of delegated power on their part that have never been affirmed by their Employers.

We find their actions to be self-interested, as their protestations of "emergency powers"--- that were never granted to them,  allowed the British Territorial and HRE Subcontractors to vastly expand the scope of their operations, purportedly "on our behalf", when we were present and able to conduct our own business and would have done so, except for their own pernicious persecution of their Employers and failure to disclose the nature of the purported emergency, which was the absence of the Federal Republic. 

The absence of the Federal Republic is not now and never was cause to assume any emergency powers, just as the existence of an undeclared Mercenary Conflict can never be successfully mischaracterized as a "War".  

The Delegator of the enumerated powers has always been present, willing, and able to accept the return of those powers from any Federal Subcontractor unable or unwilling to do their duty.  

It stands upon the Public Record and before the face of the world, that the Federation of States has not been at war since 1814 and the peace process ending the War of 1812 is the most recent peace process we have engaged in.  

It is also self-evident in view of this fact that we fly our peacetime flag and why we are requiring our Federal Subcontractors to fly the peacetime flag to the extent that they pretend to represent our country and exercise our Delegated Powers. 

It is incongruent and unsupportable that our country is at peace and has been at peace for many decades, while our Federal Subcontractors are flying our Title IV wartime flag and claiming to be at "war" while in fact being engaged in mercenary conflicts.  

This is an abuse of our Title IV wartime flag and an abuse of every man and woman that has been innocently engaged in these felonious activities without their knowledge or consent.  

The foreign Principals responsible for the operations of the offending commercial and Municipal corporations promoting  these misrepresentations must be held to account for this, and for their failure to fully inform their Employers and Treaty Allies --- our American Government and People --- which means our State Citizens, the Creators of and Parties to the Federal Constitutions. 
The corporations belonging to our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors may be at "war" to the extent that a corporation may foment illegal mercenary conflicts.  Their Municipalities operating as unauthorized independent international city-states squatting on our shores may be at war. 

But our country is not at war and cannot be rendered at war by any act of any "President" being put in charge of any foreign incorporated entity whatsoever --- and we are putting our foot down concerning the misuse and abuse of our Title IV wartime flag. 

It was our firm and only intention in setting aside the specific form and dimensions of the Title IV flag to create a version of our flag for the specific use of our foreign Federal Subcontractors while they were exercising our delegated powers in time of actual war declared by our Congress. 

No such war exists and so, there is no plausible reason for our Federal Subcontractors to fly our wartime flag and operate under our trademarks and names, while they are in fact engaged in criminal activities unrelated to any rightful or reasonable exercise of our delegated powers. 

They've been abusing our trust and our Title IV Flag and our trademarks and seals while they have been engaging in war profiteering, racketeering, press-ganging, human trafficking, genocide and other crimes and acts for their benefit and unjust enrichment of their own private, foreign, for-profit corporations.  

We hold the officers and administrators of the Holy Roman Empire and its Successors, and the various British Government Authorities -- the Monarchy, Westminster, and the Inner City of London -- responsible for these gross breaches of trust and abuse of our delegated powers and abuse of our Title IV flag and abuse of our people who have been unlawfully and illegally press-ganged and conscripted for use as cheap mercenaries.

We are outraged by their activities and misrepresentations and outright lies told to the American Public and the rest of the world.  We demand that they cease and desist their practice of mischaracterizing their illegal mercenary activity as "war" and also cease and desist their practice of abusing our Title IV Flag, which is to be used only during actual wartime and only when exercising our delegated powers under contract. 

Our country is at peace and our Federal Subcontractors need to be flying our peacetime flag when engaged in any exercise of our delegated powers whatsoever --- and otherwise, they have no flag to fly in relation to us.  

No doubt the unauthorized independent international city-state representing itself as the Municipality of Washington, DC, will fly its own flag; similarly, the United Nations, which is also squatting on our land and soil without any permission from us to do so, will also fly its own flag.  

We note that they have no contract with us and no permission, basis, right, or standing to set themselves up as separate countries within the borders of our country and to address us with any nonsense promoted by these rogue corporations merely pretending to "represent" us. 

The corporations cannot grant rights or privileges which they do not possess themselves. There has been no grant of land by New York, the actual State and actual State Government, to the United Nations.  

Similarly, there has been no grant of land pursuant to the creation and use-permitting of the District of Columbia allowing it to set aside land for the promotion of a foreign city-state government to stand on our States or our shores. 

The right to act as a plenary oligarchy and government for the City of Washington, DC, belongs to the congressional delegates of the vanished Federal Republic, and otherwise that right devolves upon the Federation of States, not to any British Territorial Congress.  Any deals cut by their Congressional delegates with respect to the creation of a foreign city-state municipality are null and void for lack of valid authority. 

We are presenting ourselves in proper character and order.  Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors and Treaty Allies are not. 

Please observe: 

Our American Government is substantially different and apart from our "US" Federal Government Subcontractors in important respects, chief among them, the fact that: (1) our Public Elections are not veiled corporation elections conducted by political lobbies; (2) the delegates attending our Congresses are all Fiduciary Deputies bound by the Prudent Man Standard, and (3) our Deputies are not  "Representatives" holding proxy power derived from corporation shareholders and (4) our American Government enjoys state immunity and is not eligible for nor in need of any bankruptcy protection; and (5) our citizenry is composed of State Citizens operating as Lawful Persons within their State Assemblies.

By these marks you may know us and be enabled to discern the American Government and People as opposed to our foreign Subcontractors and their Employees ---- all of whom owe us good faith service and due diligence. 

We intend that these facts about our country, our capitols, our intent, our history, our present circumstance, and our empowerment, will be widely distributed and accepted by all persons conducting business in this country or interacting with the remaining two (2) Federal Subcontractors. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 27th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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